Genius Master

Chapter 709 Harvest Next

Speaking of which, Hu Hongde's left hand was seriously injured. The dagger was cut off by his ring finger, and even the ring finger, little finger and half of his palm were cut off. After the cloth was torn open, the red blood immediately oozed out.

However, just when the blood oozed out, the cell tissue on the palm of the hand seemed to be activated by some kind of energy, and it healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The oozing blood slowly formed a scar. At first, the scar looked a little fresh and tender, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a hard scar. In just a few minutes, the scar actually fell off Hu Hongde's hand and grew bright red skin.

This change made Ye Tian and Hu Hongde stunned. They looked at the wonderful process stupidly, and the shock in their hearts could not be described in words.

"Ye...Ye Tian, you... pinch me down!" Hu Hongde raised his head, and the expression on his face didn't know whether he was crying or laughing.

"Lao Hu, are you sure?" Ye Tian was not polite at the moment. He stretched out his right hand and held it on Hu Hongde's two-finger left hand.

"Ouch, it hurts!"

Hu Hongde let out a cry of pain and quickly shook off Ye Tian's hand. The newly grown skin in his left hand couldn't help Ye Tian's grip.

"Unfortunately, these two broken fingers can't grow out!"

Ye Tian sighed and said, "Lao Hu, don't stop. Continue to absorb the aura in this stone and see if you can remove all the hidden dangers in your body?"

Hu Yunbao was known as the king of long white eagle claws in those years. His kung fu reached the peak of his outer door, but when he practiced foreign skills, he basically injured the enemy a thousand and self-injured eight hundred, leaving some hidden wounds more or less.

In addition, Hu Yunbao hid in the deep mountains in his later years, and was forbidden to suffer from the cold of dozens of degrees below zero in Changbai Mountain every year. After all, he failed to enter the realm of refining gas and turning into a god, and died after living in his seventies.

Hu Hongde got the mantle passed on by his father, and the entry is also a practice of external kung fu, although he also had a lot of hidden internal injuries in his early years. But good conditioning in old age is to live to this age.

However, if Hu Hongde wants to enter the god of gas refining, he must practice the true qi of his inner home to be extremely pure and completely remove the internal injury. Ye Tian just wanted him to take this opportunity to break through this threshold.

"Good, I'll try, but Ye Tian, are you practicing here?"

After hearing Ye Tian's words, Hu Hongde took a look at the dark pool of the Black Dragon Pool and said, "I don't know what's going on with that guy. Don't be crazy in the back!"

Ye Tian shook his head and said, "It's okay. Hei Jiao is seriously injured. I'm afraid he won't be able to get out for a while. Don't worry, no one disturbs you."

Before sway into the pool, Hei Jiao once sent a grateful thought to Ye Tian, and Ye Tian believed it. Black dragonflies will never do such things as revenge. In many cases, animals are often more reliable than humans.

"Forget it. I'd better go far away..."

Although the weather was cold and the blood on the ground was frozen, the pungent smell could not be eliminated. Hu Hongde looked around and sat down under a rock wall more than 30 meters away from Heilongtan.

"That gray jade can make white bones and die, but I don't know what these two jade pendants are for?"

After Hu Hongde left, Ye Tian focused on the other two objects in the jade box. After seeing the effect of jade, Ye Tian couldn't help but feel hot.

"Well, there is no aura?" Reach out and pick up a jade pendant. Ye Tian poured his consciousness into it, and his face suddenly showed a look of disappointment. The jade pendant did not react at all.

"Together with that jade, this jade pendant should also be very precious, right?"

Ye Tian was a little reluctant, so he simply released the yuan god and wrapped the jade pendant. This time, there was a change. An obscure and inexplicable text suddenly came into his sea of knowledge from the jade pendant.

"It turned out to be a skill?"

Ye Tian shook his head and took the yuanshen back. He carefully looked at the text and found that it was actually a skill of cultivation, but this skill was a little strange.

"Inidan?" When reading the middle paragraph, Ye Tian suddenly saw two words and couldn't help but be stunned, "Is this a magic of demon cultivation?"

Although Taoist cultivation is also alchemy, it is called golden elixir, so it has the words of the golden elixir road, and before the golden elixir, it is a congenital realm. The inner elixir is only used for demon cultivation.

Continuing to look down, Ye Tian sighed. This is indeed a demon cultivation method. In addition to telling how to make elixir, there is also a magic method of demon cultivation, which is of no use to Ye Tian.

"Black Jiao is lucky, but after this disaster, he got a skill." Ye Tian shook his head, put the jade pendant back into the jade box, and took out the other jade pendant.

