Genius Master

Chapter 358 Wind and Clouds on

A strong sense of crisis rose in Ye Tian's heart, as if he had been targeted by a poisonous snake.

The fact is the same. Just as Ye Tian's heart alarm just got up, he suddenly felt a slight itch in his right arm holding the traceless arm. Looking up, Ye Tian's eyes showed a shocked look.

A blue-green snake, which is not as thick as its fingers and slightly longer than the palm, is biting Ye Tian's right arm. To Ye Tian's shock, Ye Tian can't feel the slightest pain in his right arm. As the saying goes, the biting dog does not bark, and so is true of poisonous snakes. The more I feel that in some snake-like families, many people are killed by poisonous snakes in their sleep.

"Damn it!"

Ye Tian's left hand stretched out like lightning, grabbed the green snake, burst out vigorously, and immediately pinched the snake into meat sauce.

At the same time, Ye Tian's right arm feels more and more sore. With the naked eye, you can see a black line extending up along the forearm. If it hadn't been for the extraordinary nature, I'm afraid that snake venom would have already spread all over the body.

However, the snake venom was still beyond Ye Tian's imagination. At this moment, he couldn't even control the trace in his hand. A dizziness rushed straight to his mind, and Ye Tian's body standing in the rain was shaky.

"You can't fall down, you can't fall down..." Ye Tian knows that if you fall down, your life may really be sent here.

After a sudden breath, the cold rain followed the air into his mouth. Ye Tian's originally confused mind suddenly became a little clearer, and his left hand clicked a few meridians on his right shoulder, so that the toxin could not swim to other places so quickly.

After blocking the blood gas operation, Ye Tian took the traceless with his left hand, quickly drew a cross in the red and swollen place of his right arm, then put his mouth up, and sucked it hard.


A mouthful of dark blood spit out, and Ye Tian only felt that his tongue was numb. It could be seen that the snake was very poisonous. After sucking out three mouthfuls of black blood in a row, the blood flowing from the cross flower wound slowly turned red.

"No, go to the hospital as soon as possible!"

Ye Tian knew in his heart that he did not completely drive out the snake venom. If it was delayed for a long time, I'm afraid that the snake venom that spilled into his body would still bring him a fatal blow.

Torn a piece of cloth from the already tattered clothes, Ye Tian wrapped his right arm tightly and looked around. In addition to the lights in the temple not far away, there was a rainstorm shrouded in darkness everywhere.

Now that I want to rush back to the city, it is undoubtedly a dream. I'm afraid that Ye Tian will die in a distance of more than ten kilometers.

In desperation, Ye Tian could only climb down the steps to another mountain, which was very slow for fear of accelerating the qi and blood in his body.

Foguang Mountain is divided into five peaks. In addition to the one on Ye Tianchu, which retains the natural ecology, the other four mountains are all magnificent temples and a Buddhist situation.

"Three clear views? Shit, is there any mistake?

More than ten minutes later, Ye Tian climbed halfway up the mountain and rubbed his eyes in disbelief, because what appeared in front of him turned out to be a Taoist temple.

"Damn, I... I'm not a toxic attack, am I?"

Ye Tian only knew that Foguang Mountain was a sacred place of Buddhism, but he didn't expect that there was a Taoist temple here? Could it be that those monks are really compassionate and can tolerate Taoist priests who rob business?

The change of Ye Tian's mood, which was originally suppressed by the true qi, suddenly broke out. He only felt dizzy, and Ye Tian fell to the door of the Taoist temple.

From leaving the fishing village to the mountain forest attack, it seems to be slow to talk, but it has only been more than an hour in total.

not to mention that Ye Tian was dizzy at the door of the Taoist temple, but the outside world was because Ye Tian's disappearance had already turned up. Tang Wenyuan, Gong Xiaoxiao, Zuo Jiajun and other three people, all launched their own relationship and poked the incident to the highest level of Taiwan.

After receiving the news, Zuo Jiajun was so anxious that he immediately asked Tang Wenyuan to arrange a special plane and rushed to the corner of the table as soon as possible.

In addition, the local gangs such as Taiwan Wanzhulian and Sihai also received orders from the bosses to find a young man named Ye Tian one after another. For a while, the whole Taiwan bend, the whole high bear, and the wind and clouds were moving.

Director Zhou of the Gao Bear City Police is sweating in the office. He has just received a phone call from several bosses, all of which have instructed him to protect the safety of a man named Ye Tian.

"All the people are transferred to Foguang Mountain, surround it, and a mouse is not allowed to run away."

