Peach Blossom Suspect

Chapter 21 Amnesia!

Since she stabbed people's real identity in the study that day, An Qiaoya, who originally thought she was dead, didn't expect that she would have a lot of shit. Not only can she continue to stay as a fake lady to eat and wait to die, but she won't be loved by her father. She can go wherever she wants, and someone will be full of requirements. Everyone in the stockade is also quite kind to her, especially Aunt Wang, who is even better for her. Every day, a lot of five-star food fills the bottomless hole of her mother. When I'm bored, someone takes me to the mountains. When I'm sleepy, I can sleep anywhere. I don't have to worry about being cut down or be treated, because Tiezhong follows her as a bodyguard behind her buttocks. It's hard not to be arrogant.

Anchoa sighed: This is the life of people. ( Young Master: Why do I think this seems to be the only life of Marshal Tianpeng's reincarnation?)

I always thought that nothing would happen after I said everything. When she is idle, she enjoys flowers and butterflies (a young man: pu...). When she has nothing to do, she eats, drinks and then sleeps. Everyone is at peace and doesn't say anything. She is still her eldest lady, continues to eat and wait for death to find opportunities to get a few beautiful men to play and adjust her life. She can live such a stable life. Go.




"I met Mother Yu today."

Mama Yu, a famous sewing master in the unknown village at the foot of Yinyi Mountain, can make any kind of clothes, and the stitches are fine and the patterns are quite beautiful. Most of the clothes in the stockade are provided by her sewing shop.


"I heard that Mother Yu's daughter, Xiao Cui, will marry Emao in our stockade as a daughter-in-law in a few days."

"Well, that's good. Next time I meet Emao Dai, I will say congratulations. By the way, send ten taels of silver as a gift. As for the wedding, Anjoya likes to join in the fun. Of course, that kindness is also enough.

"I know." Chunfeng nodded, thought for a while, and then said, "Yes, Miss, Mother Yu also asked the maidservant to come to ask the young lady for something."

"Ask for something?" Anchoa turned her head and stared at the spring breeze suspiciously.

Somehow, my right eye suddenly kept jumping, which was an unknown omen, "What can I do for?"

"Mother Yu said that our young lady is both talented and beautiful, well written, and good at drawing, so..."

The ominous foreboding became heavier and heavier, and Anjoya pressed her chest to reluctantly suppress the feeling of depression.

"So what?"

"So, Mother Yu wants to ask Miss to write a couplet for Xiao Cui and Emao's new house. If possible, draw a peony picture by the way."

"...right... couplet? And..." The nightmare came true. An Qiaoya swallowed the scream in her throat and tried to keep herself calm, but the careless raised voice still revealed her emotions. "And... Peony picture?!"

"Yes, Miss's favorite is the peony, and the painted peony flowers are even more beautiful." Chunfeng, a silly girl, thought that her master was too happy. "But Miss, you can draw slowly. Mother Yu said that Miss's body has just been taken care of. There is no need to rush to draw. They can wait."

Anchoya felt that the thick dark clouds on her head were about to crush her death. They can wait, but she can't wait!

The matter of couplets is easy to solve. After all, she also liked to play pairing with her classmates when she was a student. At that time, it would not be a problem to plagiarize a couplet. But draw a peony picture? It's better to ask her to take care of herself faster!

God knows that she has no talent for painting since she was a child. The only thing that was well received is the oil painting that she was in a bad mood when she was in elementary school, which is known as the first Picasso abstract painting in our school. In addition, drawing a grenade can turn into a mango, and the painted magpie is a chicken in the eyes of others. The teacher who teaches art doesn't know how much he wants to throw her, a disappointing student back to the primitive society.

But now someone is asking her to draw a "first-class" peony picture??? She is not a real Miss Ann. Where can she go to get a peony that can be seen? Not to mention painting peonies, she can even draw a circle squarely!

Withdrawn the spring breeze, An Qiaoya twisted her hands and fingers desperately, and walked back and forth anxiously in the room alone. No, no, it will definitely help if it goes on like this! God knows what other skills Miss An has. Today, she asks for couplets and paintings. Maybe she will come to play the piano and write poems or songs in the future. Then she, a fake who knows nothing, will die?

Wo! How could she be so stupid? It is said in the novel that you must pretend to be amnesia after crossing, so that you can get along well. Why didn't she pretend to have amnesia when she first came here? If I had done that at the beginning, I wouldn't have put myself in an embarrassing situation.

No, this is still the beginning. She doesn't know much about Miss An. If a "parent" in her identity suddenly wants to recall the beautiful past with her in the future, what should she do? There is no way to break it.

It's better to discuss it with someone.

Make up her mind, An Qiaoya picked up the fox coat put on ** and ran to Hefengju, where Father An was located.


With the wind, An Qiaoya, An Yuanyi and Li Jian each occupy one side.

"Dad, we have to think of a way to solve the problem. I don't know anything about Miss An. What if someone asks me a question and I can't answer it? Isn't it going to wear help???"

How can she get through like this? Tell people that she has lost her memory? But she didn't show what amnesiacs should look like from the beginning, and tried to pretend to be familiar with everyone.

