Genius Master

Chapter 554 Super Degree Under

"I haven't seen this... this thing either?"

Gou Xinjia's tone is not so certain, because they all know that some ancient legends are not necessarily empty. The fact that zombies have not been found in modern times does not mean that there are no zombies in the world.

The python in the Devil's Mountain in Myanmar described by Ye Tian is a creature beyond human imagination. Maybe the guy with white hair in front of him is really a zombie.

Looking at this strange corpse, Ye Tian and the other people shuddered a little. No one knew whether this thing would suddenly jump out of the sarcophagus and give them a paw.

Feeling the surging evil spirit in the white-haired corpse [body], Ye Tian suddenly thought of something and said, "The so-called zombie is likely to be a monster refined by people, and may not be intelligent..."

When he was fighting in the house of Tang Wenyuan, the human-shaped monster who followed the man-in-law was somewhat similar to the white-haired corpse in front of him.

Both [body] contain a large amount of evil spirit, which almost assimilates their bodies, but like this corpse, the monster seems to have no thinking, but is just driven by the mole.

Ye Tian was originally a bold person. When he read this, he took out a small stone from the wall of the pit, and his right middle finger buckle // the fastest text update of the book fan building no pop-up window, no advertisement // live, and bounced out to the white-haired thigh of the corpse.

After the sound of "Dang", after the stone came into contact with the body, it made the sound of gold and iron, which made Ye Tian and others couldn't help but look at each other.

Seeing this situation, Gou Xinjia muttered, "If this thing is eroded by the evil spirit transformed by the seven-star array for a period of time, maybe it can really become a bad body?"

Some people don't know whether this corpse can become a zombie, but if the construction team hadn't destroyed the formation, those evil spirit would continue to nourish the corpse. No one can predict what will happen in the end.

"Big brother. This thing can't be left. In case the evil spirit in its [body] overflows, this is also a disaster!"

Zuo Jiajun doesn't care about zombies or zombies. Now he is afraid that the yin qi in the corpse [body] will overflow. "Why don't we cremated it with fire?"

Rumor has it that the way to deal with drought is to burn it into ashes with fire. Whatever it is, pour a barrel of gasoline on it, and even the gold and iron can be burned and melted.

After hearing Zuo Jiajun's words, Gou Xinjia shook her head repeatedly. He said, "It's not appropriate. Brother Zuo, the evil spirit in this corpse has become the substance. If you burn gasoline, I'm afraid that the yin and yang will rush to each other and cause an explosion.

The evil spirit is the most evil thing. Naturally, the fire is the most masculine.

If there is a big difference between the two, it is a good way to use fire to restrain the evil spirit, but the content of the evil spirit in this corpse [body] is too horrible, and it is not a good way to burn it with fire.

"So...what should I do?"

Zuo Jiajun was a little dumbfounded when he heard the words. Without the blessing of the seven-star magic array, this body was like an explosive bucket. Maybe it would explode sometime.

Gou Xinjia thought for a moment and said with a wry smile, "It's better to use a stupid way. The evil spirit in its [body] has been integrated with the body. I'm afraid it won't cause harm in a short period of time. Let's use "to save people's scriptures" to surpass him!"

"That's the only way. This work will not be finished for a while. Find someone to set up a few tents around here."

Ye Tian nodded, which was also a way out of the way. It started because he built a villa. No matter what, Ye Tian should be responsible to the end.

Fortunately, the evil spirit in this corpse [body] will not overflow for the time being. Even Liu Dingding's recitation of the "People's Sutra" can weaken a trace of yin evil spirit, but you can take turns to recite the sutras, so you don't have to be so tired.

However, in this way, he distinguished the level of each person's skills. Ye Tian's cooperation with the printing method of chanting was the best. It only took him only one day to completely reduce the evil spirit on half of the arm of the body.

The second is Gou Xin's family. He spit it out with his true spirit. The scriptures he recited make people calm, and the effect on evil spirit is also excellent. Moreover, those workers who dare to approach are almost willing to convert to Taoism.

Zuo Jiajun's skill is slightly weaker, and the effect is much worse. As for Zhou Xiaotian and Liu Dingding, it can only be regarded as soy sauce, and there is nothing to talk about the evil spirit.

As the evil spirit in the body gradually disappeared, the white hair on the body gradually faded, and the muscle tissue quickly decomposed. The smell was disgusting.

After enduring this smell for five days, the evil spirit in the corpse [body] was finally cleaned up.

In ancient times, this method was called transcendence. You know, in ancient times, after every war, monks and Taoist priests were invited to do it. In fact, the so-called transcendence is also to reduce the evil spirit, so as not to harm the people.

"Ye Tian, how to deal with this body?"

Looking at the rotten and unsightly corpse, Gou Xinjia frowned. Although the evil spirit has been cleaned up, who knows what will happen if it is buried in the earth again?

