Peach Blossom Suspect

Chapter 53 You can fall into a hole even after taking a shower

Checked around to make sure that no one would peep nearby. Then Anchoya dared to take off her clothes and quickly jump into the spring.

The whole person sat in the pool, and the warm spring water soaked the skin of the whole body, easily washed away all the fear of the morning, and the muscles and bones of the tired day were also relaxed. Anjoa sighed comfortably and buried her whole head in the water until she was almost out of breath.

"Wow, it's so comfortable."

With long wet hair, Anjoya reached out and pushed all the hair on her face back. I haven't taken such a comfortable bath for a long time. After leaving the cottage, I have been spending all the time in the wild. You can barely soak in the poor wooden bucket in the inn, and you can't soak it for a long time, because the water will easily get cold. There is no maid in the inn who can help add water. If you don't want to be frozen, you'd better be good. Get up obediently and wipe dry water and wear some warm clothes.

The spring is very clear. If there is no smoke, the people in the pool can basically see it.

He picked up a handful of clear water and poured it down his face, allowing the warm water to flow along his chin through his slender neck and then sank into the water. His wet nose looked particularly**. An Qiaoya always felt that the fragrance around him was getting stronger and stronger, becoming as sweet as candy.

Anjoya has never liked sweet things. Such a strong candy smell is so deadly that she always feels a little dizzy.

He sniffed uncomfortably and buried his nose in the bottom of the water. Two black and white eyes rolled up and down, looking at the situation around him.

After soaking her nose in the bottom of the water, her head seemed to be less dizzy, and the feeling of feeling like carsickness also disappeared. An Qiaoya thought that the fresh water should have taken away the sweet fragrance she smelled.

"Remember not to run around and come back immediately after washing, okay?" Chai Moliang's words suddenly echoed in Angioya's mind, and then thought of the uncomfortable sweet fragrance just now. Angioya's heart suddenly felt a little hairy. Brother Chai said that there are traps around here. It's better to be careful. It's important to wash and leave quickly and save your life.

The mood to enjoy suddenly disappeared. Anchoya did not dare to expose her nose to the surface of the water. Her eyes were wide open left and right, and her hands under the water quickly and hard rubbed the place touched by the butterfly this morning. Only when you can't breathe slowly raise your head, take a small breath, and then continue diving.

It was not until he rubbed all his skin and almost dropped the skin that Anjoa hurriedly got up from the spring, walked to the back of the highest stone, and quickly put on his clothes.

Because she was afraid that the sweet smell around her would not dissipate, she had been in a closed state since she climbed out of the pool. Although she had tried her best to wear the scattered clothes before she could really hold her breath, as soon as she came out of the water, the cold air around her had immediately gave her body temperature. It melted, but as soon as she put on her belly pocket and trousers, and then reluctantly put on the underwear, she felt that her hands were stiff like her own. The movement of wearing clothes also slows down.

People have to breathe and survive, not to mention that An Joa, who never exercises, has been silent for so long? There is a price to play with silence.

Finally, she couldn't help it. An Qiaoya grabbed her skirt and bent down hard to breathe hard, regardless of whether she would inhale the deadly sweet fragrance... God, she just felt that her lungs were about to explode, and this closed record can be said to be the longest in her personal career.

It was hard to breathe, and An Qiaoya straightened up, but even such a simple action suddenly became unable to reach her heart. She couldn't hear all the sounds in her ears, no wind or water, only her violent heartbeat, dong...dong...dong...

He raised his head reluctantly, and everything he could see began to twist and change like melted chocolate. An Qiaoya closed his eyes and shook his head hard. When he looked up again, it was still the same. When he touched the swaying flowers with pink heart-shaped petals by the hot spring pool, he suddenly felt dizzy and his chest was stuffy. Like a big stone on it, even breathing began to become difficult.

Oh, that's it! Maybe there is something wrong with those flowers. They are too careless and shouldn't have taken a big breath just now.

Taking a step back in pain, Anjoya's lips turned white, and she reluctantly bent down to pick up the men's robe on the ground and criticized him, but she couldn't stand up.

If you want to leave here... you must leave here, or... or it will be over... you have to find... Brother Chai...

resisting the feeling of dizziness, An Qiaoya stretched her sour and powerless hands, pasted them on the smooth plane of the big stone in front of her, and then slowly stood up and put all her weight on the hand supporting the stone.

"Boom..." The wall of the stone, which originally looked extremely hard, suddenly made a loud noise and collapsed in Anjoa's surprised eyes. It was unexpected that there would be such a tragic accident. Anjoa, who was already weak, rolled down the passage behind the stone before she could scream. , quickly swallowed up by the darkness.

The stone wall quickly returned to its original appearance, and the fragrance around it began to gradually dissipate, and the wind blew gently, as if nothing had just happened. Only Anjoa's "hundred birds facing phoenix" shoes, which were left by the hot spring because she didn't have time to wear them, witnessed the fact that she stayed here.


Chai Moliang and others have been waiting outside for more than half an hour.

What the hell is Joya doing? Why haven't you come out for so long? She should not be the kind of lady who is wayward and deliberately sings against others. She has promised that he will wash it out as soon as possible, but it has been so long... What's wrong?

He frowned deeply, and Chai Moliang paced up and down in the woods. The folding fan that never left him had closed at this time, and he was rhythmically slapping the palm of his left hand.

"How long has it been since Joya went in?" Chai Moliang invited the nearest bodyguard to ask.

"It's been more than half an hour to return to the Lord."

"It's been so long..." Is there really something wrong?

