Genius Master

Chapter 285 Pointing

Just as his calf was about to kick Ye Tian, Feng Hengyu's foot suddenly changed from kick to hook, which is also the characteristic of "rut kick", which is very good at using ingenuity. At this time, Ye Tian's right foot had been kicked out. When he was about to be hooked by Feng Hengyu and lost his center of gravity, Ye Tian's right foot suddenly accelerated the speed of the forward kick and kicked straight to the inner side of Feng Hengyu's thigh.

This kick was extremely fast, and the change was unexpected. No one thought that Ye Tian's kick down could suddenly turn and turn down and kick up.

Fortunately, Feng Hengyu only used three points of force just now, and he was not old. He still had the strength to take back and lift the hook kick, and blocked Ye Tian's sudden kick with his calf.

"Bun!" As a result, many people present fell through their glasses. Originally, they thought that Ye Tian would be hooked to the ground by Feng Hengyu, but they didn't expect that after their legs hit each other, Feng Hengyu stepped back a few steps to stabilize his figure.

One is a premeditated active attack, and the other is a helpless defense of temporary passive transformation. As a generation of Bajiquan master, Feng Hengyu's left leg on the ground could not stabilize the bottom, and he was kicked back repeatedly by Ye Tian.

"Good!" In addition to the sound of inhaling cold air, the field was also mixed with Zhou Xiaotian's cheers.

Zhou Xiaotian was also born in Bajiquan. Naturally, you can see the doorway of that kick. Although Feng Hengyu's move is simple, the sudden change of moves makes people unable to prevent it. It is difficult to crack Zhou Xiaotian's encounter.

But Ye Tian also reacted very quickly. He didn't fight with Feng Hengyu at all, but broke through ten meetings with one force, forcing Feng Hengyu to defend, and also suffered a small loss.

After stabilizing his body, Feng Hengyu's face became serious, and the relaxation just now had already disappeared. He shouted, "Good means. It's really a hero who comes out of a teenager. Feng will ask for a few more tricks!"

In recent years, when Feng Hengyu and his juniors competed with each other, most of them used this trick, which was almost unfavorable, but today, it was broken by Ye Tian's understatement.

"I used three points of force for that kick just now!"

Ye Tian shook his head with a smile and smiled very happily. In those years, he was repeatedly tripped by Feng Hengyu's master Yong Rurui. Today, I have found the field.

After hearing Ye Tian's words, Feng Hengyu was stunned. Although he was in a hurry just now, he also used six or seven points of strength to defend, but he didn't expect that Ye Tian only used three points of strength to withdraw five or six steps away.

"Young man, let's see the real trick!"

After practicing boxing for decades, Feng Hengyu will naturally not be confused by Ye Tian's words. This time, he never mentioned Ye Tian's three moves, but shouted in his mouth. He took the initiative to attack Ye Tian.

Feng Hengyu's punch was far more powerful than Zhou Xiaotian's. After a shout, all directions tried his strength to open his eyes, his whole body was full of hands, and he suddenly rose and fell, and his arms slammed down like a storm on Ye Tian.

Bajiquan is originally a very fierce boxing, especially in Feng Hengyu's hands. All kinds of tricks come out, and there are all kinds of tricks, and there is no place on the body that is not an attack point.

After the death of his master, it was the first time that Feng Hengyu tried his best to do it. He also showed his character and showed his kung fu completely without any reservation.

Feng Hengyu believes it. Even in the whole domestic martial arts world, I'm afraid that the number of people who can stop his attack will not exceed three people. Of course, Feng Hengyu did not count Ye Tian among these three people.

"Good to come!"

Seeing Feng Hengyu's hard-opening posture, Ye Tian couldn't help but feel a little excited. At the moment, his feet did not move, and his hands danced as fast as wearing a butterfly. Feng Hengyu's offensive was blocked.

The "pop" sound made by Ye Tian's palm and Feng Hengyu's fist contact, mixed with Feng Hengyu's angry voice in the middle, which seemed quite strange.

Both of them moved extremely fast. Except for Qiu Wendong and Zhou Xiaotian, there were only a few people in the field, and no one else could see clearly who had the upper hand between them.

But he looked at Qiu Wendong's stunned look. The disciples of the martial arts school also guessed a few points. It seemed that the old friend of the master did not seem to have any advantage.

The fact is just as they guessed. At this moment, the shock in Feng Hengyu's heart is beyond great. He never dreamed that there was someone in the world who would stop his stormy offensive with his feet alone.

Moreover, Ye Tian's hands seemed to be sticky. Every time he intersected with his fists and feet, he could always cause his movements to stagnate and could no longer be coherent. Several times, Feng Hengyu was almost pulled to the ground by Ye Tian because of excessive force.

