Peach Blossom Suspect

Chapter 44 Flower Festival 1

After eating, we chat for a while, and it's almost dark.

A woman had a good sleep while talking to two big men. Now she is in high spirits and has been shouting to go shopping.

"There is no street to visit at this time. The vendors have closed their stalls and gone home." An Sheng's painstaking persuasion.

"Yes, yes, I also heard that people in the Celestial Empire usually rest early and basically don't go out at night." Qingfeng also joined the ranks of persuasion.

"It's not night yet." At most, at five or six o'clock in modern times, the sky is not completely dark.

"But the seventh sister..."

"The shopkeeper!" Angioya didn't care about the helpless eyes of the two men, and called the innkeeper who was counting in front of the counter.

"What can I do for you?"

"Is there any place in Xing'an Town where you can go out at night?"

"Oh, that's right. Usually, few people walk around at night. It's so cold on this snowy day. Everyone goes to bed early."

"Didn't you go out to drink flower wine and listen to small songs or something?"

"..." The innkeeper is embarrassing rz. What on earth is the girl's boldness? Is drinking flower wine also what the girl said? No..."

"I'll tell you. Seventh sister, don't be wayward." An Shengtu waved his hand to signal that the shopkeeper could leave. "You see, the shopkeeper has said so. It must be true. Can you take you out shopping when you get to the fourth brother in the capital?"

"Not very good." With a bitter face, An Qiaoya played with a plate of peanuts on the table with her stuffy hand. "Of course, I'm going to go shopping when I get back to the capital. It's just that I want to have a look here now and experience the folk customs here. This is different from the capital."


"Ah, that's right. Several guest officials just forgot to say one thing. Just as An Shengtu had nothing to say, the shopkeeper came over again. What's the matter?" Qingfeng turned sideways so that the shopkeeper could talk to An Qiaoya, "It's okay for the shopkeeper to say it."

"Oh, that's it. Didn't this girl want to go shopping at night just now?

An Joya raised her head and looked at the innkeeper. The latter smiled shyly and continued, "Just now, the little man didn't expect it for a moment, so he forgot to tell the girl that in fact, we also have lively times at night."

"Really?!" A woman who was half dead immediately recovered quickly, and her spirit was even more than before. Didn't you lie to me?"

"How dare the little one lie to you." The innkeeper held his fists and maintained his appearance. "This is a true thing."

"Well, the shopkeeper, say it quickly." In order not to disappoint An Qiaoya, An Shengtu immediately asked.

"Well, tomorrow night is the annual Daughter's Day in Xing'an Town, also known as the Flower Festival, which is very grand. As long as there are unmarried women in the family, they should do their best to dress up for their girls and celebrate this festival.

"Daughter's Day~!" An Qiaoya's eyes almost bulged into red hearts, "And dressing up..." Oh ha ha ha... It's too regular.

"Is it just a celebration for young women?" Qingfeng also came to be interested.

"This is not necessarily the first time. Although Daughter's Day is a festival for young girls, young men in this town are also looking forward to this festival, because it is the only day of the year when they can express their love and give flowers to their favorite ones.

"It looks like a lot of fun." Anchoa was drooling and imagining the scene of a prosperous street at night in ancient times. He was really willing to die.

"Every year, many outsiders come here to look for Ruyilangjun or beautiful people, and they can often achieve good words."

"No wonder as soon as I entered the city this morning, I always felt that many people were more than before. It turned out that a grand festival was coming soon."

"That's exactly."

"But since it is called the Flower Festival, there should be a lot of flowers, but in this season, how can we find a large number of flowers?" Qingfeng raised her own questions. The most beautiful flowers bloom in spring, but now it is only late winter. How to find flowers for the festival?

"The prince doesn't know that in order to welcome the arrival of the Flower Festival, every family has been planting their own flowers since autumn, including southern bamboo, Poinsettia, Jun Yulan, Freesia, Calla lilies, xianlai, primrose, melon leaf chrysanthemum, four-season begonias, plum blossoms, etc. blooming in the twelfth lunar month." The shopkeeper was so excited that his moustaches on his lips were about to float up.

"So it is." Choosing plants that bloom in winter will not miss the period, but also reflect the beauty of flowers.

"The shopkeeper must have a daughter who has just grown up, right?" Anjoa laughed and joked.

"The girl is really amazing." The shopkeeper immediately smiled and narrowed when he heard this, "As the girl said, my daughter is just right this year."

"The shopkeeper can help the daughter find a son-in-law to achieve a happy marriage tomorrow."

"Hahaha, Miss Cheng's words, Miss Cheng's words."

"Haha, it will definitely be. By the way, the shopkeeper, you haven't said anything interesting at night. An Joya suddenly woke up and the shopkeeper has not said anything about what is fun from now to now. If it is just to enjoy flowers, it is a little too unconsistent with her crazy personality.

Hearing An Qiaoya say this, the shopkeeper woke up like a dream. He patted himself on the head and then smiled apologetically, "Yo, look at my head. Really, I forgot everything when I said it was my daughter."

"It's not too late to say it now." Qingfeng turned his head and looked at An Qiaoya, and his narrow Danfeng's eyes were full of smiles, "I believe we Qiao Ya should mind."

"Yes, I don't mind, really." In order to make her position, a woman immediately turned into a woodpecker and nodded.

"The little man said that in fact, the Flower Festival is also divided into two parts, that is, day and night. During the day, young women will hide at home to dress up first, and then go out in the evening. On the contrary, those men who have not yet been married are eager to go to the street to buy tokens and flowers so that they can find their favorite people and send them out as soon as possible, so the market will be very lively all day tomorrow.

