Genius Master

Chapter 656 The sky collapses and the earth cracks 4

The corridor is still shaking, as if it will collapse at any time. Pieces of cement and lime on the wall are falling down. The narrow space gives people a feeling of suffocating.

"Ye Tian, put your mother down and go by yourself!"

Seeing that her son's hair had been completely wet with sweat and hung in wisps on her forehead, Song Weilan couldn't help struggling. It was all because of her that made her mother and son in danger.

If it hadn't been for that document, he would not have returned to the World Trade Center, and Ye Tian would not have to come to find himself. At this moment, Song Weilan's heart was full of infinite regret.

"Mom, don't move, none of us can die!"

Ye Tian's hands were slightly hard, and he hugged his mother a little tighter. At this time, he was not in a good state. When he spoke, he took another turbid breath, which almost choked him to cough.

Seeing Ye Tian's red face, Song Weilan's heart was like a knife. When she saw that many people had escaped in the corridor, she quickly said, "Son, put it down and go by myself!"

At this time, Ye Tian has gone down to the 28th floor, and the people working in the building have already received the news of the terrorist attack. Because the power supply of the whole building has been destroyed, the safe passage has become the only escape exit.

The plane hit more than 90 floors of the building. Under that, there was a large number of people in the safe passage of almost every floor. When Ye Tianxia reached the 28th floor, the corridor was already overcrowded.

Everyone's faces were frightened, and the whole building was trembling. They didn't know if they could escape, and the tears and panic spread in the corridor.

"Mom, be careful."

Looking at the crowded crowd, Ye Tian shook his head and put his mother down. Fortunately, it is now more than 20 floors, and it is not too far from the exit.

"Mom. Mom, where are you?

A five- or six-year-old little girl who looks like a porcelain doll is huddled in the corner of the corridor and crying. Her white skirt was full of dust, and she looked helplessly at the crowd crowded by her.

"Little sister, I'll take you to find your mother!" A big hand held the girl's waist. Hold her up.

"Big brother, mom is on it, and Elini can't find her mother." The girl wiped her eyes and pointed to the upper floor.

"Alene, your mother has gone down. Follow your brother and you will definitely see your mother!"

Looking at the little girl, Ye Tian was a little sad. From the girl's face, Ye Tian had seen that her mother should be gone.

"Good. Then I'll go with my brother!"

Ye Tian's words made the girl calm down. She obediently held Ye Tian's neck in her hand and looked at the crowd around her with curious eyes. She didn't know what had happened.

"Huh? What does it taste like? After going down three layers, Ye Tian's nose suddenly smelled a stench. Looking up, his face couldn't help changing.

"The fire is about to burn down!"

Although it was more than 60 floors away from the place where the plane collided, and the three damaged safety passages all led to the top floor, the fuel of the plane tilted down.

Several tons of fuel burned along the safe passage where Ye Tian is located, although it has not been burned yet. But the whole safe passage has become extremely hot.

Coupled with the closure of the vents, everyone, like Ye Tian, felt breathing difficulties, which made people panic more and more, and the corridor became more blocked.

"This won't work!"

Ye Tian knew that if he continued to go down with these people, I'm afraid that the fire on it would burn down without waiting for him to go downstairs. At that time, he would be burned alive in it.

"Mom, get out!"

When he went down to the 23rd floor, Ye Tian rushed into the floor with the person who was still entering the safe passage with the little girl in his arms.

"Damn it, you can't be suffocated!"

Due to the vibration of the building, the glass of the whole North Building of the World Trade Center Building has been shattered. After entering the floor, Ye Tian can finally breathe happily.

"Brother, is there a world war? Who is running? The little girl holding Ye Tian's neck asked timidly.

"It's okay. Your mother is waiting for you downstairs. My brother will take you down in a while!"

Ye Tian touched the girl's head with his hand, looked at his mother and said, "Mom, find another safe passage. Let's go down quickly!"

Although the sense of crisis in his heart is much weaker than before, Ye Tian can't relax in this place. Only by leaving the World Trade Center can he be out of danger.

"Good, son, it's your mother who got you involved, huh?!"

Song Weilan agreed and looked at Ye Tian apologetically. As soon as she turned around, she couldn't help screaming.

"What's wrong?" Ye Tian quickly followed Song Weilan's eyes out of the window and saw a figure falling down from the window.

"Damn it, you dare to jump so high. Aren't you afraid of death?"

With the roaring wind outside the window, Ye Tian took a step and came to the window without glass. He clearly saw that the man fell to the ground heavily, and his body did not even twitch. He could not die any more.

