Peach Blossom Suspect

Chapter 95 Brother and Sister

"We?" An Shengqing still maintained his usual fascinated smile and knocked on the palm of his hand with the handle of the fan, "We are all surnamed An. What do you think we have?"

Hearing what he said, Thunder also felt that something was wrong, which was too coincidental.

An Qiaoya... An Shengqing... An Shengwei... An?

No way?! Thunder screams,

"You...are you...brothers and sisters?" In terms of age, this is the most likely result.

"You got it right!" An Shengqing smiled and patted An Shengwei on the shoulder, "The second in the next family is Joya's second brother, and this is our two common eldest brother."

"That's right." An Shengwei rarely turned his head and looked at Thunder, but soon turned back and stared at Anjoya's sleeping face.

"Although I don't know what the relationship between Mr. Lei and Shemei is, An must take her back today." His tone is unbearable.

"Please." Thunder shrugged his shoulders and made a gesture of asking as soon as possible. "Anyway, she was going to come here to find relatives." His half-way friend has no need to act as a black face in front of others.

"However," he immediately added another letter, "provided that after Joya wakes up and confirms on the spot that you are really her brothers."

"Yes." An Shengwei didn't look back and almost agreed without even thinking about it. This is a common sense thing. If he throws Joya to them casually without asking, he will definitely not let him go. Even if he has a place to save Joya, he is not so easy to talk to as a big brother.

"Hmm." It's quite reasonable. Thunder raised his eyebrows. Originally, he thought it would take some effort or ask Xi Lina to help him to force them to nod, but he didn't expect An Shengwei to agree so happily, which was really unexpected.

"I think Joya should also wake up soon. Why don't we sit outside first and wait until she wakes up?" An Shengqing proposed.

"Good idea." Thunder immediately patted his hands and loudly agreed. He was eager to leave this place quickly, not to mention that this is a girl's boudoir - well, although he, a modern man, has not paid attention to this for a long time, the people here are particular about it. Besides, take out the two unknown people who claim to be Brother Joya. Well, at least you don't have to worry about what they will do if they stay in it.

"I have no problem." An Shengwei only turned his eyes, and then nod faintly, "It doesn't matter if you let Qiaoya sleep a little longer." The second day of the hangover was very painful, and he could understand.

An Shengwei thought about how to deal with this disobedient sister later, and stood up and walked out.

But it's just then--

"Well..." There was a seemingly painful moan in the window, mixed with the sound of lifting the quilt.

"Who? ...What a good idea... Thunder, your voice is so loud..."

The muttering voice seemed to be coquettish, and An Qiaoya, who came back from a circle of Zhougong Hall, closed her eyes tightly and unconsciously reached out and knocked on her forehead. Roar, my head hurts! The hangover is really not done by people. A young man interrupted: What did you do if you didn't do it? Joe: Pia fly! I want you to take care of it!)

Thunder shouted early in the morning. With a loud voice, she felt that her head would explode unbearable the next second.

"Joa!" Hearing this sound, An Shengqing was the first to react. He grinned in surprise, shook the fan in his hand, and immediately flew to the bedside, "Joya, my good little sister..."

"Well?!" Anjoya suddenly opened his eyes, strange! Why is BT so familiar with the way of speaking? It sounds like... it seems to be...

"Joya~~~~~" Without waiting for her to recall who the owner of the voice was, An Shengqing had already pounced on the sheep and lay down on **. As soon as she took the long hand, she immediately pulled An Qiaoya's head into her arms and pressed her face to her chest with one hand on the back of her head. "My lovely little sister, I miss you so much... ..."

"Wow...Wow...Wow..." Help! Save the man! An Qiaoya shouted SOS in her heart, and her hands followed her body and twisted desperately to escape. Her mouth whined, but she couldn't say a word. Her whole face was close to An Shengqing's chest. Damn, she couldn't breathe!

"Joya~The second brother misses you so much, the second brother is early..."


An Shengqing prepared for a few days and nights of true love confession. Before he could finish the first sentence, he was immediately punched by An Shengwei with a gloomy face.

Thunder, who had just crossed the screen and turned back, had no choice but to cover his eyes with his hand when he saw this scene. Please, are they really brothers and sisters? One almost suffocated his sister to death, and the elder brother ruthlessly blew his brother away with his fist - although he also felt that An Sheng's only punch was good.



Anchoya pressed her chest and gasped desperately. My God, she almost thought her life was in security! Good addition, good addition! What a blessing! Amitabha, good and good!

A white figure flashed at a very fast speed and came to Anjoya's side in an instant, and Anjoya, who was still panting, did not notice that someone was approaching her at all, until a big hand lay behind her back gently patted her. Are you feeling better?"

"Well, no... It's okay, it's much better..."

Licking the slightly dehydrated dry lips, Angioya immediately felt dizzy and almost turned white. Well, it's not much better. That's nonsense. She just woke up from a hangover and almost suffocated. Everyone knows that it's not so easy to be "much better".

