Genius Master

Chapter 327 Highly Poisonous

Although caviar is precious and rare, Zuo Jiajun often eats it. However, caviar made from these Bl's eggs in front of him is the top luxury food. Even he has to book it a long time in advance to eat it.

"Ye Tian, taste it first, and then drink red wine later. If only it was champagne."

The longer the caviar is placed, the worse the taste will become. Zuo Jiajun was not polite to Ye Tian. He picked up the spoon and was ready to eat.

Seeing Zuo Jiajun's behavior, Qiao Ji stood aside. Cadell smiled and said, "This gentleman is right. I'll help you make red wine. You can eat it first!"

In these caviar, Georgi. Kadel sprinkled with potassium cyanide diluted with water, and the smell of caviar can well hide the taste of bitter almonds like potassium cyanide.

You should know that potassium cyanide is one of the most poisonous poisons in the world at present. It is a hundred times more poisonous than the top red of a arsenic crane. If it enters the body from the mouth, it will die in an instant, and there is no possibility of life.

This week, Georgy. In addition to implementing his assassination plan, Kader's main focus is on this highly toxic chemical.

Seeing that his task is about to be completed, George. Cadell's heart is extremely comfortable. As long as Ye Tian and Zuo Jiajun eat caviar, he will complete another perfect assassination.

As for the fact that the Fulihua Hotel will take the blame because of this, George. Cadell naturally won't pay attention to it. It is estimated that when others found the bodies of the two people, he would have returned to his home in the United States.

Seeing that Zuo Jiajun had handed the spoon to his mouth, Ye Tian grabbed his left wrist and said, "Brother, don't worry. When the red wine is ready, I want to invite Mr. Richardson to taste this rare delicacy!"

Ye Tian was not sure what was in the caviar, but in the face of this delicious food, he actually felt scared.

Ye Tian can be sure that this plate of caviar called "black gold" is probably much more toxic than the King Kong cobra.


Seeing that Ye Tian repeatedly did not allow himself to eat this caviar, Zuo Jiajun also became suspicious. He immediately put the bowl back on the table and said, "Mr. Richardson... I'm rude. Please sit down and enjoy your work together!"

In foreign etiquette, guests can invite the skilled chef to eat the delicious food he cooked, so Zuo Jiajun's invitation will not be abrupt.

"This...................I still don't need it. It's my honor to serve the two distinguished guests!"

If you change the occasion, Georgi. Cadell will definitely sit down and enjoy the caviar, but at this moment... he doesn't dare to let a caviar enter his mouth.

Joegie. Kadel's face remained unchanged when he spoke, but his hands were behind him without a trace. Ye Tian's attitude made him feel that there was something wrong - and he seemed to show a flaw somewhere.

"Oh, there are always so many people in the world who toast and don't drink, Mr. Richardson, isn't that so?"

Ye Tian shook his head and looked at the killer in front of him in his spare time... It was indeed beyond Ye Tian's expectation that the other party could think of pretending to be a food deliveryman to assassinate him, but he did not know that his evil spirit had already betrayed his identity.

"This gentleman... I don't know what you're talking about."

Joegie. Cadell answered quietly, and his right hand had been held on the handle of the gun inserted in the back waist, which made him feel relieved. With his shooting skills at such a close distance, if he could not hit Ye Tian and Zuo Jiajun again, his name as the world's third killer would be a joke.

But at this time, George. Cadell's attention is basically focused on Zuo Jiajun. With his sense of crisis, Zuo Jiajun is an extremely dangerous person. As for Ye Tian... he is no different from ordinary people.

"Ye Tian, what do you mean?" Zuo Jiajun got up. When he saw Ye Tian's attitude, how could he not understand?

"Sir, I advise you not to move!" Georgi. Cadel smiled gloomily, and his right hand flashed out of his waist... In the palm of his hand, it was an extremely pocket pistol.

Joegie. Although Cadel doesn't know Chinese, his many years of killer career have made him understand one thing, that is, if you say more, you will lose. In this world, only the dead are the safest.

So Georgi. Although Cadel was warning Zuo Jiajun, in fact, his right hand had pulled the trigger of the pistol at him. He believed that as long as Zuo Jiajun was solved, Ye Tian could not pose any threat to him at all.

"Huh? can it be like this?"

It's just in George. When Cadel was about to pull the trigger to kill Zuo Jiajun, he suddenly found that his right index finger could not be bent.

Not only that, George. Cadel suddenly felt a burst of coldness, and then his whole body stiffened. In addition to continuing to think in his mind, his physical function was completely disobeyed by his command.

