Agent's little sweet wife, her husband is addicted

Chapter 12 Engrave Hatred

As soon as she walked to the top of the stairs, a woman about 30 years old suddenly rushed forward and picked her up and ran to the study in a panic without saying a word. A secret door opened, and the woman hid in with the girl in her arms.

After that, the woman stretched out her hand to cover the girl's mouth.

A few minutes later, the gunshot sounded.

The little girl struggled with fear, but was held back by the woman behind her. About half an hour later, after smelling a strong smell of smoke, the woman finally carefully opened the door.

At this moment, there is already a sea of fire outside.

The little girl's eyes were full of fear, firmly grasping the woman's pair, and timidly called Mommy.

"Don't be afraid. Mommy will take you out."

After saying that, the woman hugged the little girl, rushed out of the study with difficulty, and ran all the way down. As she passed the living room, the little girl saw her father lying on the ground in the mess.

There is a large amount of dazzling blood under him.

"Daddy, Daddy...cough...cough"

The little girl called Daddy hoarsely, and the smoke choked into her throat. She began to cough violently.

She struggled to find her father, but was dragged by her mother.

The flames kept falling down and hitting the ground. The little girl and mommy were in danger and finally escaped from the house.

In the dark, the little girl was held by her mother and ran all the way.

"No, no!"

Lin Xueli suddenly opened her eyes, and she suddenly sat up from **. The hair on her forehead was wet with cold sweat, and her face was particularly pale.

Lin Xueli stretched out her hand to cover her face and gasped.

How long has it been since I had this dream? The bloody father, the flames everywhere... Everything seemed to happen in front of her eyes. Lin Xueli clenched her hands hard, and a cold light burst out from the bottom of her eyes.

After her father was assassinated, she was taken by Mommy to country A.

Mom died in the second year after going abroad because she fell ill in the fire. The six-year-old Black Rose has been living on the streets until she was eight years old and was excavated by the National Security Bureau of A and taken back for training.

The reason why she chose to become a spy agent in Country A is to use her identity as an agent to investigate the reason for his assassination and the mastermind behind it.

For so many years, she has always wanted revenge. But now, she doesn't even know who the enemy is.

Lin Xueli's expression became gloomy. Because she was sleepless, she simply turned on the computer to read the information she had investigated before.

Suddenly, Bo Rui's avatar began to flash.

Lin Xueli clicked on it and saw what it said: Did you have a nightmare again?

Lin Xueli went back with a smiling expression and typed two words.

Bo Rui soon got the news, and he said: Don't be afraid, I will be with you.

staring at a short line of words on the screen, Lin Xueli felt warm in her heart.

I can't remember how many times. As long as she has a nightmare, she will go to Bo Rui. And Bo Rui will accompany her every time, no matter how tired he is, no matter how dangerous his task is the next day.

For Lin Shirley, her family is like a brother.

However, now Lin Shirley has begun to learn not to rely less on platinum. She knows that she will face her enemies one day. If you rely too much, you will also drag platinum into the water.

This is her own business, so she must be independent.

At this moment, Lin Xueli's phone suddenly rang. She was shocked and quickly said goodbye to Bo Rui, and then turned off the computer and connected the phone.
