Genius Master

Chapter 325 Killer

Joegie. Kader's nationality is the United States, but he is actually a Yugoslav. His father was a guard of Yugoslav leader Tito in World War II.

However, for various reasons, Old Kadel finally settled in the United States, Georgi. Kadel was born in the United States, but his name is still branded as Yugoslavia.

U.S. citizens are allowed to legally hold firearms, George. When Cadell became sensible, he played with guns under the influence of his father. From the earliest Mausers to modern automatic weapons, he played very skillfully.

In the 1970s, when the US-Vietnam War was coming to an end, 18-year-old George. Kader came to Vietnam. From a gun enthusiast to the battlefield of real knives and guns, he was baptized with blood and fire.

However, after the end of the Vietnam War, many people suffering from war syndrome feel extremely uncomfortable with a comfortable life. Qiao Ji, who has been on the Vietnam battlefield for two years. That's what Cadell is.

After working as an employee of an ordinary company for several years, George. By chance, Kader accepted the employment of a rich man and helped him assassinate a commercial competitor.

The pleasure of soaring adrenal hormones and rich monetary rewards when killing people make George. Cadell found his life goal again, and he quickly quit his original job.

Where there are people, they will fight. For many people, the way to make a body lose its soul is often the best way to solve the problem, so the killer has become the best choice for those rich. From the early 1980s, George. Cadell has already emerged in the world's killer circle.

But George. Kadel is very cautious. Coupled with his rich anti-detective experience, no one has known his real appearance and name for more than a decade, so his nickname is "Ghost".

After nearly 20 years of killing, he died in George. More than 300 people have been assassinated by Kader, of which more than a dozen have been on the list of the world's richest people, and he also ranks third in the killer industry.

This is mainly because of Georgy. Kadel did not take on more than 10 million dollars of tasks, otherwise his ranking would have reached the first place long ago. The name "ghost" means death in the killer world.

Played with the sniper rifle for a while, Georgi. Kadel searched and combined it in the pile of mechanical originals, and a moment later, a small pocket pistol appeared in his hand.

For a killer, they value secrecy and fatality. They do not pursue powerful firearms, but these easy-to-carry weapons are more favored by them.

Finally, in a steel pipe in the pile of mechanical originals, George. Cadell took out more than 20 yellow orange bullets.

Take something to the villa, Georgi. Kadel cut the thick mattress from the bottom with a knife, and then hid the disassembled sniper rifles and bullets.

After all this, Georgi. Kadel clapped his hands and changed into casual clothes. Shi Shiran left the villa and rented a car to hang out in Hong Kong.

Taiping Mountain is naturally Qiaoji. Kader's focus was that he stayed on the observation deck at the top of the mountain for a long time, during which he deliberately drove into the fork road to the rich villa area on the grounds that he was lost.

Of course, it's only less than 30 meters away, Georgi. Cadel was politely invited out by the security guard, and the strict security measures made George. Kader felt a little trouble.

Since Tang Wenyuan's villa is under a hillside, and the whole villa is covered by the hillside and dense trees, it is obviously impossible to find a suitable sniper place at the top of the mountain.

For the immediate difficulties, George. Kader didn't care. He once spent a month in the jungle full of poisonous mosquitoes in order to assassinate an African warlord chief. The conditions in Hong Kong were a hundred times better than there.

When I went back that night, George. Kader bought a piano box, rented a car again the next day, and wandered around Taiping Mountain, but this time, his attention was on the vehicles in and out of the villa area.


It has been a week since the attack and murder. During this period, Zuo Jiajun stayed in the villa to recuperate and lived with Ye Tian for a week. He also benefited a lot and learned a lot of lost spells from Ye Tian.

After Ye Tian's prescription and the last two pills left by Lao Dao, Zuo Jiajun's other injuries have recovered, but his right lower arm has injured his muscles and bones. It is estimated that it will take two or three months to fight with others.

At this time, the whole marble floor in the living room has been shoveled out. Tang Wenyuan originally wanted the workers to lay a solid wood floor for the time being, but he was kicked out by Ye Tian, so that now the floor is a layer of cement.

After Ye Tian explained a attack spell to Zuo Jiajun in the living room this day, Zuo Jiajun said, "Ye Tian, why don't you come to my house today?"

When my brother arrived in Hong Kong, of course, he had to entertain him, but Ye Tian didn't know why he refused to walk out of this villa and didn't let Tang Wenyuan and others come over.

After hearing Zuo Jiajun's invitation, Ye Tian shook his head and said, "Brother, I feel something is wrong in my heart. This matter is not over yet. Let's wait for a while!"

