Genius Master

Chapter 363 Big Brother Next

"Brother, your state of mind has really reached the realm of returning to nature!"

Ye Tian can feel that every word of his eldest brother is sincere. His state of mind has almost reached the point of the unity of heaven and man, and he will no longer be disturbed by the world.

Originally, Li Shanyuan could be regarded as a glide in the mood of Gou Xin's family, but at this time, there is nothing in the world that can break his Taoist heart. If this is put in ancient times, it is definitely a land god-like figure.

It's like Sanfeng Zhenren in the early Ming Dynasty. He acts wildly and unrestrainedly. He is called a sloppy Taoist, but no one knows that it is just a manifestation of returning to the original after Sanfeng Zhenren's investigation of the world.

"Ok, you can call first. I just dug two yellow essences, and then cook some porridge for you to explore the world does not mean that they will become cold-blooded animals. On the contrary, such people will not hide their preferences and emotions. Seeing the younger brother of the same family, Gou Xin's happiness is beyond words.

"Efkay, I'll fight now. Brother, don't tell me, I almost forgot it." Hearing Gou Xinjia mention this, Ye Tian thought that he hadn't called yet. He smiled and quickly dialed Liu Dingding's mobile phone number.

Zuo Jiajun and Ye Tian are the same temperament. They usually don't like to carry mobile phones. Many people in Hong Kong know that if they want to find Master Zuo, they must first find Miss Liu.

"Hey, that one?"

After the phone was connected, Liu Dingding's voice was a little listless. Due to Ye Tian's disappearance, his grandfather's temper became unprecedentedly anxious. In just two or three days, Liu Dingding was reprimanded by his grandfather several times.

"I'm Ye Tian!"

Ye Tian just said his name, and there was a scream in his ear. He quickly took his mobile phone away a little and scolded, "Will this girl get married in the future?"

If Liu Dingding heard this, she would have to argue with Ye Tian, but at this time, she was obviously not in this mood, so she rushed out with her mobile phone.

"Brother Zuo, it's all my fault... I shouldn't have let Ye Tian come to Taiwan!"

In the living room of the presidential suite of this hotel, Tang Wenyuan is facing Zuo Jiajun with a bitter face. He knows that he has offended this old friend this time.

"No, Master Zuo... It's all Xiao Xiao. If Master Ye hadn't helped Xiao Xiao find his husband, he wouldn't have encountered this kind of thing!"

Ye Tian had an accident. Gong Xiaoxiao, as the owner of the incident, was also very responsible. She only restrained her husband's body and did not transport it back to Hong Kong for mourning... She has been mobilizing her power to find Ye Tian in Taiwan.

"Alas, I don't blame you!"

Zuo Jiajun waved his hand impatiently. Ye Tian himself was a strange person. He couldn't deduce whether Ye Tian was dead or alive at all. The hexagrams that he usually had no omissions were useless at all at this moment.

Picking up the teacup on the table and sips of water, Zuo Jiajun suddenly remembered something and looked at Tang Wenyuan and asked, "Yes... Lao Tang, have you found the director named Zhang Zhixuan?"

As the saying goes, there is no impenetrable wall in the world. Although Zhang Zhixuan acted cautiously..., Ruan Genan once released the rumor that he wanted to attack and kill Ye Tian. From this line, he involved Zhang Zhixuan.

"Huasheng has gone to Australia. I believe he can be brought back to Hong Kong tomorrow!"

After Tang Wenyuan learned that it was the killer invited by Zhang Zhixuan, he was also furious. That night, he contacted the overseas Hongmen to control Zhang Zhixuan and asked Hua Sheng to lead people in person.

"Akay, if there is no news from Ye Tian tomorrow, I will go back to Hong Kong!"

Zuo Jiajun nodded and said, "You two sit down first... I'll go out and ask Liang if he has found anything?" Zuo Jiajun and Chen Xiaoli have a good relationship. It is precisely because of the fact that they can use the bamboo couplet this time.

"Dance, Grandpa!"

As soon as Zuo Jiajun stood up, the door of the inner room was opened, and Liu Dingding rushed out of it like a gust of wind... He rushed at Zuo Jiajun with his teeth and claws.

"What are you doing?! Is it crazy to look like crazy?

Zuo Jiajun was irritable at this time. Seeing his granddaughter's appearance, he pulled Liu Dingding on the sofa with his right hand.

Liu Dingding got up aggrievedly, took his mobile phone and said, "Grandpa, it's my uncle's phone!"


"Ye Tian's phone number?"

"Hello, Ye Tian? Is it Ye Tian? Why don't you talk?!"

Tang Wenyuan and Gong Xiaoxiao, who were originally sitting, stood up at the same time. Zuo Jiajun grabbed the phone and fed the mobile phone a few times, but there was no answer in it.

"Damn girl, how dare you lie to my grandfather?!" Zuo Jiajun's eyes stared at Liu Dingding.

Liu Dingding said weakly, "Dad, it's you who took your mobile phone back."

"Huh?" Zuo Jiajun blushed and quickly turned his mobile phone over to his ear.

"Brother, why are you so angry with Dingding?" Ye Tian clearly heard what Zuo Jiajun said.

