Peach Blossom Suspect

Chapter 123 Climb the wall and go out

(Well, a 3,000 words have been done... I've been in the car all day today. I'm so tired. I'll continue tomorrow, dear friends~mua~)

"Hey, miss, miss, this can't be done."

Under the big tree near the wall of the back door of An's house, Fu'er looked suicightly from side to side and advised An Qiaoya, who was trying to climb up the tree. It was really bad. "It would be great if the young master found out." She doesn't know if there will be anything wrong, but she knows that her Fu'er will die ugly.

"Miss, can you come down quickly? Fu'er, please..." Because of her dress, Fu'er could only whisper under the tree with a bitter face, "Miss, it's too dangerous on the tree. Come down quickly..." Don't pull me together.

"Miss..." Seeing that An Qiaoya ignored herself and still climbed up with her buttocks, Fuer almost cried.

"Shut up," her right hand climbed the branch with her thick arm, and pedaled the bark protruding from the trunk under her feet. One held the thicker branches with his hands up, hanging among the leaves like a monkey. Anchoa gasped and shouted to Fuer below, "Anyway, I must go out today. No one wants to stop me!"

Today is the third day when Feng Weiqing and her second brother went out to carry out on missions to serve the country. For three days, she locked herself in the house, slept and ate every day. When she didn't sleep, she wandered around the house. When she didn't eat or slept, she counted her fingers in the room. When Feng Weiqing could come back. Marry her... (Some young man: It's crazy to want to marry someone. Joe: It's up to you!)

Then, after holding back the whole three days, a woman finally couldn't help it. After strolling around her house, she immediately thought that she hadn't been to any other places - saying that she had lived in the capital for so long, and she hadn't gone there properly. It was said that the capital was the most prosperous of the whole imperial dynasty. I'm sorry for not visiting the place.

"But Miss... Why don't you just go out the main door?" Fu'er's face was wrinkled into steamed buns. She really didn't understand, "Isn't it more direct and convenient to go out from the main door?" And maybe there will be someone to protect it.

"It's not direct at all!" Climbing to the tree trunk and sitting down, looking at the street outside the wall, he turned his head and replied, "If the eldest brother knows that I'm going out, they will definitely not be allowed. If it's really accurate, I will definitely have to bring another string of dumplings."

"Zongzi?!" Fu'er tilted her head and looked puzzled, "Why do you bring rice dumplings?" It should not be time to eat rice dumplings. Besides, what do you do when you go out with rice dumplings? Eating while walking?

"Stupid!" Picking a green fruit that looks like an olive from the tree, Anchoya threw it at Fur, "I mean those guards." It's so annoying. Even if it's so safe in the house, they have to follow her buttocks. She doesn't believe that they won't keep up once she goes out.

"Oh." Touching the forehead that was hurt, Fu Er suddenly realized, "So you just told them that you wanted to go to the cottage. It turned out that you wanted to get rid of them."

"I just said that you are stupid. Isn't it too thorough to look stupid?" Angioya smiled and lost another fruit to her, "Nah, do you want to go out with me? Miss, I'm in a good mood today. It's my treat. Let's go to the restaurant for a good meal. How about that?

This time, Fuer learned to be obedient. When she saw the green fruit falling down, she immediately retreated quickly and dodged Anchoa's attack. No, miss, if the young master knows that you go out without permission, he will..."

"What are you afraid of!" Anjoya interrupted her as soon as she finished speaking, "I'm wearing a man's clothes now, and nothing will happen to be looked up by the bully." As long as she goes out happily and goes home safely.


"No, since you dare not go out, I'll go first." He turned his head freely, waved his hand hard, and knocked down dozens of green leaves.

An Qiaoya stretched out a foot and stepped on the wall, held the tree trunk with both hands and carefully stepped out the other foot. The whole person shook the wall a few times before standing firm. And she shook so a few times and immediately attracted Ful's deliberately lowered scream, "Miss!"

"It's okay." After stabilizing her body, An Qiaoya immediately moved her feet and walked a few steps, "Fuer, I'm leaving. You go back first. If someone is looking for me, you can say that I'm taking a shower and don't see the guests for the time being, okay?"

"Miss..." Fuer doesn't know whether she can agree or not. If she doesn't agree, she offends the lady and agrees. That's the accomplice, and the young master's side is not easy to explain.

