Genius Master

Chapter 171 Yin and Yang Treasure Land

As the place where the 24 emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties lived, the Forbidden City is a big dragon vein running through the north and south. Although there are some flaws in the feng shui of some subtle buildings, it is a rare feng shui treasure.

The reason why Ye Tian chose to buy a quadrangle courtyard nearby is that he has his own reason in it. He can set up a formation in the quadrangle courtyard to communicate with the huge vitality in the Forbidden City to nourish himself.

"Ye Tian, do you really want to buy it? That's 800,000 yuan. You can buy a small villa in the suburbs..." The old lady doesn't understand Ye Tian's decision. Lao Wang can't wait to sell the quadrangle courtyard as soon as possible. Anyway, he can't drive away those people who live in vain, and it's also a blocksome way to see them on weekdays.

"Auntie, you won't lose money if you buy it. Isn't it going to be changed soon? I estimate that the house price in Beijing will rise. Now if you buy it for 800,000 yuan, you may be able to sell it for 8 million yuan in the future." Ye Tian laughed when he heard the words. Although he dropped out of school in Huaqing, Ye Tian also studied architecture. From a professional point of view, the price of building materials in the market has been rising all The trend.

However, when Ye Tian said this, he did not realize that he still underestimated the government's determination to boost GDP with the help of real estate. Only ten years later, his yard did not rise ten times, but hundreds of times.

"What good things do you think, kid? Forget it, since you want to see it, my aunt will accompany you in the afternoon, but my aunt told you that if you buy the house, you can only use half of it, and those old residents will not move away..." The old Ye family are more and more stubborn. When they see Ye Tianxia, they are determined to buy it, and the old lady will not say more The distance to live is also close to here, and it is very convenient to walk around on weekdays.

After hearing the old lady's words, Ye Tian smiled and said disapprovingly, "Aunt, I told them the truth, and they will move out..."

As the old street director, Ye Donglan coordinated the relationship between the landlord and the residents, but in the end, the two sides were not human, and she has not been in charge of these disputes since then.

Seeing Ye Tian's attitude, the old lady couldn't help picking up the loofah in her hand, knocked on her nephew's head, and said angrily, "Be reasonable? My aunt has been reasoning with them over the years, and none of them has moved away. Why is it so simple for your child to think about the problem?

Ye Tian touched his head and said, "Auntie, don't worry, there will be a way." "What's the way? Can't we do anything against the law? Ye Tian, don't be confused?" After hearing her nephew's words, the old lady was shocked. She knew that Ye Tian knew martial arts. If she couldn't help doing something with others, it would be a big trouble.

You know, those who rely on those who can't leave are basically old Beijing. They are not as good as the roller-knife meat of the overpass. They are soft and hard to eat. A small finger can make your family restless.

"Which one? Aunt, please relax. Am I that kind of person?

Ye Tian was told by the old lady that he couldn't laugh or cry. Others had nothing to do with those residents, but it didn't mean that Ye Tian had nothing to do. He didn't believe it. If the yard became a ghost house, who would dare to continue to live?

"That's right, my aunt will take you to have a look in the afternoon." Seeing Ye Tian's confident appearance, the old lady finally agreed.

The old lady was also in a hurry. After lunch, she took Ye Tian to the house in the northeast of the imperial city.

In this kind of mixed old quadrangle courtyard, the door has long been used as a decoration, and there is no need to knock on the door at all. Ye Donglan took Ye Tian through the door and went straight in.

"Hey, old director, I haven't seen you when I have time

......" "Auntie Ye, where are you visiting? Have you had lunch yet?


"Sister Ye, what are you busy with these days? I didn't see you at night." To say that the old lady's popularity is really good. After entering the yard, the voice of greeting was endless. Looking at the enthusiasm of these people alone, no one could think that they were the old residents who refused to leave.

In fact, these people are the same as ordinary people. They lived here in special times. On the one hand, they had feelings. On the other hand, the unit let them live in at that time. Now when they move out, the unit doesn't care, so it has become a historical legacy.

There are also some people who take advantage of it.

These people are not without money or houses, but when they see that others don't move, they don't want to move. There are such people in this yard. Both husband and wife drive in a car, but they don't move here.

While greeting the people around him, Ye Donglan took Ye Tian through the cloister, bypassed the huā garden full of debris, and then walked through a hanging huā door to the yard.

"Brother Wang, are you at home?" After walking to the yard, the old lady shouted angrily.

"Director Ye, are you here? I was going to find you these two days." With the words, an old man came out of the main room facing the hanging door.

