treasure hunter

Chapter 40: Each has its own ghost

"Guess what we saw?" The doctor looked at me, with some excitement in his eyes and a little mysterious. Because the magic stick was in a coma at this time, I was a little irritable and asked, "Oi, don't sell it. What on earth did you see?" The monkey smiled and said, "Okey, doctor, didn't you see Brother Long a little annoyed now? Say it directly."

The doctor smiled gently and said, "We saw a statue, and it was a very terrible statue, and Professor Taylor were digging a statue. It seemed that they wanted to go down to the statue and guess there was something under the statue." After the doctor finished speaking, I looked at the two people, and they didn't lie. So what on earth are they looking for? Antiques? Absolutely not. If so, I'm afraid that the things left in the stone house have already been pocketed by them. What are they looking for?

"Brother Long, where is the magic stick? Why didn't you see him?" The monkey interrupted my thoughts at this time. I looked up at the two people and pointed to the tent and said, "Dizzy, I just carried it back." Dizzy? What's the matter?" The two looked at me with a surprised face. I smiled bitterly and told everything about what had just happened. Then the two of them also looked at each other, especially the doctor. There were already many bodies dissected by him. They didn't believe that there were ghosts in the world at all, but what I just said just subverted what they now recognize. That's why he doesn't believe it.

The doctor got into the tent of the magic stick to help him check it, and then came out and shook his head and said, "It's strange that he doesn't have anything. How can he faint?" I didn't say mystery, and I continued to think about Professor Taylor's intention, but I didn't understand anything after thinking for a long time.

I don't know when the moon had returned to its white color and shone the ground with a pale color. With the moonlight, I found that there seemed to be several figures moving not far ahead. I quickly said to a few people: "Ok, get into the tent and sleep. They are back." The doctor and the monkey nodded, and then got into the tent. I went to Michiko's tent to have a look. Michiko was sleeping soundly at this time, and she guarded the pistol I gave him on her pillow.

Nothing happened in the whole camp, and then I quickly got into the sleeping bag in the tent. After a short time, Professor Taylor and others came back. They exchanged something in a low voice in English, and then dispersed and began to rest. Through the bleak moonlight, I found that it was Sino to guard the camp at this time, and Robert certainly did not come back. Professor Taylor, Sierra and Haley went into the tent to rest.

I lay in the tent and couldn't sleep all the time. Professor Taylor was obviously an archaeologist. This should not be faked. From his sight of the statues and ice burial bodies, it can be seen that he was extremely enthusiastic about this, so he almost killed us several times. Sierra and Haili didn't know what they did, but Hai Li and Robert must be a pair of lovers, as can be seen from their usual behavior.

Sino is obviously an experienced mercenary, which can be seen from his shooting posture and the momentum when shooting. So who the hell is Robert? Obviously, he is not a student of Professor Taylor, because there is no student's attitude towards the teacher. Now that Robert is dead, he can only figure out the facts with Professor Taylor. But if they don't look for treasure, why do they dig the statues of the hall? And that Princess Wencheng told me before killing Robert that she advised us not to touch the mausoleum of the Chanadogi King Kong. Is it in that hall?

Everything constitutes a complicated story. I always feel that we have entered the trap of Professor Taylor and others from the beginning. They are not looking for the kingdom of Shambhala, but something hidden in Shangri-La, which is very heavy. Yes, that's why they risked their lives to come here to look for it.

I thought carefully, and suddenly I remembered that since Professor Taylor and several people went to find Robert, they will definitely find the fire oil I poured on the skeleton, and they will also realize that we have not been deceived by them, so will they tell us their real intentions or pretend not tomorrow? I know. I'm a little confused. I don't know what to do. Will I have a showdown with them tomorrow? Or just pretend to know nothing? It seems that tomorrow will be an embarrassing day.

After thinking for a while, I then fell asleep. When I opened my eyes again, it was already dawn. I quickly got up from my sleeping bag and walked out of the tent. At this time, Sino saw me with two red eyes. There was obviously a hostility in his eyes, but I smiled and said, "Morning, Sino, I didn't expect you to be on duty all night." Of course, Sino couldn't understand what I said. He snorted coldly and turned his head into the tent to rest. It seemed that the whole night's duty made him eager to get some sleep.

