Genius Master

Chapter 280 Kicking Hall

"Kick the hall? Master, isn't that just going to smash the scene?" After hearing Ye Tian's words, Zhou Xiaotian suddenly rose up. The term "kick hall" came from Guangdong, because before liberation, there were the most martial arts halls in Guangdong, Hong Kong and other places, and it was easy to have conflicts between various martial arts halls.

As the saying goes, there is no first and no second in martial arts. People in the martial arts are vigorous and competitive. From the initial door-to-door competition, it gradually evolved into provocation, and slowly formed the term "kicking the hall".

Like the apprentice of the famous teacher Ye Wen, Bruce Lee often came to ask for advice from some martial arts predecessors at the beginning of his martial arts practice. His "kicking hall" is mainly to learn martial arts.

But when Bruce Lee became famous and opened the martial arts hall, there was also an endless stream of people kicking the hall every day, but those people had no motive and aimed at smashing the field.

Qiu Wendong's demolition company was related to the beating of Wei Hongjun. Ye Tian shouted the word "kick the hall". Naturally, he would not come to ask for a cup of tea.

"Well, it's just to smash the field. You are the main force tomorrow. Have a good rest today. Don't humiliate me, Master!" Ye Tian now feels that it's good to have an apprentice. At least he doesn't need to do anything.

Moreover, after the Zhou family moved to Hebei, they also communicated with some local martial arts schools, just like the kung fu practiced by Zhou Xiaotian, which is the Bajiquan, which is mainly based on actual combat.

In the martial arts world of [Zhong], there has always been a saying that "there are Taiji in the world, and martial arts have eight poles to determine the universe". "Eight poles" means that the strength can reach the extreme distance in all directions. Its movements are simple and concise, strong and crisp, and more powerful movements.

Bajiquan originated in Qingyun County, Shandong Province, and was later passed down in Cangzhou, Hebei Province. Zhou Xiaotian's ancestors once met friends with martial arts in Cangzhou and integrated the essence of Bajiquan into their ancestral skills. It can also be regarded as both internal and external cultivation.

Although Zhou Xiaotian is not very old, based on the ancestral internal skills, coupled with the fierce and invincible foreign eight-pole boxing, he has reached the level of dark strength.

When Ye Tian walked with his master, he had never seen a few people who could beat Zhou Xiaotian in kung fu. Even if there were, they were all old people in their sixties or seventy years old.

As the saying goes, "Fist is afraid of the young and strong, and the stick is afraid of the old man." Those old boxers who practiced foreign boxing to perfection really started. He may not be the opponent of the young and strong Zhou Xiaotian.

Of course, the outsider exercises hard, and the insider exercises the strength. If you meet a person who practices the inner boxing to the dark, Zhou Xiaotian's kung fu is not enough. It's just that the modern martial arts style is weak, but there are very few such people. "Well, Master, don't worry, I won't humiliate you." Although Zhou Xiaotian is calm. He is also a teenager. At the moment, he is rubbing his hands, and he can't wait to hit the door now.


There is a two-story small building on the side of the outer ring road in Dongcheng District. At the outside courtyard gate, there is a sign of Anshun demolition. There are three or four cars parked in the yard, but no one is seen.

However, in a room on the second floor of the small building, there was a lot of noise, and seven or eight people were shouting and pushing the card nine.

The man sitting in the village is in his forties. He shaved his head, with a scar more than two inches long, like an earthworm on his head, with a thick gold chain of his little finger hanging around his neck.

"Damn it, you guys are all here to kill me today, right?"

Open the card nine in your hand. But he looked depressing. Mr. Fei angrily threw out the pile of money in front of him, but although he cursed, his eyes did not blink.

Now it's different from more than ten years ago. Buddy's loyalty is all bullshit. If there is nothing affordable, no one will work for you anymore. When Mr. Fei is fine. I just like to pull my brothers to push the cards to deepen the relationship.

Fei Hewei was born in the 1950s. His father was an officer of the general seng. In that crazy era, Fei Hewei's old man followed the faction of the deputy commander at that time, so although he was not a big official. But it has great real power.

In that era, Fei Hewei was a child king in the General Senate, and he often took a group of kids out to fight with people.

However, in September of July, the deputy commander-in-chief's escape plane crashed. Fei Hewei's heroic father also changed from a hero to a bear overnight. After three months of censorship, he was thrown into prison.

And the trajectory of Fei Hewei's life has also undergone earth-shaking changes. The original child king suddenly became the descendants of the anti-revolutionary life, and the whole family moved out of the army compound.

This huge contrast distorted the psychology of Fei Hewei, who was already fifteen or sixteen years old at that time, and mixed up with a group of people in society all day long.

