Genius Master

Chapter 489 Contradiction

This hotel was originally built according to the customs of the Japanese, and the style of the presidential suite is also Japanese. After letting the Kitamiya hero and others sit down on the tatami, a girl from Japan immediately began to make tea.

"Master, the person has brought it. Would you like to take a break first and see him again?" The middle-aged man who was originally leading the way in front of him knelt on his knees in front of the hero of the North Palace with a very respectful look.

The person who speaks is Naoki Kitamiya. He is 45 years old. He has worked here since the day this five-star hotel was built.

On the surface, Naoki Kitamiya is responsible for the operation of the hotel. In fact, his main energy is focused on searching for the whereabouts of that batch of gold in those years. Because there has been no progress in the past few years, every year when he returns to Japan to report, he will be slapped by the owner, so at this I'm trembling.

"Baga, did I come to Myanmar to play in the mountains and rivers?"

Recently, the hero of Beigong, who has become more and more unable to control his emotions, raised his right hand again, but when he thought that Naoki Kitamiya found the insider of that year, he was also a credit to the family, and the slap did not fall on his face.

"Hai, I'll bring him here right away!"

Naoki Kitamiya bowed deeply to the owner, quickly stood up and stepped out of the presidential suite. He regretted reporting the news to Beigong. This time, the elite of the family was exhausted. In case he could not find that batch of gold again, he didn't know if he could save his little life?

"Master, I'll go with him!" While Kitamiya Naoki went out, Kitamiya Yanshun also stood up. After receiving the signal from the hero of Kitamiya, he chased after him.

"Naoki, we haven't seen each other for a year. Your hair is much whiter!"

Yanjun Kitamiya and Naoki Kitamiya are cousins. They usually have a very good relationship. After chasing him, he lowered his voice and said, "The owner has been getting more and more irritable recently. Is that man's news reliable?"

"Yan Junjun, you are also much older..."

Naoki Kitamiya sighed and said with a wry smile, "Whether that man's news is unreliable or not, I have to make some explanations to the head of the family. Otherwise, I'm afraid the head of the family will order me to have a caesarean section when I return to China this year. Yan Junjun, isn'

Caesarean section in Japan is a suicide method with a very long history. The suicide ritual of cutting the abdomen with a knife is considered "honorable".

The beginning of the prevalence of caesarean section was after the Kamakura shogunate, because of the loss of position, or the shame of being captured and the front of the caesarean section, which accounted for the vast majority, continued until the Warring States period. After the opening of Edo, the social rule was relatively stable. At that time, caesarean section was mostly a

In the period of World War II, Japan's caesarean section reached ** ยท It was even interpreted in various films and televisions, so it was known to the world.

To be honest, as the controller of the Osaka Legion, the Kitamiya family has always put interests first and does not advocate violent expansion. Since the shogunate era, it has rarely committed suicide by caesarean section.

But after the hero of the North Palace became the head of the family, several family elders were forced to have a Caesarean section, which made many people in the family extremely dissatisfied with the hero of the North Palace, but the brutality of the hero of the North Palace. No one dared to resist.

"Straight tree, please be careful!"

After hearing his cousin's words, Beigong Yanjun's face changed greatly. He looked around, but his voice was lowered a little and said, "The starting point of the owner's action is still to put the interests of the family, but the elders have some doubts about the behavior of the owner. If you can't find that batch of gold this time If you go out to hide for a while, maybe things will change!"

As a force that has been passed down for nearly a thousand years, the Beigong family is not decided by the heroes of the Beigong family. On top of the family, there are also some elders who specialize in kendo. These people are the real core of the Beigong family.

Last year, the hero of the North Palace forced a child of a family who made a small mistake to make a Caesarean section. Who knew that the man was a direct descendant of the old man, which aroused the dissatisfaction of some of the old man. Some people proposed that the hero of the North Palace should remove the position of the head of the family and enter the old man

Of course, there are also people who support the heroes of the North Palace, otherwise the heroes of the North Palace will be banned by the family when they made investment mistakes in the 1980s.

So this suggestion has been controversial. The matter of the heroes of the North Palace coming to Myanmar to find gold will become a watershed to determine whether the heroes of the North Palace can continue to be the head of the family.

Finding that batch of gold proves that the North Palace heroes are right. If they can't find them, the previous backlog of contradictions will burst out together. No matter how strong the North Palace heroes are, the only way to retreat is.

