Genius Master

Chapter 258 Zhou's pulse


Zhou Xiaotian just wanted to open his mouth to speak, but a violent cough blocked the words back, and a trace of extremely unhealthy red appeared on his pale face.

Ye Tian stretched out his hand and grabbed Zhou Xiaotian's left arm and said, "Give me your left hand!"

"What are you doing?"

Zhou Xiaotian was shocked and subconsciously withdrew his hand, but his action was not as fast as Ye Tiankuai. He choked Taiyuan's acupuncture point, and he only felt that half of his body was numb and tilted **.

"This is an injury to the lung meridian, and the injury is not serious!"

After putting his fingers on Zhou Xiaotian's wrist and giving him a pulse for a while, Ye Tian said with a serious face, "If you go on like this, you will only have half a year to live at most!"

There is a text in "Lingshu Meridian": the lungs are full, bulging and coughing. If they are not treated, they will soon cough up blood and die. The ancients also called it tuberculosis.

Modern medicine Changming, this disease is no longer a terminal disease. It can be cured as long as he is hospitalized for a period of time. However, Ye Tian looks at Zhou Xiaotian's miserable appearance, and he probably doesn't even have the money to eat, let alone see a doctor.

In order to avoid people's eyes and ears living in this kind of hostel, Ye Tian can understand, but the pickled cabbage steamed bread on the table shows that Zhou Xiaotian's economy is really not very rich. Ye Tian doesn't know where the money he earns have been spent.

"Can you still live for half a year? That's enough!" Zhou Xiaotian smiled miserably. He was about the same age as Ye Tian, but it gave people a feeling of experiencing the vicissitudes of the world.

Ye Tian asked strangely, "This disease is not difficult to treat. It's enough to spend thousands of yuan in hospital. Aren't you going to see it?"

"I have no money!" Zhou Xiaotian simply popped out two words in his mouth.

"I said you need to be beat, right? What about the 30,000 yuan I earned last time?

Ye Tian has grown up so much that others have always had a headache for him. This time, he met the nemesis. He also felt powerless to the person who was talking outside.

Zhou Xiaotian looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water. He glanced at Ye Tian and said, "I've seen a doctor, give it to my mother!"

"Is he a filial son?"

Ye Tian looked carefully at Zhou Xiaotian's face. After deducing in his heart, he said, "You have been lost since you were a child. My father died early. My mother was at home, but my mother was blind in middle age. You are also engaged in this industry out of helplessness, right?

" did you know?!" There has been no wave on his face. Zhou Xiaotian, who seemed to have no interest in him, finally changed his face after hearing Ye Tian's words.

Ye Tian smiled and said, "From your face, you can see that your family should have learned from Qimen. You don't believe these, do you?"

Zhou Xiaotian's forehead is very high, and the forehead is the dry gossip in the gossip, that is, the king's father, so the forehead is high and there is no chance to hurt his father.

There is such a face in modern times. The most typical one is the great man. He is a man with a very high forehead and a high forehead. He has been outstanding since he was a child. His father likes to belittle him. The two are at odds, and his father also died in his early years.

"You robbed the tomb to see your mother?" After seeing Zhou Xiaotian's face, Ye Tian made some changes to him.

Zhou Xiaotian nodded silently and said, "Mom can't see her eyes. She must transplant her cornea. The hospital said it needed 80,000 yuan. I... I don't have enough money!"

Maybe it was said by Ye Tian. Zhou Xiaotian's words are much more than before, at least it doesn't sound so awkward.

"Ye Tian, open the acupuncture point, I didn't mean to!" Zhou Xiaotian suddenly raised his head and said, "I don't have the ability to block it. Can you... help me?"

Zhou Xiaotian is also a source of family learning. He knows that if the acupuncture point is opened and causes disaster, the karma will not only fall on himself, but also his blind mother.

So for his mother, Zhou Xiaotian bowed his head to Ye Tian. Although he didn't know how deep Ye Tian was in magic, he could see the evil spirit in the rosefinch lamp he sold last time with his naked eye, which was beyond his reach.

After hearing Zhou Xiaotian's words, Ye Tian said without hesitation, "Told your situation first. I'm not helping people casually!"

Although Ye Tian has been involved in this matter, he still needs to know the specific origin of Zhou Xiaotian, otherwise he will be really confused and take care of his own business.

Zhou Xiaotian didn't want to say anything, but when he saw Ye Tian's firm appearance, he lowered his head and said, "I'm Zhou Dunyi's descendants."

Ye Tian was shocked when he heard the words and asked, "Zhou Dunyi in the Northern Song Dynasty?"

"Yes, I'm ashamed of my ancestors!" Zhou Xiaotian's head drooped lower, but Ye Tian could understand his mood at this time.

Zhou Dunyi's name is Uncle Mao, and his name is Lianxi. He is a famous philosopher in the Northern Song Dynasty. He is recognized by the academic community as the founder of the school of science. Zhou Dunyi came out of the tomb and wrote "Taiji Tu Theory" and "Tongshu". He deduces the principle of the five elements of

Before Zhou Dunyi's death, he was not respected by people, and his academic status was not high. People only knew that he was "exquisite in politics", especially the "ain of the mountains and forests". He was free and easy-minded and had immortals, but no one knew his scientific thoughts.

