Genius Master

Chapter 537 Heartless

For inland cities without sea views, river views and mountain villas are generally rich areas in this city.

Mr. Ji's car slowly drove into the villa area in Linjiang, the city. This is a community that imitates Hong Kong, Taiwan and other places for formal property management. Vehicles need to swipe cards to enter and exit, and the security measures are very strict.

But no one knows. Just two days ago, Liu Laoer was tied up like a zongzi and gagged and brought in in the trunk.

In this community, Boss Ji's identity is the owner of an international trade investment company. There are Mercedes-Benz cars in and out. Many property security guards regard it as a model for successful people. No one can guess the real identity of Boss Ji.

So there is no place safer than here. The protection slogan advocated by real estate companies makes many things that can't be seen by Boss Ji carried out here.

"Brother, are you here?"

Hearing the sound of the garage outside, the door of the villa was opened, and two tough young people came out of the house and helped Boss Ji open the door.

"I said don't dress like a gangster all day long. You are white-collar workers in the company. Damn it, they are all a group of people who don't look like princes in dragon robes."

Looking at the men who were still wearing tight vests and tattoos on their arms in winter, Boss Ji couldn't help frowning and asked angrily, "How's it going? Did the boy tell the truth?

While letting Boss Ji into the room, a muscular man said cautiously, "Brother, I don't think what Liu Er said is a lie. When we went to that hotel, the person surnamed Bao should have been running for a long time, and the tea inside was still hot."

"Are you all fucking rubbish? Nan/Chang is so big that I haven't found anyone for almost three days. Do you still have the face to say?

Boss Ji slapped the back of the muscle man in front of him on the head and said, "I'll ask Liu Laoer again. I'm afraid that person in Beijing is not a good person. It's troublesome if the news of my return is leaked out!"

Although Boss Ji looks vulgar for being outside, the villa is very elegantly decorated. The whole villa has no brilliant decoration, and there are some celebrity calligraphy and paintings hanging on the wall.

Some bamboo was actually planted in the corner of the villa hall. If you don't know the real identity of Boss Ji, you would think that the owner of the villa is a literati who loves subservi elegance.

But if Ye Tian is here, he can see that the interior decoration of this villa implies feng shui. The feng shui gourd hanging at the door. It is even more useful for eliminating disasters.

After entering the living room, Boss Ji went straight to a shadow wall with calligraphy and paintings under the stairs. The muscular man in front of him took the lead. After taking off the calligraphy and painting, a button like an electric light switch appeared on the wall.

Reach out and press the switch. A staircase extending down quietly appeared on the ground under the shadow wall. The wall lights inside were voice-controlled. While the dark door was opened, the lights also lit up.

" Boss, please..." The muscular man got out of the way.

"Damn it, it's called the chairman. How many times have you said it?" Boss Ji stared at his men before entering the basement.

The depth of the basement far exceeds the storage room used by ordinary families. After walking down seven or eight meters and opening a secret door, a living room of 17 or 18 square meters appeared in front of him.

On the walls around this living room, there are all kinds of leather whips and torture tools. Boss Ji has been stained since he was a child and copied everything that the dead man had used.

In the middle of the living room. There is a wooden stake about two meters high. From the top to the bottom, there are dry brown blood stains everywhere. Obviously, it is not known how many people have been tortured on it.

At this time, the person tied to the stake was Liu Laoer, who was released by Ye Tian.

Maybe it was because he was already fat. Although he suffered the same torture as Bao Fengling, Liu Laoer was not as thin as Bao Fengling, which was also the main reason why he was found to follow Boss Ji.

"Second, you and I have been with me for many years. You know me well."

Slowly walking to the wooden stake, Boss Ji coughed and said, "Big brother has always been benevolent and righteous. I wanted to take my brothers north to save you, but when I arrived in the capital, I learned that you had been released by that person.

But the second brother, this is the fault between you and the small bag. Did the eldest brother do something wrong to you? If you don't come to me, you still hide from your eldest brother when you come to Nan/Chang?

Boss Ji showed a trace of sadness on his face. He held Liu Laoer's chin with his hand and said, "Tut, Lao Er, you find out the small bag, and you won't become like this, will you?"

Liu Laoer's face is now swollen like a fermented steamed bun, and there are only two gaps left in his originally big eyes. Find the most vivid adjective, that is, it looks like a pig's head.

"I... I've said it, old... boss, just give me a good time!" Mr. Liu's angry voice sounded.

If he hadn't suffered Ye Tian's inhuman torture in the past few months, Liu Laoer would not have been able to hold on long ago. At this time, he didn't have a piece of good meat all over his body, and even his ten-finger nails were pulled out.

