Genius Master

Chapter 612 Wash your hand in the golden basin

Although Song Haotian was also angry about Lei Zhenyue's father and son's calculation of his daughter, at the level of Song Haotian, the problems he considered were not just financial gains and losses.

As the first sect in the Chinese world, Hongmen has already withdrawn from China, but in Europe, especially in the United States, it has a great influence.

As mentioned above, at some point, Hongmen has been able to influence some decisions of American dignitaries, which is absolutely crucial for developing countries.

The overseas exchanges between the Song family and Hongmen were all facilitated by Song Haotian. In the past 20 years, Hongmen has indeed made great contributions to some domestic diplomatic activities.

So when he heard that as soon as Ye Tian went to the United States, it changed the interior of Hongmen, and Lei Zhenyue and others, who had made friends with the country in the past, withdrew from the historical stage of Hongmen, which immediately made Song Haotian furious.

And this incident even shocked the top leader. If it hadn't been for the news in the next two days, Du Fei, who took over Hongmen, was also a person with a lot of relationship with the Song family. I'm afraid Ye Tian would break a big hole this time.

"Mom, the old man stamped his feet at home. What does it have to do with me?" Ye Tian curled his lips and asked, "How's your business over there? Is it a big loss?

"There is nothing to lose money, but people's hearts are scattered, and it will be difficult for the team to lead in the future!"

Song Weilan shook her head with a wry smile. Although the money has been intercepted, it will take at least half a year to get it back.

And the illegal operation of the custody fund made many old ministers who followed him start a business frustrated. If it hadn't been for Song Weilan's arrival in time, I'm afraid that the big business empire would have collapsed.

Song Weilan knew that her son was not interested in these. She explained a little and said, "Son, I guess I will stay in New York for a while. When I deal with this matter, I will never come again."

"Mom, it's okay. I have to stay in San Francisco for a while. I'll find you in New York when I'm done.

Ye Tian nodded and saw more and more people coming. He immediately said to his mother, "Let's go in. The people in the world wash their hands in the golden basin. I don't know what kind of fun you join in?"

Song Weilan stared at Ye Tian and said, "You child, your mother knows that you are capable. But Uncle Lei has taken good care of his mother over the years. You are not allowed to be rude for a while.

"I know, I know. Can't I shut up and be mute later?"

Ye Tian shook his head indifferently. He greeted the Hongmen disciples around him and walked to the huā garden in the center of the manor.

At this moment, there is already a lot of people here. In the past few days, almost all the bigwigs from all over the country who participated in the Hongmen Conference have arrived. In the practice field in the middle of the huā garden, dozens of tables and chairs were arranged in two rows.

Some low-generation Hongmen disciples are busy serving tea and water, while today's protagonist Lei Zhenyue is standing at the entrance of Huā Garden, constantly greeting the guests.

In addition, there are also some Xingtang disciples with bulging waists, wandering around the periphery of Huā Garden. They are afraid that someone will come to make trouble.

You know, wash your hands in the golden basin. It means officially withdrawing from the world, and will no longer interfere in the disputes in the world in the future, and the previous enmity in the world will also be written off.

So, if others and Lei Zhenyue have a deep hatred, it must be solved before he washes his hands in the basin, otherwise wait for the hands to be put into the basin. He can no longer take revenge on Lei Zhenyue.

Therefore, in the pre-liberation world, there were many things to wash hands in the golden basin, but not many can safely carry out the ceremony, and even several times blood splashed on the spot at the ceremony. A tragedy happened.

Lei Zhenyue has experienced countless battles, although most of them are conflicts of foreign gangs. But there are also some enemies from the domestic martial arts, so his golden basin hand washing ceremony, the Hongmen disciple in charge of vigilance work, is like facing a great enemy.

"Master Ye..."

Ye Tian's tall figure was quite prominent in the crowd. After Lei Zhenyue greeted him, he found that Song Weilan was also here. His old face couldn't help blushing and said, "Weilan, this time Uncle Lei did a confused matter and listened to other people's slanders. Uncle Lei is sorry!"

If it was changed to the previous Lei Zhenyue, he would not admit his mistake if he was killed, but after his cultivation entered the realm of transformation, he was indifferent to many things.

"Uncle Lei, it's Wei Lan's fault. I didn't visit you much during that time, which caused a misunderstanding." Song Weilan has always respected Lei Zhenyue. After this incident, she has always blamed herself.

"No, Uncle Lei is very happy to come to the ceremony of Uncle Lei's hand washing hands!"

Lei Zhenyue looked up to the sky and laughed, and then his face turned gloomy. He said, "Your nephew eats inside and outside. It's not a good thing, Wei Lan, do you want Uncle Lei to take care of him?"

To say that this matter was all caused by Song Xiaolong. No matter how broad-minded Lei Zhenyue was, he couldn't wait to cramp and skin Song Xiaolong and smash his body.

Before Song Weilan could speak, Ye Tian answered first, "Elder Lei, I won't bother you with this matter. We will deal with it!"

