Genius concubine

321: In Xuanbing City

"Well, I will, don't worry!"

Yun Shimo replied faintly and left with the rabbit.

They came to the tower.

Ji Feng and others also followed, and the rabbit took a look at them. "You'd better have a good drink with them. They are also worried about you. When I look for a treasure book to improve your strength in the space Najie."

The rabbit is not sure. After all, he also needs to improve his strength, but the rabbit used to like to collect some forbidden spells. Maybe he can find some useful forbidden spells?

Yun Shimo silently walked to the pavilion in front of the tower, and the maids quickly served fruit snacks to the guests and their hosts.

Ji Feng and Huang Fuxuan looked at each other. Ji Jing was a impatient person. As soon as she sat down, she asked in a low voice, "Everyone, what's going on? That man is a demon, isn't he? But why will Sister Qiyue agree to leave with him?"

Looking at Hua Qiyue's expression, she hated Yun Shimo and couldn't wait to tear him to pieces, but it was full of love.

The feelings of hatred and love naturally made Hua Qiyue unable to do it. Ji Jing was extremely worried, but she didn't expect that Yun Shimo just picked up the teacup silently and didn't say anything.

Ji Feng stared at Ji Jing and whispered, "Jing'er, don't worry. There must be a reason. Tianpi is a demon. Maybe he has taken control of the moon.

"Yes, that's why Qi Yue is willing to go with him." Huang Fuxuan also agreed, while Yun Shimo didn't say anything, but drank silently.

When everyone saw him like this, they didn't say much and silently accompanied Yun Shimo.

"I can't say anything about this, but I will find a way... to get her back." Yun Shimo opened his mouth and his voice was extremely hoarse. Everyone looked at his haggard face. Although they were confused, they did not dare to ask any more questions.

"Brother Yun, take care of yourself!" Ji Feng whispered and took out some precious medicinal herbs from Najie, "What you may need to refine the medicine, take it first."

Yun Shimo took a look at those precious medicinal materials. Although this medicinal material is not mentioned much about the best magic medicine of Jiuhun Ginshen, it is also the most important medicinal introduction of many excellent elixir.

Yun Shimo thanked him, but his whole body was still so depressed.

"Brother Yun, don't do this. I believe that Sister Qiyue will come back to you soon. By the way, I heard from others that Sister Qiyue had been taken away, and he immediately asked the emperor to marry the princess of his country." Ji Jing wants to talk about some relaxing topics to liven up the atmosphere.

Ji Feng sneered, "Isn't Nanhe still a wolf ambition? Although they have always wanted to establish a SAARC to attack our Changjing, unfortunately, we have Brother Yun and Qi Yue, a big immortal-level figure here, but they are too scared to fart them.

"Well, those little people, it's not their turn to marry, and they still think they are!" Ji Jing smiled and said, "Sister Qiyue will definitely come back. Princess Nan is the only one."

Yun Shimo then slightly relaxed his facial emotions, "Indeed, she is the only one. If you have a better prohibition to improve your strength, can you lend me to improve it?

Everyone can't help shaking their heads. They don't have that kind of taboo thing.

"That can only count on the Sun and Moon God." Yun Shimo was silent again, drinking wine silently, and his eyes were full of sadness.

The night was strong, the moon was cold, and everyone silently accompanied Yun Shimo until the rabbit returned.

When everyone dispersed, the rabbit slowly took out a roll of old scrolls.

Yun Shimo eagerly took it over and opened it, but there were only three words on the scroll: the Book of Heaven.

There is nothing else except these three words.

"What is this?" Why are other places blank and there is no explanation?

Rabbit hummed, and he couldn't say why. "I don't know. Anyway, many people rushed to ask for it at that time, so I also joined in the fun and grabbed it from the Octagon. The old guy lost the purple sky chaotic beads and thousands of illusion beads and has long been reduced to an ordinary dragon.

Yun Shimo silently stared at the blank place and couldn't see anything. After the rabbit grabbed it, he couldn't see anything, so he threw it into Najie, right?

"Is there any other treasure book?"

Yun Shimo frowned. He really wanted to improve his strength quickly, at least to defeat Tianfu, so that he could have a chance to get close to Hua Qiyue.

The rabbit shook his head, "No, I have given you all the good things before."

After thanking the rabbit, Yun Shimo silently left the Southern Palace with the scroll and went to the deep mountains. The rabbit followed silently, and the human worm and the Shura chicken also followed.

"Rabbit, where the hell is our little owner?"

The human worm chased the rabbit and asked, and the rabbit gave them a white look, "Didn't you see it yesterday?"

"No, we were drunk and just woke up. Well... Why are the little master and the big master missing?" The human-seeking insect blinked his big eyes innocently, and the Shura chicken also clucked. Its size has always been like this, as if it had never grown meat.

"Then ask the people around you!" The rabbit said impatiently and disappeared in an instant, chasing Yun Shimo.

