Peach Blossom Suspect

Chapter 26 The Sorrow of being chased by a tiger

Early the next morning






"Ah, it's so annoying! It's rare to sleep so comfortably. Damn stomach, can't you scream less?"

Zombies raised their upper bodies like resurrection. An Qiaoya stared at their disappointing belly angrily and kept screaming early in the morning, and didn't let people sleep???

"Gu..." The belly shouted again aggrievedly.

A woman has a ferocious face but there is nothing she can do. Who is annoying is her belly? He couldn't kill people, so he reluctantly pulled the animal's skin out of bed with half-squinted eyes.

"Wow, it's so cold." As soon as the quilt was lifted, the cold wind immediately poured in. In a blink of an eye, the fire on the kang had been extinguished, and Xiaohei and Xiaobai didn't know where they had gone. The door was half closed, and the whole wooden house was deserted.

After pulling a skin on his body, Anchoa turned around and looked at the man lying in **. His lips had returned to their original blood color, his face was not so pale, and he breathed evenly. He reached out and reached for his forehead. Although it was still a little hot, at least it was not so hot. It seems that she has the potential to be a medical staff. A woman is very proud to think that maybe she can change her profession to a nurse after returning to modern times. Well, not bad!

Wrapped tightly in the animal skin, An Qiaoya put on her shoes and walked to the iron kettle used to cook the soup last night. The pink and thick soup inside had a thick layer of ice and knocked with a spoon, as hard as a stone.

"...If I had known, I wouldn't have proposed to play with amnesia..." If she was in a hidden cottage now, Chunfeng would definitely help herself serve delicious and hot casserole fish head and stewed chicken.

The nose seems to smell the sweet taste...


"Okay, okay, can't we get food now? Just call it." Looking at her flat stomach impatiently, Anchoya turned to the corner of the room to pick up firewood and prepare to make a fire to cook soup.

But the whole house has been turned around, but not a single piece of wood has been found. Of course, the wooden house itself does not count.

An Qiaoya remembered that she had used almost half of the firewood last night to boil water to help a man clean his body and reduce his fever. In addition, she burned the fire all night last night to keep warm... No wonder there was not a piece of wood left.

And if she wants to make a fire and cook to fill her stomach, it means that she must go out and pick up wood! Although she can wait for Xiaohei Xiaobai to come back and ask them to help with some, this is too much. The reindeer couple help bring them to this cabin for help, providing animal skins and helping with work, which is also tired enough. And she can't repay them at all, and now she still wants to call them...

Anchoa despised herself from the bottom of her heart.

Well, she remembered that she saw a few dead trees on her way to the cabin to shelter from the snow last night. If she brought back some branches, it would be enough to cook a meal.

The skin was elongated and wrapped tightly from head to toe. As soon as the door opened, he still couldn't stand the piercing cold. Resentment, she began to miss everything in her house, hooded fox Qiu, short jacket, cotton skirt... Alas...

Fortunately, when she was sent here, she was wearing the warmest pair of all the shoes. Unfortunately, she was lucky.

Stepping down the steps, An Qiaoya shrank her neck to minimize the chance of cold air blowing into her collar. Then she strode to the place where there were dead trees in her memory. The soles of her shoes stepped on the thick snow and made a creaking sound, which was particularly loud on the endless white snow.


An Joa didn't know how long she had been walking. Anyway, when she looked forward in a straight line, the few short trees with only withered branches appeared in her sight.

LUCKY! Unable to tighten the animal skin with her hands, An Qiaoya rushed over with her hands and feet with cheers, and finally she didn't have to be hungry! Oh yeah!

Pulling and pulling and biting with his teeth, he worked hard for a long time to get down all the leafless branches on the unlucky dead tree, and then picked up the pile of dry wood with a frozen carrot-like hand and walked back along the footprints when he came. Originally, she planned to pull the short wood directly back, but she didn't expect to see that it was short, but the root was very deep. An Qiaoya even used her milking energy. As a result, except for her face full of snow, she didn't shake it at all! That's enough for him!

"Haqiu!" The earth-shaking sneeze sounded and echoed far away in the open field. The snow on the trees was so scared and ran down for a moment.

