Genius Master

Chapter 174 Haunted on

Ye Tian said before moving, asking the moving company to discuss with the residents. So these people were embarrassed to trouble Ye Tian and separated the objects there by themselves, and the whole yard was as lively as a vegetable market.

"Move it, you will cry in the future..." Ye Tian stood in the yard and looked at the chaotic scene. There was a trace of coldness in his smile on his face. It is human nature to take advantage of it. However, since ancient times, it seems that he has not heard of anyone who dares to take advantage of a feng shui master

People who live here are not necessarily bad people. Most of them are just small citizens everywhere, but Ye Tian is not a philanthropist. With a huge sum of money to buy a villa in the suburbs, naturally, they will not raise these people for nothing.

Ye Tian walked around the backyard and had an idea in his heart. He looked around. Zhang Mo and his wife did not participate in the moving operation. They walked to him and smiled and said, "These huā basins are too inconvenient. Brother Zhang, come and help and move these huā basins to the huā garden... ......" "Yes, Lao Wang's head is idle all day long, and he will wait for some huā grass. Wu Laoer, don't take advantage of his mother and come to help Brother Ye..." Zhang had no doubt that he was there. After hearing Ye Tian's words, he nodded and agreed, and called the second brother of Mr. Wu's house

Lao Wang is indeed a person who loves huā. In addition to the huā garden in the middle of the yard, which is full of huā grass, there are many huā pots in front of the door of each room, adding up to hundreds of pots.

taking such a big advantage of others, Zhang Mo and Wu Laoer also worked hard and moved a pot of huā to the edge of huā garden, but they did not find that every pot they moved, and Ye Tian quietly moved his position.

After working until more than ten o'clock, almost all the objects in the whole backyard [room] have been emptied, and even the wire hanging clothes in the yard has been cut off. The courtyard, which was originally popular, has now become empty.

Those huā basins were also moved to the middle of the yard by Ye Tian. Because of the large number, Ye Tian simply stacked them up and placed them on the edge of a wall in the backyard.

Several young men from the moving company washed their hands, walked to Ye Tian and said, "Boss Ye, this work is done. Let's go..."

"This is 100 yuan. I'll take it to buy cigarettes." Ye Tian took out 100 yuan from his pocket and handed it over.

The leading young man was quite practical. Seeing Ye Tian paying, he waved his hand repeatedly and said, "No, no, Boss Ye, we have taken away a lot of these things. Forget the money!" Seeing this scene, those residents were all sideways, and Ye Tian's status in their hearts declined a lot. "Give someone else's things back the money? Where is this prodigal son? It's just a big mistake!" Please be sure to take the money in the middle of the night..." Ye Tian stuffed the 100 yuan into the man's hand, and then said, "I'm going to decorate here in a few days. This hanging door is a little in the way. Let's push it to forget it, so that I don't have trouble to open the door from the back..." Originally, there was a back door, but it was blocked by Lao Wang in the early years, and the aisle behind the hanging door was also blocked by him. Ye Tian's hotel was about to be reopened.

The person from the moving company walked to the front and back of the Chuihuā door and looked at it and said, "It's a little difficult to push down the door with the wall. It's a little difficult to tie it up with a rope, and someone pushes it behind it, which will save trouble..." The rope He found another hammer and smashed a few hammers at the bottom of the hanging door and removed a row of bricks. The hanging door, which originally looked very strong, suddenly became shaky and ready to marry.

"Boom!" is pushed by the people in front of you and the people behind. With a sound, the hanging door fell down with a surrounding wall, and the dust overflowed, making Zhang Mo and others who came to help also become dirty.

"Hehe, it's done, Brother Zhang, thank you today. I'll wait for this hotel to open later. I'll invite you to have a meal


After seeing the wall at the wind outlet and the hanging huā door fell down, Ye Tian's face showed a smile. This yard is a natural place of alternation of yin and yang. A little bit can make it work.

"Then thank you, Brother Ye first. It's getting late. Let's go back first. Look at this dirty body......" When pushing the wall, the group of people were all disgraced, and the yard was also empty. No one was willing to stay here anymore. Everyone went out.

"Damn, why is it a little cold?" Zhang Mo, who was walking behind Ye Tian, suddenly shivered. There seemed to be a cold wind blowing on his neck behind him. He couldn't help looking back, but he didn't see anything.

This will be the time when the tigers are rampant in the autumn of early September, and the temperature at night is also above 24 or 25 degrees. This for no reason, a cool breeze accelerated Zhang Mo's feet and walked in front of Ye Tian.

"Xiao Ye, take your time, come home for dinner one day!"

