treasure hunter

Chapter 28: Ice Burial

"Dead people? What kind of dead person?" We asked in one voice. The stick sighed and said, "Only where there are dead people can there be such things. No one knows how these things come from, but they only live in ice and snow, and most of these things like to be close to places where they seem to gather, because the yin is heavy, but after all, there are dead people who have this kind of thing, or Only this kind of thing can lead to dead people. I don't understand whether his mother has chickens or eggs first.

We didn't laugh out because of the magic stick. After all, we will face this kind of thing tomorrow. Maybe if we meet it, it will really be the end of your life. I regret coming to this place. I have nothing to do, but the three monkeys are my best friends. If there is anything wrong tomorrow, I'm afraid I will blame myself for the rest of my life.

Several people began to be silent, and then I said, "It's getting late. You can go back to rest. Just accompany the snow leopard. Let's see the situation tomorrow. If it really doesn't work, let's go. If Professor Taylor insists on going up the mountain, we will carry them back even if we resist."

The three nodded, and then they went to rest separately. I stood alone by the bonfire and looked at the shocking scar on the snow leopard's buttocks by fire. Just now, the doctor cut a lot of hair around the snow leopard's buttocks because of the convenience of doing it. Now although the blood has stopped, I still feel a little fear for the scar of the snow leopard.

After about two hours, the snow leopard woke up. I guess the injury on its buttocks still hurts, because it always roars in a low voice. I gently stroked its head. In this way, minute by, until a white fish belly appeared in the east. Then I went down the mountain and found something to cook breakfast for everyone. The snow leopard had been following me and never left. Finally, I also beat two hares to eat it.

When everyone had dinner, I discussed with Professor Taylor whether I could go back. Professor Taylor was very determined and would not go back. I told Professor Taylor what happened last night. Professor Taylor didn't care what I said and tried to convince Michiko and me.

Michiko accepted the company's task and naturally would not give up easily. What's more, the ancient city of Shambhala is behind this snowy mountain, which can be said to be close at hand. It is really difficult to give up like this. Naturally, I also know that giving up is not my style. At this time, I am also a little embarrassed. If I go up the mountain, I'm afraid that the monkey, the doctor and the magic stick will also follow. In case they encounter any danger, I will be uneasy in my life.

Michiko saw me like this and finally compromised, "Otherwise, Professor Taylor and I will cross the mountain to find the ancient city of Shambhala. You are waiting for us here. If we don't come back after three days, don't wait and go back by yourself, okay?" I was a little stunned by the words of Perfect Zhizi. What kind of compromise is this? It's obviously taking my army.

I thought for a long time, and then shook my head helplessly and said, "Forget it, I'd better accompany you. After all, I promised you, but the doctors will stay." Michiko nodded and looked at me and said, "Okay." I breathed my breath. It seems that this trip to the snowy mountains is really more and less auspicious.

Then we began to clean up, and I told the three of them about the matter. The first thing I disagreed was the magic stick. He had to follow, and the monkey didn't allow me to take risks alone. The doctor squeezed his mouth and didn't say anything, but I could see that these people were determined. Go with me. Finally, I nodded and agreed, but everyone must be careful not to fall behind at will. Several people patted my chests and promised me that there would be no problem.

Then several of us took out the cold-proof clothes we had prepared. After all, the last time we looked for Sandy, we almost froze to death halfway up the mountain, because we didn't bring cold-proof clothes. It's better to prepare in advance now to avoid time.

Then we packed up everything and began to set out. When we reached halfway up the mountain, it was already cold and windy, and the sun had reached noon. I know that I'm afraid that the more you go up, the more difficult it will be to walk, and the snow line gradually appeared in front of us. I quickly asked everyone to change into cold clothes. Almost everyone is wearing it like a piece of big bread. Then I told everyone that we must climb over as soon as possible at dawn and wait to climb over the snowy mountain before cooking.