"Created, cremated on the edge of this altar."

Ye Tian turned his head and looked at Zuo Jiajun and said with a smile, "Brother, please take the trouble of your way to go on stage. You have surpassed this zombie."

In order to eliminate the psychological shadow of those fishing villages and construction workers, Zuo Jiajun has specially built a altar in the past few days, and he will sit on the altar every day.

Not to mention that Zuo Jiajun's behavior was very effective. After the fishermen and the construction team saw the altar, they became bolder. Coupled with the disappearance of the cold air, many people even ran to the pit to watch the white-haired corpse.

However, Zuo Jiajun refused all TV interviews and so on. Several reporters secretly brought cameras and were also turned over by Zhou Xiaotian.

Later, Zuo Jiajun was tireless and simply asked Boss Hua to send some community members to guard here, which blocked the intrusion of those gossip reporters.

"Good, it's finally time to eliminate this hidden danger."

Zuo Jiajun nodded and asked someone to drive a crane, but although those workers were much bolder, none of them dared to go down to the bottom of the pit.

"I'll do it."

In desperation, Ye Tian jumped into the pit again and tied the sarcophagus with a wire rope. As the crane arm was raised, the huge sarcophagus was slowly hung to the ground.

"Well, is there a monument?" When the sarcophagus was hoisted, Ye Tian saw the soil at the end of the sarcophagus turn up, and a dark stone tablet was revealed.

stretched out his hands to pull the stone tablet out of the mud. Ye Tian found that it was full of silt, and the words on it could not be distinguished at all. In desperation, he had no choice but to bring the stone tablet up first.

"Let's wait and see when we go back. Let's finish the law first."

After returning to the ground, Gou Xinjia also saw the stone tablet, but Zuo Jiajun had already changed his clothes and was about to start pretending to be a ghost.

And today's opening of the altar has invited people from several villages around to watch, including those construction teams, and they have to count on them for the future construction process.

Wearing a Taoist robe, holding a compass in his left hand, and waving a mahogany sword in his right hand, Zuo Jiajun appeared on the altar.

As the saying goes, the insider watches the door, and the layman watches the bustle. Like those tricks of lighting the rune without fire, Zuo Jiajun is handy, and the audience who watched it applauded.

Only Ye Tian muttered on the side. Did the second brother give technical guidance to the zombie films that were popular in Hong Kong before? Otherwise, how can these modes be exactly the same as those in the movie?


After the performance, Zuo Jiajun gave an order. Zhou Xiaotian put a pile of gasoline-soaked firewood into the sarcophagus and threw a match into it. The sarcophagus was raging.

When the fire burned out, Ye Tian and Zhou Xiaotian personally took the ashes into the prepared coffin, because this man is likely to have a relationship with the predecessors of the hemp clothes, but he needs to be well placed.

After the completion of the method, Zuo Jiajun arched his hand to the crowd around him and said, "Dear fellow villagers, this harmful zombie has been surpassed by Zuo. You can safely pass here in the future, and there will be no danger again!"

"Thank you, Master Zuo. Lao Wu represents hundreds of families in the village. Thank you, Master Zuo!"

As soon as Zuo Jiajun's words fell, the village head of Wu shouted, and some other people in the village also echoed in one voice. For a while, they regarded "Master Zuo" as the ancestor of the Three Qing Dynasty.

The crowd gathered for a long time before they dispersed. Master Zuo, who went down from the altar, was sweating heavily. Two powerful brothers were sitting below. Those compliments made him blush.

"Brother Zuo, this is a stone tablet dug up by Ye Tian from the pit. Find someone to wash it and see what is written on it."

Speaking of which, not only Ye Tian is curious, but also Gou Xinjia is itching in his heart, because there is not even the most ordinary burial goods shop in this tomb, but I don't know why the senior of the master put this formation for this person?

You know, the people in Qimen can help people with feng shui, and the price is not generally high. If you want to clothe this kind of feng shui situation to bless future generations, you don't have to think about it without hundreds of taels of gold.

It's strange here. The ancients paid attention to thick burials, and people who can afford hundreds of taels of gold will never be so shabby in the tomb. This problem has troubled Ye Tian and others for several days.

Several people couldn't wait to go back and read it again. After finding someone to pull a water pipe to clean up the soil on the tablet, rows of fine words suddenly appeared in front of them.

The text is written in regular script, with about thousands of words in the whole article. The engraving process is very smart. Although the font is small, the words are clear and recognizable.

But as soon as he read the initial inscription, Ye Tian looked at Zuo Jiajun and asked, "Brother Zuo, who is this Shi Shanliang? Is he famous in Hong Kong?


ps: The second update, thank you for the reward of happy good luck and friends such as Chiba Burning City. Continue to write the third update. Brothers with monthly tickets and recommendation tickets, please support the teacher!