The more Feng Hengyu fought, the more shocked he became, because so far, he has been attacking. Ye Tian only passively used defense, which made him helpless. The fight between the two was like a master feeding his apprentice.

Feng Hengyu stepped into the dark power. He believed that even the dark power master could not block his offensive, but from his own attack, Ye Tian did not move a step with his feet?


A noun jumped into Feng Hengyu's mind, which shocked him, because even his master did not touch the threshold of energy all his life.

But if the teenager in front of him has not entered the legendary realm of transformation, it is impossible to deintegrate his boxing posture in such a light note.

Thinking of this, Feng Hengyu suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, and he wanted to stop and retreat as soon as he closed his fist, but what he didn't expect was that the stickiness on Ye Tian's palms seemed to suddenly increase, making his body crooked and uncontrollable.

The onlookers were already dumbfounded at this time. Although they couldn't see the movements of the two people just now, they were really good-looking. Who knew that suddenly Feng Hengyu's body swayed left and right, as if he were drunk.

Although those disciples have not yet practiced martial arts, anyone can see that Feng Hengyu is not Ye Tian's opponent at all. The gap between the two is like a three-year-old child and a 30-year-old strong man.

"All the way, I won't bully you, so that your master won't complain to my master underground, saying that I bully the younger generation!"

Ye Tian suddenly smiled, and his left hand drew Feng Hengyu's right arm. After drawing half a circle, his body jumped back. This is also the first time that Ye Tian has moved his steps since the two fought.

Being led by Ye Tian, Feng Hengyu's body suddenly turned around in the field. After turning seven or eight times like a top, Feng Hengyu barely regained control of his body.

At this time, Feng Hengyu's face was flushed, and the hair combed back on his head had completely drooped down, as if he had just been washed, and large grains of sweat flowed down his cheeks.

On Feng Hengyu's body, there was steaming heat. Obviously, he had just exhausted all his strength. After seeing Feng Hengyu's appearance, Ye Tian frowned and shouted, "Close the pores, hold this breath, and then let it out, and you can enter the dark power!"


Feng Hengyu, who was originally confused in his mind, suddenly had a trace of clarity when he heard Ye Tian's words. He was originally a master who stepped into the dark power. When he was pulled by Ye Tian's little bit, he suddenly understood in his heart.

Feng Hengyu's thoughts were everywhere, and his body also moved. His feet stood on an eight-level pile in eight characters. He held his hands in the lower Dantian, and his eyes looked ahead.

"Give it for me!" Feng Hengyu shouted, and the heat that originally lingered around him was actually taken back into the [body] by him.

He closed his eyes slightly, and Feng Hengyu felt the strength of his body swimming around. The physical strength he had just consumed seemed to have been replenished in an instant, and he still had extra strength!

Feng Hengyu's left foot was on the ground, and his arm waved out. The air in front of him burst with his movements, making a "pop" sound, as if he had been whipped by a whip.

"Dark power, I've really entered the dark power!" Feng Hengyu's face showed ecstatic. He had been stuck on the edge of darkness for four or five years, and he didn't expect to break through at this time?

"Master, I... When can I enter the dark?"

Seeing Feng Hengyu's empty fist breaking the wind, Zhou Xiaotian next to him looked envious. He hasn't even touched the threshold of darkness until now.

"You? You are luckier than him. At most one year, you can enter the dark..."

Ye Tian laughed when he heard the words, and then said, "You put down the kung fu of Bajiquan first, major in the kung fu of your family, and experience the subtleties of the true qi in the [body]. When you can hold that breath when you receive the force, you will enter the dark force!"

In Ye Tian's opinion, Zhou Xiaotian's talent and opportunity are a hundred times stronger than Feng Hengyu's. Feng Hengyu didn't enter the dark power until he was in his forties, and as long as Zhou Xiaotian lived in his yard for a year, he could reach the current state of the other party.

After hearing Ye Tian's words, Zhou Xiaotian's eyes lit up, nodded vigorously, and said, "Master, I will try my best!"

The conversation between the two woke up Feng Hengyu, who was in a great surprise. After looking at Ye Tian, Feng Hengyu hesitated for a moment, but he still came over.

"Elder Ye Tian, thank you for your advice!"

To everyone's shock, Feng Hengyu, who walked in front of Ye Tian, actually held his left palm and right fist in front of his chest. He bent down 90 degrees and respectfully saluted Ye Tian!

The left palm is the text, the right fist is the martial arts, and the combination of the two fists shows the humb desire for knowledge, waiting for the advice of his teachers or predecessors. Feng Hengyu's behavior represents that he has admitted that Ye Tian's generation is higher than his.
