treasure hunter

Chapter 47: Conspiracy

When I saw Professor Taylor's proud appearance at this time, I hated it again, but we couldn't get into it at this time, because it was too powerful to get the beam. Each of us would die under the beam as long as we took a step forward. Then I looked at Professor Taylor coldly and then said, "Professor Taylor, anyway, you have reached this point now. You should tell me the truth, right? I need to know all the facts."

Professor Taylor nodded and smiled gently, "Well, I'll tell you the whole story." After saying that, Professor Taylor looked up as if there was something above his head, and then he continued, "In fact, the German Nazis had put forward the idea of world center as early as World War II, but with the complete failure of Germany in World War II, their research was finally terminated."

Then he said something to Haili beside him. Haili nodded and turned around and walked to one side. Then Professor Taylor continued: "Later, the Americans took the lead in entering the archives. Although the German Nazis had burned most of the top-secret archives, even if our U.S. troops rushed in, they still kept a lot of things. Of course, these materials also contained some secrets about the axis of the earth."

Professor Taylor said this, smiled and looked at Sino, and then continued: "In fact, Sino is the representative of the military. Robert is the son of a senior official. He doesn't know why he came this time, but his favorite thing is to explore, so he also followed this time, and Sierra is actually an agent. Yu Haili and Sandy are my real students, because the U.S. government does not want to be called a laughing stock like the German Nazis, so they are looking for the axis of the earth so low-keyly.

After more than an hour of explanation by Professor Taylor, I finally understood that the purpose of their arrival this time was to find the axis of the earth, but the information of the German Nazis was not comprehensive, and what they got was only a small part, and Professor Taylor was lucky to be selected by the U.S. government to become a research institute. One of the people on the axis of the earth.

Later, after continuous efforts, they finally pointed the results of their research at Tibet, China, the ancient legend Shambhala, and also proved that there are many signs that the axis of the earth does exist, but the key opened is very strange, that is, someone has hidden the key in the dead. In people's mouth, after every way to find it, Professor Taylor finally found one of the keys, which was also found in China.

Later, Professor Taylor and others confirmed the existence of the axis of the earth, so they negotiated with the country in various ways and wanted to send an archaeological team to visit Tibet, China. However, because many years ago, the relationship between China and the United States was very tense, China did not agree, and this matter was temporary. It has been put on hold.

But later, after all, Professor Taylor studied the axis of the earth for a lifetime, so he submitted an application to the White House of the United States again. Then the president personally approved the letter and asked Professor Taylor to take several people to enter Tibet in the name of exploring the expedition, and then secretly search for the axis of the earth.

However, due to the incomprehensible language, the United States signed an agreement with their allies, a Japanese exploration company. In order to flaunt his boss, Japan wanted to have a part in this matter, but they did not dare to publicize it, so they had to send them to explore Japan. Michiko, who has a high reputation in the world, came to serve as the tour guide, and Michiko needs to write a diary of the things and dangers she sees every time, which can be presented to the head office in the future. It seems that the mantis is really preying on the yellow finch.

Then Michiko and Professor Taylor met in Guangzhou, and then Michiko found me. Of course, Professor Taylor was even happier when he thought of Chinese people as a guide, so he agreed, and we followed him to Tibet. After entering Tibet, Professor Taylor has been trying to find any information about the axis of the earth.

When we walked to the Devil's Pass, he found that the statues in the Pass were very close to the Tibetan expedition photos left by the Nazis, so he was very happy, but at that time, under my encouragement, he had to take all his men into the area for investigation, but who knew that area would encounter so many snakes. Groups and scorpions, and of course blood corpses. If I hadn't appeared in time, I'm afraid they would have died there long ago.

Later, we entered the mountain and saw those simple murals in the cave where the snow leopard lived. He was more sure of the correct route, so he kept walking west. Then we met a spider and Sandy died, which was really sad for him at that time. Then Sandy died. He also wanted to give up the plan, but he did not give up in the end, because the murals in the cave gave him hope again.

