treasure hunter

Chapter 36: Burial

The magic stick looked proudly, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, and then lit one for himself. He pulled out a cigarette and handed it to me. I shook my head, and then let the monkey. The monkey took the cigarette and lit it. The two took a sip and looked at the two of them enjoying themselves. I really can't wait for the smoke of these two people. Throw it on the ground.

After taking two bites, the magic stick said, "Do you think this kind of thing is very valuable? Look at its craftsmanship and its shape are unparalleled. This kind of handicraft is very promising internationally. In addition, it is made of precious metals. It can be said that the current handicraft market, especially The antique handicraft market is definitely a hot commodity. In addition, this kind of thing is relatively rare, so it is even more strange. Now you understand why the statues near the Devil's Ditch are seriously excavated? It's because there are few things that are valuable.

I nodded. It seems that the magic stick is not useless. I still have some understanding of the market of this ancient handicraft. Then the magic stick shook his head and said, "In fact, these things have appeared at the auction many years ago, which is why the country has made great efforts to clean up the ruins of the Guge Dynasty. In fact, something has been cleaned up from the Guge ruins. At that time, this kind of thing has been designated as a national treasure. Cultural relics.

"What's so good?" The monkey asked quickly. The magic stick smoked proudly and said, "This kind of thing is called Guge Silver Eye. That kind of craft can be said to have been lost for a long time. I have only seen it in the museum. That craft is simply nothing. When it was unearthed, it shocked the international archaeological community, so Tibetan handicrafts have been sought after by collectors from all over the world. Those people dream of getting a Guge silver eye.

"What's the matter with Guge Silver Eye? Isn't it just one eye?" The monkey curled his lips and said, it seemed that he didn't believe that a small thing was sought after by collectors in the world. The stick smiled and said, "Guge Silver Eye is actually a Buddha statue, but the craftsmanship of this Buddha statue is unusual. Using silver to inlai it in the eyes of the Buddha statue, it looks as if it has life and comes to life."

"Cut, I thought it was a good thing. Isn't it just a Buddha statue inlaid with silver eyes? As for what you said, it also caused a sensation in the world." The monkey said with some disdain. The magic stick sneered and said, "What do you know? In fact, if you want to cast a Buddha statue, it can be cast very early, but do you know that everything can be found, and almost every dynasty has seams, but this Guge silver eye has no seams at all, which is completely poured. Even modern craftsmanship can't be made, you know?"

"Like real, I don't believe that modern craftsmanship is not as good as an ancient craft." The monkey still doesn't believe it. The stick smiled and said, "Look, don't you understand? To tell you the truth, our current casting process is basically casting method and lost wax method. This process has one drawback, that is, when casting, there will be a lot of air in the mold, so it will cause trachoma, air leakage, or other drawbacks. Of course, the biggest thing is the difference between seams.

Speaking of this, the magic stick smoked another cigarette and continued: "The seams have been there since ancient times, but most of them have been polished, and you can't see anything wrong without looking carefully, but this process of the Guge Dynasty is very strange. After their Buddha statues were made, There are no seams, let alone problems like trachoma. Even if you look carefully, you can't see anything, just like something carved on a whole copper, but the traces of casting are obvious, and they inlaid their eyes into silver eyes. You can't see that they are embedded in them, so you feel very Fantastic."

I listened to the talk of the magic stick, which couldn't help but open my eyes. It seems that there are really a lot of things that the magic stick moves. I used to think this guy could only steal tombs and dig graves. All right, don't argue with you two. Anyway, I'm not going to let you move the things here, so it's useless even if you study it thoroughly. After saying that, I saw that there was really nothing valuable in it, and then turned around and walked out.

When I came to the court, I looked at the sky outside. Now the sun is basically setting in the west. It seems that it will become night here in a few hours, especially in the mountains. I'm afraid it will be dark earlier, so I urged the two of them to enter the right room to have a look. If we can't find anything, we will quickly go back to the camp. If Professor Taylor finds out that we are not here, I'm afraid he will nag.

