Princess of Special Forces

Chapter 30 World War I Decision

When the Qin soldiers heard this, they laughed with her and spread to the Southern Chu army, which made An Qingsi very angry.

Chu Ge coughed gently twice to hide his smiling face. He didn't expect that the cold woman had such a lovely side. What he said was so angry, but it made people laugh and cry.

Looking at Chu Ge's smiling and red face, An Qingsi was even more angry, and his blood almost spewed out. Under the pressure of Yungong, he calmed down for a moment and shouted, "Meng Hongxi, don't be arrogant! One mouthful of my army is enough to drown you! Wait, let's see the real chapter on the battlefield!"

After saying that, he ignored the woman and turned around and shouted at the soldiers: "Go back to the camp! Go back and discuss how to beat her! How dare you laugh at me? I must catch her, ravage her to their heart's content, and then let her be a military prostitute for you to enjoy! If she lives worse than death, how can she laugh at me?

Chu Ge suppressed his smile, did not hum, and led the troops back to the camp with the angry An Zais.

When the Qin army saw the enemy retreating, they gathered white and blue down to the tower and returned to the hall of the general's mansion.

White and Lan left Lv Fangcai and eight other generals to discuss.

In the middle of the hall, a sand table has been set up. Everyone stood around the sand table and looked at the white and blue in the middle. I wonder what plan she has?

With a white and blue smile, he pointed to the surroundings of the enemy's camp on the sand table and said, "Please see, the enemy's battalion is surrounded by woods, which is convenient to be invisible in the night. Tonight, who is interested in going out for a walk with me and exploring the enemy's camp by the way? By the way, leave something good for the enemy to enjoy!"

"The last general is willing to go!" Xu Yun answered first.

"The last general is willing to go with you!" The remaining young generals said in unison.

"You are all the backbone of the army. You can't all take risks with me. Chu Ge and An Qingsi are both good masters. There are also many talented people around them. Xu Yun and Chen Zhong can accompany me." White and blue said to the two youngest generals.

Lv Fang just didn't want to veto it and said, "This is never workable! You are the princess of our country, the body of a daughter, how can you go to explore such dangerous things as the enemy camp? If something happens to you, how can you ask me to explain to my emperor, General Meng and the cold king of the State of Qi! It's good for the general to take the two of them on this trip!"

Bai Lan turned to look at Lv Fangcai and said with a serious face, "General Lv, since I have come to this army, I have put life and death aside! What's more, with this girl's martial arts, no one in the Southern Chu army can stand me! Please don't treat me as a delicate princess. I can become the young master of the Mo family. I grew up from snacks. I have to go on this trip.

"Princess, you are just here to help me guard the city. I am the main general of these 70,000 soldiers. I can't do it if I say it's not possible! The army is not a capricious place. The princess doesn't have to insist any more. In any case, I will not approve of you going to visit the enemy's camp at night!" Lv Fangcai was in no room for discussion and said firmly.

When the generals saw that the two could not argue for a while, they were speechless. After all, General Lu was right. The enemy camp was no different from the tiger's den. Although the princess married as the cold princess, she was still the princess of Qin Emperor. In this status, everyone dared not let her take risks. Fortunately, once something happened, they did not bear it. It's just a crime of killing a person's head, and I'm afraid that the nine races can't escape.

Bai Lan was also silent and didn't want to argue with Lv Fangcai anymore. For a while, the atmosphere was very stiff. The generals saw that both of them looked bad, and they dared not hum.

After a quarter of an hour of silence, Bai Lan smiled and said, "Well, it's okay for General Lu to go, but to convince Bai Lan and let Bai Lan believe that General Lu can retreat from 300,000 enemy troops. There is the simplest way, and it is up to the two of us to decide. If General Lu wins, I will not fight to go. If If I win, General Lu will stop me from doing anything or any action I will do in the army in the future. How about it?"

The decision of World War I is indeed the simplest and direct way. However, Lv Fang has only been in the army for more than 30 years. In order to guard the border for more than 20 years, he can be said to have experienced hundreds of battles and his martial arts skills are extraordinary. Five of the eight young generals present were taken as apprentices from small soldiers and taught to become today. A good leader.

For the woman in front of her, who has a variety of identities and has recently become famous and talented, it is undoubtedly that every general present is eager to try. Lv was lucky to be invited to fight like this. As a man and as a general who leads the 100,000 Qin army, he There is no room for refusal, and he doesn't want to refuse.

So, after a moment of meditation, Lv Fang nodded to fight.

A group of people went to the practice field of the general's mansion. The two stood in the center of the field together. Lv Fang held a long gun and used a long gun on the battlefield, so he was best at shooting.

