treasure hunter

Chapter 45: Prehistoric Civilization

I carefully observed this footprint. It should be a brand of Nike shoes, and it looked like about 26 yards. I thought about it carefully, and then looked at the shoes on several people's feet. None of us wore this brand of shoes. It should be Professor Taylor's group.

Professor Taylor will never wear this kind of shoes, and the size is not suitable. Sino has always been wearing the kind of military leather shoes of very good quality, so such shoe prints should not be Sino, Sierra and Haley? That's even more impossible, because the mark of these shoes is not women's at all, and two girls can't have such big feet. Who should it be? After thinking for a while, suddenly, a terrible idea flashed from my brain. Is it Robert who is dead?

When I thought of this, I was also surprised by my own terrible idea, and then stood up. I also saw doubts in the eyes of doctors and monkeys, and the eyes of the magic stick were full of doubts. Several people stood up and looked at each other in consterance, and then I said cruelly, "Go in first and have a look. If this person is a ghost or not, I don't believe that we can't beat him."

The magic stick also nodded and said, "Yes, go in and have a look." Then several of us walked in. But the more I walked, the more I felt something was, because this place seemed to have no end, and the torches on both sides were still continuing. After nearly 20 minutes, we still didn't see anything iconic. Is this a bottomless cave?

After walking for about 20 minutes, we found something wrong, because the passage at this time had been going down and seemed to go straight to the ground. I was shocked by the great ancient architecture again. Thinking that there were no large machinery in ancient times, what force prompted them to hollow out the interior of the whole mountain and then build such a large underground passage? Even in modern times, if you want to open such a tunnel in the mountains, I'm afraid it can't be built in a month or two.

After walking for a while, all of us smelled a very familiar smell, which is the smell of earth. Are we now out of the inside of the mountain and have been extending towards the ground? Look around, almost all of them are polished slate-like things. It seems that we should still be in the peak? Where does this strong smell of earth come from? I was a little uncercer, and then stopped and looked elsewhere.

I found that the stones on the walls were a little strange, and then walked in and observed them carefully, which shocked me again. Because at this time, I found that these mirror-like stones that looked like mirrors for a long time were not stones inside the mountain, but cyan slabs. If you don't care, these stones are looking at them. Nothing, but if you look carefully, you will find that these slates have very thin seams, which are tied like hair. If you don't look carefully, you can't see any abnormality.

"Wait!" I stopped everyone. Several people stopped, looked at these things carefully, and then looked at me up and down. I pointed to the stone slab on the wall and said, "I don't think we are in the mountains now. We should go straight down, and have you found it? I believe we have walked nearly a kilometer along the way, and we have already gone down. Mountain, look again, these are not mountains at all, but fixed slabs standing up to prevent the cave from collapsing.

Everyone was stunned first, and then looked carefully. After a long time, Michiko first said doubtfully, "Oh, my God! Is this a building from a thousand years ago? Why do I think we have reached modern times, and more than that, these technologies that stick directly to the soil, I'm afraid that technology can't do this now? At this time, the monkey also nodded and said, "Yes, it's really strange. Did people travel through time at that time?"

I took a breath. The strange things here made us a little at a loss. Everything in the previous expedition was under control. Even if something happened, it was expected. But this place makes me feel powerless, because almost everything here is now beyond our expectations. Once something happens, I don't know if I have the ability to solve similar things.

After watching for a while, I began to flinched, not because I was afraid. If it were myself, I would definitely find out no matter what happened, but there were so many people around me. Once there was danger in front of me, I didn't dare to guarantee their lives, because I was here at this time. Don't hold anything.

A sense of powerlessness arises spontaneously. At this time, the doctor clearly saw my idea and came over and smiled and said, "Well, no matter what, we have to go in and have a look, because this place is much more mysterious than we thought. There is technology beyond modernity under the mysterious palace more than a thousand years ago. You Can this not make us excited? Anyway, I must go in, and I won't regret it even if I die.