"And..." Before Ye Tian could shrink back, two people jumped from above, and the result was the same. They fell hundreds of meters high, and there was no reason to survive.

Looking up at the smoky roof, Ye Tian knew that these people should have jumped from the top floor. The escape passage was blocked and they didn't want to be burned alive. They chose this cruel way to die.

"Son, don't... Don't look, let's go quickly!"

Seeing Ye Tian standing at the window door, Song Weilan closed her eyes nervously. Although she has now reached the 23rd floor, it is also 70 or 80 meters high from inside. It is also a dead end to fall.

At this time, the staff on the 23rd floor have been evacuated, leaving Song Weilan's mother and son and the little girl in such a large space. The alarm of the fire truck downstairs can be clearly heard.

At 9:2, Ye Tian looked at the watch and said, "Okay, let's go!"

It's just that Ye Tian's body had just turned halfway, and he could no longer move, because he saw that another passenger plane slipped from his own sky and fell into the south tower of the twin towers.

The sound of fire and explosion followed, and the wreckage of the plane and the broken building flew around and hit the blocks around the twin towers. The crowd downstairs cried and ran around, just like the end of the movie.

"Damn it, you don't have to watch American movies in the future. It's better than any movie!"

In this scene, even Ye Tian was stunned. After reacting, he ran to Song Weilan with the little girl in his arms. The two buildings were hit one after another. If he did it again, I'm afraid it would collapse immediately.

It may have been affected by the impact of the South Building. The already shaky North Building has shaken even more. Large wall panels fell from the ceiling, and the cracks on the wall are getting bigger and bigger.

"Xiaotian, here!"

There are three safe passages in the building. At this moment, Song Weilan is standing at the door of another safe passage and beckoning to Ye Tian.

"Huh? Mom, come back!"

Just as Ye Tian was about to walk over, a sense of danger suddenly flashed in his mind. Then there was a huge explosion in his ear, and the building shook violently.

At the top of Song Weilan's head, a large piece of stone slab collapsed, which shocked Ye Tian. He rushed over with an arrow and hugged the little girl in his arms. He turned around and abruptly covered a stone slab that hit his mother with his back.


A mouthful of blood spewed out of Ye Tian's mouth, climbed 70 or 80 floors in a row, and then carried his mother on his back for so long. In addition, Ye Tian's original internal injury did not recover, and he was immediately sprayed with blood smashed by the slate weighing up to a thousand pounds.

He forcibly raised his true breath. Ye Tian pulled his mother back to the middle of the floor before the floor was about to collapse.

"Xiaotian, it's all Mom, I'm sorry for you!" Seeing the blood on Ye Tian's clothes and the little girl, Song Weilan could no longer suppress the regret in her heart and cried bitterly.

"Mom, don't cry, scare the child, mom, why are you hurt?"

Ye Tian held his mother. After seeing his mother's right leg, he couldn't help screaming bitterly. Just now, Song Weilan was still injured by the falling stone, and her right calf was already bloody.

Song Weilan couldn't feel the pain on her body at this time. She grabbed Ye Tian's hand and said, "Xiaotian, don't worry about your mother. You can escape with this child. You must escape!"

"Mom, no one will die. Let's go together!"

Ye Tian turned his back and carried Song Weilan on his back, but when he looked at the safe passage, a cool feeling surged into his heart.

The collapse of the floor caused by the explosion just now made the gate of the safety passage completely blocked. Several stone slabs weighing up to a thousand pounds were like a roadblock, covering the gate tightly.

"Son, are we going to die here?"

Listening to the continuous explosion in her ear, Song Weilan calmed down. She owed Ye Tian and his son a lot in her life, and she didn't expect to involve her son in the end.

"Auntie, what is death?" The little girl in Ye Tian's arms poked her head and looked at Song Weilan with a puzzled face.

"Death is going to heaven, where you can see God!" Perhaps she was desperate, and Song Weilan actually chatted with the little girl.

Ye Tian snorted coldly, "Mom, I don't believe in God, and we can't see him!"

After going through all kinds of hardships since he was a child, he was born and died several times as an adult. Ye Tian's personality is extremely tenacious. Not to mention that he has not reached the end of the mountain, but even if he collapses innocently, he has to poke out a hole... After staying up for a few nights, he has I'm sorry to wait for more friends.

In addition, this is just a novel. Borrowing the story of 911, some people don't talk like picking up your ancestral graves. They are angry and make trouble. It's forbidden to delete posts!

. ( To be continued) RQ