Peach Blossom Suspect

Chapter 71 A woman who does not avenge

"Be careful!"

With sharp eyes and caught a glimpse of An Joya's movements, Feng Wei immediately stretched out his arms reflexively, quickly wrapped around her waist at the moment of a moment, hugged her tightly and took her into his arms.

However, because of An Qiaoya's impact, Feng Weiqing lost his balance. In order not to fall down, he had to choose to fall back, and An Qiaoya, who was protected by him, naturally fell to his chest. It is worth mentioning that Feng Weiqing was able to firmly grasp the wine bottle in his hand and let it fall down at this critical moment, but the one in Anchoa's hand was not so lucky. When the owner screamed, it had been thrown out hard, smashed to the ground with a crash, and became strong first.

In order to stabilize her body, she not only lost the wine bottle, but also her blue face curled up almost curled up in Fengwei's arms. Her hands clung tightly on Fengwei's shoulders, and her nails almost scratched his clothes and poked them into the meat, and her face was close to his chest.

God! It's almost, just a little bit, and she will fall down!

As long as she remembered the feeling of her whole body falling down uncontrollably, An Qiaoya couldn't help trembling and grabbed Feng Weiqing's shoulders harder with her hands, and drilled into other people's arms at all.

(Some young master: I finally have a chance to give her some oil. It's no wonder if you don't do more~ Anchoya: I know too much...)

Although Silva, standing aside, also saw the picture of Angioya almost falling down, but because her brain calculation was too precise, she knew and calculated that the probability of Anchoa's successful fall would not exceed 1%, so she rest assured to continue to do her own thing and remotely control her previous launch into the atmosphere. The empty microsatellite focuses all on the spacecraft. After the computer searches and scans, it is locked on Anjoa and the two guards.

Feeing the fear of the person in his arms, Feng Wei unconsciously stretched out his hand. Although he paused as if he thought of something in the middle, he finally slowly put his hand behind An Qiaoya's head and rubbed her soft long hair soothingly. "It's okay."

Anjoya did not answer, but drilled her head harder into his arms, and her whole face was about to be flattened. She took a deep breath and felt the feeling of safety and happiness that had been violated for a long time. If she thought he was very familiar at first, then she is really sure now that he is the man she saved by her on a snowy night, the benefactor she couldn't find later.

"It's okay, it's okay." He said, but the movements of his hands obviously slowed down, and a familiar and strange feeling gradually rose in his heart. Feng Weiqing frowned. He actually felt that he had done such a thing before, as if... It seemed that there was once a woman who also curled up in his arms, but when was it? Question mark Why can't he remember?

"It's you..." Anchoya buried his head in his chest and muttered vaguely.

"What?" Feng Weiqing didn't hear clearly, so he asked again.

"None." Now it's not funny to say it. An Qiaoya thought. Although she was reluctant, she still moved her head away from her chest. Her eyes looked up and happened to look at the bright black eyes that Shangfeng Weiqing asked again.

The heart suddenly beats uncontrollably, and the steaming heat began to come out of the body, which reddened his cheeks. To be honest, this is the first time she has observed his face so closely when he is awake.

It's really masculine. This is her conclusion. Although he couldn't see his eyes at all when he didn't wake up last time, his facial features are invincible and handsome, thin and handsome face, wide forehead, thick and oblique eyebrows like two inverted knives. The bridge of his nose is very straight, and his tight thin lips are beautiful, and now the pair of deep The eyes that can drown people can simply kill invisibly, and both men and women can be killed!

If anyone marries him in the future, he will definitely have to bear the heart for a lifetime. He should not only be wary of other people's coveting all the time, but also be ready to accept the fact that he will change his mind and fall in love with others. To be honest, if she is, she will definitely be depressed to death. But... there is no denying that his conditions are really good! He has a good figure and looks, not to mention that he is still the young castle owner of Aofeng Castle, and his family background is decent enough, not to mention that he can also do martial arts. If he really wants to choose a boyfriend in ancient times, he is definitely the best choice.