The three of us walked into the room on the right. This room didn't look good at this time. A window carved from wood blocked a lot of sunlight at this time. It seemed that the room was a little dark, and there was a skeleton lying in the place where the window was open. At this time, the cloth originally covered by the skeleton Xi has been completely opened, and it seems that Professor Taylor should have opened it.

Then several of us looked at it. In fact, there was nothing here. Relatively speaking, the funeral goods here seemed to be in the room on the left, but it seemed a little cold here. I looked at the body. This should be the owner of the tomb. I don't know who moved the skeleton at this time. It has turned to my side. The two empty eyes are black. When the dim sun shines, the whole room looks a little dark and strange.

I saw that there was nothing to see here, and then said to the two people, "Ok, let's not say anything. It's too big to die. We can't let this body bask in the sun like this. You two help me cover these things again." The stick and the monkey nodded, and then we brought the body to the front.

The monkey and the magic stick are not good people. Naturally, they will not be afraid of this skeleton. Then we together changed the cloth that originally covered the skeleton for it, but the magic stick slammed at this time. I knew that the magic stick seemed to have found something and quickly asked, "What's wrong?" Did you find something?" The magic stick nodded and looked at the skeleton carefully. After a while, he said, "I know. No wonder this skeleton has become like this."

I was a little anxious and said, "What's going on?" The magic stick pointed to the skeleton and said, "I think most people should face the sky after death. It is said that they can take away the resentment and ascend to the sky. If they are buried with their backs, there will be problems, and this skeleton is obviously buried facing the sky, and he should shout something after death, but you see, now this skeleton There is nothing in the skeleton.

I looked carefully. Indeed, the magic stick was right. There was a heart-shaped part in the mouth of this skeleton. Obviously, it had been pressed by things for a long time, so it became like this. At this time, the things disappeared and almost moved their heads. Come on, let's not talk about it when the things are taken away. Why don't you get the skull ready? It seems that Professor Taylor is not very professional.

Then I shook my head and said, "Okay, God stick, it's not the time for us to discuss these things. First place this skeleton, and then we will change it as before. It's almost dark, and we have to go back quickly." The magic stick nodded, and then quickly finished the skeleton. Then we covered the skeleton with these paper-thin silk fabrics. I nodded with satisfaction and saw that there was nothing around. Then I said to the magic stick and the monkey, "Well, it's getting late. Let's go back in case Professor Taylor find us. When they come to this room, I'm afraid they will keep nagging again.

The magic stick nodded and said, "Okay, but I want to set up a fragrant array to see if this place is a bad place or auspicious place." I nodded and said, "Okay, whatever you want, but hurry up." The magic stick nodded, then quickly inserted incense around the skeleton, and then waved it, saying something in his mouth. After lighting these incense, we will wait and see what the incense will eventually burn.

At this moment, I heard the business that someone seemed to be talking not far away. I was shocked. It seemed that Professor Taylor and they came back. I quickly grabbed the arm of the stick and the monkey and said, "Ok, don't look at the incense array. Let's talk about it tomorrow. Professor Taylor and the others have come back. I'm afraid we will be killed if we don't leave. Found it." Then he took the two people and walked towards the stone house.

Sure enough, I saw Professor Taylor come back happily. They didn't know what to say from afar. It sounded not small, and some of them were very happy. I winked at the magic stick and the monkey, and then quickly came out of the stone house and walked towards them.

It was obviously strange for several people to see us. Professor Taylor quickly asked, "Mr. Wenlong, why didn't you rest in the camp and come here?" I smiled and said, "It's great to see you here. I'm also worried that you won't come back at night, so I'm just going to see you. It's almost dark. This place is a cemetery. I'm afraid that you will encounter some danger, so I came to see."

Professor Taylor smiled and said, "What danger can so many of us encounter? You didn't go into those stone houses, did you?" I shook my head and said, "We are not archaeologists. I'm only responsible for bringing you here safely and then bringing them back safely. As for the things you said, I'm not very interested."