Genius Master

Chapter 200 Each of the Ghosts

"Did these guys watch too much TV? I've been thinking about the darkness under the light all day..."

Ye Tian shook his head. Recently, the TV station is broadcasting a TV series called "Yongzheng Dynasty". In it, when Nian Qianyao was looking for the main force of the enemy, he was pointed out by the allusion of the dark under the lamp by the counselor Wu Sido. At present, the group of tomb robbers have chosen the landing point opposite the public security bureau one after another, and it is estimated that they also have this intention.

This four-star hotel is very luxuriously decorated, with more than 20 floors, which should be quite good in Urumqi.

If Ye Tian hadn't clearly sensed that "Boss Jia" would have lived in it, he probably never thought that a group of grave robbers would have stayed in such a luxurious hotel, which was somewhat inconsistent with their identity of dealing with the dead all day long.

After walking around the hotel, Ye Tian walked to the front desk with his backpack, took out his ID card and handed it over, and said, "Sister, please give me a room with a lower floor. I'm dizzy with the elevator..."

The hotel had no reason to refuse the guest's request. After giving Ye Tian three rooms to choose, Ye Tian chose a room on the fifth floor facing the hotel parking lot.

After entering the room, Ye Tian opened the curtains. Sure enough, you can clearly see the ground parking lot of the hotel from here. With Ye Tian's eyes, you can even see everyone who gets out of the car.

"Strange, why is he alone?"

After closing the curtains, Ye Tian sat down to ** and sensed the position of "Boss Jia", but it was in a room on the 18th floor.

However, what surprised Ye Tian was that there was only "Boss Jia" in the [house], which was a little different from Ye Tian's imagination. The reason why he tracked here. The person you are looking for is not "Boss Jia"!

"Wait and see. I don't believe he will stay in the hotel!"

After sitting on the train for dozens of hours, Ye Tian also felt a little tired. He simply took a hot bath and lay down and fell asleep. Anyway, as long as the wisp of vitality was still on "Boss Jia", Ye Tian could grasp the other party and the dynamics around him at any time.

When Ye Tian woke up, it was already past 11 o'clock in the middle of the night. After washing his face, Ye Tian sensed his vitality. A strong expression.

Because Ye Tian found that "Boss Jia" was no longer in the room on the 18th floor, but went to the 8th floor.

And Ye Tian can clearly feel that there are a total of five people in that room, including "Boss Jia". If you guess correctly, the people of this tomb robber gang should be here. Alas, the skill is too shallow to know what they are talking about..."

There is a secret art in the inheritance inherited by Ye Tian, if the power can reach the realm of great success. Through a trace of vitality left in others, you can not only sense the content of the other party's conversation, but also restore the scene in your own mind, which is a bit similar to the Buddha's heavenly eyes.

It's just Ye Tian's current cultivation. Not to that extent, he can only feel the general situation around "Boss Jia" through the shock of vitality. As for anything else, there is nothing he can do.

"You definitely can't do it here, but it's a little difficult..." Ye Tian scratched his head with some embarrassment.

You know, there are cameras everywhere in the hotel. If something happens to those people in the hotel, Ye Tian will definitely not be able to get rid of the suspicion. He doesn't want to implicate himself because of several grave robbers.

"They can't stay in the hotel all the time, can they? Even if you are on vacation, you have to go out to play..."

Ye Tian believes that they will not come to Urumqi for no reason. They will definitely have some purpose. When they follow them, they will definitely find an opportunity.

After thinking about it for a while. Ye Tian thought out a way. Now he took out a piece of yellow paper from his backpack, went to the door and locked the door, and then became busy in the room.

Half an hour later, Ye Tian pinched the yellow paper in a sweat and scolded hatefully, "***, it's really not easy to draw a charm!"

From the appearance, this yellow paper is no different from before, but if you open your eyes, you can find that there is a faint vitality on this yellow paper, which is barely a spiritual charm.

This symbol made by Ye Tian still uses the means of void painting symbols to condense part of the vitality in his [body] into this paper symbol with the array. If someone touches this array, the invisible and colorless vitality in the array will escape into the person.

The reason for making this symbol is that Ye Tian can only master the dynamics of "Boss Jia" now. In case the remaining few people act separately from him, Ye Tian will be blind, so he draws this symbol so that he can sense the actions of each of them.

After making the rune, Ye Tian went to the bathroom and fiddled with the mirror. Five minutes later, when he came out of the bathroom, his eyes seemed to be much smaller. If he was not a very familiar person, he would not be able to recognize him at a glance.

This is also one of the skills Ye Tian learned by following Lao Dao in the world. Lao Dao once asked Ye Tian to pretend to be five different people in a row and ask the way to the same [police] without showing any fw, which is a teacher.

