Genius Master

Chapter 131 Change your life against the sky

"Hey, is it elegant? I'm Ye Tian..."

When the phone rang for the second time, it was picked up. Obviously, Yu Qingya may also be waiting for Ye Tian's call.

It doesn't mean that Qingya's voice came. Ye Tian then asked, "Qingya, what happened? Are you in such a hurry to find me?"

Yu Qingya is also a person of proportion, and she didn't ask Ye Tian what he was going to do. After hearing Ye Tian's voice, she said directly, "Ye Tian, Uncle Ye called and said that there was something urgent at home and asked you to go back early..."

"Is there something urgent at home?"

Ye Tian's head buzzed, and the bad feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger. He immediately said, "Qingya, I know. Let's talk about it tomorrow."

After hanging up the date, Ye Tian looked up and said to Xu Zhennan, "Big boss, I'll use the phone again..."

"It's okay, Ye Tian, you can fight casually, don't worry." Xu Zhennan sat up from **. The second and fourth have gone home, and now there are only the two of them in the dormitory.

"The number you dialed is temporarily unavailable..."

What made Ye Tian depressed was that his father's phone couldn't get through, and no one answered the phone at home, which made the shadow in his heart bigger and bigger.

Pressing the hang-up button, Ye Tian dialed the master's mobile phone. He had to dial this number once a week, and the number had long been recorded in his mind, but at this time, Ye Tian's hand was a little trembling.

"Du...Du, Du, is it Xiaotian?" After a few waiting sounds, Ye Dongping's voice came from his mobile phone.

"Dad, it's me. What's wrong with Master?" Ye Tian's voice trembled a little. There was no signal on his father's phone, and he answered the master's mobile phone, which seemed to explain the problem very well.

"Xiaotian. Uncle Li fell yesterday and was in a very bad situation. Now he can't speak or move. I... I think it's better to come back soon..."

Ye Dongping was well aware of his son's relationship with Lao Dao. After calling Lao Dao's sister-in-law who was cooking in the village to inform him, Ye Dongping left everything behind and rushed directly to the Taoist temple.

Hearing that the master was still there, Ye Tian took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. After that, he said, "Dad, there is a jade box in the table where the master sleeps, there is an old mountain ginseng in it. You cut it into slices, make it thinner, and then put a piece in the master' "

This old mountain ginseng was bought by Ye Tian from a Northeast ginseng for more than 2,000 yuan last year. Originally, it was filial piety to the master, but the old way did not take it. I found a jade,

The box has been packed.

"Okay, Xiaotian, don't worry, you must pay attention to safety on the road"

Although Ye Dongping refused to admit the theory of feng shui metaphysics, he also knew that his son had many common sense and unexplainable behaviors. He hung up the phone and found the old mountain ginseng. After cutting it into slices and putting it into Lao Dao's mouth according to what Ye Tian said, he was relieved.

"Hello, Uncle Wei, I'm sorry to bother you so late. Do you have any cash? Five thousand, five thousand is enough, Uncle Wei, please take me to the airport..."

After the call with his father, Ye Tian immediately called Wei Hongjun. He had money in the bank, but he couldn't get it out in the middle of the night.

"Big, I have something to do at home. I'll go back first. Please tell Qingya tomorrow."

Looking at the time, it was more than two o'clock in the middle of the night. After returning the mobile phone to Xu Zhennan, Ye Tian simply packed up a few clothes and left the dormitory with a backpack.

"Ga Niu..."

A sudden brake sounded at the door of the silent Hua Oak Garden. Ye Tian pulled the door and sat in. He looked at the sleepy Wei Hongjun and said, "Uncle Wei, thank you very much today"

"Xiao Ye, what's wrong?" Wei Hongjun didn't mind Ye Tian bothering him. People like Ye Tian usually can't find a way to make friends.

"Master is dying. I'm going back to the mountain to see if I can help Master hang his life..."

Ye Tian had calmed down at this time. According to his calculation in the first two years, the master should still have two years to live. That is to say, as long as he can change his life against the sky, there may be a chance to let the master live longer.

"I checked for you. The earliest flight to Nanjing is at G o'clock in the morning. Let's get to the airport and rest for a while. Ye Tian, don't worry. The old man must be fine."

While talking, Wei Hongjun drove to the capital airport. Although he was curious about Ye Tian's master, he didn't say a word of nonsense. Ye Tian nodded to him gratefully.

"Thank you, Uncle Wei..."

After Ye Tian said this, he closed his eyes. Some thanks were not put in his mouth. Like the favor of the Wei Hongjun this time, Ye Tian owes a lot.

However, at this moment, in order to see the master a second earlier, Ye Tian doesn't mind doing anything.

