Princess of Special Forces

Chapter 4 Building Power

"Forget it! Brother, let Xi'er go back!" Empress Qin sighed and said helplessly to Mengbo.

Ye Wuhen immediately followed the white and blue, three feet behind her, and the two walked out of the hall together.

Out of the hall, Bailan looked up at the blue sky, raised his hand and smiled gently at Liu Shi, who was waiting outside the hall: "Aunuch Liu, no trace, let's go back. This palace banquet is really boring! In the future, I won't come!"

After saying that, she walked to the door of the palace and didn't say anything until she got into the carriage.

Ye Wuhen has been looking at her inquiringly. This girl has a convincing courage, and maybe it's good to follow her.

The carriage stopped when it passed the Red Mansion, and white and blue walked into the Red Mansion with no trace of night.

At this time, the thirty men in black who were interrupted by her were moaning and sitting in the hall.

When she saw her come in, Feng Niang immediately smiled and invited her to sit down.

"Master, you are back! Look, they have been suffering for so long. Did you help treat them?

"Okay! My name is Bailan, and the name of this Red Mansion will have to be changed to Mohong Mansion in the future! I am the original poster. Feng Niang, you are still the shopkeeper of this Mohong Building. In the future, our Mohong Building will open all the major commercial cities of the Three Kingdoms. From today on, 30 of you will receive hellish training from me every day until each of you becomes stronger. You are the shopkeepers of the 30 Mohong Buildings in the Three Kingdoms in the future!"

White Blue said, walked over and gave them bones one by one, clucking. After a while, all the wounds were healed, and they all knelt in front of her and shouted, "I will obey the master's orders in the future!"

Although she is attached to a ten-year-old girl, no one has any objection. They are sincerely convinced of her. Such a girl, who is only ten years old, is already extraordinary. The spirit of the king is exposed. Following her, the future is bound to be wonderful.

"In addition to four hours of training every day, each of you has to go out to walk around this city, looking for some young beggars, rangers and refugees, and bring them back to me. I want to strengthen the Mohong Mansion. From then on, Mohong Mansion is not only a brothel, but also an intelligence and killer organization."

After saying that, Bai Lan walked up to the second floor, and Feng Niang hurriedly followed.

"Master, the second floor is full of boxes, and the third floor is the girls' residence. Is it good for me to have a room on the third floor for the master to rest?"

"Good! Girls also need to be trained. In the future, they will not only laugh and sell their bodies. Qualified people can kill people while talking and laughing and join the organization's killer hall.

"Yes, master! How about the place of training on the roof of the fourth floor?

"Okay, I'll go home first, and then I'll come to train them every day. You arrange it!" After walking on the second floor, those girls came down from the third floor to salute her. There were more than 30 of them, all with flowers and heavy makeup.

"Don't wear such heavy makeup when you train in the future. I can't stand the smell of fat powder!" After talking to those delicate girls, Bai Lan turned around and went downstairs and walked out of the Red Mansion with Ye Wuhen.

I got into the carriage and returned to the general's mansion. After bathing, I walked into the inner room and was ready to sleep, but I found that Ye Wumu was sitting on the soft couch in her room and sleeping with my eyes closed.

"Hey! This is my room. Why do you sleep here? White and blue patted him in the face.

"Well--you didn't arrange a room for me, and didn't you say that I would be with you within three feet in the future? Then naturally I also sleep here, otherwise how can I protect you?

Ye Wuqi opened his eyes and got up to look at her. When he saw her bath, the white and flawless face, he was stunned for a moment.

Unexpectedly, she used black charcoal to change her appearance and vilify herself. The little face after the black charcoal was washed off, with exquisite facial features, skin was better than white snow, and Moyu's eyes looked even more flexible and shiny, which made him unconsciously dazzling.

Although such a face has not yet grown, it can be seen that it is unparalleled and charming.

But why does she want to vilify herself? Doesn't she care at all about being scolded as an ugly woman?

Ye Wuhen's questions in his heart were not asked. Bai Lan had sat at the table and ignored his amazing eyes and said, "I know you have doubts. I just don't want the world to know my true face, let alone marry into the Qin Palace, this Meng family, this Qin country, I will leave one day. I don't hope that anyone can Find me. That's all!"

"You are so calculating at a young age! How can Qin Shenran be your opponent?" Ye Wuhen couldn't help sympathizing with Prince Qin.

"Of course, he doesn't deserve to be my opponent. If people don't offend me, I won't offend them. If people offend me, they will pay back ten times! As long as he doesn't mess with me, I won't deal with him. I just hate trouble and hide myself.

"It seems that you have another plan. This little Qin country can't keep you! What should I call you? Meng Hongxi? Or white and blue?"

"No one knows the name white and blue. When I am a true face, it is white and blue, and when I change my face, it is red! Go wash and change this women's clothing. No one will come here. You don't have to hide it in the future. Just live next door. Although this yard is small, it is still quiet. I'll go to bed first. Don't bother me again if you have nothing to do!"

After saying that, Bai Lan yawned, got up lazily and slept under his eyes. He trusted him completely and was defenseless.

Yan Wumu turned around silently and walked to the next room.

Early the next morning, the white and blue dress was dressed in a green gauze skirt, unparalleled, cold and refined.

Ye Wuhen is dressed in men's clothing, handsome and elegant. Although he is only 14 years old, he has looked heroic. That face like Xiao Anzhi makes Bailan in a trance.

The two came to the Red Mansion, and the plaque of the Red Mansion has been replaced and changed to the Mohong Mansion.

