Genius Master

Chapter 491 Under the Devil's Mountain

"Master, his spirit is very unstable, and he needs to give him an injection of tranquilizer!"

Naoki Kitamiya had long known that this would happen. He immediately took out a needle of tranquilizer from a small alloy box he carried with him, asked the other two to hold the top of Dechin Baden, and then injected it into his arm.

After the injection, just over a minute, Dechin Baden's eyes gradually returned to clarity, but the fear in his eyes increased, and he squirmed his lips for a long time without saying anything.

"Pour him a glass of water!" The hero of the North Palace regained his composure at this time. He also wanted to know what happened to the top of Dechin Baden in the place known as Devil's Mountain, which was hard to forget after half a century.

"We have just entered the mountains, and everything is very calm..." After drinking the ice water handed over by Naoki Kitamiya, Dechin Baden summoned up his courage and continued to talk about half of the experience just now.

Dechinbadden and his three partners have never entered Devil's Mountain. When they entered the entrance of the valley, they found that the mountain was very quiet, the jungle was dense, and it looked no different from outside the mountain.

This slightly eased the nervousness of several people at the top of Dechinbadden and continued to walk into the mountains.

The place where they are located is a primitive forest that has never been conquered by human beings, and there is no road at all. The traces of the Chinese people's entry two years ago seem to have been covered by the thick fallen leaves on the ground.

Due to the strange and horrible description of Devil's Mountain by their ancestors, several people at the top of Dechin Baden were very cautious. Every time they walked three or five meters, they would use knives to mark the trees along the way to prevent getting lost in the mountains.

The mountains here are not steep, but very flat. There is a lot of gap between the tree and the tree, which can even pass through a car. It's just that the middle is full of weeds. Several people at the top of Dechin Baden believe that the Chinese who entered the mountains a few years ago walked along this road.

Their guess was really not wrong, because it was just as they walked about a mile. At the top of Dechin Baden, he suddenly felt that he had stepped on a hard object under his feet, which made the soles of his feet in straw shoes hurt.

Open the thick fallen leaves. A yellow, orange and orange baby's palm-sized object was presented in front of several people.

"Gold, it must be gold!" Although the metallic color of this rectangle is a little gloomy, even the Dechinbaden and others who have never seen gold. Or in the first time. This idea came to my mind.

According to the method taught by the elders, Dechin Baden put the oxidized metal on the surface of his mouth and bit it fiercely. After biting it, there was a row of faint tooth marks on the brick-like metal.

You should know. Gold is soft in nature, that is, nails are used to carve on real gold. Gold with very high color will leave faint marks. The experiment on the top of Dechinbaden shows that what they get is a piece of gold brick.

This discovery made Dechin Baden and others ecstatic. Obviously, this gold brick was transported in by the Chinese, but I don't know why it was left here, and they just got it.

Although the currencies of all countries in the world were different at that time, gold, no matter which country it was put in, was a hard currency. The weight of such a piece of gold brick was nearly two kilograms. According to the living standards of Myanmar at that time, it was enough for several of them to live a carefree life Yes.

However, people's greed is endless. Although Dechin Badengding and others understood the value of this gold brick, at the same time, they also became more eager for the wealth hidden by the Chinese people. At the thought that the huge wealth would be found by them, several people trembled with excitement.

The gold in front of them made them completely forget that they were still in the Devil's Mountain. After the gold was collected at the top of Dechin Baden, there was no need to discuss it at all. Several people unanimously decided to search for the rest of the gold.

While continuing to walk into the mountains, several people even discussed enthusiastically. After they found gold, is it better for everyone to marry three daughters-in-law or five daughters-in-law? His face was full of happy smiles, and he didn't know at all that Death had waved a sickle to them.

Where the mule and horse could pass, several young people who were carried away by ** continued to chase after them. Unconsciously, they had entered the depths of Devil's Mountain.

When Dechin Baden felt that the sun above his head seemed to no longer emit light and heat to guide them, he found that they did not know when they had entered a very open cave.

This cave is more than 20 meters high, and the mountain above is very thin. The rocks in many places have been broken, and the thin sunlight can still shine in the caves from those caves, which is the reason why they have not found it before.

