Genius concubine

009: Set up


Hua Qiyue has heard of dementors from the memory of the original owner. There are not many qi magicians and fewer dementors. It is said that there are only three dementors in Tianyuan mainland.

Even if they are single-handed, they can kill tens of millions of good horsemen in an instant! A move of your finger can frighten tens of millions of special trainers and escape!

Therefore, countless people who want to threaten them to hand over the dementor magic treasure book have died and never returned. Over time, no one dares to attack them.

From then on, the three dementors lived in seclusion in the deep mountains, and their families were prosperous, with countless treasures, but no one dared to touch them.

And the mysterious man in front of him can actually do dementor?

Hua Qiyue was deeply surprised. If this man was really so powerful, why did he teach her these?

What's his purpose? Who is he?

Hua Qiyue was full of confusion about the green jade gourd, but the "master" in front of her obviously didn't want her to know more. At this time, he waved his big hand, "Go back and come here every night. Master will teach you qi skills."

A strong wind hit, and Hua Qiyue only felt that the scenery around her suddenly changed into the carriage, facing the worried eyes of the green heart and the secluded water.

Miss, miss? Come back to yourself!"

Green heart shook her body and shouted anxiously. Hua Qiyue blinked and slowly sat up to look around. It was still the carriage just now. There was no wasteland at all.

"What's wrong with me?"

"How do I know? Miss, you just suddenly opened your eyes and didn't move, which scared us to death. Miss... Have you been knocked out of your head? Do you want to ask a doctor to have a look?

Green heart reached out and touched the forehead of Huaqiyue. The temperature was normal, and he couldn't help but looked up and down at Huaqiyue.

"'s okay." Hua Qiyue replied calmly, it seems that what happened just now is true.

Hua Qiyue is not extremely happy. It's not a good thing for that person to help her.

Such a powerful person wants to teach her qi and dementation, probably... is it to get rid of the jade gourd? Hua Qiyue was just a businesswoman in her previous life. She had never contacted an qi magician and circled around the restaurant every day. Now she suddenly let her face such things. If it hadn't been for the memory of the original owner, she would have collapsed long ago.

At present, the most important thing is to bring your son out of the hellish place of the Zhou family first.

When Green Heart and Youshui saw such a solemn expression as Hua Qiyue, they dared not disturb her again. They secretly wink and wondered if they should really ask a doctor to see the young lady.

But it's good to be sick like this. If it hadn't been for Hua Qiyue's intelligence and carefulness, she would have really not been able to wash the sewage on her body and be arbitrarily slandered. Presumably, if she were a former lady, she would definitely hang herself.

Two days later, he arrived outside the gate of the capital, and the green heart made the driver turn to Rongfu Temple, because Hua Qiyue had told him to meet Master Xuanji.

Rongfu Temple is famous for a mysterious master, so a small temple is very lively and there is an endless stream of incense.

In just one month, Rongfu Temple can be almost as famous as the famous Hanyue Temple.

Rongfu Temple is located under the hundred-mile mountain outside the capital, where bluestone paves the road, the lotus pond green water in front of the temple, willows, and male and female incense guests keep coming in and out.

The Rongfu Temple with red walls and green tiles is just a small temple. Nowadays, the number of people is more crowded, and Hua Qiyue's status is at least noble. Even if it is rumored in Beijing that she is so unbearable, there are still a young monk who leads her through the back door to meet Master Xuanji.

When you see the mysterious master, you need ten taels of silver, which is very expensive for ordinary people.

In this way, most of the incense guests are crowded at the back door, just to see the mystery.

Hua Qiyue and Youshui walked into the back hall together, but before seeing a monk in blue standing in the back hall, the soft wind rolled up the corners of his cyan clothes and looked refreshing.

"Master Xuanji, Miss Huafu wants to see you."

Hua Qiyue handed ten taels of silver into the little monk's hand and looked back. The mystery had turned back. Although he had shaved all the green silk, his eyebrows were thick and cold, his facial features were cold, and the outline was profound, showing his handsome appearance.

Hua Qiyue was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect this mysterious master to be so young. She thought that this kind of person must be an old monk over half a hundred years old to have the intention of entice Xiangke.

"Youshui, you can retreat first. I have something to say to Master Xuanji."

Hua Qiyue came to her senses and smiled faintly. Youshui quickly shook her head. The lonely man and woman were in the same room. I'm afraid it would humiliate the young lady's reputation.

Hua Qiyue had to let Youshui stand farther away and talk with Master Xuanji for half a moment, and the two went to the back door with a smile.

Youshui was so surprised that she couldn't hear any words said by the young lady and Master Xuanji. Now it's a miracle that Xuanji sent the young lady out in person!

Because this mysterious master, even if it is money to tell fortunes, he is generally not humble and has never sent female visitors away.

Master Xuanji sent Hua Qiyue to the back door, which immediately attracted the incense guests waiting at the back door to coax, scream, and squeezed in to get close to Xuanji.

Unfortunately, he was stopped by dozens of strong monks.

"Miss, please go slowly. Please remember that you must take a boy born in February as your adopted son, so that you can solve the disaster of blood, change your mind, and marry a good man!"

The mysterious voice is not big or small, but it is heard by many incense guests.

"Thank you, Master Xuanji, little girl, remember."

Hua Qiyue blessed her body and left with the confused water. The pilgrims pointed to her. It was rare to see the famous waste material lady of the Hua family, but she only felt that Hua Qiyue was beautiful and calm. No matter how she looked at it, she did not look like a cowardly waste material.