treasure hunter

Chapter 17: Golden Coffin

All of us walked over and looked at the two-meter square slab, tapping gently, and there was a thumping sound. Obviously, the bottom of the slab must be empty. I looked at Lao Li'er with some suspicion. I remember that I circled twice in this place and didn't find anything unusual at all. Why did this old man Li with dim eyes see that something was wrong?

Although I think so, I still didn't say anything. After all, sometimes people make mistakes and leak their hoofs. Maybe I didn't find anything suspicious, so I let Lao Li find it? Then several people cleaned up the whole slate, and then they found the full picture of the slate.

You can see microcarvings on the slate, which are very small carvings. Although they were blinded by dust at that time, they appeared as soon as we were cleaned. It seems to be a story, which probably means that the tomb should be two layers. On the upper floor is a zombie with cold-faced tusks. A Taoist priest is subdue it, and then puts the uniformed zombies in a coffin, which has been destroyed by zombies.

The other one is the grand scene of the tomb owner's burial. Tens of thousands of people began to be buried. After coming out of the city, only some people secretly came to this place with their coffins for burial. However, I noticed a detail, that is, whenever the coffin of the real tomb owner is depicted, it is generally painted in the color of gold. I wonder if the tomb owner's coffin is forged with gold? If that's the case, isn't it too awesome? Even the emperor is not so powerful. Who is the owner of this tomb?

"Damn it, is this tomb owner's coffin the legendary gold and silver coffin?" The magic stick shouted first. This shout shocked many people. The monkey glanced at the magic stick and said, "Don't shout like this, okay? What kind of golden coffin is worth such a fuss about? I looked at the magic stick and saw an uncontrollable excitement in his eyes. I know that for this person who used to go to various ancient tombs, he was so excited to find a set of coffins, which only proved that this set of coffins must not be simple.

Sure enough, the magic stick smiled and said, "Kid, you don't know what a good thing the golden coffin is. It's a treasure 100 times more precious than the golden jade clothes. I've only heard of it before and haven't seen it before. I didn't expect it to really open our eyes this time." Looking at the magic stick like this, I shook my head and couldn't help smiling bitterly. What kind of baby can make such a big person excited? I can't help but be a little moved.

At this time, I turned my head and looked at Lao Li. At this time, Lao Li's face was calm and had no expression. I don't know why, since I suspected Lao Li, I always felt that there was something wrong with Lao Li, but I didn't think about it. Maybe it was psychological. Then we began to look for a place to open the slate.

After looking for a while, we didn't find anything suspicious. We were a little discouraged. It seemed that the ancients really wasted a lot of strength in order to hide the tomb owner, even we modern people couldn't find it. Everyone lowered their heads and looked nearby for a while, but still didn't find anything.

The magic stick sighed and said, "I'm really unconvinced. I think about how many ancient tombs I have entered at the beginning, and there were times when I encountered suspicious tombs, but every time I didn't find it, but now I can't find a way out. It's really annoying." I looked at the expression of the magic stick, and there was no momentum at this time.

"Wenlong, come with me and have a rest there." The stick said to me again. I was stunned. Why do I think of taking a rest when I don't find a place to open the slate at this time? I just wanted to talk, but the magic stick squeezed my eyes, as if there was something to say to me. I had to nod and follow him to the corner of the wall. Then the two of them sat down against the wall and took out some food and mineral water from their backpacks.

I looked at the magic stick and didn't seem to be okay. I was a little anxious and said, "What's the matter? Snepery, let me tell you, even if there is really any gold and silver coffin in it, don't get it out. I'm against tomb robbery. If there is Li Zicheng's treasure in it, it's okay. If not, we'd better not move anything and go out directly.

The magic stick looked at me like this and smiled gently and said, "Small voice, I didn't come to you for the gold and silver coffin inside. Do you think I'm really so petty?" After listening to the god stick's words, I looked at his mysterious smile again. Now I'm a little puzzled. What's the matter with this boy?