He scraped his nose with his fingers horizontally. An Qiaoya sucked his nose and accelerated his pace to walk back. It was so cold! If she stays like this, she will catch a cold sooner or later. At that time, she will really be called every day.

Hold the firewood in your hand tighter and trot to the circuit.

" hiss..."

Thinking about it, a sudden pull came from behind, dragging the animal skin on her body. An Qiaoya was distracted, and the animal skin was easily taken away, and even she herself staggered several steps forward before stopping her body.


Taking a deep breath and rolling his eyes, and cursing a few times fiercely in her heart, An Qiaoya reluctantly turned around to pick up the hard-won animal skin. Although she is extremely unwilling, if there is no animal skin to keep out the cold, she is only wearing a thin coat and a middle coat, plus a skirt that has been torn above her knee - wait to be frozen to death!


"..." A woman who turned half sideways was fixed as if she had been spotted.

Snow dog?!

As soon as the idea of suspicion passed, it was immediately denied by the turquoise eyes as bright as a lake. Snow dog's eyes are not green, absolutely!

That...snow leopard?!

is also wrong! The snow leopard's head is not so round, and it's not so fat... Well, it's not that big. Moreover, the snow leopard also has stripes, and the one in front of him... is white and has no color at all. It is really difficult to distinguish it from the snow at a glance.

That... there is only one possibility left...

If she guesses correctly, it is a silver-white variant of the Bengal tiger with a probability of 1 in 100,000 that it is further mutated by the white tiger gene, the world's rare animal - snow tiger!

The more you look at it, the more you look!

As soon as the conjecture in her mind was affirmed, Anjoya's face immediately turned green, and even her whole body became stiff.

One person and one tiger are deadlocked like this, and the wind blows by, rolling up a small whirlpool of snowflakes. Anchoya shook her two bare legs, and suddenly had a feeling that she wanted to shed tears regardless of her eyes - the wind is bleak and the water is cold, and the little white girl is gone forever!

I didn't pay attention to the woman in front of her who was a little funny to her. The white cat focused on the skin that had just grabbed, pressed the animal skin with its huge front paws, and lay there happily nibbling.

He also did not immediately say Hello to Xuehu, but slowly raised his head and looked up at the sky at a 150-degree angle. An Qiaoya's eyes were half bright and half sad.

Beaut is because she finally has the honor to see the legendary rare snow tiger that can't be found. The sad thing is - TMD! Isn't this purely to force me to die? Yesterday was a wild boar and today is a tiger. You think that An Qiaoya is an invincible King Kong variant. Are you scared to death?

She turned her eyes back to the white creature in front of her. An almost looked at it with crying and pleading eyes, "Brother Tiger, should be vegetarian, right?" The tone is full of expectation.

"..." The big white cat turned its hairy ears and looked up at her, and then lowered its head to continue its work. Her eyes showed a strong contempt - obviously not! Because the ghost of Miss Hukou Pheasant, who just died, is blowing his colorful feathers next to the blood stains on the snow after being nibbled in the wind - in view of this, the corners of Angioya's eyes are even worse.

If you can't expect that Brother Hu is a vegetarian, you can only learn from your ancestors and take 36 tricks!

While the snow tiger was focusing on tearing the animal skin and had no time to look up, Anchoya tightened the wood in his hand to make sure that no one fell, he immediately stepped back slowly and quietly with his frozen legs that had turned into sauce purple. I retreated and I retreated ~ While retreating, I stared cautiously in front. A bad-inverted snow tiger.

"Roar...!" The corners of his eyes saw that the human beings he had just found had escaped dozens of steps away from him. The big white cat suddenly raised his head and roared, shook off the animal's skin and followed him to his huge limbs and ran forward.

The heart was paralyzed by the loud tiger roar for more than three seconds, and then saw that the big white cat was "enthusiastic" swinging its long tail and rushing to herself. An Qiaoya could no longer carry out the plan of floating back to the cabin with a wave of her sleeves without taking away a trace of footsteps. Throw the firewood in his hand into the air, and the 11th bus immediately rushed forward with full power and fled for his life!

"Roar..." Don't run, stop!

"Don't follow me anymore!" Her meat is not delicious~

"Roar..." I'm in charge of my territory, and I didn't let it go!