Thinking of the instructions of the ancestors and feeling the gloomy feeling in the cave where the light was already a little dim, the top of Dechin Baden was a little hairy in their hearts. They didn't know if there would be any danger to go there.

But thinking of the gold at the top of Deqin Baden's waist, coupled with the safe and sound of those Chinese people coming out of the mountain, they finally summoned up their courage, lit the torch prepared when they came, and continued to walk into the cave.

Perhaps because there were no creatures and plants in the cave, after walking another fifty or sixty meters into it, they found that there were more and more traces left by man. In some places where the water was accumulated, the hooves of the mule and horses could be clearly seen, which made Dechinba and others more excited.

When they came to a place where the rocks on their heads cracked and they could see the sun, they suddenly found that in front of them, there was a four-way fork in front of them. The fork was surrounded by accumulated water, forming a small pool with a clear bottom, which surrounded the fork in the middle and became a lonely area of land. There are small platforms of about 20 square meters.

With the sunlight shining overhead, several people at the top of Deqin Baden suddenly found that on the small platform, there were 40 or 50 boxes made of bamboo, rattan and wood.

Perhaps because of the humid environment here, many wooden boxes have been rotten. From the cracked wood, you can clearly see the golden light flashing inside from the top of De Chin Baden.

The huge treasure was in front of him. Several friends at the top of Dechin Baden couldn't help it. They threw down the torch and jumped into the pool and ran to the high platform.

Although Deqinba was also very excited, he was the initiator of this operation and was more reserved. When his friends cheered and jumped into the pool, he stood on the shore with a torch and did not go down with them.

That is, the reserve at the top of Dechin Baden saved his life, because just as the fastest man was about to board the platform, the shock happened.

The man who had stepped on the platform with one foot suddenly fell into the pool again without warning, and even a wave did not turn over, and suddenly disappeared on the water.

You know, the deepest part of this pool is only waist-length, and people can't stand at all. This sudden situation shocked Dechin Baden, who was standing on the shore with a smile.

In this scene, the other two people in the pool did not notice it. Their attention was focused on the platform full of gold and silver treasures. When Deqin Baden reacted and shouted, like the first person, they disappeared into the water without even shouting, and their hands were in vain. I scratched a few times on the surface of the water.


A man's head came out of the water. After exclaiming, he seemed to be dragged down by a pair of devil's big hands. This was the first person to have an accident in the pool.

The water in this pool is very clear and thorough. Coupled with the sunlight overhead, Deqin Barden, standing above, could clearly see what was going on inside. The great fear made his body stiff, and he didn't even have the idea of running away.

In the sight of the top of Dechin Baden, there are dozens of long and thick shadows in the originally empty pool. They are like dragons, rolling in the pool, and their huge tails come out of the water from time to time, slapped out of water lines.

The lingering nightmare of the top of De Chin Baden for more than half a century was that he clearly saw what was happening in front of him, and even the scene of the three partners being bitten by those pythons in the water.

He still remembers that the frightened and helpless eyes of those partners under the water, the devilish shadows, constantly wrapped and squeezed on the three people, and finally squeezed out the eyes of the three people, paralyzed like water plants floating on the water.

It was not until this time that the pythons began to share the bodies of the three people. The huge pythons bit the limbs and heads of several people. With all the efforts, the whole pool suddenly turned into a blood pool, and Deqin Baden could no longer see the situation in the clear water.

A cloudy wind blew through the hell. Dechin Baden suddenly shivered at the top, and his mind returned to Qingming. After he could control his body, he didn't have the courage to look into the pool again, turned around and fled out.

I don't know if it's because those demons are devouring food. There is no python behind the top of Dechinbaden, and there is only one person in his mind who has the idea of escaping from the top of Dechinbaden. Unexpectedly, the ghost successfully escaped from the cave and appeared on the ground.

Just when he came into contact with the sun, Dechin Baden suddenly felt dizzy. He didn't know the rest of the things, and he didn't know how to return to the small mountain village.


PS: The second update, ask for the recommendation ticket. In order to maintain the two updates, I have slept for less than five hours for several days. Please encourage the recommendation ticket for the monthly ticket. By the way, we have all been exposed to the end of the list!