Listen to the divine stick continue, "Do you think this old Li is a little suspicious?" I was stunned when I heard the words of the magic stick, and then looked at Lao Li in the distance looking for the entrance with the big guy. I nodded gently and said, "I'm a little suspicious, but I don't know what to say. I feel something is wrong, but I can't say what's wrong."

The magic stick smiled and said, "Actually, it's very simple. Think about it, when we met the blood corpse just now, he was at least ten meters away from us. Even if he was old and weak, he fell to the end when he escaped. Don't you think it suspicious? And when I ran away, I have been carefully observing this person. The reason why he is the farthest away from us, I think he should know about the blood corpse, and his footsteps are steady when he escapes, which is not the pace that an old man should have at all.

After saying this, the stick bit the bread and took a sip of water and continued, "This can prove that Lao Li is a practitioner and is not afraid of blood corpses. Of course, this alone is not doubtable, but none of us found the slate at the entrance just now, and Lao Li found it alone, and he found it so accurately. I suspect that this old Li must have been here, or she knows the structure very well.

After listening to the words of the magic stick, I looked at Lao Li's serious look for the slate mechanism, and then asked, "In your words, Lao Li should be very clear about the structure and hidden organs in this. So why not show it again at this time and find out the mechanism that opens the slate?"

The stick smiled and said, "I said Wenlong, how can you be smart and confused for a while? Since this old man has any secrets to hide, everything just now was discovered by accident, understand? If he finds the mechanism to open the slate again, won't he suspect that he has an intention? And in fact, I have known the location of the organ for a long time, which is what Lao Li told me, so I suspect that there is something wrong with this Lao Li.

"He told you?" I asked with some doubts. The stick nodded and said, "Since I suspected Lao Li, I have been staring at him. Just now, when you mentioned that you were looking for a mechanism to open the slate, I found that he looked up and looked up from above, so I knew that the mechanism that opened the slate should be on it." So this old man Li really has another purpose?" I looked at the stick in surprise and asked.

The stick nodded and said, "Although we don't know what his purpose is now, it can't be revealed so far, so I haven't said anything. I'll see what he wants to do after we get to the ground for a while." After thinking about it, he nodded and said, "Yes, I also want to see what purpose this old Li has made up so many lies and what he wants to get from here."

After talking with the magic stick, the two of us came to the place pointed by the magic stick, and then looked for a while. I first proposed, "Since you can't find it on the ground, why don't you look for it?" Everyone nodded and quickly stood up and began to look for the wall around the slate. Sure enough, it was not long before the magic stick "found" and pointed to a raised stone above and said, "There should be a mechanism."

All the people who were not clear looked up. The doctor came over and looked at the raised stone on the wall and said, "How do you know it was a mechanism? Maybe it's a bump accidentally left during construction. The magic stick looked at the doctor contemptuously and said, "I said that you have never entered the ancient tomb, and you don't even know this common sense. If you had known this, I wouldn't have brought you here. What a shame."

The magic stick said this and continued, "To tell you the truth, in ancient times, people regarded the tomb as the home of the tomb owner, do you understand? So when it was built, it paid great attention to details. Do you think anyone can live in such a large-scale tomb in ancient times? This ancient tomb must be very fine when it was built. You will know by looking at the surrounding walls, and you will foolishly run here to talk about construction mistakes. I see that your head has a little construction mistakes!"

I was worried that the two would quarrel, so I quickly came forward and grabbed the magic stick and said, "What are you talking about? I'm not sure whether this is a mechanism or not, and what the doctor said is also reasonable. Maybe it's really left by a construction error. OK, stop talking about it. Hurry up and see if it's a mechanism. We are It has been delayed enough here. I don't have time to listen to you two quarreling.

Please collect and red tickets. If you are satisfied, you can also reward them at will. Hey hey, is it a little robbery? Look down on yourself!