When they came to Myanmar this time, the only eight elders of the Beigong family came, and they were also the direct elders of the Beigong heroes. However, they liked to be quiet and did not follow the troops, but arrived later on the Beigong family's special plane.

"I know, thank you, Yan Junjun!

Naoki Kitamiya is also a core member of the family. Naturally, he knows those contradictions. After hearing his cousin's words, he suddenly showed a trace of joy on his face. In the decades of being the master of the heroes of the North Palace, he simply brought the Beigong family, which had only taken advantage of the advantage but not suffered losses, into The emperor's worshiper.

"All right, be careful yourself. Don't let anything happen these days. In case the owner has an attack on the spot, I can't protect you!"

Yanjun Kitamiya whispered to his cousin that he has also cultivated a lot of his confidants over the years. Naoki Kitamiya has been running this five-star hotel in Myanmar for so many years, and he is also a good hand on his own. Naturally, he doesn't want it to happen.

"Yes, I will pay attention to it!"

His cousin's words made Naoki Kitamiya feel a fordder. He knew that the hero of the North Palace usually looked like a sick old man, but in fact, he was very accomplished in Kendo.

Thirty years ago, when the hero of the North Palace seized the position of the head of the family, Naoki Kitanomiya was only in his teens at that time. He saw the hero of the North Palace kill his own father and the eight guards of the head of the family at that time, killing his own father by hand, which was simply dehumanizing.

This incident also left a shadow in the heart of Naoki Kitamiya at that time. Over the years, although Naoki had a lot of dissatisfaction with the heroes of Kitamiya, he never dared to disobey his orders. It was not until he heard his cousin's words at this time that there was a glimmer of hope in his heart.

During the conversation, the two came to a room on the tenth floor of the hotel. At the door of the room, there were two people standing. Naoki Kitamiya greeted them, and one of them took out his room card and opened the door.

After entering this luxurious suite, Naoki Kitamiya, with the words of skilled Burmese, said to an old man sitting on the sofa watching TV: "Dechin Barden, are you still happy to live here?"

"Xi... I'm used to it, but, Mr. Beigong, I... I want to go back."

The old man is in his seventies. His hair is all white, and his face is full of ravines. He is a typical image of a rural Burmese old man. He is not very tall, especially after he is old, and his figure is a little stature. After standing up from the sofa, he is not much higher than when he sits

"Oh, the top of Dechin Baden, is it my poor hospitality? You can tell me anything you want!"

Naoki Kitamiya smiled and said, "Your people hope you can stay here for a while longer, but if you really want to go back, that's fine. I'll take you to meet someone later, and you can answer a few questions!"

"Good, good, as long as you can go back!"

Although Dechin Baden is just an ordinary Burmese farmer who has never been out of his mountain village in his life, at his age, he can see through a lot of things and know that he seems to live comfortably, but he is actually under house arrest.

As for Naoki Kitamiya, his family wants to live for a longer period of time, which is also true, because the top of Deqin Baden is a Hawate in Myanmar. From the Ming and Qing Dynasties of China, the State of Haw State has always been ruled by the King of Tusi and does not accept the jurisdiction and leadership of Not much.

In the year of 1qKP, the Bain State, Kachin State, Qin State and the headquarters of Myanmar signed the Binlong Agreement in the town of Binlong in the state of Bain to fight for joint independence from the British government. Finally, the chieftain of the state of the state became the president of the first government of Myanmar, which shows the importance of .

However, in 1962, General Naiwen, a military strongman in Myanmar, seized power in a coup. In the same year, the Federal Constitution was annuerated and a revolutionary committee was established to carry out military dictatorship. From then on, all states have fought with Myanmar's headquarters for their original autonomy, and the civil war throughout Myanmar began, and it was impossible Pick it up.

In this civil war, the State of Zhan is undoubtedly the main force of the anti-military government. In the 1960s and 1970s, there were even many hot-headed young people in China who devoted themselves to the civil war in Myanmar in order to help the people of the State of the State fight for freedom.

This protracted war lasted until the 1990s. The drug lord Kunsha mentioned above was the later leader of Shan State, who declared Shan State's independence from the Union of Myanmar in 1993.

Although Kunsha has surrendered to the Burmese military government, there are still continuous fighting in Shan State, and the South Shan State Army has been fighting for Shan State independence.

However, the loss of the war is very large, and Naoki Kitamiya, who often moves generously in the State of the State, is undoubtedly their most distinguished guest, so Deqin Baden's stay in this hotel is really entrusted by some people in the State of the State.