He was calculated by Song Xiaolong several times, and Ye Tian's patience was also extreme. After he was ready to end the United States, he went to Africa to end this grudge with his own hands.

"Well, then I won't interfere with Lao Lei." Lei Zhenyue laughed and said, "You two sit and drink tea first, and then I'll greet other guests."

Looking at her son's face, Song Weilan sighed, but she didn't say anything. She followed Ye Tian and sat down in the chair at the top of the head.

More than ten minutes later, Lei Zhenyue saw that someone was almost coming. He stood in the middle of the venue and said loudly, "Brother Hongmen, Chinese compatriots, thank you for coming to my Lei Zhenyue's golden basin washing ceremony!"

Lei Zhenyue is the vice president of Hongmen and the closed disciple of Zhang Ce, the "Arm Saint". He also has a lot to do with overseas martial arts. In addition to the people in Hongmen, there are also the heads of major martial arts museums in the United States.

"I, Lei Zhenyue, have been across the rivers and lakes for 70 years, killing countless people. Today, I wash my hands in the golden basin, but I have the past, but there are friends who have inexaguable hatred with me, so I can come forward and stab me!"

Lei Zhenyue's voice was very loud. Even without the microphone stereo, the loud voice reached everyone's ears.

With the words, Lei Zhenyue turned over and took out the silver knife, inserted it into the table in front of him, and said, "Lao Lei, I have dozens of voices. After ten voices, the kindness and resentment will be cleared!"

Jianghu people wash their hands in the golden basin, not only to invite friends to watch the ceremony, but also to invite the enemy, otherwise his enemies can not admit the account, even after washing the golden basin can seek revenge from them.

"1, 2, 3..." Lei Zhenyue's number was not fast, and it took almost seven or eight seconds to shout out a number.

With the shouts of Lei Zhenyue, the crowd became **. You know, the Chinese are notorious for their lack of unity. The martial arts studios especially like to smash each other. Lei Zhenyue, who is known as a martial arts maniac, did a lot of this in those years.

"Tiger Lei, my father was cut by you and died in bed for half a year. He was not as good as people who had nothing to say. Let's spit this grudge!"

When Lei Zhenyue was counting to six, a middle-aged man in his early forties came out of the crowd and spit on Lei Zhenyue's face.

"Do you dare?!"

Seeing this scene, the Hongmen disciples next to him were all halberd with angry eyes, and the corners of their eyes burst out, almost staring at the blood. Lei Zhenyue was a hero in his life. How could he have he ever been so bullied?

Some old brothers who followed Lei Zhenyue to fight against the country had already cursed, so they waited to come forward to do it.

"Assistant, a mouthful of phlegm dissolves a life, Lao Lei, I admit it!" Lei Zhenyue shouted and said, "Brothers, you don't want me to wash my hands and go to the streets again, do you?"

"Brother Lei!"

"Master Lei!!"

Several sad shouts, but those people dare not come forward again. If they hit the middle-aged man on the field today, Lei Zhenyue's golden basin hand washing ceremony would have been disturbed by them.


After shouting out the last number, Lei Zhenyue settled down, looked around and said, "If there is no one else, Lei will withdraw from the world. In the future, there will be disputes in the world, and it has nothing to do with Lei!"

The Hongmen disciples in the field are as powerful as a rainbow. Even if there are still some people who have personal grudges with Lei Zhenyue, they can only swallow this breath, and the thick phlegm of the middle-aged people just now has also resolved a lot of resentment in their hearts.

The basin placed in front of Lei Zhenyue is indeed a golden basin. A basin of clear water reflects a dazzling golden light. After shouting out the number of ten, Lei Zhenyue put his hands in the golden basin.

His hands kept washing back and forth in the golden basin. Lei Zhenyue looked at Ye Tian and said, "For decades, he has been killing people. If you can have today, you can have a good end. It's all thanks to Master Ye. Please also ask Master Ye to wipe his hands for Lei!"

When the golden basin hand washing ceremony is completed, you must ask a respected senior to wipe his hands, which also has the meaning of notarization. If anyone finds trouble for washing hands in the future, the senior will come forward to interfere.

Lei Zhenyue asked Ye Tian to wipe his hands. Its moral was nothing more than letting Ye Tian let go of the thunder tiger. Ye Tian also knew it and stood up immediately.

Looking at Lei Zhenyue, Ye Tian sighed and said, "Elder Lei, Leihu's nose has straight lines, eyebrows and narrow eyelids. His fate is not very good. You have to trap him for five years, otherwise there will be a murder!"

The straight line of the nose represents the separation of the body of five horses. The narrow eyebrows and eyelids indicate that this person is grumpy and narrow-minded. According to Ye Tian's method, it is fate for Lei Hu to live to this day.

"Thank you, Master Ye, for reminding me. Lei went back to be strictly disciplined!"

Lei Zhenyue was stunned when he heard the words, and he did not dare to be careless at all about what the disciples of Li Shanyuan, a master of Xiangshu, said.


ps: The third update, alas, physical and mental haggard, give some encouragement, monthly ticket recommendation ticket, you can give anything, really tired, tired from the bones!