"Brother Ye Tian, I need to help you speak at that time..." "Yes, Xiao Ye, you're welcome. It's all neighbors. If you can use an uncle, you can talk... A person who got a cheap yard stood at the door of the quadrangle courtyard and sent Ye Tian out. As for how these people arrange Ye Tian in their I guess there is nothing good to say.

"Thank you, uncle and aunt. I will definitely disturb you another day..." Ye Tian was polite and turned around and left this quadrangle courtyard, which was already his own in a legal sense.

"I hope you are not too bold

" Turning around, the smile on Ye Tian's face has turned into a sneer.

Originally, Ye Tian was still a little hesitant about whether to push down the hanging huā gate, but the greed of those people made Ye Tianxia's determination to transform this almost natural yin and yang feng shui place into a Jiuyin killing array.

As the saying goes, the lonely yang is not responsible, and the yin is not long. It is necessary to have the harmony of yin and yang to make everything grow. The quadrangle courtyard of the old king's head was also pointed out by a high-ranking person at the beginning of its construction. The back wall with the hanging hu

Now Ye Tian has pushed down the back wall, which is equivalent to opening the "ghost door".

The so-called "ghost door" is actually the place that blocked the yin evil spirit in the northeast. Now that the "ghost door" fell, the yin and yang qi of this quadrangle courtyard suddenly became unbalanced. Zhang Mo felt that his neck was cold before, which was caused by the invasion of the evil.

And the hundreds of pots in the middle of the yard are also exquisite, seemingly messy, but in fact, it is a smart formation that can absorb all the yang in the first two yards and make the evil spirit of the "ghost door" **.

This yard is located in the alternation of yin and yang in the whole Forbidden City. The huge evil spirit will sweep the whole courtyard in the shortest time. Ye Tian doesn't have to think about it, and he will know what happened next.

"His father, do you think this person surnamed Ye is less brainy? Give away all the things, and how can you give them money? The noisy yard was silent in the middle of the night, but after such a thing, basically no one could sleep, and everyone was talking about what had just happened.

After Zhang Mo came back from the backyard, he always felt a little uncomfortable. After hearing his daughter-in-law's words, he said angrily, "Why do you care so much? I think that boy is a second ancestor. He hasn't suffered anything. He will know when he falls in the future..."

"Well, I think so, but this hotel is very profitable. Why didn't we think of it?"

After more than ten years of small business, Zhang Mo's daughter-in-law also has some vision.

"I didn't think of that money. I bought at least 700,000 or 800,000 yuan for this yard, plus decoration. I absolutely can't get it without 1.5 to 600,000 yuan. How can we have so much money? You old woman, it doesn't hurt to stand and talk!" Zhang Mo was irritable for no reason. After scolding his daughter-in-law, he said, "Don't worry about other people's affairs. Go to bed. It's time to go to the house on the other side of the Fourth Ring Road tomorrow to collect rent."

"Ah, ghost, there is a ghost!"

Just as the lights in Zhang Mo's room were out, there was a sudden scream in the yard, as if the vocal cords had been torn. The sadness made everyone who heard it feel nervous.

"What's going on?" With the light at the head of the bed, Zhang Mo didn't even wear his coat. He rushed out with a door stick.

"Sister Yan, what's the matter? Where is the ghost?" The lights in the yard were on, and everyone came out in their clothes. Zhang Mo, who arrived first, found a pale man standing in the middle of the yard.

Seeing the lights around her, Sister Yan, who stood still in place, seemed to be a little bold. Pointing to the discovery in the backyard, she said in a trembling voice, "Ghost, there are ghosts, a group of female ghosts in ancient clothes!"

"What are you talking about? What the hell is there in this Langlang universe?

Zhang Mo snorted at Sister Yan's words. Seeing that this woman is usually fierce enough, she didn't expect to be so timid. She has lived here for decades. When did she be haunted?

"Sister Yan, can you call out the ghost and show it to me? So, what is that?"

As Zhang Mo spoke, he took a few steps forward. After reaching the door of the backyard, he stretched out his head and looked in. Suddenly, his whole body was frozen and his scalp was numb.

With the light from the middle courtyard, Zhang Mo clearly saw that three people in ancient palace maids' costumes passed by the door in front of the backyard.

The last person also looked back at Zhang Mo. His pale face and blood-red lips immediately made Zhang Mo retreat and sat on the ground.

"Damn...Damn, it's really...what a ghost?" Looking at the crowd around, Zhang Mo couldn't even speak well. A stench came from his lower body, but he was so scared that he was incontinence.

: First update, thank you for your support in May. A new January has begun, and a new journey has begun. If you want to guarantee the minimum monthly ticket, friends who support your teachers, vote for your guaranteed monthly ticket!!!