This can't help scrutiny. Obviously, this jade pendant is somewhat similar to the cover of the page of "Kaiyuan Daozang" that Ye Tian once got. It seems to be imprinted on it with divine consciousness for the monks to see with the Yuanshen.

Compared with books and paper, this method is undoubtedly more convenient and more secretive. Except for monks, no matter how advanced modern technology is, they can't see the content of the jade pendant.

Ye Tian thought with some yearning, "I don't know what kind of cultivation it takes to brand the divine consciousness on it?"

Compared with Ye Tian getting the information on the cover of that page, the jade pendant is obviously better, because the content left in it can be read repeatedly, unlike the previous mark, which disappears after reading it.

From this, Ye Tian inferred that the cultivation of those who can leave divine consciousness in the jade pendant must be higher than that of those who leave a mark on the page.

However, Ye Tian's guess was wrong. The reason why the divine consciousness in the jade pendant can be preserved is because of the difference in quality.

This jade pendant is called jade slip in the monastic world. It is specially used to retain the imprint of divine consciousness and requires special techniques to refine it. After successful refining, even Ye Tian can instill divine consciousness into a blank jade slip, which is not as difficult as he thought.

"Look at what's going on here?" After taking a deep breath, Ye Tiangud out of the primordial spirit and leaned into the jade pendant, with a slightly nervous look on his face.

Although Ye Tian killed this man by thunderous means, he still suffered a lot of pressure in his heart. What he wants most now is not a skill, but to get his origin from the Taoist.

Only when he knows himself and his enemy can he be invincible. Ye Tian can only step into the monastic world with half a foot now. If he smears his eyes again, he may not have such good luck in the future.

"Or a skill?"

With Yuanshen's spying on the jade pendant, Ye Tian's face showed a trace of disappointment. This jade pendant is also a skill. Ye Tian read the beginning, which should be a basic skill with a real fire refiner.

"Huh? Do you have a map?

Ye Tian's eyes lit up, because after the text of the skill, a landscape map appeared, and there was a golden sign in the middle of the map.

"The boundary of China? Where is this place?"

To be honest, Ye Tian's geography is really not good. After reading it for a long time, he didn't figure out the direction of the sign on the map, but he knew the four words above.

"Did the world change so much that year, and all the monks entered this boundary?" Ye Tian fell into meditation, "But what is the place in this boundary? Why is it not known to the world?

With the development of science and technology today, even landing on the moon, which used to be a myth and legend, has been completed decades ago, and there are countless satellites in the sky monitoring the earth.

Ye Tiantian can't imagine how those people can avoid the eyes and ears of the world and exist in an unknown place. What kind of scene is it?

"Alas, it's easy to meet someone who understands, but he is also a sinister person..."

Ye Tian sighed long. There were only four words on a map. It was difficult for him to deduce the truth. After thinking about it, Ye Tian focused on that skill.

"Damn it, you have to enter the innate state of everything. Isn't this bullying?"

After carefully studying the skill, Ye Tian couldn't help but say a rude sentence, because according to the skill, even if the roughest magic weapon is refined, it needs to use the Yuanshen to stimulate the real fire, and its cultivation must be in the innate realm.

"Refinery Pavilion, what kind of place is this? Is it an attic?"

However, a name that has appeared several times in this refinery skill still attracted Ye Tian's attention. Obviously, this skill should come from the refinery pavilion.

"Damn it, I don't want to. It's the right thing to clean up here quickly!"

Ye Tian shook his head, put the two jade pendants into the jade box, and then put them on his left palm. He raised his right hand high and slammed at the jade box.

Ye Tian also had hundreds of pounds of force under his palm. With a "pop", the great jade box was smashed by him, and even the two jade pendants inside were destroyed.

Although the jade slip is also a magic weapon, it is used to carry divine consciousness and has no defensive function, which is not much different from ordinary jade.

Ye Tian didn't know how much magic power the monk had. He was afraid that the divine consciousness in the jade pendant would be sensed, so as to find out the whereabouts of the man. Anyway, he had already kept the contents in mind and simply destroyed everything.

Just as Ye Tian dragged up the Taoist's body and was about to throw him into the pool to feed the black dragonfly, a paper money fell from the man's sleeve robe.

"Huh? When is this money? It doesn't seem to have been released?"

He bent down and picked up a few coins. Ye Tian couldn't help but be stunned, because the face value of the coin was actually three yuan, and the year shown above was 1955. Since Ye Tian remembered, it seemed that he had not seen the upstream on the market to pass through this kind of coin.


PS: The second update, strive to start the outbreak tomorrow, please support the recommendation vote!