Genius Master

Chapter 493 The Dead

As night fell, the small mountain village, which had been noisy for most of the day, regained its calm.

Around the mountain village, dozens of tents were set up, which vaguely surrounded the mountain village. In the surrounding woods, there were also some Japanese figures, closely monitoring the homes with lights in the mountain village.

In a tent about three meters high, a little similar to a yurt, there is a luxurious carpet. On the cloth tent facing the door, there is a samurai sword, and the four words "long martial arts" are written under the samurai sword.

Under the four words "Wuyun Long-term", there is a beautifully made tatami. The hero of the North Palace sat in the middle, and three people sat on the coffee table next to him. Among them were Yanjun Kitamiya and Naoki Kitanomiya, who was in charge of the specific action. Yanjun Kitamiya, who had always been calm, From time to time, he looked at the watchman on his wrist. After enduring it for a long time, he carefully said, "Master, the appointed time has come, and they haven't come back yet!"

The person mentioned by Yanjun Kitamiya was the advance team that entered the Devil's Mountain to explore three hours ago. Originally, Yanjun Kitamiya was opposed to entering the Devil's Mountain at night, but the hero of Kitamiya, as the owner of the family, insisted, and the team of eight people was still sent out.

There are nearly 200 elite members of the family who came to Myanmar this time. Sending eight people was originally nothing, but what worried Kitamiya Yanjun was that among these eight people was his son Kitamiya Hetian, who had always had high hopes for him.

Seeing the restless appearance of Beigong Yanjun, the hero of Beigong said, "Yanjun, practicing kendo, the first thing is to cultivate your mind. You can't be blinded by external things, and don't be covered by family affection. He Tian is my personal disciple. Why don't I worry about him?"

Speaking of this, the hero of the North Palace suddenly changed his words. "The flowers and bones in the greenhouse are not big. Only after experiencing the most cruel test can he grow up as the pillars of our Beigong family. When he mention the North Palace Hetian, the hero of the North Palace showed a rare smile on his cold face. Obviously, he was to him It is very important.

"Hay, the owner is right. I worry too much!" No matter what the hero of Kitamiya said is right or wrong, anyway, people have been sent out. It's useless to think so much. Kitamiya Yanjun can only do it by fate.

Suddenly, there was a riot outside the tent. Then the curtain of the tent was lifted, and a man with only a pair of eyes wrapped in black clothes came in, knelt down in front of the hero of the North Palace and said, "Master, according to your order, the road has been driven a mile away from Devil's Mountain. Four people in the team I led are broken for the family!"

"Huh? What's going on?" Hearing that four of the eight people sent out died, even the hero of the North Palace showed a stunned expression on his face, and asked in a low voice, "Why are there so many casualties?"

You know, the eight people sent this time are definitely the elites of the family. Since they were three years old, they have been soaked in special medicinal juice. This kind of medicinal juice is an ancient formula obtained from China by the Beigong family in the early years, which can enhance the toughness of the human meridians and remove impurities in the body.

By the age of five, the children of these direct line of the family will be indoctrinated with the idea of loyalty to the family, and will be scattered to various training camps, and some other children adopted by the Beigong family will be brutally trained.

The cruelty of this training is not only physical, but also a great devastation to the hearts of these children, because there are many training subjects that require them to kill their partners with their own hands.

Because the children's resistance is weak and easy to get sick, the mortality rate of these secret training camps of the Beigong family is not even lower than that of the Black Boxing Training Camp in Siberia. Under normal circumstances, a training camp of 30 people can survive, no more than five people. These people are the dead men of the Beigong family.

Of course, these direct children of the Beigong family will generally not die unless it is a very unexpected situation, but the eliminated direct children are often marginalized in the family, and at best they only bear the task of inheriting the family's bloodline.

After the North Palace Hero seized the position of the head of the family, he began to set up a secret training camp 30 years ago. To this day, he has only got more than 20 qualified dead soldiers, so after hearing the loss of four people in this mission, his face also changed color.

"Master, three people were bitten to death by poisonous snakes, and one person was... rolled up by man-eating flowers!"

After more than ten years of cruel training, Beiwei Beigong Hetian has already honed his heart like a solid iron, but when he recalls what he had just seen in the Devil's Mountain, his eyes still showed a trace of palpitation. He was not afraid of fighting with others, but he did not want to die for no reason.