"Has anyone said you were handsome?" Staring at his face with his head fixed eyes, Anjoya suddenly said this.

Feng Weiqing was stunned for a moment, but he still reacted quickly, "What does handsome mean?" Does it refer to the commander in the army?

"Handsome, beautiful and good-looking, handsome is the words of our world."

"Real?" Feng Weiqing nodded calmly, thinking that the world over there was really different from this one. "It's true." He knew from a young age that he was good-looking and why those girls always stared at him shyly, but he never stared at his face like the little girl in front of him who claimed to be from another world, not even Xuemei.

Thinking of the person she had been guarding since she was a child, Feng Weiqing's eyes softened. An Qiaoya looked at his eyes looking at the ceiling and felt very uncomfortable. She couldn't explain why it was like this. They obviously didn't know each other very well. Why did she always have a feeling that he belonged to her? What the hell!

With a low spell in her heart, Anjoya stretched out her hand to support her upper body and stopped as if she wanted to sit up but felt something. Her eyes slowly moved down and fell on the strong arm around her waist.

When Angioya moved, Feng Weiqing certainly felt it at the first time. Seeing Angioa's eyes resting on his waist, his eyes also moved down--

"Sorry!" Almost pulling back his hand at the speed of light, Fengwei sat up uncompliedly and tilted his face to another place, and his palm was tightened back into his sleeve. "I don't mean to offend you. I hope you can forgive me."

Anchoa turned her head and looked at him with strange eyes, and saw that the latter did not know how to respond.

"Feng is going to visit Elder Mo, so he won't accompany him." Lifting the wine bottle, Fengwei jumped back to the ground gracefully, and his long hair swayed behind him. He turned half of his face and said, "Miss An, you should also rest early."

After saying that, he didn't give Anchoa a chance to react and strode forward.

Until his long back disappeared behind the iron door of the medical room, Anchoa was still stunned and could not recover.

Selena lightly projected herself to Anchoya, the place where Feng Weiqing had just sat.

"He...he...he..." An Joya pointed out that his tongue knotted in the direction of Feng Weiqing's disappearance.

"He's gone." Xi Lina continued with a blank face.


"I don't want you." Serena continued to answer the game boredly.


"You are very sad."

"It's not!" Now she finally said a complete sentence. Anjoya stretched out her hands and warmly wanted to grab Silva's shoulder, but it was empty, but this did not affect her good mood. "I'm not very sad. I'm so happy!" Waving his hands excitedly, the expression on Anchoa's face can almost be described as "shining", "You know, Silva, he... he is... he is the last time he saved me in the broken temple, it's him, he saved me!"

Selena sat there and listened quietly, still with little expression.

"I saved him once, and he saved me twice. Do you think we are predestined? Isn't it?" An overexcited woman rushed up again to save Xilena, but of course, she was empty again without exception.

"In terms of scientific calculation, it is." Xi Lina felt that it was necessary to answer a sentence, otherwise it would soon be cold. Although she had no obligation to accompany this woman at all, she was bored and happy.

"Hmm, that's what I mean!" Hearing Xi Lina's answer, Angioya immediately grinned, and her face, which turned red with joy, was as round as a freshly ripe tomato.

"The most regrettable thing is that he left like this and didn't give me time to take a picture with him..." The excited expression disappeared in an instant, replaced by a depressed face. "Really... Even if he has someone he likes, but at least give me a picture to see when I'm bored..."

"I took it." Silina nodded, and her expressionless face looked at Angioya's funny expression with her mouth wide open. "I really patted it."

"Really...really?!" Anjoa feels that she is always repeating other people's words today and is about to become a parrot, but she is really happy, "Selena, have you really... taken a picture of us? It's for both of us!"

"Two people." Silva waved her hand and showed a translucent display screen in the air. After a wave, a faint image appeared.

