treasure hunter

Chapter 23: Inverted Craft

Chapter 23: Inverted Craft

Looking that there was no dust on the two-meter-long steps, I suddenly understood a lot. It seemed that the problem should be here, but I couldn't tell what the problem was. After a long time, I said to Lao Li, "Never mind, call them over." Lao Li nodded and turned back to call someone. This place pointed out that I was left alone. Although I was worried about the safety of the monkey now, I couldn't get out for a while, so I had to calm down and wait until I went out.

In a short time, Lao Li found everyone back. I looked at these people and said, "Look, after all, everyone is a grasshopper tied to a rope now. We have to go out. Lao Li and I are a little suspicious of this step. Let's see if there are any flaws."

The magic stick and yin and yang pointed to the two people came over first, looked at the stone steps without much dust on it, and looked at the stone walls on both sides. It seemed that nothing was found. Randomly, the two people shook their heads and it seemed that there was nothing they could do. Only the doctor walked back and forth on the edge of the steps as if he had found something. All of you, it's not over yet. I've dazzled my eyes. The magic stick was dissatisfied with the doctor walking back and forth and said loudly to the doctor.

The doctor smiled and said, "I'm studying now. Since we have been circle here, it means that this is a circle. Since it is a circle, it proves that we ran in. Since we ran in, there must be imports. Since there are imports, there must be exports. Since..." " Why do you talk so much nonsense?" The magic stick said impatiently, "After saying so much, there is not a word useful. Now it's for you to find your way, not for you to play a talk show.

The doctor smiled and said, "Oil, can you listen to me?" The magic stick gave the doctor a white look and then kept silent. I knew that the doctor should not joke at this time, and then said, "Hurry up, the monkey still doesn't know what's going on outside." The doctor nodded, thought for a moment, and looked at the stone steps under his feet and said, "I think everyone has taken the elevator, right?" Everyone was stunned when he asked this. Isn't there a modern facility such as an elevator in this place?

When the doctor saw that everyone didn't say anything, then said, "In my opinion, we must have touched some kind of mechanism in the panic, and then everyone ran forward unanimously and didn't pay attention to their feet at all, so we ran here. After entering here, we began to circle, because the stone steps here are high and low, so at all I don't feel like entering such a place. According to my guess, this place should be the entrance for us to come in. Of course, it should also be in this place when we go out.

"It's still nonsense." The magic stick muttered in a low voice. The doctor stared like a magic stick and then continued, "If I guess correctly, our previous passage should be at our feet, because I saw that the dust on this step has basically been shaken down. Since it has been shaken, it should be stretched downward, so I think this is like an elevator. We stepped on it. Or touch the mechanism, so the elevator will fall, and we will follow back and run in. When we all come in, the elevator will rise to the previous position and completely block us here.

After saying that, the doctor took a long breath, then looked at me, looked at the magic stick, and smiled softly, "Do you think I'm right?" At this time, the magic stick had nothing to say to the doctor and gave him a blank glance, "Then how do you think we can get out?" The doctor shrugged his shoulders and said, "Is this still a question? Of course, it's breaking here and going out. Do you still wait for this thing to open automatically and let's go out?

Mr. Li nodded at this time and said, "The young man's analysis is reasonable and very good. Since he is a shooting, there must be no mechanism for us to open it. Obviously, he doesn't want us to go out, so he will never leave a way out. It seems that we have to rely on ourselves."

I know that Lao Li and the doctor have analyzed it well, but the question is how to get out now. Originally, Fang Yi's backpack had explosives, but his backpack has always been carried on him, so we don't have explosives. If we just want to rely on the tools in our hands, it is not easy to chisel through this thick stone.

At this time, I don't know whose stomach grunted, and in this empty and dark world, it looked so harsh. We haven't eaten anything safely since we came in. Now it seems that everyone is basically hungry, and we don't bring a lot of food, but if we fill our stomach now and can't open the stone steps, I'm afraid everyone will be trapped here.