After telling his subordinates, the bureau chief picked up the phone again and contacted the local garrison. They, who usually maintain public security, could not complete the task of surrounding Foguang Mountain at all.

What's more, Foguang Mountain has a unique status. In case something happens, he will not be able to eat and leave. Thinking of the death orders given by several bosses, he said that he would not pull the army into the water.

After the phone call, Director Zhou knew that someone had given orders to the army. The troops of a regiment were heading for Foguang Mountain at this time. If it hadn't been for the rain, the helicopter had already been mobilized.

After learning the news, Director Zhou was relieved. Finally, he didn't need to take the blame alone. He picked up his hat and took several of his men to get into the car. The director also rushed to Foguang Mountain in the rain.

This ordinary rainy night shocked the whole high bear, because in the heavy rain, there were police cars and military vehicles running everywhere, which made many citizens panic. They thought the war was coming.

Not only that, many high school and junior high school students who were hiding from the storm at home also got out of the house in the heavy rain. The target was also Foguang Mountain, and the leader was some gangsters with yellow hair and earrings.

These people are all gangsters in Taiwan. Because the senior officials of Taiwan were severely cracked down on the underworld in 1997, the original gangsters fled abroad to escape the limelight.

In this way, some young people take the opportunity to take the opportunity to recruit their younger brothers in school. After more than a year, although their prestige may not be as good as the previous gangsters, their strength is only stronger than before.

"Hey, let's go over."

"We like to travel in the mountains in the middle of the night. Can you control it?"

"It's amazing to be a soldier, buddy, I've also served in the military!"

"If you don't give way, we will rush. Will you give up?!"

When Director Zhou felt the foot of Foguang Mountain, it was a mess. The troops who arrived first had completely blocked the road into Foguang Mountain, and the soldiers on duty were confronting some people in the community.

At this time, the rainstorm of the day has gradually stopped. Several strong lights illuminated the foot of the mountain, and more than a dozen military vehicles and private cars surrounded the road into the mountain.

Those teenagers didn't pay attention to the soldiers with live-fired nuclear bombs at all, and they were about to rush to the mountain. The scene was very chaotic.

"Quick, the people who assist the army disperse them!" As soon as Director Zhou gave the order, he saw an acquaintance at a glance and quickly shouted, "A Liang, what's going on? Come here!"

" Director Zhou, why are you here too?"

After a 37-eight-year-old middle-aged man standing outside the crowd heard Director Zhou's voice, he was stunned first, and then came over with a smile, but there was no fear on his face.

"Don't talk nonsense, what's going on here?" Director Zhou's face was very bad-looking. "Let me tell you, this time it was explained by the superior. Don't make trouble in it!"

The A Liang mentioned by Director Zhou was originally following Chen Xiaoli, the boss of Zhulian. Last year, Chen Xiaoli was wanted by the Taiwan authorities and fled to Cambodia, and A Liang became the new boss of Zhulian.

In Taiwan, although the underworld is illegal, everyone knows their existence, and the police have nothing to do with these people. Both sides maintain a certain tacit understanding on some occasions.

However, Director Zhou was anxious at this time. If Ah Liang didn't go on the road, he would never mind a big cleanup of the underworld in the bear market.

" Director Zhou, I don't want to..."

A Liang smiled bitterly, stretched out his hand to the umbrella and felt the rain. Then he took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and gave one to Director Zhou. He said, "Brother Li called from Cambodia, so that we must protect a person named Ye Tian. Do you think... Do I dare to disobey Brother Li's instructions?"

Everyone knows that Chen Xiaoli fled to Cambodia. A Liang is not afraid to say it in front of Director Zhou, and his ability to take office depends on Chen Xiaoli's arrangement. He dare not to listen to the former boss's words, "Are you here to protect Ye Tian?"

After hearing A Liang's words, Director Zhou showed a strange look on his face. These guys used to only know how to extort and hack people. When did they change their nature?

It's really messy in front of him. Director Zhou thought for a moment and said, "We have the same purpose. Let's restrain your people first, and you can go in with me later!"


A Liang just took office, and naturally he didn't want to offend the senior police. At present, he simply agreed, turned around and taught those little brothers a lesson, and the scene suddenly became orderly.

"Team Leader Xu, did you lead the team this time?"

After showing his certificate, Director Zhou took A Liang into the pass guarded by the soldiers and said hello to a colonel officer in it.

"Huh, he... What's wrong with them?"

After approaching, Director Zhou and others found that seven or eight soldiers, including the colonel officer, looked very ugly, and there were still some vomit left on the ground.

At this time, the heavy rain had completely stopped, and the pungent smell of this stall of vomit made Director Zhou help but take out a tissue to cover his nose.