When she saw the true face of the two, Feng Niang and the 30 big men and girls were all infatuated.

A good pair of golden boys and jade girls, like immortals coming down to earth, rare in the world.

"Today, I will teach you how to train your physique and endurance. If you want to defeat others, these are the two most basic points."

On the roof of the fourth floor, white and blue took everyone to do push-ups, frog jumping, sandbags, and wooden stakes.

"In the future, in the daily courses, everyone should remember that 200 push-ups, 500 frog jumps, sandbags and wooden stakes for one hour each"

Everyone was so tired that they fell to the ground, but they didn't dare to complain, because the young white and blue and Ye Wuhen were also training like everyone.

A day passed in intense training. After training, 30 men in black had to go out to find refugees and beggars.

And the girls dress up to receive the guests.

On the third day, just after training, when Bai Lan and Ye Wumu walked down the second floor, they happened to meet a big man in black looking for her.

"Master, the second prince of the State of Chu is looking for you downstairs. Have you seen him?"

White and blue walked into one of the boxes and saw Chu Ge sitting in the lobby on the first floor with more than a dozen bodyguards through the window.

And Feng Niang is greeting them.

"I don't see you! This nasty big mouth! You and Feng Niang help me get rid of them! Just say that I am not your master and have not appeared in front of you since that day.

"Yes, my subordinates are going to send them away!" The big man retreated.

downstairs, Chu Ge, dressed in white clothes, sat there without saying a word, self-righteous and domineering.

After waiting for a while, Chu Ge couldn't help shouting: "Hongxi, come out! I know you are here! I will leave Luoyang City and return to China today. I'm here to say goodbye to you. You can come out and meet me!"

"Your Highness, there is really no red regret here. You have found the wrong place!" Feng Niang couldn't help bowing her waist.

"Well, you can't lie to me! In the past two days, I have gone to General Meng's house every day. The whole general's mansion has been turned over and no one can be found. If the person is not here, can he be lost in Xiangcheng? Hongxi, I'm really just saying goodbye to you. There's nothing else he wants to do. Come out!"

Chu Ge continued to shout.

White and blue frown, how can there be such a person? She doesn't like him so much that he has repeatedly pestered her. As a prince of a country, it's really annoying!

Just now, the man in black came forward and said to Chu Ge, "Your Highness, the person you are looking for is really not here. That little girl has never come back here since she bought the girl that day! If you don't believe it, you can search it! Even if you borrow ten courage from the villain, the villain will not dare to deceive you!"

"Hongxi, if you are here, listen to me! When you grow up, I will definitely come back to you. Remember to wait for me!" Chu Ge shouted to the upstairs, turned around and left with full of unwillingness.

After they left, Bailan and Ye Wuhen went downstairs and returned to the general's mansion for a long time.

They always climb over the wall from the corner courtyard, so the guards of the general's mansion do not know their access.

Five days later, the big men have found 500 refugees and beggars to join the Mohong Mansion to join their training.

White and Blue will teach them the fighting moves they learned in the special forces in their previous lives, such as taekwondo, judo, Muay Thai and so on, and then divide them into five teams to select the captain. The captain will take their members to train spontaneously, and finally White and Blue will assess the results of each team.

An excellent fighter of martial arts was compiled into the killer hall, with Cheng Feng, one of the captains, as the head of the hall, and most of the members were rangers and refugees.

Among them, the clever and smart people were compiled into the intelligence hall, with the girl from the former Red Mansion, Ting Xue as the head of the hall. Most of the members were beggars and laughing girls.

In this way, the white and blue gradually established the ink red building.

Five years later, Mohong Mansion has become the largest organization in the world. Mohong Mansion's restaurant, brothel, ready-to-wear store and study have opened all over the Three Kingdoms. Members and hidden piles are spread all over the large and small towns of the three countries, with more than 70,000 people, and their financial resources are even more than the most powerful.

The killers of Mohong Mansion acted fiercely, coldly, and their murderous methods were unheard of, all in one move.

But they never kill innocent people. For every time they take a business, they must first let the people in the intelligence hall find out the lives of the people they killed and make sure that they are corrupt officials and villains.

Therefore, the people who have died under Mo Honglou in the past five years are all damned people. Mohong Mansion is more like killing and punishing the people all over the world. Deep in the hearts of the people.

The four most powerful killers are wind, snow, star and shadow. The second is Mei; Lan; Bamboo; Chrysanthemum.

Feng is Cheng Feng, the killer hall master, and Xue is the intelligence hall master listening to Xue. The four of them are all apprentices who came out by Bai Lan.

The four people do not take action easily, unless they meet a master, but the four people have never failed to take action. The four words wind; snow; star; shadow make the people in the court of the whole world and various countries change their colors.

Mei; Orchid; Bamboo; Chrysanthemum. They are Momei; Molan; Mozhu; Moju. They are all the top brands of the brothel in the Mohong Building, and they are also the disciples of Bailan's own hands.

And the information sold by the intelligence hall is also expensive, but the information is absolutely real.

Except for the 30 men and girls in black, and the 500 members who initially joined, no one knew that their poster was a 15-year-old girl, and no one knew that no one had ever seen their landlord take action.

But from the wind; snow; star; shadow, plum; orchid; bamboo; chrysanthemum. The skills of these eight thread starters' personal** disciples can be seen that their martial arts skills are unfathomable.

The continuous growth of the Mohong Mansion has made the courts of the Three Kingdoms quite taboo.

And the mysterious organization that has risen at the same time as the Mohong Mansion in recent years has a ruthless palace and a mysterious dark pavilion that no one knows its strength.