Genius concubine

056: Crisis everywhere

Everyone did not walk very close, because of Princess Pearl, they were even more afraid of Hua Qiyue, who was a little murderous in her eyes.

"Princess Huiya... Please be the master of the pearl! Just now, Mingzhu asked Miss Qiyue to come here to talk about some private matters, Mingzhu..." Princess Mingzhu said, with a look of shyness and fear. "Mingzhu wants to know the preferences of a certain prince. Seeing that Qiyue is quite close to him, she wants to ask, but she didn't expect that Princess Jinghua didn't tell me, but pushed me down the pond! She wants to kill me, woo..."

Princess Pearl cried in horror. Tut, if the emperor is here, he will definitely love her very much, right?

Hua Qiyue bends the corners of her lips, and the official lady is also very good at acting. She didn't expect the performance to be so realistic.

Princess Huiya looked at Hua Qiyue in surprise with an incredible expression, "It's impossible, Princess Jinghua can't be such a person..."

Everyone also began to accuse Hua Qiyue, and even shouted coldly to satirize her. They were just flattering her, and in a blink of an eye, they showed all kinds of faces.

People are cold and warm, selfish, and these people have always been like this.

"Princess Jinghua, how can you do this to Princess Pearl?"

"Yes, it seems that the emperor has really sealed the wrong person!"

"Hua Qiyue, how can a bitch like you be a princess? Why don't you apologize to Princess Mingzhu?"


Hua Qiyue bent the corners of her lips coldly, afraid that the pearl princess was not to make her atone for. She said bluntly that she killed her and blamed the desire to kill her. What a crime is this?

"Stop! Princess Pearl, there must be some misunderstanding in this. Don't cry yet, wait for me to understand!" Princess Huiya was gentle and asked her servant to send a dress to put on Princess Pearl.

Everyone stared at the three quietly, and Hua Qiyue was calm and did not panic at all.

"Princess Jinghua, can you tell us what's going on?" Princess Huiya asked politely, and Ji Jing immediately shouted, "How is that possible? How can Sister Qiyue be such a person? Don't be fooled by this Pearl Princess!"

"Miss Ji, it's wrong for you to talk like this. Hua Qiyue's reputation is not good, and there is no big fuss about doing such a thing!" A cold woman on one side smiled and said that the man was Ouyang Liuer. Because she was defeated by Hua Qiyue, Ouyang Liuer was full of unwillingness and resentment.

Now it's hard to seize an opportunity to slander this damn girl, which is completely a happy vent.

"Hey, why do you talk like this? You slandered her like this because Sister Qiyue beat you, didn't you?" Ji Jing laughed coldly. When everyone heard it, they remembered the game between Hua Qiyue and Ouyang Liuer, and couldn't help laughing secretly.

The eldest lady of the Ouyang family actually lost to the waste daughter of Huafu, which is so funny. Now Ouyang Liuer is almost named "waste in waste wood". How can she not be angry or resentful?

"You... you talk nonsense!"

Ouyang Liuer was poked in pain and pointed to Ji Jing so angry that she couldn't say it.

"I didn't push her. She fell down by herself." At this time, Hua Qiyue opened her mouth faintly. Although her voice was cold, it seemed to have magic, attracting everyone's eyes to her.

"Princess Jinghua... How can you do this? Obviously... I haven't offended you. How can you slander me like this?

Princess Pearl's eyes are full of tears, which makes people feel sad.

Hua Qiyue bent the corners of her lips, and there was a little cold light in the clear ink pupils, which made people dare not look directly. They only felt that the pupils seemed to be penetrating and would see all people's hearts clearly.

"Princess Pearl really praised me. How could I do such a thing? Obviously, the princess jumped down by herself, and I also caught the princess's sleeve. Look... I wanted to hold her, but I didn't expect the princess's clothes to be too thin, so it was broken.

Hua Qiyue raised her hand faintly. There was indeed a small sleeve in her hand. Everyone looked at Princess Pearl's hand and really saw half of the white arm exposed in the broken sleeve.

Princess Pearl only cares about slandering Hua Qiyue and doesn't notice her sleeves at all. Now when she looks at it, she can't help but be shocked!

She obviously didn't feel Hua Qiyue pulling her. When did the sleeve break?

"If this is not evidence, you can look here!" Hua Qiyue pointed to the place where she stood with Princess Pearl. "Because Princess Pearl fell into the pool and struggled for a while, she moved to the left. Before, the princess and I stood here, and there are still traces here. If you don't believe it, you can ask Jingwei to check it, or ask Admiral Wang to check it. Hua Qiyue pointed to the green grass around her that was not messy.

"If I push her down, then she should stand in front of me, but she stands behind me. Isn't it reluctant to push her?" Hua Qiyue looked at the trembling Pearl Princess with a blank face.

When everyone heard this, they looked at Jingwei on one side.

