Genius Master

Chapter 68 Train

The train kept accelerating, pulling the long whistle and roaring out of the platform.

Although he has to leave home for a period of time every year, there is no doubt that Ye Tian has the deepest feeling this time, and he seems to understand the truth of the ancients' common saying "parents are not far away".

Reaching out to wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes, Ye Tian closed the window and sat back in his seat. After Ye Tian found that the two rows of seats beside him were full of people.

In 2005, the train had not been speeded up, and there were very few air-conditioned cars. Most of them were green cars like Ye Tian's. The carriages were divided into left and right rows, one row was for two people, and the other side was for three people, which could seat six people face to face.

At this time, there were two young girls sitting next to Ye Tian, and opposite was a middle-aged man of thirty-five or sixteen years old, and a boy of the same age as Ye Tian. The boy sat a woman in her forties, whose face was somewhat similar to that of the boy.

Just sitting together, everyone was very strange, especially the two young girls around Ye Tian, who carefully looked at several people around them, as if the world was full of bad people and wanted to see their essence from their appearance.

Although Ye Tian seemed to bow his head, he had already seen the faces and ages of several people around him clearly. What made him a little happy was that the two girls around him were actually very beautiful.

Although there are all beautiful women on the TV and movie screen, there are really not many beautiful girls in real life. At best, it can only be said that they are not ugly and eye-catching.

Ye Tian has been out of the door so many times before, and he has taken a lot of trains and cars, but he has never met a girl who is about the same age as him and is very beautiful, and his mood naturally becomes very happy.

"What's the matter? Young man, are you homesick? This is the first time to go out, right?

The middle-aged man sitting opposite Ye Tian took the initiative to talk to Ye Tian sitting opposite him. It took nearly 20 hours to drive from this Jiangnan city to Beijing. No one chatted and stared at him, but he would be suffocated.

"Yes, uncle, it's my first time to go on a long trip to Beijing..."

Ye Tian's face showed a "shy" smile, and his maturity with his father completely disappeared. At this moment, Ye Tian looked completely in line with his age. He was a 17- or 18-year-old boy.

"Young man, what are you doing in Beijing? Going to relatives or going to school? Seeing you go alone, you should go to your relative's house, right?

The middle-aged man is very talkative. After talking to Ye Tian, he asked endlessly, which made Ye Tian laugh secretly. This person is interesting. He has lived in his thirties and still doesn't know the truth of making simple words.

"Uncle, I went to school..."

Ye Tian smiled and opened the fruit his father had just bought and said, "Please eat the fruit..."

Ye Tian's behavior suddenly won the favor of middle-aged people and said with a smile, "Hey, the young man is good. Don't call me uncle, Zhao, call me Brother Zhao, I'm not that old..."

"This young man, did you also go to school in Beijing? Why don't the adults in the family send it?

After hearing the conversation between Ye Tian and the middle-aged man, the woman in her forties also intervened, "My son also went to Beijing to study, Huaqing University, by the way, this classmate, which university are you from?"

"Hehe, my father is a little busy with work, so he can only let me go alone. Auntie, Huaqing University is very good..."

Ye Tian laughed and focused on answering the woman's first question, but omitted the second question. It is necessary to only say three words when you go out.

Especially these days, mobile phones are not popular. On the train, there are some people who chat with people to get information, and then use various names to cheat money from the home that person left.

However, he actually met a future classmate here. Ye Tian also felt a little coincidence. Although he didn't know what major the other party studied, he would finally be an alumnus in the future.

"Of course, Huaqing University, with so many colleagues and friends, only Allah's son was admitted..."

After hearing Ye Tian's words, the middle-aged woman's face was oily, and it seemed that she was suddenly more than ten years younger.

Although there is something wrong with Shanghai people and Beijingers, it is undeniable that it is really a great honor for parents for their children to be admitted to Huaqing University, the highest university in China.

"It's awesome. I heard that it's difficult to take the exam at Huaqing University..."

Ye Tian interrupted a timely sentence, which made the woman laugh even more happily. He reached out and patted his son who was listening to the Walkman and said, "Give hello to these brothers and sisters. Don't be so rude..."

"Hon, everyone, my name is Yu Ziyang..."

The boy rolled his eyes at his mother with dissatisfaction and reluctantly took off a headset. After saying that, he immediately put it back on, but his eyes were secretly looking at the two girls sitting next to Ye Tian.

The middle-aged woman smiled apologetically at Ye Tian and others and said, "This child doesn't understand the world at all. He knows how to study. If I don't accompany him, I'm afraid I won't even get on the train. The train is the same. Even a sleeper ticket is so nervous..."

Although it seems to be scumbentling the son, everyone can hear that the mother is praising her son, and listening to the tone, it seems that only sleeping s are worthy of her son's status as Huaqing University.

"Sleeve?" Ye Tian smiled quietly. He and Lao Dao never took a sleeper when they went out, because only in this kind of mixed carriage could they truly see all kinds of life.

"Auntie, the train sleeper is very nervous at this time, and we didn't even buy it..."

I heard that there were two students among the several people sitting next to him, and a girl sitting next to Ye Tian finally spoke.

The same is true in other seats. After a few words of conversation, some unfamiliar people gradually became familiar with each other. The voice of the eldest brother and sister filled the whole carriage, and from time to time burst into laughter in a certain seat.

Whether there is real talent or not, the ability to observe words and colors must be mastered by the fortune-telling people who walk around the world. Needless to say, after just ten minutes, he figured out the identities of several people around him.

The middle-aged man, who claims to be surnamed Zhao, is the business manager of a company in Suzhou. He went to Beijing on a business trip. Of course, nine of the ten are managers these days, and the remaining one is also a deputy manager, and he can't take it seriously.

Although the two girls seemed to be cautious and seemed to be very defensive, they were also caught by Ye Tian's words. They turned out to be a sophomore at the Beijing Film Academy, one named Cen Jinglan and the other named Yao Qianqian. Both of them are from Shanghai. This summer vacation is over. Accompanying back to school.

This made Yu Ziyang, who listened to the headphones cool on the opposite side, also became interested. He took down the headphones and talked to the girl. Some curious people in the front and rear seats asked questions. For a while, Ye Tian's row of seats became very lively.


PS: First update, thank you for the reward of the second beloved brother, blues dancer, snail-backed bookworm, obscene o, invincible little fairy, Baiyun City Lord, Wanfu, Chong Er & Mr., wdid007, Ding Fengbo, Hate Thief Number \ Lihua Xiao Emei, many brothers and

Recommended votes are an eternal topic, and there are Sanjiang votes for a new day. Voting has points, hehe, don't waste it!!