"Okay, that's it. I'm leaving." Angioya turned around slightly, waved her hand slightly, and then jumped down.

"Miss!" Fu'er's heart came to her voice.

"The landing was successful. I'm fine. Fuer, you go back first. I'll be back later." An Qiaoya's muffled voice came from outside the wall. Where Fuer could not see, she was struggling to get up from the haystack. And that's why she dared to jump off such a high wall - there was half a man-high straw underneath, which couldn't kill people.

"Miss, you have to go early and come back early." Inside the wall, Fuer's hanging heart finally put down, but she told her uneasier, "Be careful."

"I know, I know." Responding impatiently, An Qiaoya climbed down from the haystack, patted the grass crumbs on her body, took out the folding fan attached to her waist from behind, and walked to the entrance of the alley with an excited face, \(^o^)/Oh yeah! Free! Long live!

Fu'er sighed and turned around and wanted to go back to the room to carry out the task assigned by the young lady. Unexpectedly, the opposite was An Shengwei, who was standing under the corridor and looking at them with his back. He was still surrounded by the evil Yan, dressed in black.

"Big...Big...Big...Young Master!" The bag was caught on the spot, and Fuer suffocated.

But An Shengwei ignored her, stared deeply at the place where An Qiaoya jumped down, and ordered Yu Yan beside him, "Keep up and take good care of her."

"Yes." Yu Yan nodded with his fists, and then flew out and chased An Qiaoya.


"Come on, big and fragrant pancake, one is only a penny, real materials, keep it so that you can eat it and leave a fragrance on your lips and teeth, and you still want to eat it after eating one!"

"Come and have a look, the latest slender pattern silk cloth, bright color and soft texture, big sale~"

"Sell live fish, fresh and fierce or just from the lake, I regret not buying it."

"Today's calligraphy genius Gu Yidao Mobao, his hands are fast and slow. Come and come and buy!"


Because it is at dusk, the whole North Street can be said to be full of people coming to play, and there is an endless stream of shouting and bargaining. And in the crowd, a well-dressed 'noble man' is curious while watching others bargaining, and from time to time weigh whether the weight of the radishes and vegetables and pears is enough.

A dark and thick hair was neatly tied up with a jasper hairpin, but deliberately left a wisp of fluttering in front of the forehead, adding a little unrestrained; the upper body that came out of the drying yard in the house was a lotus color of lotus but decorated with bamboo at the hem. This literati's ink The quality immediately appeared; the shoes under his feet were heightening shoes DIY the night before yesterday. As soon as he put them on, he immediately changed from 155 to 165. Although this height is still a little short for a man, it is also good.

He handsomely held the lower half of his face with the folding fan of the landscape painting in his hand. If you don't look carefully, such An Qiaoya is really a beautiful 'man' with a handsome jade tree.

Going to the street, he walked and stopped all the way, deliberately stepped on his steps to show his handsomeness and heroism, but the ink-like eyes that were not covered by the fan were dripping. From time to time, he looked at it and caught a few girls who peeked at her, and half of the fan and threw a few winks at others. The girls all blushed.

Don't mention how happy a woman is. Alas, this sense of achievement is good. If she were to become a man, then the current An family is the seventh son, not the sixth son and a princess.

Put down the big pear that is full and juicy from the side stall, and then shift your eyes from the pear to the half-gling pomegranate next to you. Well, it's so beautiful!

"Boss, how much is this pomegranate?" Angioya asked, who picked the largest and most beautiful pomegranate and threw it in his hand. I haven't eaten pomegranate for a long time, and I really miss the sweet and sour taste - although it's very troublesome to eat.

As soon as the pomegranate vendor saw that An Qiaoya was interested in his goods, he immediately smiled and rubbed his hands and said flatteringly, "Oh, you are really eye-catching. This pomegranate is knotted on our own century-old pomegranate tree, which ensures that they are all big and sweet. Eating them can also quench their thirst and prolong life. ."

"Boss, you can really brag." With a laughter, An Qiaoya put away the fan and squatted in front of the stall and began to pick it up seriously in the basket of pomegranates. "Oh, how about you make it cheaper for me? I'll buy a few for you?"

"Of course, of course," the hawker immediately echoed, and then asked, "How many are you going to buy?"

"Well...this..." With a folding fan against her chin, An Joya thought, "Just give me five first. If it's really delicious, I'll have more tomorrow."