Although it is not as magical as the legendary transfgation, it is also very practical. Even if it is opposite the "Boss Jia" now, I'm afraid the other party can't recognize who he is.

Putting on his hat, Ye Tianshi walked out of the room and took the elevator to the eighth floor. When he passed the room where "Boss Jia" was, the yellow paper in his hand accidentally fell to the ground.

When Ye Tian picked it up, Ye Tian's vitality had been condensed in front of the door. As long as the people in and out of this room, they would be stained with a trace.

Touching his cooing stomach, Ye Tian went straight down to the first floor. Xinjiang's cuisine is also famous in the country. Since he is here, it would be a pity not to taste it.


In the living room of a suite on the eighth floor, four people were shouting and playing cards, and Wang Shun was also among them, but his eyes kept aiming at the closed door.

Wang Shun arrived in Urumqi two days later than Diwang and others. After arriving, he lived in this place, but he didn't see Diwang and others until today. He knew nothing about their whereabouts in the past two days.

This made Wang Shun feel a little rejected. He couldn't help asking a burly man sitting opposite him, "Third brother, what's wrong with Master? I went into the room from the moment I came back. What kind of business are we doing this time?

Di Wang's gang originally had a total of eight people, and the shortest time was Wang Shun, who had been with him for more than ten years. The second brother died in a tomb robbery as early as Wang Shun first joined the gang.

Now this gang, in addition to Di Wang, is going to count the Biaozi who ranks the third. He never went to the grave and has always followed Di Wang like a shadow, which is his confidant.

To Wang Shun, a slick guy who shamelessly recognized the boss as a teacher, Biaozi didn't like him very much. He squinted at Wang Shun and replied, "How do I know about the boss? Xiaoqi, go in and ask."

"Okay, this money is just going to be given to the boss, so I'm going to knock on the door, third brother, if you want to be scolded later, you have to help me round it!"

At ordinary times, if Di Wang doesn't call them, no one dares to enter the boss's room, but Wang Shun has successfully done a business of 200,000 yuan. The boss should not scold himself, will he?

"Come in!" After Wang Shun knocked on the door, Di Wang's low voice came from the room.

"Master, this is the money for trading the batch of antiques in Beijing, 200,000 yuan, all here..." Wang Shun respectfully put the leather bag in front of Di Wang, but his lowered eyes stared at a book in Di Wang's hand.

The book was a little broken, and there was not even a cover. The pages were yellow, and there seemed to be some symbols drawn on it, but it was such a broken book that Wang Shun couldn't move his eyes.

"Xiao Qi, you did a good job this time. You take 50,000 yuan for this money!"

Wang Shun thought that he could lower his head and avoid Di Wang's eyes, but he didn't find it. There was already a sneer on Di Wang's face in front of him. In those years, the second brother was buried alive in an ancient tomb by Di Wang because he peeped at this strange book.

"Master, follow you. What's the use of asking for money?" After hearing Di Wang's words, Wang Shun's head drooped lower.

The sneer on Di Wang's face was even more, but his tone became softer and softer. "I know that you have always wanted to learn from Master's skills. Xiaoqi, don't worry, Master is old, and he will pass it to you sooner or later..."

"Thank you, Master. Xiaoqi must learn carefully!" Wang Shunmeng knelt on the ground with undisguised joy on his face. This was the first time that Diwang promised to pass on the Qimen formation to him.

After following Di Wang for more than ten years, Wang Shun clearly knew that the man in front of him could resolve the fierceness many times and eradicate the opponent, basically relying on the broken book in front of him.

And the reason why Wang Shun tried his best to take Diwang as his teacher is actually for this book. He believes that as long as he learns the skills in the book, he doesn't have to rely on Diwang's nose to set up another door.

I feel that Di Wang is in a good mood today. Wang Shun boldly asked, "Master, what kind of work are you doing this time? It's so good in China. There's no need for us to go abroad, right?

Wang Shun did not agree with Di Wang's intention of saying that he would leave the country directly after finishing the order in Xinjiang when he was in Beijing. Although he was young, he raised four or five people in several cities, and he was unwilling to go abroad at all.

"Well, I also think it's a little inappropriate. Let's finish this order first. Xiaoqi, you can go up the mountain with us tomorrow and go back to rest now!"

"Thank you, Master. Then I'll go back first. Have a good rest." Hearing Di Wang's eviction order, Wang Shun peeked at the broken book and exited the room.

Wang Shun originally thought that if Di Wang insisted on going abroad, he would steal the book and fly away, but now it seems that there is no need to take this risk.