Peach Blossom Suspect

Chapter 49 What the hell!

(with a strong roar! I've been updating very well recently! In order to gather enough confidence to discuss the opportunity to go to the homepage with the editor, I fought! Dear friends, please click to support~)

Over Xing'an Town, fireworks are still blooming and gorgeously. In the south of the town, there is a small floor with the words "guests come" hanging by smoked black books. Although the voices outside are noisy, the inn is another world.

It is noisy outside, but the guest rooms in the inn are kept quiet. In the guest room on the street, the lights are swaying, the tea fragrance is curling, and a long figure dressed in a dark robe and black hair tied with a hair crown is sitting in front of the only wooden table in the room, drinking hot tea leisurely. His right hand is on the table, and the middle finger is tapping on the table. , the light projected his shadow on the wall.

"Knock..." There was a neat and regular knock on the door.

"Young master."

"Come in."

The door was pushed open with a creak, and a man with two axes in his hand and a bright bald head came in. But it is one of Feng Weiqing's closest subordinates, the bald Sun Haizheng.

"I have met the young master." The bald Sun Hai was saluteing Feng Weiqing sitting at the table with his fists in his hands.

" Sit down." Feng Weiqing picked up the teacup on the table and put it in front of Sun Hai, motioning him to sit down first.

"Yes." Sun Haizheng nodded, turned around and closed the door, stepped to the table, put the two axes in his hand on the table, and grabbed the teacup for a while to drink.

"How's it going?" Feng Weiqing lowered his head leisurely to taste the hot tea, and asked with a little ups and downs. As for what this means, both of them know it well.

Sun Hai put down the teacup with a touch, raised his right hand and heroically wiped the tea marks left by his mouth with his sleeves. "I got news from a hunter who often walked around nearby that he said that he had seen many people in red and acting strangely in the forbidden mountain 800 miles outside the city. , my subordinates went to explore today, and I'm sure it's the old nest of those barbarians.

"Isn't there any action so close to this city?" Feng Weiqing whispered to himself. With the character of those people, he is unlikely to be willing to calm down. It's really strange that he didn't come out to harass the people.

"I have inquired that those barbarians only go down the mountain occasionally, and they will change into ordinary people's clothes in advance." Sun Hai was taking a moment to continue to say, "I haven't even heard of those people's excessive behavior. They just go to the city to buy things and leave."

"Real?" Just buying things doesn't bother the people... It's worth pondering.

"I left after shopping, but I didn't go anywhere else?" It's so suspicious.

"The young master said it. Today, a few barbarians entered the city, and their subordinates have been following them. They found that those barbarians did not go shopping immediately as soon as they entered the city, but went to the famous Qi Dashan family in the town first, and they still walked through the back door.

"Oh?" There was something strange when I walked through the back door. If it's aboveboard, why do you need to go through the back door?" Have you checked the background of Qi?

"I checked. It turned out that the great good man of Qi was an official in the court in his early years. I heard that the official did quite a lot. Later, he somehow offended the former emperor, so he was demoted to a commoner and will never go to Beijing.

offended the emperor? It must be very unwilling to be demoted to a commoner. What about after that?"

"Later, I heard that he had received the help of some noble people, so he chose this Xing'an Town to settle down and began to engage in commercial activities. It's strange to say that although his property is only ordinary pubs and casinos, it is rumored that all his property is comparable to the treasure house in the palace. Sun Hai took the teapot on the table and injected tea into his cup.

"What about that 'noble man'?" Since he can protect Qi's development all the way, then that person must also have extraordinary ability.

"This is a strange place. They can't find out who the nobleman is by using all the useful doors. It is said that people in Xing'an Town have never seen it. They only know that there is such a person. All the people in the town regard him as a mystery."

"Mystery..." Deep eyes turned out of the window, and the beautiful figures of the fireworks in the night sky were all reflection in the two deep pools.

"Yes, young master. This is the token I got from those barbarians today. Please have a look. The bald head took out a red wooden token from his arms and handed it to Feng Weiqing. The token is in the shape of a flame, with a relief thunder word circled in the middle, and a wooden plate hangs a beast-like pendant in the sea. The style is very strange.

Feng Weiqing withdrew his eyes, reached forward to receive the token with one hand, lowered his eyes and looked at the flame, "Stealed?" Then he raised his eyes and glanced at the big bald head who was pouring tea while his master was looking at the empty space of the stolen goods. The latter immediately blushed and coughed hard at the same time. He was probably choked. "Well, that... is... by the way..."

Feng Wei looked at him coughing with a blank face, and then silently lowered his head and continued to focus on the token in his hand. Sun Haizheng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Young master, now that we already know their location, our plan will be easy to carry out."

"The barbarian's nest must be heavily guarded." Opening his mouth lightly, Feng Weiqing put down the token, then looked at Sun Haizheng, and stretched out his slender right palm in front of him, "Hand it over."