Anchoa's expectant eyes suddenly became dumbfounded when she saw the so-called photo again.

"Xi Lina."


"I just explained that I want a photo, right?"


"Is this a photo?"


"It's the beginning!" Anjoya jumped up crazily, pointed to the image in front of him and squeaked, "This is not a photo, this is called a perspective view. Do you understand the perspective view? It's not a photo. The photo has flesh and blood to see the face and clothes, not a pile of bones!"

The trembling fingers pointed straight to the picture in front of them, two white skeletons hugging together. It's true that she followed Feng Weiqing, but - damn it, who can think of the man's voice and smile when he sees the bone? She is not a great mage with yin and yang eyes!

"This is originally a perspective instrument used to analyze the enemy's structure." Serena can't be calm anymore, because Anjoa has no impact on her no matter how ups and downs she is. She is just a computer program with no feelings.

"Alas... I knew..." Sure enough, people can chop even drink cold water. If you take a picture, you can see what you will look like after your death in the next few decades. "...5555... Don't just look at bones..." What's the beauty of bones?

"...As long as you add flesh and blood and clothes, it will be a photo." Siarina said it and did it. Her thoughts controlled the display in front of her, and the white bones immediately changed. First, wisps of red, blue and light green blood appeared on the bones, followed by the superposition of muscles, and then the skin and nail hair. Finally, even showed the clothes they had just worn by the two of them. Clothes.

If it hadn't been after watching the whole processing process, Anjoya would have thought it was really taken with a camera. It's really... handsome!

"Is that how it is?" Helena turned her head and looked at Angioya and asked, staring at her with green eyes.

"Uh-huh, that's right! That's it!" Angioya nodded in a hurry to learn from the woodpecker, for fear that Serena would immediately withdraw the picture as soon as she couldn't get her answer. "Can you develop it out?" I want to take it with me." You can watch it every day in the future.

"Not for the time being," Silina shook her head. "The machine is broken and hasn't been repaired."

"Oh..." Anchoa's face collapsed, "How long will it take to fix it?"

"Thunder will repair it."

"Oh~~ Then I'll wait first. Anyway, Ray can't escape. It doesn't matter, "Selena, wash out the most primitive one, that is, the perspective, okay? Please." With her hands together, Anchoya pouted and begged to act coquettishly. Although that perspective is not beautiful, it still has a certain meaning in her opinion. If they can really grow old together in the end, then that picture will really come in handy. They will be together until they die. How touching and happy~


"Great! I love you so much, Helena.

"I'm a computer program, don't love me." Xilena gave a rigid answer.

"Well, well, what does it matter to be loved? You should be glad that I love you!" As soon as the goal was achieved, Anjoya began to be unscrupulous again. "That's right, I haven't asked you yet. Where is this?"

"Space capsule." Xilena replied.

"No, I'm asking, where is our capsule parked?" She also knows how to get out. It's not good if it's in space.

"According to the satellite, this is under a mountain called Forbidden Mountain in the territory of the Jinhao Dynasty." Xilena called out the video, which showed the whole picture of the Forbidden Mountain. "This was originally a sea 1300 years ago, but later the continental plate moved, which caused this mountain. Because it had not moved for a long time, our spaceship was pressed under the mountain."

"Cool..." Angioya's eyes were straight, and the future technology is really amazing. It's okay to be able to stay under such a high mountain for so long. The ability of this spaceship can be seen.

Then why did you suddenly bring us here? Just to save Ray?"

"It's not just for Ray, you're in danger. I can feel it, on it," Silva looked up at the roof.

So Anjoya also looked up and looked back at Xi Lina with strange eyes for a while. "You mean, the perverted scholar who wanted to kill me is on it? Is there a forbidden mountain up there?


"Xi Lina."


"Can you do me another favor?"

An Qiaoya raised her head and narrowed her eyes with a revenge smile and said word by word, "Help me shake the mountain above!"

If you have revenge, don't repay a woman!