Everyone agreed, and we changed our clothes and set out. At this time, I looked at the barometer. At this time, we have reached an altitude of more than 4,000 meters. If we go up, we will enter the peak of the snow mountain. I took a look and estimate that it will take six kilometers to reach the top of the mountain. In case of an accident on such a high snow mountain, I'm afraid we are really alone enough to come back.

Of course, I also tried to bypass the place where there was no snow next to me, but unfortunately, the other side of the snowy mountain is almost all cliffs, and it is impossible to go down. There is only a place not far from the top of the mountain, where there seems to be a road straight down, and I observe with binoculars, it seems that the road is still human. It is completed, because there are buildings such as stone steps on it.

Then all of us climbed to the top of the mountain. Although we are now only two kilometers away from the top of the mountain, if it is flat land, two kilometers is nothing at all, but it is impossible to climb on high mountains, especially this kind of snowy mountain, in a few hours.

For the sake of safety, I urge everyone to climb up as soon as possible. After all, once we encounter that kind of so-called snow ghost, I'm afraid we are still in a dangerous situation. I was afraid that Professor Taylor was about 1,000 meters. I saw that Professor Taylor was already out of breath, and almost all around was snow. We had just crossed the snow line, but at this time there was more and more snow, and almost all of them were frozen. The breath we received, and the cold masks were almost all covered with ice, and my His mouth was already a little numb, and he couldn't even speak well.

Looking at Professor Taylor's shortness of breath, I quickly asked him to put on a respirator. After all, in such a place, especially an old man, carrying out mountain climbing under severe blood samples may take his life this time. After breathing for a while, Professor Taylor finally recovered and we continued to climb up.

Then after walking for about a few hundred meters, Professor Taylor couldn't do it again. His face turned red and seemed to be short of breath. I asked the doctor to help him check it. The doctor said that it was a plateau reaction and severe hypoxia. Then I asked him to continue to rest and take a respirator to let him breathe well, while it was good at this time. Let everyone have a rest. After all, we are not far from the top of the mountain. After walking for a while, we will make a detour behind the mountain. At that time, we should be able to get to the stone steps leading to the bottom of the snowy mountain.

I asked the magic stick and the monkey to go to the back of the mountain to see if they can take a detour now. If it is possible now, we will save a lot of effort, at least not have to climb so high. Now Professor Taylor has some difficulty breathing, plateau reaction It's very serious. If I don't go down as soon as possible, I'm afraid there will be nausea and vomiting in a moment. In this case, I'm afraid his old life will be buried here in a short time.

Professor Taylor breathed fresh oxygen and obviously improved a lot, at least he didn't blush. Then I waited for the magic stick and the monkey. As soon as they arrived, after the situation was explained, I could determine whether to take a detour or continue to walk upwards.

After a short time, the two walked back with difficulty. Both of them looked a little pale. It can be seen that the plateau reaction also had a great impact on the two of them. Although their system was many times better than Professor Taylor, after all, this thin air on the plateau was a little unacceptable to everyone.

When the two arrived, the stick and the monkey drank a mouthful of hot water first. The hot water had been burned when I was at the foot of the mountain, and then brought it up to warm everyone up. The two people were covered with frost. Although we were very thick, we still couldn't stop the almost extreme cold and trembled all over.

At this time, the sun is already west. If we don't push down or over the mountain within two hours, I'm afraid the situation will be very bad as soon as the sun sets. Seeing that the two of them had almost rested, I quickly asked, "How's the situation on the other side of the mountain?"

The magic stick waved his hand, and a trace of panic appeared in his eyes and said, "Don't fucking mention it. They are all dead people." What? Dead man?" I asked with some surprise. The stick nodded and said, "Yes, they are all dead, and if I guess correctly, they should all be buried on this mountain." Ice burial?" I repeated the words of the magic stick.

To be honest, I really haven't heard of this kind of burial method. The stick nodded and said, "I heard my old man say that ice burial is a unique custom in Tibet. In ancient times, the funeral customs of some ethnic minorities were very strange, and this is the world of ice burial. They chose to put the dead there in the cold snowy mountains, and the bodies will be frozen by ice and snow before long."