Genius Master

Chapter 377 Park Kim Hee

Li Feng followed his father to press his legs and pull out his tendons from the age of four. At the age of six, he began to practice family-style boxing. However, modern martial arts fell in decline, and he spent more time on learning. But even so, practicing martial arts all year round made Li Feng feel different from ordinary people. At this time, There was a beast, which raised a sense of crisis in his heart.

So Li Feng, who subconsciously, stopped Xu Zhennan, because he knew that even if Xu Zhennan did not die, he would definitely be seriously injured. The other party's battle post showed that it was a trap.

"Okay, Li Feng, be careful."

Although Xu Zhennan was impulsive, he was not stupid. He also felt that the other party's behavior just came to him. At present, he said to Kitamiya Taro, "Li Feng will play the first game with two wins in three games!"

In terms of rules, it is understandable for Xu Zhennan to do so, and even Taro Kitamiya can't say anything.

After staring at Xu Zhennan for a while, Kitamiya Taro actually took a step back and said to the woman beside him, "Miss Park Jin-hee, in the first and second rounds, I'm sorry to trouble you!"

Park Jinxi took a look at Kitamiya Taro and didn't buy him very much. He said in Korean, "Taro Kitamiya, you have to figure it out that I followed the Kitamiya hero to learn knives, not your servant!"

"Miss Park Kim Hee, I think you misunderstood. Chinese people look down on karate and your Korean taekwondo. We are just trying to correct our name!"

Kitamiya Taro bowed deeply to Park Kim Hee, and then said, "Our Hokumiya family's acquisition of South Korea's Seven Star Electronics will definitely carefully consider your Park family's opinions first, Miss Park Kim Hee, please!"

For the woman in front of him, Kitamiya Taro really did not dare to speak in a commanding tone.

Because this woman is not only the granddaughter of the Korean taekwondo master Park Chung-tae, but also an apprentice of a big man in the Beigong family, who specializes in practicing the Beigong clan.

According to the big man in the family, Park Jin-hee is very talented. Although he is not Japanese... he has gained his inheritance. Kitamiya Taro asked himself that he was definitely not her opponent.

Hearing Kitamiya Taro mention the family business, Park Jin-hee showed a trace of helplessness in his eyes and said, "Okay... I'll only play one game, and I don't care about the rest."

The Asian financial crisis has had a great impact on South Korea in recent years. Because Park Kim Hee's grandfather, Park Jung-tae, has deep connections in Japan, the Park family's business has more contact with Japan.

However, it is precisely because of this that the Park family is now facing a big situation. Many businesses will be paralyzed as soon as the Japanese side withdraws its capital... So knowing that Kitamiya Taro is threatening himself, Park Jinxi has no choice.

"Hero of the North Palace? Qingya, did you hear it right? Are you sure it's the name of the Hero of the North Palace?

Park Jin-hee and Kitamiya Taro have been talking in Korean, but they didn't expect that Yu Qingya majored in journalism. In addition to English, she majored in Korean and Japanese.

So when the two were talking, Yu Qingya had been translating in a low voice to Ye Tian... When he heard the name "Hero of the North Palace", Ye Tian's eyes suddenly became fierce.

"Ye Tian, what's wrong with you?"

Yu Qingya, who was sitting next to Ye Tian... suddenly felt a chill. When she turned her face and saw the sneer at the corners of Ye Tian's mouth, she couldn't help but be shocked.

"I'm fine. I'm just unhappy with the Japanese." Ye Tian shook his head, but he didn't say much. He stared at Park Jin-hee, who had just taken off his coat.

"My name is Park Jinxi. I major in knife skills, but it is also the fifth section of the black belt of taekwondo. Please give me more advice!"

After Park Jin-hee promised Taro Kitamiya, he didn't say much nonsense... He directly took off his shoes and coat, revealing a snow-white practice suit inside.

"Black Belt Five?" After hearing Park Jin-hee's self-introduction, Li Feng couldn't help taking a breath of cold air.

Li Feng still has some understanding of taekwondo. Although in the eyes of outsiders, taekwondo kicking skills are gorgeous... There are many stunts, frequent high-level kicks are very unsuitable for real fighting, and boxing practice is almost gone.

But the master who can enter the actual black belt of taekwondo is a combination of many technical skills in Japanese karate, which is not as vulnerable as ordinary people think.

The other party can reach the level of the five sections of the black belt at a young age. Li Feng immediately put away the slightest contempt that the other party was born because he was a woman and said, "Li Feng, the heir of Ji Province, please give me more advice!"

In order to protect the two sides from injury, the venue of the martial arts club is paved with a thick cushion, but Boss Xu's flirting with his feet is too strong, but this cushion can't protect the crotch of Kenta Miyamoto.

After Li Feng and Park Jin-hee walked to the center of the venue, they held each other's fists and took a step back at the same time. Li Feng's feet suddenly set up.