The magic stick nodded and said, "Yes, I have fallen into a fight for so many years, and I have never seen anything like this. If you don't let me in, I will really hate you all my life." The words of the god stick were like a resentful woman, which made people couldn't help laughing, so I had to nod and say, "Well, what about your two opinions?" I asked the monkey and Michiko.

The monkey smiled gently and said, "Ok, Brother Long, I know you want to go in. To be honest, I also want to go in. If you don't let me in, I won't go in. Anyway, you're the boss. I'll listen to you." After the monkey finished speaking, I looked at Michiko. Michiko blushed and said, "Professor Taylor, they are my clients. Whether they are dead or alive now, I want to go and have a look."

I nodded and said, "Well, you all have a reason to go in, so I'll go in. I also want to see what the end of this passage is, but I want to remind you that there are strange things everywhere, so I hope you all be more careful." Several people nodded. When I was about to say to move on, I suddenly felt as if someone was following us behind me and couldn't help looking back, but there was almost nothing in the passage except the burning torches.

"What's wrong? Do you feel something is wrong?" The magic stick stepped forward and looked behind me with me. I shook my head and said, "I don't know. I always feel as if someone is following us. Maybe it's my illusion." Then he looked ahead and said, "Let's go and see what's at the end of the passage." Several people nodded and set out for the front.

We walked for nearly 20 minutes, but we still couldn't see the end of the passage. We walked about 20 meters. Suddenly, we heard the magic stick walking in the front and said, "Come and have a look." We were immediately refreshed by the shout of the magic stick and ran forward one by one. At this time, we saw that the magic stick was standing in front of a huge sculpture. The stone sculpture looked very old, and there were several fingerprints on it. It seemed that it should have been newly printed. It should be one of the several people of Professor Taylor.

When I looked carefully, I saw that the sculpture was very fine, as if it was carved with modern machinery. There was a Buddha statue on it. The appearance of the Buddha statue was very strange. The eyes were very large and protruding, the figure was short, the head was also very large, and there was no hair or anything on it. It was even more strange. There are only three fingers on each hand, which is a bit like an alien image in a science fiction film, but this image has been deified.

Especially on the forehead of this statue, it actually has a third eye, and there are many people around him worshiping, and this person is holding something that looks like a wooden stick, but it seems to be a key. His hands are raised high, as if he is calling something. Isn't that bullshit? Are ancient deifications all this kind of alien image? I thought about it, and then I suddenly thought of the UFO in the tomb on the right. What does this alien have to do with that huge UFO?

We looked at each other at this time and couldn't understand what kind of story these things were telling. If this sculpture was real, it was possible that a long time ago, the ancestors of Tibet once regarded an alien as a god, and then this alien taught them a lot beyond modern times. Science and technology. But if this statue is a fabrication, where did its prototype come from? I'm afraid those Tibetan ancestors haven't seen alien-like movies yet, right?

Then several people looked up again and saw that starting from this stone carving and moving forward, almost dense stone carvings covered the whole passage. Is this a relic of an alien in ancient times? Or the base? All of us couldn't understand. At this time, we heard the monkey shout, "Brother Long, come here quickly. There seems to be a word here." As soon as we hear it, do we have words? This is the most exciting news so far. With written records, it is relatively easy to understand these stone carvings.

We ran in the direction of the monkey. When we ran closer, we found that none of these hieroglyphs knew at all, and these words basically seemed to be insects, densely crawling around the whole stone carving about three meters square, roughly counting, with hundreds of words of records, but I It can be seen that these are not Tibetan characters, nor Chinese, nor any of the words I know on earth.

"At this time, there is an Egyptian script, which is only one on the Egyptian pyramids, and no one can interpret it at all. These words seem to appear out of thin air, and there is no record of such text in history."

Michiko said excitedly at this time, "I didn't expect that this kind of text would appear here. Is this really left by ancient aliens? This is definitely the greatest discovery of this century.