Genius Master

Chapter 273 Named Disciple

Ye Tian knew that Zhou Xiaotian's mother was only forty-six or sixty-seven years old this year, but she looked white-haired and haggard, like an old man in his sixties. It can be seen that the family's changes have dealt a great blow to her.

"Mom, I'll help you, this step is high!" Zhou Xiaotian was indeed a filial son. He carried the package on his back and held his mother into the courtyard with his hand.

"This brother, hold your aunt, and I'll help you get something."

After more than a week of recuperation, Tang Xuexue looked much better, and she was a little fatter than before. Seeing Zhou Xiaotian carrying a small bag, she quickly came up to help.

Zhou Xiaotian didn't know who Tang Xuexue was from Ye Tian. How dare he let her help? He waved his hand repeatedly and said, "No, no, I can do it. Thank you, little sister..."

"Wow, we...where have we been? Why is the air here so fresh?

Although Zhou's mother can't see her eyes, the feeling of her nose and body skin still exists. As soon as she entered the yard, she felt the difference here.

"Ye...Brother Ye, you... are you in the formation here?" Zhou Xiaotian didn't pay attention to it at the beginning. Hearing his mother's words, he looked around, and his face suddenly showed a shocked look.

Zhou's lineage was a real strange person in those years, and he also had a great reputation in the world in the past. Although the inheritance is lost now, Zhou Xiaotian's eyesight is still there.

"All right, go into the room and talk about it, auntie, are you tired of sitting in the car for so long?"

Ye Tian waved his hand, gave the two to the front room in the front yard, and said, "The old house has already been cleaned up. Just wait for your aunt to come and take a break here. I'll call my father and ask him to come and see Xiaotian!"

After all, it's a person in his father's store. He still needs to be asked to come and check it. After Ye Tian poured a glass of water for Zhou's mother, he was ready to go out and make a phone call.

"Wait. Xiaoye, you are not a few years older than Xiaotian. Isn't it strange for me to call your name? Just as Ye Tian was about to go out, Zhou's mother stopped him.

Ye Tian stopped and said, "Auntie, just call me Ye Tian!"

"Well, then I'll call you Ye Tian." Zhou's mother nodded and suddenly turned her face around. He said to Zhou Xiaotian, who was standing aside, "Wu Tian, kneel down!"

Zhou Xiaotian was obedient. Without saying a word, he knelt down on the ground paved with green bricks against Ye Tian.

"Oh, auntie, you...what are you doing? Xiaotian, get up. Why are you kneeling on me? Ye Tian was puzzled by the actions of Zhou's mother and Zhou Xiaotian. He quickly reached out to help Zhou Xiaotian.

"Xiao Ye, don't let him get up. We Zhou family don't have such unworthy descendants!"

Zhou's mother's words made Zhou Xiaotian show a pleading look to Ye Tian. He knew that if his mother didn't calm down, he would not think about this today. Not to mention treating his eyes, it was possible not to recognize his son.

"Did that happen?" Ye Tian opened his lips to Zhou Xiaotian, but he didn't make a sound. Zhou Xiaotian nodded, with a look of shame on his face.

Originally, Zhou Xiaotian told Ye Tian not to talk about this matter, but when he returned home, his mother asked, Zhou Xiaotian, who had not dared to lie since he was a child, told him about his tomb robbery and his acquaintance with Ye Tian.

"Go and call my father!" Seeing Zhou Xiaotian nodding, Ye Tian was so big that he quickly made a mouth shape and make a phone call to Tang Xuexue, who was standing aside at a loss.

Ye Tian is also a junior. Some words are not easy to persuade Zhou's mother, but Ye Dongping is different. When he comes, he can make a round, which is also the reason why Ye Tian asked Tang Xuexue to make a phone call.

"Auntie, what's the matter? You see, the ground is quite hard. Let him stand up first?"

Ye Tian pretended to be confused and waved his hand to ask Tang Xuexue to make a phone call. Tang Xuexue is also a smart girl of ice and snow, and she immediately ran out.

"Xiao Ye, you don't have to hide it from me. I know that this unworthy descendant dares to rob the tomb and humiliate his ancestors. I have no face to see his father under the nine springs!"

Zhou's mother was also a teacher in the school, but after her eyes were not good, she turned to logistics work. Now she can't even go to the class, but she understood it very well, and tears flowed down as she said it.

"Mom, it's all my fault. Don't be sad!"

Seeing his mother shed tears, Zhou Xiaotian was suddenly anxious and knelt down in front of his mother. He knew that the reason why his mother's eyes were blind was caused by frequent tears.

"Bang!" A crisp slap sounded, but Zhou's mother slapped her son, "My husband's trip, quiet to cultivate self-cultivation, thrift to cultivate virtue, Zhou Xiaotian, where is your virtue? Where have you been? Memorize the bottom!"