When the cultivation has reached the realm of Ye Tian, it has derived the sixth sense in addition to the five senses of vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch. The perception of danger is far greater than that of ordinary people.

Although it is not his own gossip, the ability to predict, anticipate and predict always makes Ye Tian feel a little unstable, as if the crisis has not been resolved.

Originally, Ye Tian wanted to let Zuo Jiajun go home to recuperate, so that he would not be implicated by himself again, but Zuo Jiajun refused to let go of the opportunity to learn magic with Ye Tian. He said that he was unwilling to leave, so Ye Tian went with him.

It's just that Zuo Jiajun invited Ye Tian to his house now, but Ye Tian couldn't agree. In terms of the danger of fighting with the gull that day, if there was an ordinary person, it must be a situation on the spot.

Zuo Jiajun recognized Ye Tian's meaning, immediately patted fiercely on the table in front of him with his left hand, and said angrily, "The Song family is too much, Ye Tian, why don't I go to the United States to find Song Weilan and tell her about this?"

Zuo Jiajun still has a high status in the Chinese world in the world. He has his own channels to contact Song Weilan. He doesn't believe that a mother will be indifferent when she sees her son being hunted?

Ye Tian shook his head when he heard the words and said, "Forget it, brother, she should not know about this matter. Don't bother her about what I can solve by myself."

Ye Tian had communicated with his father before he came to Hong Kong. Originally, he wanted to inform his mother about Song Xiaolong's matter through his father, but Ye Dongping told him something, which made Ye Tian give up the idea.

It turned out that 1998 was in the period of the change of high-level personnel in the country. Later, Song Haotian, the contemporary head of the Song family, may withdraw from the power center of the country, which will bring a series of changes to the Song family.

Without power, the domestic industry of the Song family has already been handed over to the state. The future of the Song family is something that Song Haotian must consider.

As Song Weilan, who holds the lifeline of the foreign Song consortium, her role has become very important at this time. She is making a series of preparations to let her son become the Song family openly in the future.

So at this time, Ye Tian didn't want his mother to worry about this matter, and he was also afraid that Song Xiaolong's dog would jump over the wall. After being known by Song Weilan about his actions, it was not good for his mother.

Although Ye Tian guessed that it was inseparable, he still forgot the relationship between his mother and Song Xiaolong.

Song Weilan has brought up Song Xiaolong since she was a child. She has a deep affection for him, and Song Xiaolong is good at acting. She shows affection and righteousness in front of Song Weilan, and her ability is outstanding. She has always been highly valued by Song Weilan.

After Song Xiaozhe's car accident last time, Song Weilan appointed another person in charge in China, not out of suspicion of Song Xiaolong, but because she did not want the Song family to get too involved, and also to prepare for her son to successfully take over the Song consortium in the future.

In the interior of the Song family abroad, some old people of the Song family have been slowly marginalized by Song Weilan, but she never thought that Song Xiaolong, who had always brought a parent-child, would deal with Ye Tian by any means.

As for Du Fei, he was warned by Ye Tian not to tell any member of the Song family about Song Xiaolong's search for a snoo, so so so far, Song Xiaolong's behavior has not been leaked.

"Ye Tian, there's no way for you to hide like this. Why don't I go to North America for you and get rid of that boy?"

Seeing that Ye Tian disagreed with his own method, Zuo Jiajun thought of a way to draw his salary from the bottom of the pot. According to Ye Tian, these things were all done by Song Xiaolong. Then let Song Xiaolong evaporate from the world. Isn't it peaceful in the world?

"That's also a way..."

Ye Tian thought for a moment and looked up to see Zuo Jiajun's little arm tied with splint bandages. He shook his head and said, "Brother, I'm not in a hurry. I'll go by myself after a while, and I'll just go to Hongmen headquarters!"

"I'm fine with this injury..." Zuo Jiajun knew that Ye Tian was worried about his injury. Just as he was about to speak, the phone on the table rang.

"Well, I see, Tang Sheng, thank you!"

He simply said a few words to the phone. After hanging up, Zuo Jiajun looked at Ye Tian and said, "It's Tang Wenyuan's call. He asked the chef of Fulihua Hotel to make some western food today."

Although people can't come, Ye Tian's three meals a day, Tang Wenyuan chose the best ingredients and let the famous chef cook well.


ps: First update, thank you, Mr. Zhuang john, for his red reward. Thank you for your support. By the way, I opened Sina Weibo. The name is real. You can follow it. If you have nothing to do, you will go up. Haha, finally call the recommendation ticket!