"Go to the channel entrance." Leaving this sentence, Chai Moliang took the lead and walked straight to the place blocked by branches. The guard in black behind him put his right index finger and thumb to his mouth and blew a loud whistle similar to the song of birds. It was not until he heard a similar response from the distance that he quickly followed.

After a while, the guards in black, who were hidden everywhere else, also rushed over. Everyone looked at each other, then nodded and turned around and chased in the direction of Chai Moliang.

"Joya, Joya?" Chai Moliang stopped at the place where the branches piled up, turned his back and shouted inside, "Joya, did you hear what Brother Chai said? Joya?"

"..." There was silence, and there was no sound at all except for the occasional whine of the wind blowing through the rocks.

Chai Morang frowned more tightly, "Joea, if you don't answer Brother Chai, I'll go in."


"Joa? Joya, Brother Chai really went in.

"..." No one answered, because there was no one in it at all.

Chai Moliang suddenly felt a little wrong. His voice was not small, not to mention that it was quite quiet around. If An Joa was in it, even if he was forgetful, he would have heard his voice.

turned his face behind him and winced, and the well-trained guards in black immediately came forward and cleaned up the messy branches in front of them quickly and orderly. In a short time, the channel was sorted out.

"Joa?" Chai Moliang took the lead in and glanced at it. Except for the pink flowers gently swaying in the wind, there was no one in the hot air.

The ominous premonition suddenly intensified, and Chai Moliang strode to the hot spring pool, which was empty.

"Lord." The guard in black, who was ordered to search around, came forward with the "hundred birds facing phoenix" shoes worn by An Qiaoya in his hand. The upper was a little dirty, and it looked a little moist because it was stained with water vapor.

Zhai Morang's face sank, did something happen after all?

"Chai Er, go back to the inn to inform Mr. An and Mr. Qing, Chai Liu, and inform other black guards around here to find people together. Chai Da, you guys stay and look for traps and secrets near here."



In a wing room of the guest inn

"Young master, are you leaving now?" As he wiped his weapon, the little Aqing turned his head and asked Feng Weiqing, who was sitting at the table and meditating all afternoon, intending to break the awkward atmosphere.

The young master had something on his mind, and they all saw that he went out for a walk early in the morning. After coming back, he sat all the time and didn't even eat lunch. They have to do a big job to save their brothers tomorrow. How can they let the young master continue to be so passive?

"Hmm." Feng Weiqing answered unconsciously, didn't even raise his head, and didn't know if he heard it.


The sworn op. Chen rudder with two knives on his back gave him a sarcastic smile, and the two rows of white shiny teeth were particularly dazzling in Aqing's eyes. He stared back without giving up.

"Yes, young master," Sun Hai, who was also sorting out his weapons, forgot to ask Feng Weiqing, "Do you go to the Forbidden Mountain early this morning? Is there any result?"

Hearing his words, did Feng Weiqing raise his head, and his deep dark eyes could not see any emotion, " know?" I know that he went to Banshan.

"No, I swear I didn't follow you," receiving Feng Weiqing's unhappy eyes, Sun Hai was quickly swinging his hands hard and explaining with a frightened face, "I guess, because after you left the city, you are on the way to the Forbidden Mountain."

After listening to the bald's explanation, Feng Weiqing didn't say anything, but withdrew his eyes faintly and continued to be in a daze. After a while, he said, ""

Now he doesn't know why he went there, but when he went to bed last night, he always felt that someone reminded him that he must rush to the ruined temple at the foot of the Forbidden Mountain today to save a person... a woman--

And when he was finally bewitched and went there helplessly, he really saved a woman who was almost miserable...

It's really strange.

However, thinking of that woman, Feng Weiqing really felt that she was a little familiar. Although her hair was as messy as a chicken coop at that time, and she kept shrinking to the corner of the wall, he always felt that he seemed to have seen her somewhere - even more incredible.

"Hey, what do you think is the young master?" Although he was young, but his gossip ability was stronger than his four or fifty-year-old aunt, A Qing mysteriously came to Wang Jie, who sat next to him and was stuffing a steamed bun into his mouth and bit his ear. The latter smiled and did not answer his question.

So Aqing, who couldn't get an answer, could only turn his chat target to other companions and squeeze his eyes at others. "Don't you think the young master looks like a teenage girl in her heart when she sees her love?"

"Uh-huh." Several heads vibrate up and down at an amazingly consistent frequency.

"Haha, I said, it must be right. Look at the young master now, I'm sure he is thinking about the future young lady." Ah Qing covered his mouth with his hand and whispered, "Don't you think so?"

Now no one dares to nod. They are all like good students meeting Mr. BH. They all try their best to pretend to be very attentive. They either study the teacup on the table or stare at the tiles on the beam of the house, or no one dares to look in the direction of Aqing.

"Hey, what are you doing? Isn't it? Do you think..."


The cold and deep voice sounded behind him again. Ah Qing instantly froze and turned his head stiffly, just facing the silent icy eyes of the wind guard, "Young master..." It's over!

Aqing howled in his heart, and for a moment, he was too straightforward to forget that the person concerned was still there...

"Change positions with Wang Jie after returning to the fort." I ignored Ah Qing's stiff face, and Feng Weiqing opened his mouth faintly. After saying that, he immediately lowered his head and returned to his own world.

Leave the laughter of Ah Qing, who wanted to cry without tears, and a room of men.

Wang Jie is specially responsible for Yunjiang's business, and A Qingtian is not afraid of those strange insects in Yunjiang - now the young master asked him to change his position with Wang Jie, that is to say, he will be with those disgusting bugs in the future.

55555555... He doesn't want it!