After being slapped by his mother, Zhou Xiaotian didn't even dare to raise his hand. He said honestly, "If you are not indifferent, you can't have a clear will. If you are not quiet, you can't go far. ** If you are slow, you can't be diligent. If you are dangerous and irri

"This week's mother is a learned person."

Hearing the passage recited by Zhou Xiaotian, Ye Tian knew that it was the Book of Commandments written by Zhuge Liang to his 8-year-old son Zhuge Zhan at the age of 54, which was regarded by later generations as a treasure book for self-cultivation and exhortation.

After Zhou Xiaotian recited it, he said, "Mom, I know I'm wrong!"

"Although I'm not from your Zhou family, I've been with your father for more than ten years. I know that your Zhou family is a person. How can I dare you do those little things to rob tombs? Are you worthy of the ancestors of the Zhou family?

Zhou's mother is a person with a very strong personality. She scolded her son with no mercy. Ye Tian also beats drums in his heart. He doesn't know if he should be glad that his little mother is not around, otherwise will he end up with the boy in front of him?

"Auntie, calm down. He is still young and has no social relations. It is also forgivable to take a mistake. I just let him come to work in Beijing. He will definitely not dare to do these things in the future!"

However, it is not a way to let Zhou's mother teach her son a lesson in front of her. Ye Tian thought for a moment and persuaded him.

"Xiao Ye, when my eyes can see, I can still control him, but... But now my aunt can't see anything, and I'm afraid that he will learn badly!"

Zhou's mother took out her handkerchief and wiped her tears. She reached out and touched Ye Tian. Ye Tian quickly handed her hand and said, "Auntie, your eyes can be cured. Don't worry..."

Holding Ye Tian's hand tightly, Zhou's mother said, "Xiao Ye, I heard what Xiaozi said. Auntie's eyes don't matter. I... I have something to ask you."

"Auntie, you say..." Ye Tian replied.

Zhou's mother hesitated for a moment and said, "Xiao Ye, I heard that you, like Xiaotian's father, are all people in Qimen. I... I want Xiaotian to worship you as a teacher, and I won't do anything bad in the future!"

Although Zhou's mother can't see it, she knows more than anyone else in her heart that Ye Tian stretched out to help her son, perhaps only out of a moment of kindness. There is no other factor between the two. Maybe her son will do something illegal in the future.

"This... Auntie, this can't be done. The inheritance of our two families is different, and the skills and secrets we have learned are also different. This is not appropriate!"

After hearing Zhou's mother's words, Ye Tian suddenly felt a little big. He had already rejected Zhou Xiaotian about this matter. Why was he mentioned again?

"Xiao Ye, I heard Xiaotian's father say that the inheritance of the Zhou family has long been lost, and some of these things of Xiaotianhui were taught to him by memorizing them. You think that the Zhou family no longer exists, okay?!"

Zhou's mother's face showed a pleading look. Since her husband's death, she has pulled her son up alone. She has never spoken to her mother's family for so many years, but for the sake of her son's future, she said this to Ye Tian.

Zhou's mother once heard her husband and father-in-law talk about things about Qimen. She knew that in the rules of the world, except for father and son, the biggest thing is the master-apprentice relationship. Only when her son worships Ye Tian as her teacher can she really feel at ease.

"Auntie, this... It's inappropriate these days. Xiaotian and I are about the same age. It's no problem to become friends, but master and apprentice, this... this can't work!"

Ye Tianyan shook his head repeatedly. It is reasonable to say that Zhou Xiaotian's character is not bad, which is in line with the standard of Ma Yi's apprenticeship, but he is too old to practice his own skills, and he can't inherit the inheritance of Ma Yi's vein.

"Xiao Ye, it's... It's aunt who took the liberty to bother you, Xiaotian, let's go!"

What Ye Tian didn't expect was that Zhou's mother actually stood up directly and asked her son to leave. This immediately made him sit a little bit. She didn't expect that her temperament would be so strong.

Ye Tian grabbed Zhou's mother with a wry smile and said, "Oh, auntie, what's wrong with you? Xiaotian and I will take care of him as a friend!"

Zhou's mother shook her head and said, "That's different. I know this child is filial. If he worships you as a teacher, he will obey you in everything, otherwise I'm afraid you can't control him in the future!"

"This...what kind of reason is this?"

Ye Tian was a little speechless by Zhou's mother. Seeing that she had got up and walked out of the door, he quickly said, "Auntie, or let Xiaotian be my named disciple. He is really not suitable for learning the secret skills of this school, but there are some things I can still teach him."

In ancient times, the personal disciples inherited the mantons, and the master would teach him his skills, and the one with a name was equivalent to a hanging name, but the representative accepted you and occasionally taught a few kung fu.

However, this is not an insult to Zhou Xiaotian, because when Ye Tian was five years old, he was also a named disciple of Li Shanyuan. When he was ten years old, he was officially included in the door wall.