"This is easy to do. Can't I just tell you everything about my baby Joa and others?" Father Ann is very complave that he can come up with such a good idea.

"Cut!" An Qiaoya and Li Jian threw a look of contempt and fled to the corner of the wall to draw circles, with a large dark cloud overhead.

"Old Uncle Li, what do you think?" An Qiaoya is used to calling Uncle Li Jian, and she can't change it.

Li Jian shook her head with an inexplicable smile, "This... I can't help it."

Anchoa: "..." I kao! You old slippery, you dare to stay out of it! Sooner or later, I will pull you into the water and throw you down!

Thinking with hatred, An Qiaoya couldn't help saying, "Why don't you let me lose my memory in my way?"

"You?!" Li Jian and An Yuanyi shouted in a surprised voice, "Amnesia?"

"What? No?" Anchoya picked up the tea just sent by the maid and pressed the anger that had just been hooked up.

" do you lose your memory?" Father An stam and asked, "I heard that people with amnesia usually have fear of the people next to them. What if you forget me after losing your memory?" Father An took An Qiaoya's hand with two bubbles of tears and choked, "I've lost my favorite little Qiaoya. Little Qiaoya, you can't leave me anymore... Whoo..."

Angioya: "..." He sprayed blood on the side.

"I mean!" After pounding his chest with his hand and resisting the sweet smell coming from his throat, Angioya took a deep breath, "I mean, pretend to be amnesiac! Not really amnesia, okay?"

"Oh, that's good."

"Can you let me go?" Angioya closed her eyes and couldn't help it. Don't argue with Uncle BT, don't argue with Uncle BT...

"Oh," An Yuanyi obediently let go of An Qiaoya's hand.

"Woth, what kind of 'amnesia' method do you want?" Li Jian opened the fan and shook it gently.

An Qiaoya glanced at him, and his heart was ferocious: bastard old fox, pretending to be unrestrained, not a handsome man, and did he still learn from Tang Bohu to be a romantic talent at an old age! Despise it!

However, when he wanted to scold him, Anjoya still said his plan, "What we have to do is to pretend that my head has been hit hard and coma again, and then you will take me to the place of my last accident and take someone to find me. When I come back, I can naturally pretend to have amnesia." After saying that, she put her hand on the table and looked at the two with bright eyes and excitedly, "How's it going? Is my plan good?

"Well, it sounds good." Li Jian brushed the goatee on her chin and nodded.

An Qiaoya turned to An Yuanyi, and the latter also nodded hurriedly and nodded again.

"That's the decision!!!" After getting what she wanted, a woman shouted excitedly and ran out, "Then I will go back and prepare first and implement Plan A tonight!" BREAK~”

"Oh..." Seeing An Qiaoya jumping and ready to leave, Li Jian hurriedly stopped her, "Wait, wait... Don't be in a hurry to leave, come back." The matter has not been resolved yet.

"What are you doing?" Anchoa turned back inexplicably, "Isn't it all agreed? Do you want to change your mind?"

"It's not! I want to say that your plan is good, but other people, especially the six young masters, are not fuel-efficient lamps except for the four young masters." Li Jian looked at An Qiaoya with burning eyes. "How can you pretend that you have been hit hard?"

"I..." An Qiaoya wanted to refute, but found that she couldn't say anything. Indeed, although the man of the An family had only seen An Shengjie and An Shengqing talking well, An San Shao was shrewd and terrible, and he also consulted the pulse. In case he came back and found that she was fine, how would she explain? Slap your ass and say that I'm playing with you? It's strange not to be beaten.

"Woman, you are so sparse." Li Jian continued to brush her baby beard, and her expression was indeed extremely leisurely.

An Qiaoya looked at An Yuanyi for help, who rarely looked at Li Jian, "Military, what do you think?"

"Well..." Li Jian smiled strangely, "It depends on the young lady."

After saying that, close your eyes and enjoy the wind.

"Look at myself? What do you mean? Is it possible that you want me..." Anjoya frowned, "Do you want me to be severely fucked?"

"How can this be? Absolutely not, absolutely not." Before Li Jian opened her mouth, An Yuanyi rejected it.

An Qiaoya looked at Father An with emotion, thinking that Father An still loved me~~

"If you can't do it, you have to do it," Li Jian said firmly. "Otherwise, the girl's scheme will be useless. If you want to do it, make a complete set."

"That..." Father An looked at Li Jian with a sad face, "Then... can I play it?"

"Why not? As long as you do it."

An Joya: ... I take back what I just said. Old An is still a BT, and Li JianTM is still an old fox!


That night, two sneaky figures trembled in the vegetable field in the easternmost part of the hidden cottage.

"Dad, you can be gentle," she was afraid of pain.

"Good daughter, Dad will." An Yuanyi waited there with a wooden stick with Anchoa's thick thighs in his hand.

"Also, Xiao Cui and Emao's wedding couplet and Peony Tu's father, can you help supervise the stinky old man surnamed Li to complete it as soon as possible."

"No problem!" Father Ann made an ok gesture - taught by An Joya.

"Then... let's get started."


"Bum..." Anchoa fell down gorgeously.