Because Fei Hewei had practiced a few kung fu with those people in the army, and his hands were very spicy, he soon became a famous stubborn master in Dongcheng District, which greatly satisfied his vanity that he was despised because of his father's imprisonment.

Later, after the turmoil, Fei Hewei's father was also released from prison. Because he was not deeply involved in the case, in order to make up for his contribution in the war era, the state arranged a job for Fei Hewei to work as an intern electrician in a military factory.

It's just that Fei Hewei at that time was a group of little brothers who went out with a lot of scenery. How could he be willing to go to the factory as an intern? So although I hung up the relationship, I didn't work for a day.

However, after a few years of such a carefree life, he encountered the severe crackdown that swept the whole country. As a famous stubborn owner in 49 cities, Fei Hewei was sentenced to ten years for the charge of hooliganing trouble.

There are only two kinds of people who come out of the prison. One is to be a person who is not honest before the complete pain, and the other is to be stained in the big dyeing tank and learn more and more.

Fei Hewei is of course the second kind of person. After coming out of the prison, he found that the whole society had changed.

In those years, the buddies had become honest children, and no one fought and killed them. After going to several buddies' houses for a few months, Fei Hewei could obviously feel the impatience of those people.

By chance, Fei Hewei met a cellmate of that year, but the cellmate was released earlier than him. Now he has opened a freight distribution station, which is very straightforward.

His cellmate was Qiu Wendong. At that time, Fei Hewei, who was already desperate, relied on Qiu Wendong and did things at his freight station.

However, Fei Hewei was born with a bad stomach of water. He thought it was too hard to work with his salary, and finally put his brain on the goods delivered by others.

At that time, there were not many good birds among those people taken in by Qiu Wendong, and there were many people who had the same idea as Fei Hewei. Several people immediately hit it off and began to steal the goods from the distribution station.

It's just that less than a year later, their theft of goods happened. At that time, Qiu Wendong was also a buddy's righteous man. He directly carried the matter down and was thrown into prison for three years, and the distribution station closed down as a result.

However, at that time, Fei Hewei already had a few money in his hand. In addition, he usually had a small amount of money to invite people to eat and drink. He actually pulled half of the bottom of Qiu Wendong Freight Station and ran to Dongcheng to open a freight station.

Qiu Wendong comes from a martial arts family. He also knows how to pay attention to the rules of the world, but Fei Hewei is different. He is an authentic ruffian. Even if he runs a company, he is full of deception.

When the freight station first opened, Fei Hewei also made some money, but gradually he couldn't get along, and others were unwilling to give him the goods.

At this time, Fei Hewei found another financial road, which was also related to Qiu Wendong. After Brother Dong came out of prison, he was actually a good time. He not only opened a security company, but also opened a demolition company.

When Fei Hewei asked someone about the doorway of the demolition company at that time, his eyes suddenly lit up. Isn't this their specialty to force people to move violently and demolish? This profession is simply tailor-made for him!

So Fei Hewei shamelessly found Qiu Wendong, but this time he could feel that Qiu Wendong did not mean to accept him.

With all his strength, Fei Hewei tricked Qiu Wendong into opening a branch in Dongcheng, while he himself hung under Qiu Wendong's company and also opened a demolition company.

After successfully doing several businesses and figuring out all the doors of the demolition company, Fei Hewei's company came out, but he knew that his reputation was not very good, and he always liked to act in the name of Qiu Wendong if he had nothing to do.

Qiu Wendong has a good face, and Fei Hewei always brags about his urgency and righteousness outside. Although he knows that Fei Hewei is not authentic, he has not turned against him. He has always turned a blind eye.

Fei Hewei's behavior of intimidating the Red Army in the past few months was actually done by him alone. He pulled Qiu Wendong because Qiu Ba was famous and a little like pulling the tiger's skin to make a big flag.

However, Wei Hongjun was also a well-known person in Beijing. He was a little uncertain about him, so he took a few months to put on a trap and beat Wei Hongjun.

In Fei Hewei's opinion, no matter how rich the Wei Hongjun is, he is just a businessman. He can't do anything to his barefoot hooligan. Because he has great confidence in Huang Mao's negotiation this time, he summoned his brothers to gamble in advance, and is ready to celebrate his achievements when Huang Mao comes back.

"Brother Wei, something's wrong, something's wrong!"

Just as the gambling was in full place, the door of the room was pushed away from the outside, and a little brother rushed in in a panic.

Fei Hewei, who had just lost another one, directly smashed the card in his hand and scolded, "Damn it, won't you knock on the door? Shit, are you used to kicking the door of the demolition households?