"What?" Sun Haizheng feels a little confused. The young master has always been unpredictable, and his brain is usually knotted several times when talking to him.

Feng Weiqing picked up his beautiful sword eyebrows and looked at him speechlessly, and then slowly spit out two words, "Map."

"Oh, it turned out to be a map." The latter suddenly realized that he patted his bare forehead hard, "The young master is worthy of being the young master, and he even knows that I stole their map."

Sun Hai was talking, and stretched out his hand from his skirt with admiration and pride. After a while, he took out a thin piece of paper full of complex curves, automatically spread it out and pushed it to Feng Weiqing. Young master, please see, this is the topographic map of the nest built by the barbarians in the forbidden mountain. This is the entrance, and this is the place where they store grain, and this red fork, which is said to be the most secret place, and only elders can enter. And this," he pointed to the place circled by red ink on the map and clicked twice. "This is the place where Elder Mo was imprisoned."

did not open his mouth from beginning to end. Feng Weiqing just listened silently to Sun Hai's explanation of what the various locations on the map showed. Where there are traps, there is a lot of traps where the barbarians live with their heads and little guys.

"...That's the basic situation." Sun Haizheng's mouth was dry, so he simply picked up the teapot on the table, pointed the mouth of the kettle at his mouth, and poured it directly.

"Ah, it's so cool!" Take a sigh of satisfaction.

"Where are Ah Qing and the others?" Feng Weiqing's eyelids were not raised. He studied the map on the table and asked faintly.

"I have contacted them and will be here in the future."

"Ash them to enter the city in batches, don't be too eye-catching."

"I know."

"Everything will be carried out as originally planned the day after tomorrow."



"Come on, little sister, eat this."

An Shengtu poured out a vermilion pill from the white porcelain bottle, holding a cup of hot boiled water in one hand, grinned a fake smile directly in front of An Qiaoya, and handed over both things with the tone of coaxing the child.

"What is this?" It was not easy to recover from his pink fantasy world, but when he raised his eyes, he saw his fourth brother holding something in front of her and asked her to swallow it. "Fourth brother, where did you get this?"

"Don't care what this is, just eat it."

An Shengtu pushed things one step closer, and An Qiaoya stared at the red dazzling Danwan with a strange smell in front of her and leaned back. "No." The ghost knows what it is and doesn't know if it will kill people if she eats it - although she absolutely believes that the fourth brother loves her very much and won't hurt her, but with his IQ, who can guarantee that he will not be deceived by others and eat the poison directly as candy?

"Good boy, can you eat it? The fourth brother has prepared all the sugar beans for you. An Shengtu coaxed.

Anchoya Rz! Return the sugar beans! She didn't eat that childish thing 800 years ago. No, I won't eat if you don't say anything.


"Let me tell you, it's a reassurance from Mr. Chai." Qingfeng, who had been sitting silently, suddenly interrupted. At the same time, she stood up from the chair and walked to the bed. The effect is peace of mind.

Peace of mind? Anjoa turned her head and thought hard, what kind of concept is that?

"What will happen if you eat it?"

"Let you calm down and forget the unpleasant things." An Shengtu thought for a moment or decided to tell everything, "Little sister, I don't know what kind of stimulation you have received tonight, but the fourth brother will definitely not let you continue like this. Good boy, listen to the fourth brother and eat this. With that, he raised the things in his hand again.

This time, An Qiaoya didn't make a sound and didn't retreat. Instead, Qingfeng stretched out her hand faster, "Fourth brother, are you sure that this medicine is okay?"

"This..." An Shengtu immediately hesitated when asked by him.

"And how can you guarantee that the disease of the person mentioned by Mr. Chai is this kind of disease? What if the medicine is not delicious and there is something wrong with it? The word Qingfeng is incisive and aggressive, but it is also quite reasonable.

"Roar..." An Shengtu stretched out his hand and grabbed the back of his head, as if he was a little enlightened. "Isn't it more serious if a little sister takes the wrong medicine? No, no!"

"What are you two talking about? Why don't I know when I'm sick? Even the medicine has been prepared for her. What's more exaggerated is that she still doesn't know whether the medicine is safe or not!

"Ah," Seeing that the parties suddenly lost their temper, both of them were shocked and quickly waved their hands to explain that it was none of their business. Qingfeng even grabbed the porcelain bottle in An Shengtu's hand and the pills, and hid their hands behind her back.

"Joya, you should be tired after walking for so long tonight, so we won't bother you. Take a rest first." As soon as she finished speaking, Qingfeng immediately took An Shengtu's hand. The two retreated to the door together, and then walked out of the door together. Even the diligent helper closed the door.

The rest of the confused Angioya sat on the bedboard and was speechless in front of two people who were arguing, one large and one small, which were projected outside the door panel.

What the hell are they doing?