"Ye Tian, where have you been? Why don't you even answer a phone call? If you don't call me again, I'm afraid your mother will come to the corner!"

Hearing Ye Tian's teasing tone, Zuo Jiajun was suddenly out of breath, and the room was added to the room. Three people over 250 years old are worried about Ye Tian, but the boy is heartlessly sarcastic.

"My mother?" Ye Tian paused in his voice on the phone and then said, "Brother, don't let her come. I'm fine!"

Although he has been longing for maternal love since he was a child, Ye Tian doesn't want to see his mother at this time. As for the reason, he can't say it himself. Maybe he still has a trace of resentment for his mother in his heart?

" OK, I'll let her know later." Zuo Jiajun agreed and asked, "Ye Tian, where are you?" I'll pick you up!"

"Are you coming to pick me up?" Ye Tian was stunned again when he heard the words, "Brother, are you in the corner?"

"Nonsense, can I not come if such a big thing happens?"

Zuo Jiajun said angrily that his little brother was also heartless enough to poke such a leak and hid without saying a word.

The purpose of Tianlong and others chasing and killing Ye Tian has been revealed, but the owner of the matter, Ye Tian, has lost his trace. That is to say, Ye Tian is the biggest suspect who caused the death of these twenty-two people.

Even if Ye Tian is in self-defense, the result of the death of twenty-two people is still enough to put him on the wanted list of Interpol.

If it hadn't been for Zuo Jiajun, Tang Wenyuan and others to work together to suppress this matter, it is estimated that the side of the platform would not have looked for Ye Tian, but sent police to capture Ye Tian.

"Hey, it's just right, brother, it's great that you're here!"

What Zuo Jiajun didn't expect was that Ye Tian shouted happily on the phone and immediately said with tears and laughter, "Brother, this time it was so involved that even the senior management in the mainland was shocked. I said... Can't you be more serious?"

Although he is Ye Tian's brother, Ye Tian is the master of the Mai family. It is not easy for Zuo Jiajun to say heavier words, so he can only beat Ye Tian around the bush.

"Brother, I've found the eldest brother. Come quickly. I'll be in the Taoist temple on Mount Foguang. Come by yourself. Let's get together."

Ye Tiantian didn't care who this incident shocked. At this time, his heart was full of excitement. He thought he was going to inform his second brother to come from Hong Kong, but who knew that he was already in the corner.

"Big brother? Ye...Ye Tian, are you telling the truth?"

With his mobile phone, Zuo Jiajun was a little stupid. He has come to the platform at least 20 times in the past few decades. Every time, the client will look for Gou Xinjia, but there has never been any news. Unexpectedly, he was met by Ye Tian?

"Brother, bring some good wine and good food. Big brother is a little shabby here. Well, you come here alone!"

Ye Tian's words continued to ring in his mobile phone, which also let Zuo Jiajun know that the little brother was not talking nonsense, but indeed found the eldest brother who had been missing for a long time.

"Well, I... I'll be there in a minute!"

The turbulent Zuo Jiajun hung up the phone and casually dealt with Tang Wenyuan and Gong Xiaoxiao, and immediately went straight to the kitchen of the hotel. He had not forgotten Ye Tian's instructions to bring some good wine and good food.

It was not until he got in the car that Zuo Jiajun remembered that he had not informed Ye Tian's mother, so he made another phone call to the United States. After an explanation, he finally gave up Song Weilan's idea of rushing to the corner.

"Little brother, you have suffered a gunshot wound, and the toxins in your body have just been cleaned up. You can't eat this wine and meat dishes!" As soon as Ye Tian hung up the phone, Gou Xin's family came in and just heard what he told Zuo Jiajun.

"Big brother, I'm very strong. It's okay."

Ye Tian hammered his injured shoulder socket with a smile and said, "The second brother happens to be in the corner of the stage, and he is in Gao Xiong. He will come right away. Big brother, our third brother can finally get together!"

The old man Li Shanyuan has left many legends in his life, but most of them have been destroyed in the long river of history. It is estimated that the person who knows the name of Li Shanyuan in today's world will not exceed a slap.

However, Li Shanyuan passed on three disciples in three different periods. The ancients said that one day was a teacher and a father for life. Li Shanyuan had no descendants, so these three disciples were also a continuation of life for him.

Ye Tian followed Li Shanyuan to learn art at the age of five, and his feelings for Lao Dao even exceeded that of father and son.

When the old man was dying, he once told him to find two brothers. Ye Tian had always kept it in mind. At this time, his wish was fulfilled, and the happiness in Ye Tian's heart was even difficult to describe in words.

"Is the second brother also in Taiwan? OK, OK, OK!!!" Although Gou Xinjia was not as excited as Ye Tian, three good words in a row also expressed that his heart was not calm at this time.

The teacher has passed away, and the emotion in Gou Xin's heart has unconsciously transferred to Ye Tian and Zuo Jiajun. For Gou Xin's family, Ye Tian is his only relatives in the world.

PS: The second update, thank you for the rewards of w3569, the bamboo is hard to book and other brothers. There is only one monthly ticket away from the second, and a monthly ticket can blow up the wind chime girl waving a flower handkerchief!

Well, keep writing the third update. There are still 80 votes left. We can also get rid of the rich and handsome ears, vote for the monthly ticket and rush up!