"There is a Chinese saying that guests are at your convenience. When you come to my house, I will treat you to caviar. This is my way of hospitality. If you don't eat it, won't it give me face?"

Sitting in George. Ye Tian, who was on the side of Kadel's hand, smiled, stood up and gently took George with his hand. The @Jane pistol in Kadel's hand was taken down.

I saw George at first sight. When Cadell was there, Ye Tian found out his identity.

For such a killer, as long as he is not assassinated with a sniper rifle from a long distance, no one in the world can kill him in this short distance of three or five meters.

Just now, when Zuo Jiajun got up to attract the attention of the other party, Ye Tian pinched the action finger and injected a dark spirit into Qiao Ji. In Kadel's meridians, although foreigners do not believe in traditional Chinese medicine, they cannot change the essence of their same veins.

Although Ye Tian's English is stuttering, the meaning of the words is clearly expressed. Seeing Ye Tian press himself on the seat like a puppet, Qiao Ji. Kadel was scared to lose his soul.

"No... you can't do this, this... this is murder!"

Suddenly, George. Kadel felt that his mouth could speak, and immediately shouted out loudly, but as soon as the words came out, he also felt ridiculous. Did he accuse others of murder as a killer?

Ye Tian scooped up a spoonful of caviar with a silver spoon and asked with a smile, "Then can you tell me who asked you to kill me?"

"No... I don't know who the employer is either?"

Joegie. Kadel shook his head and closed his mouth tightly. As a top professional killer, he slowly calmed down after the initial panic.

Killing can't make mistakes, making mistakes means death.

From the first day of this industry, Georgi. Kader already had the awareness of death, but he didn't expect that he did not fail in the assassination of many international dignitaries and military strongmen, but fell behind in a place like Hong Kong.

"Well, you can die!"

Ye Tian had a smile on his face, but in fact, the anger in his heart had completely burned. The murderer always killed him. Although the man in front of him was just a tool, Ye Tian did not let go of any opponent's habit.

Seeing that Ye Tian had sent the spoonful of caviar to George. At Cadell's mouth, Zuo Jiajun quickly said, "Ye Tian, wait, I have a way to ask his origin!"

"Brother, it's unnecessary. He is a killer. I believe he really doesn't know who the employer is."

Ye Tian shook his head, and his left hand was lightning-fast in George. Cadele pulled on his chin, and George, who had closed his mouth tightly. Kader, his chin suddenly drooped down.

"Goodbye, friend!"

Ye Tian did not hesitate to put the spoonful of caviar into George. In Kadel's mouth, he held his chin, and with Ye Tian's movements, the caviar came from George. Kadel's throat slid down.


After the spoonful of caviar, George sat in the chair. Kadel regained his ability to act, but it was too late. While holding his throat with both hands, Georgi. Kadel turned back to the ground with a chair.

The toxicity of potassium cyanide is indeed the most toxic chemical in the world, George. Kader didn't even have time to think about his life for more than 40 years. Black blood stains flowed out of his facial features and seven orifices, and his body twitched slightly twice, and then there was no breath.

"This...what kind of poison is this?"

Look at the ferocious-faced Qiao Ji on the ground. Kadel, Zuo Jiajun also changed his color. Thinking that he almost put the caviar into his mouth just now, Zuo Jiajun's heart suddenly became creepy.

"Hey, Adin, you can bring someone over again. By the way, bring some more food!"

When Zuo Jiajun was in a daze, Ye Tian had dialed Adin's phone and looked at Qiao Ji. With Kader's appearance, even if other meals were not poisonous, Ye Tian did not dare to eat them again.

"Master, this... What's going on?" More than half an hour later, Adin hurried to the villa with three or four people and saw the miserable George. Kader couldn't help but look shocked.

"Killer, I drove the dining car of Fulihua Hotel..............."

After Ye Tian told Adin what had just happened, he pointed to the caviar on the table and said, "You can find someone to test these caviar and see what poison is in it?"

"Master, we are negligent!"

A Ding looked ashamed. Ye Tian was invited to Hong Kong by Tang Wenyuan. It has not been half a month, and he has encountered two attacks in a row. When did the public security in Hong Kong become so bad?

"It has nothing to do with you. That's all for this time."

In George. After Cadel's death, the shadow that had been shrouding Ye Tian's heart during this period finally dissipated.

PS first update, thank the naughty girl for becoming the thirty-second leader of the prime minister, thank the gods for being popular again, and thank you for your love.

I have something to do next week. I originally wanted to save the manuscript. No matter how much it is, I can get a monthly ticket or 30,000 recommended tickets today. It will explode!