Later, Nan'an Tong sentenced Cheng Taizhong to send his two sons, Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi, to his door. The second Cheng was a famous scientist. Zhu Xi, a scholar of science, spoke highly of him, which is Taijitu. Yi Shuo and Yi Tong were annotated, and their reputation gradually increased.

However, later generations thought that Zhou Dunyi was only the founder of China's science, but they did not know that he was still a yin and yang family. He was deeply accomplished in the five elements of yin and yang. The feng shui theory of the Zhou family was also highly respected in Qimen Jianghu.

Zhou Dunyi is noble by nature. Zhou's family used to have a high status in Qimen. As his descendant, Zhou Xiaotian went to rob tombs. No wonder he couldn't say it before.

"Isn't your vein in Hunan? Why did you come here?

Ye Tian once heard from his master about the Zhou family. He knew that most of Zhou Dunyi's descendants were in the area of Hunan and Jiangxi. However, since the end of the Qing Dynasty, the Zhou family has withdrawn from Qimen Jianghu and rarely heard from them.

"It has been four generations since our family moved to Hebei. My grandfather was killed by martial arts. My father also died in the early 1980s. My mother and I depended on each other, and I didn't want to rob the grave..."

Zhou Xiaotian seemed to be immersed in his own thinking and did not answer Ye Tian's words. He said it to himself. Maybe he rarely communicated with people at ordinary times, and his words were upside down, but Ye Tian still understood his background.

It turned out that Zhou Xiaotian's great-grandfather was the direct descendant of Zhou Dunyi's line. However, during the period of social change in the late Qing Dynasty, some people in the family peeped at Zhou Dunyi's inheritance and colluded with outsiders to rob some of the classics handed down

In order to avoid disaster, Zhou Xiaotian's great-grandfather left his hometown with his wife and settled down in the area of Tangshan, Hebei Province. He was originally a knowledgeable person, and soon became a private school teacher in Shili Baxiang, which was highly respected by people.

Zhou Xiaotian's grandfather, Zhou Tianqi, inherited the family study and was a professor in the philosophy department of a university in Hebei. Their family's life was originally very good, but in those ten years of turmoil, everything changed.

First, Zhou Xiaotian's grandfather was pulled out to criticize as Stinky Laojiu, and later someone found out several large boxes of Zhou's magic secrets hidden in his family.

Those people couldn't understand these things at all, but put a feudal superstition hat on Zhou Xiaotian's grandfather. Not to mention that, they put a handful of fire to burn a few boxes of inheritance secrets.

Zhou Tianqi, who had been beaten all over his body by those red generals, saw the ancestral meritorious code handed down for dozens of generations, which was actually destroyed in his own hands, and he was so angry that he vomited blood and died.

Zhou Xiaotian's father, who had just been married at that time, had a lot of family skills, but he did not dare to use it. When protecting Zhou Tianqi, he was also beaten into internal injuries and died when Zhou Xiaotian was eight years old.

Later, the policy was implemented, which also gave some compensation to the Zhou family. Zhou Xiaotian's mother became a staff member of Zhou Tianqi's university in those years.

It's just that Zhou's mother was heart-wred with her husband. Because her eyes often cried, she gradually developed from being unable to not being able to work normally. In desperation, she had no choice but to apply for internal withdrawal. The two of them lived on that meager retirement salary. In the past few years, Zhou's mother' I went to the hospital for examination, and it was said that the corneal turbidity caused by recurrent viral keratitis. Corneal transplantation must be performed, otherwise you will be blind.

The Zhou family still had some money, but when they raided the house, they were all robbed. Zhou's father had not left much money when he died, and the burden was suddenly weighed on Zhou Xiaotian.

Due to his family background, Zhou Xiaotian dropped out of high school. Although he has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, in this era of hundreds of yuan a month, he wanted to collect 80,000 yuan to treat his mother's illness, which was no different from whimsical.

In desperation, Zhou Xiaotian remembered some knowledge about feng shui that he had learned from his father when he was a child, and then rummaged through the boxes at home to find the only preserved compass.

Zhou Xiaotian is also an extremely intelligent person. After buying some books to study, he contacted the family theory in his memory. Instead, he was really self-taught, which can be regarded as entering the threshold of a feng shui master.

However, at the age of less than 20 years old, no one invited him to see feng shui at all, and the door to make a fortune was also closed to him.

By chance, Zhou Xiaotian saw some people buying and selling antiques in the antique market. He suddenly woke up like a dream. He knew how to observe the earth. He can't make money from the living. Can't he make money from the dead?

After having this idea, Zhou Xiaotian opened up, and in the process of walking alone, he met some of his peers and was introduced to Ji Ran's field to trade, so he got to know Ye Tian.


PS: The third update is sent, sweat, hurry up or it's still a little late. Try to update it as soon as possible tomorrow. Well, buddy sisters, it's the end of the month. Vote for us!

. ( To be continued)