At this time, Lao Li shook his head and smiled and said, "Okay, okay, let's eat whatever food you have. After we are full, we will go out. If we wait outside, I'm afraid we won't have such a relaxing time." I was stunned and then said with joy, "Can you get out?" Lao Li smiled and said, "Of course, otherwise do you think the tomb robbers are all dry? Anyone who fights upside down must practice basic skills. There are people who dig earth and stones in these basic skills. If you can't even do anything about such a thick stone slab, can you still be regarded as an upside-down craftsman?

I suddenly realized that looking at the yin and yang fingers and the magic stick, the magic stick came over and patted me gently on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, when we are full of food and drink, I promise to go out in a while." I nodded. It seemed that the magic stick was also very proficient in this field, so it seemed that I had to listen to them. The group began to eat. After about 20 minutes, everyone finally had enough to eat and drink, and I was worried about the safety of the monkeys. I couldn't eat, so I was full after drinking a little water.

Seeing the old man Li stand up and take out an iron braze and a hamster from his backpack. It seemed that the old man was really prepared. Lao Li turned around the two-meter-long staircase twice, and finally nodded, walked to the dust-free step of the last forehead, looked at the seam, and then used iron to chisel down the seam that could only be seen by millimeters.

I looked at Lao Li's movements and almost fainted. If I follow him to chisel like this, I can open a hole that can accommodate a person in and out. As soon as I was about to come forward to talk, I saw the magic stick come forward and hold me. I smiled and said, "Is it strange to Mr. Li's way to chisel?"

I nodded and said, "Nonsense, if it goes on like this, we can't go out until the year of the monkey. At that time, not to mention monkeys, even we will starve to death here." The magic stick smiled and stretched out two fingers and said, "Don't worry, 20 minutes, that is, the old Li can make a hole. If you don't believe it, we can make a bet, okay?"

I saw the magic stick. Although I don't believe it, since the magic stick has said so, I have to do it. Then I saw Lao Li's head nail the iron brax into it and began to chisel it hard. The tip of the iron brax is very sharp. It seems that it should have been used for many years, especially the brax body. It looks black. I don't know what material it is made of. In short, as long as Lao Li's strength, the iron brax will be deeply chiseled in a small piece. Intercept.

It took about five or six minutes to hear a poof. Lao Li's iron brace had been chiseled through the stone, and then struggled to pull out the iron braces. Lao Li smiled and said, "Okay, it's almost done. Who will do the rest of the rest of the work? I'm a little tired. Let's have a drink."

The magic stick smiled and walked to Mr. Li and said, "I'll do it." After saying that, he took the iron braze in his hand, and then nodded and said, "This guy is really good. Look at me." After saying that, he spit out a foam from the palm of his hand, then chiseled a black spot about half a meter away from the hole that Lao Li's head chiseled, and then began to chisel everywhere, making a circle with a radius of half a meter, which came to the middle and began to chisel.

The strength of the magic stick is far more than that of Lao Li. In addition, he has just eaten something, and the iron hammer are also very easy to use. One song holds the iron brazi and holds a hammer in the other hand, almost every one of which makes spark between the iron and the hammer. About ten minutes later, the magic stick chiseled all the original marks.

At this time, the magic stick was already sweating profusely. He turned his head to look at me and said, "Okay, it's finally finished." I looked at the stone slab that had not fallen at all, and looked at the satisfaction of the magic stick. I just wanted to speak. Lao Li had come to the magic stick at this time, but the hammer and iron said, "Young man, I can't see that you have done a pretty job." The stick smiled gently and said, "If you hadn't found a place for me, I would have had a hard time."

I didn't understand what they were talking about at all. I saw Lao Li squatting outside the magic stick to make this circle, raised the hammer in his hand, and then shouted loudly and smashed it hard towards the center. Hearing a click, the circle of half a meter suddenly fell down, as if it had been cut with a knife. The cut surface was very neat, with only traces of iron brazing.

I didn't know until I walked in and found that the holes cut by the magic stick were not as thick as the fingers, and basically these stones had been dispersed during the chiseling process, so the strength was no longer so high. In addition, Lao Li's head smashed hard in the middle to combine all the stones with broken lotus root. If it is shattered, it will fall down. Looking at the dark passage below, I suddenly became nervous. I really don't know what's going on with the monkey now.

Again, I strongly appeal for red tickets and collection, and despise those friends who read books without collecting and don't give red tickets, hey hey!