I don't know how long she ran, and her legs, which had been in contact with the cold wind for a long time, began to gradually lose consciousness. Anjoya felt like she was dragging two pieces of wood, getting heavier and heavier.

"Huhu..." She opened her mouth instinctively, and Anchoya felt that she was about to vomit.

For Mao's physique that is not good at running, he has to run out to join the fun? You should know that when she runs, cold air will pour into her lungs from her wide open mouth, and her chest hurts so much that she can't even speak. She can only relieve it by constantly gasping. This tragic world!

"Roar..." Don't run!

"Ah..." The harsh scream cut through the rare clear sky. Finally, her feet were numb and could not feel the cold at all. She fell into the snow deep as her ankle and could no longer pull it out. An Qiaoya closed her eyes and prepared to fall into the mud and sort out her mood to welcome the upcoming desperate tiger bite.

Unexpectedly, the body that fell forward was caught in a wide and warm chest at the last minute.

An Qiaoya opened her eyes and saw that half of her dark face was covered by thick beards. Her thick eyebrows were upside down, and her two cows' eyes stared at her. Her body was wrapped in a gorgeous tiger skin and fixed by a dark blue belt around her waist. Behind the tiger's skin was covered by a thick khaki clothes with hair. It is rare to be neatly tied with a hairband. If you have to describe him in two words, Angioya will choose to be burly, because he is really tall and strong like a cow, and about two of hers are worth him.

Also, his dress is really TMD like Father An's white-looking perverted uncle, but it is a young ten-year version.

"" An Qiaoya stretched out her cold red hand and grabbed the tiger skin on his body and tried to open her eyes to pretend to be a poor weak woman. Even if she will be caught and sold, it is better than being buried in a tiger's mouth without a whole body.



"Afu! Shut up!" The strong man suddenly opened his mouth and shouted, but his eyes were still staring at An Joya and did not move away for a moment.

"..." Xuehu, who was scolded for no reason and ran after An Qiaoya all the way, really lay down like a big cat and covered his ears with his claws to express his repentance.

Seeing this scene, An Qiaoya could see why no matter how dull he was, "Old... Tiger... Ga... Cough... Did you raise...?"

So you are here! We are all crazy looking for you!" I ignored An Qiaoya's problem, and the burly man said excitedly.


"You..." The strong man stretched out his palm of his fan and pressed An Qiaoya's shoulder and looked at her up and down. His eyes touched her feet, half exposed to the air and swollen heels.

"Little...Little...Little...Little sister,"

"Wo...cold..." Looking at him for a long time, you just stared at her exposed calf. An Joya knew that he must have been forced to XXOO or impropeous. In order not to let him continue stamming, he had to speak for him first.


" haqiu..."

"...Come on! Bring me my cloak quickly." The strong man suddenly turned around and roared back.

"Yes, Si Shao."

Immediately, someone handed over a thick black cloak. The strong man took it and put it directly on Anchoa, wrapped it hard, and then wrapped it tightly. No skin except his eyes were exposed at all.

"Four young master, since you have found the young lady, is it time to go back to the village?" Someone followed and asked.

Four young master? An Qiaoya turned her head and looked at the speaker, and her mouth suddenly opened wide. Unexpectedly, she was about to get married. No wonder she felt that the sound was so familiar. In this case, the strong man in front of him should be another brother in his identity. Isn't the only old Si An Shengtu who is famous for his appearance?

"... Send a few people to inform Dad and the second brother first, and say that Joya has found it. Also, find someone to rush back to the stockade first and ask Aunt Wang to cook a few more bowls of ginger soup. An Shengtu ordered sideways, and then hugged An Qiaoya tightly, "Little sister, you have suffered. Let's go home now."

"..." Anchoa did not respond.

"Little sister?"


"Little sister! Sister, what's wrong with you? Small..."

"I... feel dizzy..."

As soon as he finished speaking, it was dark in front of his eyes, and An Qiaoya rolled his eyes and fell to the ground gorgeously.

I haven't eaten all morning, and I can't stand being hungry for a long time. What's more, she just ran in the snow wearing few clothes for so long. She finally couldn't stand it and fainted directly. Although it's humiliating, it's none of his mind!

You can go back to the stockade, oh yeah!