Jingwei in the palace has a lot of proficient skills. They are qi magicians and are also good at observing. They are trained by the highest-level qi masters in the palace, so Jingwei's status in the palace is also particularly high.

A Jingwei stood up, looked behind Hua Qiyue, and nod, "Princes Jinghua's words are reasonable. The previous Princess Pearl did stand behind Princess Jinghua."

In this way, everyone was in an uproar!

Ji Jing snorted coldly and looked contemptuously at Princess Pearl, "Look at your bird, and you still want to marry the Southern King, ah!"

Ji Jing is a Jianghu woman. Her words are relatively straightforward and vulgar, but the daughters are not disgusted and look at Princess Pearl with contemptuous eyes.

It is not a good thing to slander others and successfully step on other people's pain. You can't get any sympathy.

"No... I was wronged! Princess Huiya, obviously Princess Jinghua pushed me down..." Princess Mingzhu didn't expect Hua Qiyue to be so careful. Two moves scattered her situation, and she was shocked and angry.

"Wronged? May I ask the princess, if Qi Yue really pushes you down, then how did this sleeve come into my hands?

Hua Qiyue raised the broken sleeves in her hand.

Princess Pearl bit her lip, "You... pinch my sleeve when you push me..."

"Then let you fall down? Princess Pearl, won't you immediately grab my hand and drag me down together? Isn't this sophistry too far-fetched?" Hua Qiyue sneered, "This clothing is woven from the most famous rich textile in Changjing. The bright moon peony rich silk is not easy to break and flammable. Do you want to try it again..."

Everyone looked at Princess Pearl's eyes and was even more contemptuous.

"No... I was wronged. At that time, I was scared. I didn't remember to go ashore at all, and I didn't remember to hold her..."

Princess Pearl's face turned pale and was still unwilling to argue.

"Princess Pearl, how can you be so shameless? I saw you jump into the pool with my own eyes. A cold voice sounded not far away, and everyone raised their eyes and saw that the daughter had made way. Nan Wangli was not far away and looked at all this indifferently.

It's really strange that Hua Qiyue didn't expect Yun Shimo to suddenly stand up.

Behind Yun Shimo, Bingyi twitched the corners of his mouth. Now the prince really pays attention to Hua Qiyue all the time.

This time, even the Southern King testified, and Princess Pearl had no chance to quib, let alone that kind of courage. She lowered her head and sobbed in shame.

"Princess Pearl, you are really confused to frame Princess Jinghua in such a cheap way!"

"Yes, I've never seen such a tasteless person!"

From the shameless accusation of Hua Qiyue, everyone suddenly turned to Princess Pearl. It can be said that their faces change from time to time, and the crisis is ugly.

Hua Qiyue bent her lips faintly, "King Xie Nan testified for Qiyue, otherwise... I don't know how long someone will argue."

Princess Pearl suddenly softened and fainted. Princess Huiya quickly asked someone to carry her away. Finally, she sneered dissatisfiedly, "People's hearts are unpredictable. I have long said that Princess Jinghua is not such a person. Princess Jinghua, let's go together. I will make tea for you."

Everyone looked at Hua Qiyue in amazement. She was really lucky. She was not only testified by the king of Nan, but also maintained by Princess Huiya.

However, it was too late, and Hua Qiyue politely declined, saying that she would definitely get together with Princess Huiya if there was a chance.

This night, Hua Qiyue's reputation was better than ever. At least the emperor made her the princess of Jinghua and learned that there was a thousand-day red magic medicine in her hand. Everyone really speculated about her.

And the Ouyang family, the Xia family, and the Liu family, the two major families in the capital, have received more information about Hua Qiyue.

Everyone was shocked by the big transformation of a waste daughter. At least Hua Qiyue was a soft egg in the past. She was bullied and dared not complain in front of the old lady and Hua Liting, and tolerated it again and again.

But now she has become extremely intelligent and has more guidance, which makes people yearn for the redness of Hua Qiyue a little more.

The crazy girl in the capital, the ** woman's flower and moon, makes people feel more mysterious.

Who will be the person who helped her?

Hua Qiyue was in front of the flower mansion. After thanking the king of Nan, he entered the house with the old lady. The king of Nan raised the curtain and watched the two red gates close heavily, and a wisp of smile flashed across his lips.

Hua Qiyue asked the servant to buy Wang Yuexuan's two roast chickens, two roast chickens, a large bowl of fried peanuts, and five bottles of plum brew.

After that, Hua Qiyue told his servants to have a good rest and let them put all the food in the room.

Green Heart and others are extremely suspicious. The young lady seems to like to eat very much these days, and she eats a lot every time.

Tianci was going to be abandoned again, and he couldn't help but feel a little discouraged, but when he mentioned reading, his spirit came back.

Hua Qiyue entered the alien world with the big package. As soon as Tianpi saw her, he rushed to her like a tiger, grabbed the package in her hand, opened it and shouted, "My God! Wine! Chicken! Peanuts!"

These are his favorite foods.