Peach Blossom Suspect

Chapter 107 Adventure

turned over the whole book. Through the illustrations in the book and some words that she didn't understand well, Angioya speculated that this should be a map, and it may also be a treasure map!

If the location of this treasure map is too far away from her, she is too lazy to move, but if this map depicts the place where she is standing now, it will be different. The natural adventure factor in the blood kept shouting at this moment, urging her to find out.

So, while Fuer was still brewing her ** tea, An Qiaoya put on her clothes, picked up the book and went out.

Although she has just lost her way outside for a long time, the map should be one of the houses in Yi Xuan. I believe that with her natural ability to recognize the way, she should not be able to find it.

According to the instructions of the map, he came to the penultimate house on the left. The door was not locked. Anjoa reached out and tried to push it. The door was actually closed and opened as soon as he pushed it.

Holding the blue book with a big secret in his arms, An Qiaoya pushed the door open with one hand and put her head in first. "Hey, is anyone there?"

Even if you know that there is no one in the room, this sentence is still necessary to break through the empty door~

"..." No one answered her, except for the dust that fell from the door at the moment when the door was opened.

It seems that no one will answer her for the time being. Just by looking at the thick dust on the ground, you can know how long no one has visited this house.

Because it was already in the middle of the day, and the door of the room was not so spacious that it could not be blocked by trees, the noonlight shone into the room with the invasion of Anchoa.

Through the light, you can faintly see the dust flying in the air because the wind blows in.

Reaching out to cover his mouth and nose, Anchoya walked gently into the room.

There is a table in the room, and there is a set of tea sets on it as often used, but the teacup and teapot are upside down and covered with a thick layer of gray.

I stretched out my hand and scratched it, and my fingers were immediately covered with dust. I really don't know how long it has been cleaned here.

Shake off the dust on it by patting his hands. An Qiaoya continued to walk to the center of the room and stopped in front of the portrait of an evergreen tree. The picture was not big. It was a wide landscape painting pulled by the drawing shaft that can be seen on the standard TV, and the painting was more or less dusted. In front of the portrait, there is also a rectangular high-foot desk. The four treasures of the pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the desktop are complete. It can also be seen that all of them are new supplies that have not been used much, but they are covered with dust because no one has used them for a long time, covering up the original luster.

Put the book on the table and open the picture inside. Yes, it should be here, the entrance to the secret channel.

Suddenly, her hands and feet were powerless for no reason. An Qiaoya patted her chest, and a kind of excitement that she really wanted to reveal kept surrounding her heart. Well, she began to be nervous.

rub your palm, take a deep breath, raise your feet around the back of the desk, and lift the painting without hesitation.

"BINGO! What the book says is really right!"

An Joya snapped her finger and looked excitedly at the square hole that appeared behind the portrait. To be honest, the ancients' ideas were really pedantic, either square or round, and uncreative. However, the bronze crane holding its wings high in the square cave is well-made. If she can return to modern times one day, she will remember to come here to take it away first. This thing is valuable.

But now is not the time to think about this, it is still important to find a secret channel, otherwise you don't have to think about her fantasy adventure when Fuer finds her. ( A young man inserted the broadcast: Didn't I say that you were afraid to death just by staying outside before? Are you still drilling into the ground? Aren't you scared to death? Joe: PIA fly! Give me a psychological pear at this time!)

Reaching out and holding the neck of the bronze crane, An Qiaoya forced her hands to break the crane's body to the right!

"Kkaka..." Then there was a sour sound. Anchoya turned his head to the source of the sound, and saw that the wooden frame that had been used to place antiques of various textures slowly divided into left and right and protruded forward, showing the already opened stone gate behind and the dark entrance there.

An Joya's heart was about to jump out, partly because of the excitement of finding the secret entrance, and partly out of fear of the unknown entrance.

But soon, curiosity overcame the fear of the endless secret path. Anchoa quickly ran to the door, held the door panel and looked around. After making sure that there was no one, she gently closed the door. She was a careful thief and knew that she was going to wipe her mouth.

Standing at the entrance of the secret road, he drew a cross on his chest and put his hands together and muttered for a while. After making sure that the gods of the East and West had heard her prayer and would strongly support her, Anjoya took out the fire folds she carried with him and lit the red candle that had been placed on the desk.

Holding the candlestick in his hand, the heavenly man fought in his heart, but he gritted his teeth and walked in resolutely. In modern times, she has never done anything magnificent in her life. Without adventure and love, everything is as plain as boiled water. Now, she is going to break the unchanged life, and she is also going to explore!

As soon as I stepped into the secret road, the dim candlelight was too late to illuminate what was in front of me. The stone door behind him suddenly closed with a bang at the first time!