At 8:50 a.m., Ye Tian's plane landed at Nanjing Airport. After leaving the airport lobby, Ye Tian directly took 800 yuan to buy a taxi and rushed to the Maoshan area.

By ten o'clock, Ye Tian had come to the small mountain village where he had lived for ten years. Ye Tian did not enter the village, but directly stepped on the snow and rushed to the Taoist temple halfway up the mountain.

"Bow!" With a sound, Ye Tian pushed open the door of the wing room, and a heat wave rushed towards him, making him feel a heat because of the explosion of the pores all over his body running up the mountain.


Looking at the old way lying in **, Ye Tianqiang endured the tears all the way and finally came out of his eyes. He knelt to the bed step by step and pushed away the master's hand to cover the white hair on his face.

Looking at the haggard color in front of him, describing the withered master, thinking about the scene when the crane-haired childlike and old and strong master taught himself martial arts, and the scene when he taught himself the Chinese literature under the lamp, Ye Tian's heart was like a knife.

Even though he knew that blaming the old and dying of illness was the normal state of life, Ye Tian could not accept the fact that the master was going to leave him. He held the master's thin hands tightly and cried.

The situation that got the news also rushed over. Seeing Ye Tian's appearance, he patted him on the shoulder and said, "Xiaotian, the old fairy is all right. It's much better than at night. Don't be too sad..."

"Brother Madman, Lou is fine..." Ye Tian wiped the tears on his face, stood up and said, "Brother Madman, Sister Yingying needs to be taken care of. You go back first. Just me and Dad are here..."

Ye Tian and Feng Kuang's family did not break contact. He knew that Wang Ying gave birth to a girl last month, and now he is still in confinement. It was difficult for him to come to help.

"Ye Tian, your sister Yingying is fine..."

Ye Tian interrupted the situation and said, "Brother crazy, listen to me, you go back first. In a few days, Master's condition will get better, and I will go down the mountain to see my sister..."

"Okay, call me if you need anything. Do you want me to prepare first?"

Feng Kuang is also in his thirties, and he knows a lot about the world. What he said about preparation is naturally the afterlife.

"Don't talk nonsense, my master still has at least two years to live"

Although Ye Tian is tough, he also knows that if there is no illness or disaster, he will indeed have two years of life, but after this, he can continue his life for a year, which is already changed his life against the sky.

After the sealing situation left, Ye Tian took the lower pulse to the master and felt that the pulse was still stable. Then he was relieved. After changing a piece of ginseng for the master, he winned at his father.

"Why did you come so fast? Did you come back by plane?" After the two walked out of the Taoist temple, Ye Dongping did not put on the airs this time.

Although he was a little dissatisfied with Lao Dao's teaching of his son as a little god stick, this did not prevent him from respecting Lao Dao. Ye Dongping was also very sad to see that the old Taoist was like this now.

"Dad, it's fine with me. You can go to Beijing. I've found my sister-in-law..."

After hearing the news that Master was critically ill, Ye Tian seemed to have matured a lot in one night. He felt that the things he had done before were very naive, at least he was very immature in concealing his aunt's condition from his father.

If the operation of my sister-in-law is successful, it will naturally be very good, but if the operation of my sister-in-law is fatal, it is equivalent to losing his father's chance to see his sister, which will definitely become Ye Tian's heart disease for a lifetime.

So at this moment, Ye Tian told his father nothing hidden about the things he encountered in Beijing, including the fact that he helped people see the feng shui trading of magic weapons.

"Xiaotian, say... what you said is true?" With Ye Tian's speech, Ye Dongping's face kept changing. When he heard that his little sister was seriously ill, he was so anxious that he couldn't wait to go to Beijing immediately.

But when he heard that Ye Tian was now worth millions, Ye Dongping was stunned. He didn't expect that his son had been in college for half a year and surpassed him in all aspects.

You know, Ye Dongping has worked hard for so many years in business. Up to now, the working capital is only more than 100,000 yuan. What magic weapon did his son sell casually, which is worth a million yuan. Is it possible that he did something wrong to suppress Ye Tian in those years?

Seeing that Dad was stunned there without saying a word, Ye Tian took out his phone book from his pocket, pointed to a phone number on it, and said, "Dad, this is the phone number of my aunt's house. You will know when you call..."

Taking over the phone book handed over by Ye Tian, Ye Dongping's hand trembled a little. He picked up the mobile phone left in the Taoist temple and walked away. He didn't want his son to see his gaffe.

"The day after tomorrow, it should be a sunny day..."

Ye Tian looked up at the snowy sky, and his heart was clear. The reason why he drove away Feng Kuang to open his father was to open the altar and didn't want to be seen by them.