When they first entered Devil's Mountain, they traveled very fast. Along the way, they were sprayed with sulfur and other potions to drive away poisonous snakes and animals. However, when they entered two kilometers, the bushes in the woods or on the hillside covered the whole mountain, and the lowest ones were knee-high. The depth and height reached more than one meter. When people walked in it, they could not find the creatures in the bushes at all. The three dead family members were killed by a poisonous snake when they opened the way with machetes.

That's right, it's the eyes, because the clothes they wear are special protective clothing for one-in-one, with extremely high flexibility and toughness. There is no way to bite through the poisonous teeth of snakes, which is also the main reason why the heroes of the North Palace can safely send them to explore the way at night.

Just when passing through a bush, I don't know if it disturbed a snake's nest. Thousands of poisonous snakes swarmed out, and the three people walking in front of them were drowned in an instant. After a few screams, there was no sound.

Although Kitamiya Hetian and others who walked behind burned the nest of poisonous snakes with flamethrowers, their companion just now also turned into a really charred body.

This change made Kitamiya Hetian more vigilant. He hardly traveled a few meters, and he would spray flames directly in front of him with a flamethrower. Fortunately, the mountains in Myanmar were wet, but he was not afraid of causing fire.

In this way, he walked forward about four or five hundred meters, and the bushes gradually decreased. Beigong Hetian and others were also relieved, but at this time, a man walking on the right side of their team suddenly let out a scream. Several people followed the sound and were stunned.

Along to that person, there is a tropical plant that is a bit like a banana tree, but it is larger, with wide branches and leaves scattered everywhere, and at the top of those branches and leaves, there are also small white flowers, exuding charming fragrance.

Only at this moment, those branches and leaves were like cages, tightly wrapped around their teammates, and the branches and leaves were still spraying a highly corrosive **. In just over a dozen seconds, the protective clothing on the body was corroded off.

When several people in Kitamiya Hetian reacted, the man's body had begun to rot, and the screams were endless. In desperation, they had no choice but to use the flamethrower to let their teammates and the trees that could kill people burn together.

After a series of changes, these dead soldiers who had been severely trained since childhood also had a chill in their hearts. After detecting three kilometers, they immediately withdrew back.

"How can there be cannibal flowers here in Myanmar?" After listening to his disciples' story, the face of the hero of the North Palace also became solemn.

Man-eating flowers and man-eating trees are real in this world, like a plant called sun wheel flower. When people or animals accidentally touch it, those slender leaves immediately roll up from all around like bird claws, pull people tightly and drag them down on the wet grass until people can't move. Yes.

And the big spider accompanying the sunflower will swarm to the victim, suck and chew carefully, and have a good meal. When the spider eats the human body, the excrement discharged from the sun will become the fertilizer of the sunflower.

However, this kind of man-eating flower or tree is generally distributed in the dense virgin forest and vast swamp area of the Amazon River Basin in South America. It has never been planted in Asia. Today, when science and technology is so advanced, the natural environment is difficult to scare people, but the facts in front of us make the heroes of the North Palace. I had a bad feeling in my heart that Devil's Mountain was not as easy to conquer as he thought.

Seeing that the hero of the North Palace was moaning, Yanjun of the North Palace beside him was afraid that he would send his son again. He quickly said, "Master, the Devil's Mountain is strange and unpredictable. I think... Let's wait until dawn to drive in, so that we can reduce some casualties!"

"Akay, Hetian, go and have a rest. Don't talk about what happened today."

The hero of Beigong nodded. His character was tyrannical, but he did not have the crazy idea of subverting the whole family in this Devil's Mountain. After letting the Beigong Hetian retreat, the hero of Beigong seriously discussed countermeasures with Yanjun and Naoki Beigong for the first time.

When Devil's Mountain silently devoured the dead men, there were also several tents in a valley more than 300 kilometers away from Devil's Mountain, and more than a dozen people were grilling things around a bonfire outside the tent.

"Master Ye, what on earth are we doing this trip?"

Rolling down the wild boar leg on the shelf, Wu Chen carefully asked Ye Tian. After getting along with each other in the past two days, he felt that Ye Tian was not the kind of playboy with eyes above the top, and it was usually very easy to talk.

"You will know when you get to the place. Start early tomorrow and try to get there.

Ye Tian shook his head and looked into the endless dark night, as if he had cut through the sky and saw the bright fire outside the Devil's Mountains.

PS: The second update, it will be Monday soon, please recommend tickets!!!