"General Lu, please!" Bai Lan smiled indifferently, with no weapons in his hands and bare hands.

Her small body under her blue dress stood thinly, as if weakly supporting the wind. At noon, the sun shone brightly on her shallow smile, white and flawless little face, Moyu's eyes were smart and bright, with a trace of cute cunning, and instantly shook the eyes of the generals.

"Let's go first!" Lv Fangzhen calmly looked at the woman in front of him, so thin and weak that he could not stab the gun in his hand.

"So, you're welcome!" After saying that, Bai Lan pulled out the water sword from his waist and carried out three successful forces, using the first move of peach heart swordsmanship, "Peach Blossom First Bloom". It was slow and soft and weak, and his posture was beautiful like a dance. It looked harmless, let alone any strength.

Lv just raised the long gun and raised the flowing sword with lightning speed. The generals secretly pinched a handful of sweat for white and blue. In the use of weapons, everyone understood the truth that it was an inch long and an inch strong. Now the long gun is against the short sword, especially the white and blue sword, which is still circled around her waist, like a thin sword as soft as a belt.

However, when the two weapons touched each other, the soft thin sword was not blocked by the long gun. Instead, the long gun was instantly separated from Lv Fangcai's palm and wrapped around the long gun by the short sword several times like a water snake. The long gun broke into several sections in an instant and fell to the ground. When it landed, those pieces were silently smashed and turned into a pile. Powder.

Lv Fang looked at the pile of powder on the ground and was silent. His hand holding the gun was numb, so he couldn't hold the long gun, so he got out of his hand and was wrapped in the sword. What caused his hand to be numb was not the short sword, but the deep internal force from the other end of the sword.

The generals were equally dumb. They all knew that General Lu's skills were far above them, and General Lu's long gun was broken and landed into powder, not because of the white and blue dagger, but because of the deep internal force from the sword that it was broken and shattered.

If you are a master, you can win or lose with one move, and you don't need too many complicated tricks.

Lv Fang was stunned for a moment and laughed: "The princess is indeed as good as rumored. The old man is not the enemy of the princess's move. It seems that the old man doesn't have to be too much trouble when the princess goes to visit the camp. The princess is benevolent and righteous. It is really a blessing for the people to have such a talent like the princess in Daqin!"

"Ha ha, General Lu is flattered! So, at the end of tonight, Xu Yun and Chen Zhong, put on your night clothes and wait for me at the gate of the general's mansion. Let's go out for a walk, don't be too nervous!" Bai Lan smiled and said to the two young generals.

As soon as she finished speaking, an unhappy male voice came from the roof behind her: "Lan'er, how can you leave your husband and go out for a walk with others in the middle of the night? No, my husband won't allow it! I'm going for a walk, and I'll go with you for my husband!"

White and blue turned around and saw the jade-like man standing leisurely on the roof and looking down at her with a joking smile in his eyes.

The generals looked up at the man, dressed in snow-white plain robes, unparalleled, like jade like a fairy.

Seeing that he really followed and appeared here so soon, Bai Lan suddenly became angry and said angrily, "Night Qinghan, you are really haunted! I came here so soon. Where will I go and where will you follow me? Are you a follower?"

Ye Qinghan flew in front of her and smiled warmly and said, "Lan'er, it's too hurt to be a husband. We are husband and wife, and husband and wife are one. Of course, wherever you go, I will follow you! And vice versa, where I am in the future, you will follow me!"

White and blue sweated. She really couldn't treat him as her husband, because she didn't worship him at all. It was Mo Ju who worshipped him. She didn't believe that he didn't find that the bride was fake at that time. With his scheming, she was afraid that she would make a mistake. Anyway, she was already a princess of Han, which also made her angry, but she didn't The reality of law change.

"Night light and cold, when did you become so cheeky? Are you really so idle? Does your Confucianism have nothing to deal with? Is your position of King Qi a name? Don't you have anything to do?" As she spoke, she suddenly kicked him with hatred, but he easily jumped away.

"Confucians are full of talents, and those great scholars never let me worry about their affairs. As for the political affairs of the State of Qi, I am an idle prince, so I am indeed very idle, and you, my princess, are the only business for me now and for the rest of my life." What he said was serious, but the smile on his face did not diminish, which was obviously very pleasant.

His smile shook white and blue for a while. Her little face wrinkled, stroked her forehead, and looked at the sky helplessly. Why did this man become thicker and thicker? What did she say? She was the only business for the rest of his life? Is this a love story? She has lived for two lives, and she has never heard such love words.