All this was done by Mr. Ji himself. When he was sensible, he especially liked to listen to other people's screams. To a large extent, it was Mr. Ji to meet his perverted needs by building such a prison room in the depths of the ground.

"Want to have a good time? It's done!"

The smile on Boss Ji's face became gloomy. He picked up a vise from the table next to the stake, raised Liu Laoer's right hand, and clamped it fiercely with his little finger.


With the sound of the bone being crushed, an inhuman and miserable cry sounded from Liu Laoer's mouth, and a mouthful of blood foam spewed out, spraying Ji Lao's face on his face.

"It tastes really good!"

Boss Ji wiped his left hand on his face and licked it in front of his mouth with an intoxicated expression. The two muscular men behind him couldn't help but feel a little creepy. // The fastest text update of the book fan building No pop-up window and no advertisement // "Is this fucking human?"

Seeing Liu Laoer's head drooping down again, Boss Ji personally carried a bucket of cold water placed in the corner of the room and poured it directly from Liu Laoer's head. The cold cold water made Liu Laoer wake up with a chill.

"Second, I'll give you another chance, do you want to talk about it?"

In fact, Boss Ji understands that everything Liu Laoer knows has been completely told, but he enjoys the pleasure of torturing people. He prefers Liu Laoer to clench his teeth and "don't say anything!"

Liu Laoer's tongue was half bitten off by himself, and his hoarse voice could hardly tell what he was saying. "Big...Big brother, I... I've said everything I know. Give me... give me a good time?"

After being with Boss Ji for more than ten years, Mr. Liu knows his boss's temperament. He is a combination of inferiority and ardentness. He is as timid as a mouse and cruel.

Liu Laoer once saw Boss Ji torture a person for 20 days. In order to test the eight major tortures of the Qing Dynasty, Boss Ji even went to buy a fishing net. On the 18th day, he gave the man a Ling Chi.

It's just that Boss Ji's level is not good. When he was having a good time, he accidentally cut the blood vessel on the man and played the man to death in just two days.

"I want to die, wait until I've had enough fun!"

Boss Ji smiled and walked around Liu Laoer. His eyes were like looking at a work of art, and the other two people around him had goose bumps all over.

"Go, go upstairs!"

Boss Ji clapped his hands and said to a man, "Inject him with some heroin. Don't let him die. Damn it, it's not fun to die."

After hearing Boss Ji's words, the muscular man shivered all over and quickly said, "Yes... Yes, big brother, I... I promise he won't die!"

Seeing the frightened expression of his men, Boss Ji nodded with satisfaction. He deliberately made such a cruel move under his men, which may not mean to kill a chicken to warn the monkey.

Boss Ji got up from the bottom of this society. He knew that it was nonsense to talk about benevolence, righteousness and morality to these subordinates. Only by making them afraid of you from the bottom of their hearts can he not dare to betray.

After returning to the living room of the villa, the young man who drove for Boss Ji said, "Big Boss, Bao Fengling hasn't been found yet. What if he reveals the news of your return to China and the people from the capital?"

This person's surname is Lin, and his name is Lin Xuanyou. He is an orphan adopted by Ji Lao Da. Although he is young, he is full of bad water and belongs to the role of white paper fan in Ji Lao Da's group.

"Well, Xuanyou, you can't help but think about what you said. Let me have a look!"

At this time, Boss Ji was completely out of the madness in the basement, but with a cautious face. After thinking about it, he took out a baby's palm-sized turtle shell and three copper coins from the handbag on the sofa.

Zhou's magic is passed down from Zhou Dunyi in the Northern Song Dynasty. What they are talking about is: deduce the principle of the five elements of yin and yang, the truth is in the sky and the nature of the people, and they are the best at divination.

When Boss Ji got the magic secret book, the root bone was formed. Although he could not practice the relevant skills of cooperating with the magic, he had thought out some tricks in the divination.

Put the tortoise shell on the coffee table, and Mr. Ji said something with words in his mouth, and spilled the three copper coins in his hand.

"Ninety-two, the sixth day of the lunar month, six-three, ninety-five, Kan... Kan Gua?"

After seeing the hexagram, Boss Ji couldn't help but change his face. The kan is water and the water is yin. This hexagram represents that he is in danger, and it is a hexagram.

"Dang!" Just as this gossip was occupied, the feng shui gourd hanging at the door suddenly fell to the ground.


PS: The second update, continue to write the third update, but it will be later. Let's watch it tomorrow. Well, recommend the vote for the prime minister before going to bed!

In addition, I strongly recommend a book: "Pink Apartment", book number 2428645. If you like ambiguous books, you can go and have a look.