"Eat this." An Shengwei took out a small white porcelain bottle, unscrewed the red cloth on it, poured a red pill only the size of a small nail in the palm of his hand, handed it to An Qiaoya, and then continued to pat her back to make her comfortable.

"What is this?" Dizzy and dizzy, Anchoya is not stupid enough to do whatever she wants her to do.

"Drinkling pills," An Shengwei saw that she could sit up, so he stopped her hand and turned his hand to fetch a teacup from the table and also sent it to Anjoya. "Drink some water and swallow it."

Excohol elixir? Swallow... down?!

First, the eyes lingered on the bright red pill for a few minutes, and then turned their eyes to the long body sitting next to him that looked enough to block his whole body, like ink-like long hair neatly combed one by one, all obedient Let the ink jade hairpin on top of his head be coiled, and his cold face was as deep as a knife. His too cold eyes and oblique eyebrows made him feel very serious. His white clothes fluttered, and his slightly crimson lips were tightly squeezed, as if he was unhappy. "Well, you are..."

Why does this look as cool as her third brother? Has she met him somewhere?

"Hey, big brother, why did you hit me? NND actually slapped his face..." An Shengqing, who was blown to the corner of the wall, angrily covered his nose with his nosebleeds and walked back again. As he walked, he raised his voice and shouted loudly, "I knew you were jealous that I could be the first to hug my little sister. You are not good!"

An Shengwei listened to his brother's constant nagging in his ears, and then glanced over with an impatient cold eye, "What are you talking about?" Dare to say that he is tasteless? Do you think you are tired of living?

"Well..." Being stared at by An Shengwei, An Shengqing couldn't help suffocating. By the way, what happened to him just now? He dared to challenge the eldest brother's patience, which was simply impatient! No...No...I mean, my eldest brother's fist is good..." He covered his tall nose, which was swollen by the foot of the table. An Shengqing smiled sullenly and recognized the current affairs as a handsome man.

"Second sister...second brother?!" An Qiaoya's bloodshot eyes widened when she saw the approaching An Shengqing. How could the beauty be here and change back to men's clothing? Is it possible that a month has passed and the second sister 'she' has gone back to her hometown to sleep for the Spring Festival?

"Little sister~~" Hearing An Qiaoya call herself, An Shengqing's sad face immediately swelled up, and his eyes were shining brightly and he rushed forward again, but he was stopped by abrupt arm.

"Do you want her to suffocate again?" An Shengwei sank his face again and asked coldly in a low and almost dangerous voice.

"..." An Shengqing's forward leaning action immediately stopped.

"Ah... that...ha...haha... In fact, be careful... It's okay... Hahaha..." Surrounded by the low pressure surrounded by An Shengwei, even An Qiaoya couldn't help twisting all over his body, let alone An Shengqing. He simply dared not move like a frozen iceman. .

"Brother..." An Shengqing's sad student woman flattened her mouth and called, but the pleading eyes glanced at An Qiaoya behind An Shengwei, and her open hands were so gorgeously stuck in place and dared not move.

"Well...that..." After receiving An Shengqing's eye signal, An Qiaoya finally found an impression of An Shengwei in her memory. It turned out that she had seen his portrait at An's father's place for a long time. An Shengwei, the boss of the An family, was a cold and hot owner, sleeping active volcanoes, such as Mount Fuji and the white snow on the top of the mountain. It floats all year round, but there is a lot of magma under the mountain that is so red that it burns people to death. I believe that as long as someone lit a fire, it can burst into the kind of enthusiasm. However, he is still a little sinister and cunning, otherwise how can he support such a large family business? Even Father An is a little afraid of being tricked by the eldest son. However, I heard from An's father that his cunning ice fox still loves her, the daughter of An family.

"That, big brother..." gritted his teeth, and An Joya finally said the word that had turned several times in her mouth--(Zhong: Which word? Someone: That's it~zhong: ...Give me pia!)

"In fact, the second brother is not intentional..." Although he is a stranger, he is actually his nominal eldest brother, and he is also a handsome man. An Joya risked his life, stretched out his hand to pull An Shengwei's sleeve, lowered his voice and begged, "Brother, don't scare the second brother..."

"..." An Shengwei turned his head and stared at her, "Are you still in the mood to plead for him?"

??! Don't beg for mercy? What else? What else? Anchoya tried to widen her eyes and pretended to be sober and innocent.

"Don't think that you can escape the punishment by pretending to be good this time and go out with a strange man late at night to get drunk. I will slowly settle this account with you."

Uh?! Anjoya was stunned, what...what?! Accounting, with her?!

"Are you kidding?" Didn't Father An say that the boss of the An family also loves her? Why did you still say you wanted to punish her now? And the charge is still drinking with a 'strange' man - well, she admits that she is drunk, but Thunder is not a strange man at all.

"What do you think?" An Shengwei gave him a negative look.

Anjoya swallowed his saliva. How did he listen to it... It doesn't seem to be false?

She turned her eyes for help to An Shengqing, who shook his head hard to prove that An Shengwei did not lie. He did what he said.

An Qiaoya's already pale face immediately escalated into pale.

...This is terrible!