"Hmm~" An Qiaoya habitually rubbed her chin, "So, then don't all the people you meet when you go out tomorrow are men?"

Hearing An Qiaoya's words, Qingfeng grinned, "It's not all men. I think parents who have daughters in their families should go out to buy shopping for their daughters."

"Yes, this guy is so right. Tomorrow, not only young men rush to the streets, but also parents are eager to buy the best things for their daughters.

"Oh, that's right. So...what about the night?"

"The girl asked well." When the shopkeeper said this, Xiao Shenyang suddenly straightened up, stretched out his right hand proudly and gave a thumbs up. "Speaking of the Flower Festival, this night is the highlight."

"Real?! Say it quickly."

"Around the nearby merchants will gather in our town tomorrow. At that time, you can not only eat all kinds of delicious food, but also enjoy flowers, lantern riddles, and all kinds of talents chant poems. If you meet relatives and friends who have daughters of marriageable age, the owner of that house will also treat guests with their old daughter Hong. It's more wonderful and interesting than the New Year.

"Wow~~~~" Every time the shopkeeper said, An Qiaoya's eyes opened wide, fireworks, delicious food, and can also enjoy flowers and lanterns to guess lantern riddles... It's life-threatening~

"...If you meet a young lady from a large family, you may be able to watch the hydrangea to grab the marriage."

Throw hydrangea...grab relatives?!

Too...too...too regular!!!

"Fourth brother!" His eyes flashed with gold, and An Qiaoya pulled An Shengtu's skirt and pulled him closer to herself. "We'll leave the day after tomorrow."

"But we still have to hurry..." An Shengtu Khan. Although he also wants to stay and see if he can meet his real daughter, the most important thing at present is to send the seventh sister to the capital safely, otherwise his father and other brothers will definitely skin him. Joy, we have to leave tomorrow.

"I don't care!" After spending so long with An Shengtu, he knows that he is a person who is soft but not hard, and it is absolutely effective for him to act coquettishly. Anjoa secretly made up her mind that she must attend Daughter's Day. "If you don't participate for me, I won't leave."

"Fourth brother, I don't think it's necessary to stay for one more day." It can be seen that An Qiaoya is playful, and Qingfeng, who has long regarded her as her own sister, can't help but persuade her. As long as we speed up the next step, we won't miss the time.

"Yes, sir, is there such a grand event in Xing'an Town? If we miss it, we will have to wait for the next year." The shopkeeper also looked at An Shengtu.

"This..." An Shengtu moved his mouth, but he didn't know what to say, so he could only keep grabbing his hair.

"All right, all right, the fourth brother will agree." An Qiaoya hugged An Shengtu's left arm and leaned his whole head on his shoulder. "At most, I promise not to run around. Can't I follow you?"


"Oh, you agreed. It's not a big deal. Do you have any problem with Xiao Fengfeng when we go on the road the day after tomorrow? His eyes turned to Qingfeng, who was drinking tea.

"Me?!" Putting down the tea bowl, Qingfeng smiled dotingly, "No."

"That's good! Since no one objected, that's it. No one is allowed to repent! Come on, pull the hook!"

With that, he pulled his palm under An Shengtu's stunned mouth and stretched out his little finger around his little finger for half a circle, "It's done!"

"..." An Shengtu Lost rz. It's not so force-forced! 5555......Dad, second brother, third brother, fifth brother and sixth brother, I was forced...

Qingfeng turned her head to one side and pretended to enjoy the scenery outside the window. In fact, her heart had long been laughed at by An Shengtu's dished face. It was his blessing to meet such an interesting brother and sister.

The innkeeper also narrowed his eyes with a smile, "Girl, why don't you buy some new clothes or rouge gouache before the sky is all dark, dress up carefully, and go to participate in the 'Hundred Flowers Fairy' election tomorrow night."

"Flower Fairy?" An Shengtu listened for a long time and finally got a clue, but now it's chaotic. "What is that?"

"Every year at the Flower Festival, our town will hold a 'Hundred Flower Fairy' election to select the most popular and beautiful woman that night and be named 'Hundred Flower Fairy'. The woman who won this title may be selected as a concubine in the palace.

"To the palace?!" An Qiaoya used to raising her eyebrows, "I don't have the leisure time to serve the emperor. I'm not interested either." The palace gate must be entered, but not through this way now.

"Shopkeeper, what does this campaign for the 'Flower Fairy' have to follow up with Gong as a concubine?" Qingfeng frowned Liu Mei, which made An Qiao Yaha die, "Is this also what the palace requires?"

"Brother, you don't know that although our town in Xing'an is not big, it is outstanding, specializing in talents and beautiful women. Well, the Empress's Mei Guifei is from Xing'an Town, and Sun Qian, the minister of the Ministry of Li, are also from Xing'an. The shopkeeper proudly straightened up, as if the noble concubine and the minister of the Ministry of official were relatives of his family. "In view of this, from the time when the former emperor was still in power, he issued an order to support the election of the 'hundred flower fairies' in our town. The elected woman can enter the palace, and her family and relatives can share a lot of fame and fortune together. "

"So that's it." The three of them suddenly realized together.

"But I'm still not interested in participating in the election." Angioya is not interested. She is absolutely willing to ask her to see the beauty. If she wants to dress up like a monkey to show it to others - forget it, she won't jump into the fire circle to perform acrobatics.