But Park Jin-hee's feet are forward and backward, his body is slightly bent forward, and his hands are placed on his chest, which is also the defensive frame of taekwondo that is often seen on TV.

Ye Tian came to a conclusion at a glance. He shook his head and said, "The one named Li Feng is not this woman's opponent." Ye Tian, do you know before you hit it? Is it calculated again?"

After hearing Ye Tian's words, Wei Rongrong was a little unhappy. Anyway, Li Feng is also on the side of the school. How could Ye Tian grow other people's ambition to destroy his prestige?

"It's not a shame that your skills are not as good as others. You will know if you read it." Ye Tian didn't want to argue with Wei Rongrong. Naturally, he had his own reason for what he said.

The two sides of the game are people who have been practicing actual combat skills since childhood, and the other is a good child who studies hard and makes progress every day for the purpose of strengthening the body. There is nothing comparable at all.

After Park Jin-hee stood still, through Park Jin-hee's exposed arms and the skin on her neck, Ye Tian noticed that her meridians were stretching like a big tendon, but hidden under the skin.

Others can't see the doorway, but Ye Tian knows that this is the performance of practicing the qi and blood in the body until it can be filled to the ends of the limbs.

After practicing kung fu to this point, the opponent's muscles and bones will become extremely flexible, which can be loose and tight. When fighting with people, it can instantly burst into qi and blood, and the combat effectiveness is very amazing.

Moreover, the taekwondo shelf set by Park Jin-hee also implied the skill posture of karate. Her feet were not naturally stretched to guard the middle door, but closed in her knees. A pair of five toes that took off her shoes and lay tightly on the mat on the ground.

This posture is extremely conducive to exertion. As long as the forefoot exerts force, the back foot can be immediately pulled out like a whip, and with the help of the strength of the waist and crotch, the strength of the whole body can be maximized.

Although Li Feng has a source of family learning, he mostly practiced martial arts when he was young to strengthen his body. His posture was normal, but compared with that woman, he was much weaker. There is no need to compare Ye Tian to know who will win and who lose.


Just as Ye Tian's words came out, Park Jin-hee's figure moved. Her forefoot was hard, and her hands were lightningly grabbed Li Feng's neckline. At the same time, her body was slightly sideways, as if she was going to fall over her shoulder.

Li Feng couldn't figure out the way of the other party. In front of him, Park Jin-hee grabbed his hands and quickly punched the other party to the left. At the same time, his body naturally took a step back.

"It's broken. Doesn't this boy know that 70% of Taekwondo attacks are done with his feet?"

Seeing Li Feng retreating that step, he just opened a foot away from the other party. Ye Tian shouted bitterly. Originally, he thought that Li Feng could make a few moves against the woman no matter how bad he was, but he didn't expect to be KOed after one move.

The development of the ring was just as Ye Tian expected. After Park Jin-hee's hands were blocked, his body seemed to turn around in the direction of his left hand.

But while the body rotated, Park Jinxi used his left foot as the support point, drew an arc in his whole body, and his right foot kicked out a roundabout kick, which was right on Li Feng's cheek.

Park Jin-hee used the strength of his waist and crotch, which was stronger than an ordinary man's punch. Li Feng's body was directly tilted back by this kick and fell heavily on the mat.

"Li Feng, are you all right?"

This result was too sudden. Suddenly, even the more than 100 people in the field did not react. Even those of Kenta Miyamoto did not cheer for the victory.

After about four or five seconds, Li Feng on the mat moved, and Xu Zhennan woke up like a dream. He rushed over and helped Li Feng up.

Li Feng's left cheek was swollen, and his eyes were a little confused. Obviously, he was stunned by this kick. After Xu Zhennan shook him for a while, Li Feng's eyes returned to clarity.

"Lao Xu, I...................I'm not her opponent." Li Feng just opened his mouth, but one of his teeth fell out mixed with blood, which showed how real the kick was just now.

However, Li Feng also knew that the other party was actually merciful, otherwise it would be easy to kick him with a concussion.

"It's okay, Li Feng, you try your best. Let's see the brothers avenge you!"

Although Xu Zhennan said hard, he really had no bottom in his heart. With his eyesight, he didn't even see how he kicked out just now. After going up, the end would only be worse than Li Feng.

"I'm done. I don't care about the following things."

Just as Boss Xu had just helped Li Feng off the court. He didn't know whether to go up by himself or let Ah Fei go up, Park Jinxi left a sentence, turned around and put on his shoes and went out of the center of the venue.

"Don't play?"

The people in the martial arts club are very puzzled by this woman's behavior. Li Feng is the best in the martial arts club, and even he can't beat that woman. The rest of them can only bow down, but they don't know why she will end up?

PS: In the third update, the first monthly ticket was blown up. I also hope my friends can vote for the monthly ticket. Well, it's okay if you don't have a monthly ticket recommendation ticket. You have to give me some comfort?