At this time, Michiko had already woken up and was sitting by the bonfire. Seeing that I woke up, she quickly stood up and waved to me. I walked over and Michiko asked, "What's wrong with Sino? I greeted him after I got up just now, and he was a little heed to answer. I shook my head and smiled and thought that one of them died last night and found that we were the last to enter that room. I must have suspected that we had killed Robert. It would be strange if Sino had a good attitude towards me.

Then he smiled at Michiko and said, "It's nothing. Maybe he was a little tired on duty all night." Michiko looked at me suspiciously, and then asked, "What about last night? You told me what Professor Taylor went to do, and you followed him. What happened later? I shook my head. At this time, Professor Taylor got out of the tent and seemed to have just woken up. I quickly said to Michiko, "Okay, let's not talk about it. I'll tell you when I have a chance."

At this time, Professor Taylor also saw me. He was stunned first, and then seemed to think about it before coming to us. At this moment, the magic stick also came out of the tent and shouted as soon as it came out, "Fuck, last night..." Before he finished speaking, I stared at him fiercely. The magic stick was a smart man. When I stared at him, I glanced at Professor Taylor with the afterglow of the corners of my eyes, and then continued, "The dream I had last night was really comfortable. That little woman's body is fucking white."

I almost laughed after listening to the words of the magic stick and said to the magic stick with a forced smile, "Ok, don't get up and crooked. There are also ladies here." The stick smiled and said, "I know, I'm wrong." After saying that, he turned back to the tent with toiletries and walked to the stream to start washing.

At this time, Professor Taylor looked at the magic stick with complicated eyes, then came to me and sat down, smiled at me gently and said, "Mr. Wenlong had a good rest last night." I nodded quickly and said, "Yes, it's very comfortable. I haven't had such a comfortable rest for a long time. I slept until dawn. Not to mention, people are comfortable with enough rest." Professor Taylor smiled and then continued, "What about tonight? Do you think we will continue the vigil or change it to you?

I smiled and said, "Didn't we make a good night? You are vigil here, and we will have a rest. In two days, we will have a good rest and change to you. Professor Taylor nodded, looked at the doctor and the monkey's tent and said, "Mr. Wenlong, why haven't your other two friends got up yet?" I smiled and said, "They are just a little lazy. I heard that you went to the vigil last night. Who is more dead? They have worked really hard these days."

Professor Taylor nodded and smiled without saying anything. Then he looked at Michiko and said, "Miss Michiko, did you find anything wrong last night?" Michiko was stunned after listening to Professor Taylor's words, and then shook his head and said, "No, I don't feel anything wrong, I just had a strange dream." Strange dream?" Professor Taylor asked, "What dream? Can you tell me?"

Michiko smiled and said, "Professor Taylor, you don't have to ask about girls' dreams." Professor Taylor was stunned after listening to it, and then smiled softly and said nothing. At this time, the monkey and the doctor also got out of the tent, took their own toiletries, greeted me and walked towards the news. I didn't wash yet. I quickly stood up and said, "Professor Taylor, please talk to Michiko for a while. I haven't washed yet. I'll go with them."

Without waiting for his consent, I quickly turned back to the tent and caught up with the doctor and monkey with soap, towel and brushing tools. The magic stick had been washed by this time. Seeing us coming over, I simply returned to the stream and continued to wash my face. I was a little speechless. Did I put on the ghost last night and gave this boy's head? Is it broken? We came to the stream and told the three people about my conversation with Professor Taylor just now while washing up.

And according to my analysis, they will definitely blame Robert's disappearance after getting up in a while, and looking at Professor Taylor, he doesn't seem to admit that they wanted to do something that was not to investigate the ancient city last night, so I told them to adapt and never open this window. The paper is broken. I'd like to see what they want to play.

When the magic stick heard that he was ghosted last night and knelt down to Robert, he vowed to find Robert's body and unload him eight pieces. After persuading us for a while, we stopped. Then we returned to the camp and pretended not to know anything. I went out to hunt with the magic stick and the doctor, and let the monkey stay to guard the camp. As I walked, I was talking to the two people. As I was walking, I suddenly saw a huge and familiar figure in front of me.