An Joya was shocked by the sudden disappearance of light and the loud sound of the closing of the stone door. The candlestick in her hand almost flew out. Fortunately, she stabilized it with her other hand in time, but the back of her hand was burned by the hot candle tears a few times, and the pain almost screamed.

I tried to push the door with my hand. Except for feeling cold, the stone door was motionless. Looking at the wall, there was no mechanism at all. An Joya wondered how the stone door closed automatically? There is no one outside and there is no mechanism inside. Is this the legendary automatic induction door??? A young man inserted strongly again: This door is powerful...!)

Although the door was closed, the narrow passage was not dull as Angioya imagined. Instead, there was a seemingly wind flowing, and the light of the candle kept swaying.

Although she has seen a lot of such plots on TV, when she really meets them, her heart is still inevitably fury. There is nothing she can do. She is timid and can't compare with the explorers on TV. To be honest, she is also afraid of death. But she still decided to continue to move forward... A young man: timid... A young man shouted with a bump: Can you not continue to move forward? Damn, the way I came in has been blocked!!! Calcium oxide!)

Do you know what it is to be a person who has no courage but still likes to be strong? That's what she said. When she was in college, she was alone in the dormitory. She obviously wanted to watch horror movies, but she didn't have the courage to watch it alone. So she turned on the computer and pulled the video to the subtitles below and the faint figure shaking, and then she wore headphones to listen to the movie alone! It's really... embarrassing! Her college roommates admire her one by one.

He brought the candle in front of him and took a picture. Anchoa found that there was a downward ladder not far from where he stood, and the wind blew from there. Although there were still seven or eight rabbits jumping in her heart, Angioya finally decided to go down. Now the stone door she came in must not be opened by herself, but this place is so remote. In case no one can find her place, she will not die?

Thinking this way, instead of waiting to die in place, it is better to go somewhere else to see if there is a secret channel that leads to the outside, at least there is a higher chance of survival. Usually, the pig's feet in the novel will be angry and try to help themselves when they encounter this situation, won't they?

The dim candlelight pulled her figure and bet on the lower staircase class. The stairs seemed to have no end, and only her long and dull footsteps echoed in the whole space. Anjoya's hands were full of cold sweat.

I grasped the candlestick in my hand, and the other hand held the long copper paper town touched from the outside table. In case any monster appears, this may also be used for self-defense.

As I walked, I don't know when the stairs turned straight up. Fortunately, the class was very broad, and the distance between the steps was not too far, so it was not very hard to climb.

After climbing about 40 steps of stairs, Anchoa found a dead road in front of him. At the end of the stairs was a stone wall, and it seemed that there was no door at all.

The learner who reached out and pushed it, and didn't give up knocked hard on each brick. The knuckles were about to break and could not hear any different sounds. This stone wall is solid...

Is it true that God is going to kill her? In fact, this is just a dead end, or is this originally a secret institution for people to die?

Sitting on the ground with his back against the wall and putting the candlestick aside, Anchoya bent his legs to protect himself with his hands and buried his face in the middle of his legs. In her heart, she turned around and let it go. Just die here. Maybe she can wear it back to modern times and go back to the place where she originally belonged to which has electric lights, computers, refrigerators and washing machines.

However, at the same time, she is also contradictory. She wants to go back but is reluctant to treat her as her beloved father as her own daughter. Although the second brother has a dual personality and is much more beautiful than women, the third brother who gently wipes her nose for her the first time they meet, and the lovely fourth brother who looks stupid but stupid, is not willing to give up Old man Li Jian and Li can't bear to give up the spring breeze and Fu'er, and Afu, and don't want to... that him.

Why on earth did she come? When she was finally able to leave, she doubted whether she could be cruel and not to look back? Confused...


Just as An Qiaoya was desperate to bite her finger and leave a suicide note on the wall, there was a strange sound in the quiet space, like a muffled hum and a happy moan.

Feed that there was hope, Anjoya immediately left her mouth and bit her unbreakable index finger, and listened carefully. At this time, any movement is a light of hope for her, absolutely dazzling.

"Well... Well, watch...Cousin, you're comfortable..."

The side face was attached to the wall and followed the intermittent sound. An Qiaoya finally understood what the sound was - it seemed that some adulteress was hiding somewhere doing OOXX. And the cheating person seems to be still a relative, cousin's chaos.

Although she is not very able to accept that the OOXX voice guided her at the moment of her despair, the truth is that An Qiaoya finally touched an inconspicuous small hole on the wall with her hand when she stepped down the eighth stone step, and the voice came after that hole.

hooked the finger hole and heard a small crack. The stone wall in front of her cracked a square cave that could accommodate a person to squat, and there seemed to be faint light in front of the cave. With the breaking of the stone wall, the moaning became clearer and clearer.

Based on the factors of erotic women, a certain Qiao has forgotten how desperate he had just been, and involuntarily drilled into the hole to peep at the great cause!