The Shura chicken and the human-seeking insect looked at each other helplessly and had to fly back to the flower house to ask Caining about Caiqing.

Yun Shimo came to the deep mountains.

It was five or six miles away from the capital, standing under a huge bodhi tree. Yun Shimo sat down silently, and his slender and white fingers opened the old scroll. His handsome face was full of understanding. He sat silently, allowing the wind to come, the leaves to fall, and let the sound go.

The rabbit squatted quietly aside without disturbing Yun Shimo.

Any qi magician who has reached the immortal level, if there is no way to improve his strength, he can only rely on his killing skills and his own understanding.

Just like the rabbit giving him this scroll of the book, it is probably a scroll of enlightenment, and ordinary people really can't understand it.

And Yun Shimo had no choice. His ink hair moved with the wind, brushing his profound outline from time to time, and his beautiful eyebrows were still condensed with a wisp of sadness.

He didn't move and sat like that all the time...


"Wow! Xuanbing City is so big, with a lot of ice sculptures!" As soon as the little guy stepped into the gate of Xuanbing City, he immediately cheered loudly, attracting some disdainful eyes.

Those people thought that Tianci was just a rural child walking from the mountains, but when they saw Tianci's clothes and the dress of Hua Qiyue and others, their eyes were full of amazement!

The man is extremely handsome, the woman is stunning, and the children are even more beautiful, and their big eyes are as bright and beautiful as two black grapes.

The clothes and materials on their bodies are all of first-class goods, that is to say, their origin is extraordinary.

Looking at the flowers and the moon, Xuanbing City really lives up to its reputation. On both sides of the street, there are many ice sculptures of flowers and animals, with different shapes, exquisite and beautiful.

The weather is very cold, and the exhaled breath turned into a mass of white gas.

Tianci was particularly excited, pointing to the snack stall not far away and shouting, "Mom, I want to eat those five-flavor balls!"

Hua Qiyue went to his hand and looked forward. Sure enough, she saw a small shop specializing in selling meatballs, including beef balls, pork balls, animal meatballs, etc. It was said to be five flavors, that is to say, there are both sweet and sour...

"Okay, my mother will take you there."

Hua Qiyue lacks interest, but Tianci liked it, so she smiled faintly and led Tianci away.

Tianpi and Hua Zun followed them silently and sat down. They looked at each other. To be honest, the peach fairy of that life was born in the family of brocade and jade food. They were favored by the family and did not live a hard life at all, so they generally did not like this kind of small shop.

As soon as Tianci sat down, he immediately asked Xiao Er to send the best meatballs in the whole store.

Hua Qiyue was seriously speechless. Tianpi and Hua Zun also sat aside and said with a smile, "Look, the food here is really delicious. There are still people crowded in outside!"

Indeed, after a while, many people crowded here, men, women and children. I don't know whether it's because of Hua Qiyue or because the meatballs here are delicious.

Xiao Er saw that several guests were all gorgeous and handsome, and couldn't help smiling and said, "Guest, please wait, you can eat meatballs in a minute, which is guaranteed to have endless aftertaste!"

Hua Qiyue looked at Xiao Er indifferently. The once clear eyes were already indifferent, and Tianpi's heart suddenly sank. Now Hua Qiyue is so lifeless.

Is there still that man in her heart?

Hua Zun glanced at Hua Qiyue from time to time. Her expression was still indifferent, and only a gentle smile appeared when she was given by God.

After a while, Xiao Er presented more than a dozen pots of meatballs, various flavors of meatballs, yellow, white, purple and red... colorful colors. This is not like balls, but a pot of dyeing balls, right?

"This is a special snack in Nanhe Country. It will use some special medicinal materials to make balls. Generally, it has a nourishing effect, so it is very popular with the people. Although these colorful colors, it is the color of medicinal herbs." Tianpi narrowed his eyes lazily, picked up the bamboo stick, picked up a ball and took a small bite.

Hua Qiyue and Tianci also had some expectations. After a bite, they suddenly felt that the tip of their tongue was full of wonderful taste!

"Wow, it's delicious!" Tianci's big eyes lit up and he was excited to enjoy the special snacks of Nanhe Country.

Hua Qiyue squeezed her lips slightly, and her eyes were as deep as ink, but there was no bottom. She didn't know what she was thinking. A piece of sunlight reflected on her stunning face through the top of a hole, which was particularly bright.

"Well, it's really new for rural children to enter the city."

A cold voice was inserted.

Hua Qiyue ignored this voice, but Tianci looked for the voice, but when she saw the person at the table in her left hand, three men and one woman, dressed luxuriously, looking at him with a sarcastic and contemptuous look.

Tianpi raised his eyebrows indifferently, "A few two-horned ugly dragons are still satirizing well-evolved human beings. It really doesn't matter."

As soon as the men heard this, they immediately glared at Tianpi, "What are you talking about?"

Hua Zun replied with a smile, "My brother is talking about you, the stupid descendants of the dragon. Don't you understand?"