When we walked to the snowy mountain to prepare for down, we saw the ice-buried bodies again. At that time, Professor Taylor was shocked by the ice-buried bodies again, because they wore almost the same clothes as the photos they saw in the laboratory, and then began to study the bodies and wanted to get them from there. Some clues were found on the bodies. However, he did not expect that those bodies would come back to bite living people after touching human yang, so everyone was almost exhausted at that time, so no one noticed his research.

Finally, we entered here, but according to Professor Taylor, they had studied what was left by the Nazis, but all the clues were interrupted here at that time, so Professor Taylor felt that there must be an incredible power here when he saw the body in the stone house tomb at the foot of the mountain. When holding the jade pendant, I found that the jade pendant was actually the key that they had been working hard to find for for many years.

Then Professor Taylor compared the keys he brought, which was indeed very correct, and then made him more excited, but he did not kill, so he asked Robert to take out the jade pendant contained in the mouth of the disaster skeleton, and then strange things came one after another. They found another piece from the stone house closest to the huge temple. Jade pendant, connecting these three jade pendants, is exactly a key. As for what kind of key it is, I haven't seen it so far, so I don't know the prototype of the key.

Then Professor Taylor got along with that bad idea when he was excited. They kept a vigil at night and let us rest, but he also knew that this matter could not be hidden from us for a long time. Maybe they didn't intend to hide it from us from the beginning, and they set out after midnight. As a result, Robert was possessed by the ghost of the so-called Princess Wencheng, and the magic stick was also possessed by the ghost. According to Professor Taylor's explanation, all power comes from the axis of the earth. The closer it is to the axis of the earth, the stronger the mysterious power will be.

As for the so-called ghost bodies of Robert and the god stick, it should be this mysterious power. Then after checking the cause of Robert's death, Professor Taylor decided that he must enter the axis of the earth as soon as possible and open it, so he began to dig the channel constantly.

After entering here, everything here shocked him. Later, after its speculation, most of the UFOs in the tomb of UFO rain were the same, and Professor Taylor believed that these so-called ultra-advanced civilizations were not actually cosmic people, but the original land. The ballman, because they have experienced disasters, the number of people is small, and the technology is very different from modern people, so they are hidden.

As for the big disk where we are now, it should be an aircraft at that time. Professor Taylor also believes that for some reason, this axis of the earth may have been closed by those earthlings with high technological civilization. If he wants to open it, he must use three pieces of jade in his hand, so he decided to open it. This huge axis of the earth, and what he needs now is to unlock the real power of the axis of the earth so that he can return to the future or the past.

After listening to Professor Taylor's words, I sneered in my heart. Even if what he infers make sense, why doesn't he think about why those people with high-tech civilization should close this axis of the earth? Is it just for fun? I'm afraid they are trying to hide something? Maybe I don't want the space to be messed up.

If Professor Taylor is really allowed to open this axis of the earth, I'm afraid that the world will really cause chaos in the world from now on. After all, once this kind of thing is opened, I'm afraid it will disturb the order of time and space. People want to go back to the past and go to the future if they want to the future. The world will not be in chaos. ? Isn't there some reason why the German Nazis did not successfully enter here?

There must be a force that doesn't want to open the axis of the earth that can return to the past and the future, but Professor Taylor and others have to do such a thing. Isn't he worried about that mysterious force coming to revenge on him?

I thought of looking at Professor Taylor and said, "Professor Taylor, to be honest, I don't want you to open this axis of the earth, because it will destroy the order of nature and you will become a sinner of the world, so if you insist on opening it, I won't let you succeed." After saying that, I winceed at the magic stick. The magic stick turned his head and put down his backpack and took out the explosive left by Professor Taylor and others.

As soon as Professor Taylor took out the explosives, his face changed and said, "Mr. Wenlong, you know how much effort I flew to get to this place. If you don't let me take a look, I won't close my eyes even if I die, so I beg you."