The old man is not tall, and his hair is all white, but his waist is very straight. His eyes don't dodge when he looks at people, and his body is powerful. As you can see, I used to be a leader.

"Brother Wang, this is my nephew, that is, he wants to buy this yard. Let's talk about it in the inner room."

The old lady lowered her voice a little. She knew that the people in the front yard were listening to the conversation inside with their ears. These people didn't have a fuel-efficient lamp. If they knew that Lao Wang's head sold the yard, what might happen?

"Okay, okay, it says, "... Lao Wang also knows that those people are not easy to mess with. After greeting the two into the inner room, he said, "Director Ye, you are the old director of this district, and I can't hide it from you. You know this matter. I don't have the ability to let them move out

If someone else comes to buy it, Lao Wang may not mention the affairs of those old residents, but the old director of the street came to his door. He knew that he could not hide it, so he made the matter clear.

At noon, Ye Tian said firmly, so the old lady did not pester those things and said, "Brother Wang, I know this situation. Buying it is equivalent to only buying the backyard. Isn't your price a little too high?"

Although this backyard also has a small huā garden with eight wing rooms, which is the quietest place, the area is much smaller than the middle courtyard, which is also reasonable for the old lady.

"Big sister, I want to sell it, but it's sold together with the first two yards. 800,000 yuan is really not expensive. If you drive those people away in the future, you can't buy 800,000 yuan here..."

After hearing Ye Donglan's words, the old man shouted to the sky, but when he saw that the old lady was unmoved, he couldn't help saying, "Well, big sister, I'll give another 100,000 yuan, 700,000 yuan,

If you agree, let's go through the formalities. If you don't agree, I'll leave it here!"

In fact, Lao Wang is also very reluctant to part with this quadrangle courtyard, but when his son returned to China last year, he had a fight with those residents outside because of the property rights of the house, and he sewed several stitches on his head and returned to the United States angrily.

In this way, Lao Wang couldn't get along with those people outside, so he listened to his son's words and was ready to sell his house to the United States.

"Xiaotian, what do you think?"

After hearing Lao Wang's words, Ye Donglan looked at her nephew. She couldn't take care of the matter, and she also knew that even her brother could not be the family for what Ye Tian decided.

"Seven thousand?" Ye Tian lowered his head and pondered for a while and said, "Yes, 700,000 yuan is 700,000 yuan. I'll buy it!"

From the time he entered the front yard, Ye Tian had been observing quietly. At this look, he was suddenly happy. This house was simply amazing. He put it in his hand and could do whatever he wanted.

This large quadrangle courtyard is located in the northeast of the Forbidden City. The northeast gong position is called "Ghost Gate" in Fengshui, which is an extremely unlucky position, but in the Qimen spell, this orientation is also called "Songmen" or "Guimen" and "Guimen". Generally, in Mr. Fengshui's mouth

Alive qi, heroic qi, qi, qi, madness, etc. are all manifestations of qi, while the northeast position happens to be the alternation of yin and yang qi, symbolizing hidden, strangeness, turbulence and uncertainty, which is also the origin of the name "ghost gate".

In such a place, as long as Ye Tian uses some means, he can turn it into a gloomy ghost house without losing his vitality, which can save Ye Tian a lot of effort.

On the contrary, after driving away those "Lao Lai", some of the secret arrays inherited by Ye Tiandong in his mind can also take advantage of the characteristics of the alternation of yin and yang here to transform it into a feng shui treasure. The wonderful application is completely concerned.

Thinking of the benefits of living here in the future, Ye Tian can't wait to buy the house now. He immediately took out a card and said, "Auntie, there are still more than 900,000 yuan in this card. When Uncle Wang is free, let's go through the formalities and notarize it..."

Before 2000, quadrangle courtyards were still not allowed to buy and sell privately, but for Ye Donglan, it is really not a problem. After working at the grassroots level for so many years, there is still such a human relationship.

"I'm free now, but Xiaoye, you bought this house, don't regret it, saying that Uncle Wang cheated you?"

Lao Wang also wanted to throw away this hot potato for a long time. He just looked at Director Ye's face and reminded Ye Tian.

"Uncle Wang, don't worry, we are Zhou Yu who beat Huang Gai, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer!"

Ye Tian laughed when he heard the words. He had been happy for a long time at this moment. After transforming the yard, his feng shui was even better than the Taoist temple in Maoshan.

: The third update is sent. I bow my eyes and thank my brothers for their support. There are only the last opped hours left in May. Let's vote for everyone's monthly tickets. Let's have a perfect ending!
