Genius Master

Chapter 756 Exposed

"I'm sorry, Your Excellency."

Regarding Marshal Shegayev's questioning, Gini said: "Even during the day, it is very difficult to be accurate to a person's face, let alone at night?

And Siberia is facing another snowstorm, and the visibility of the monitoring satellite is extremely low. Even the Americans who can take this picture will not do better than us!"

In the case of his own profession, Genis did not flinch because of Shegayev's identity, and compared the Americans, which was also a habit formed during the Cold War.

Marshal Xiegeyev did not continue to make things difficult for Ginis, but asked, "Can we find the whereabouts of the murderer now with the monitoring satellite?"

Ginnis shook his head and said, "There's nothing I can do, because after killing General Lowski and everyone in the field, this man suddenly disappeared!"

Due to the weather at that time, the figures on the picture were blurred, and the ground was also a pile of corpses at that time, which looked extremely chaotic.

In addition, the satellite is orbital, so it is impossible for it to stay in a certain place for a long time for monitoring. With the change of position, the picture will also be greatly deviated.

And even the United States, as the largest satellite resource power, it is impossible to monitor a person with satellites, otherwise the United States will not have to carry out the war in Afghanistan in full swing now. Wouldn't it just use satellites to find out **?

"There is nothing we can do. What's the point of putting this video on?" After hearing Guinness's words. A general in the court raised a question with dissatisfaction, which aroused the echo of several people.

"No. This video can still help us find the murderer!"

Ginness shook his head. After operating on the projector, a picture on the screen was suddenly magnified more than ten times. "This person should be the murderer. Our experts analyze his physical appearance and morphological characteristics. He should be an Asian, and he will not be more than 30 years old...

As we all know, the incident of General Lowski's investigation is related to the gangster fight from China. So we have reason to suspect that the murderer... should be a Chinese!"

Guinness's words attracted everyone's attention, because if the nationality of the murderer can be determined, it will play a great role in the detection of the case.

For example, they can search for suspects of the same age and nationality through the entry and exit list. Even if the other party is smuggled into the country, they can also conduct targeted searches in Siberia.

In this way, the scope of the search will be greatly reduced, and the probability of catching the murderer will be greatly increased.

"Gentlemen. I have a list of recent Chinese people who have entered the country, of which this person is the most suspected!" Ginnys adjusted the picture into a photo of a person, which was Ye Tian.

When a state machine is running, the energy it can produce is absolutely terrible.

In less than an hour, Russian intelligence has screened out several suspects from tens of thousands of entry lists.

And the first one is undoubtedly Ye Tian.

His experience of playing black market boxing on the Queen is no longer news, even in the "911" incident in the United States. The superpowers shown by Ye Tian have been infinitely magnified at this moment.

"Who is this? How can there be such a powerful force?"

"Even if he is powerful, he can't beat the bullet, can he? He didn't have to do it!"

"How could the grandson of a former leader do such a thing?"

After hearing Genis explain Ye Tian's background and deeds, the people in the field were divided into two factions. On the one hand, they naturally supported Genis's statement.

On the other hand, people do not believe that the killing in the training camp can be completed by only one person, because they have just seen the scene of death and injury in the training camp.

"Gentlemen, this person has disappeared from our territory now, which shows that he is very suspicious!"

The president's voice interrupted the discussion in the field, "In addition, I have submitted a note to the Chinese side asking them to help investigate this person. As long as this person can be found, the mystery will be revealed!"

"Mr. President, will this person be the secret weapon of the Chinese people like the super warrior studied in District 51 of the United States?"

Marshal Shegayev is not only Russia's defense minister, but also serves as the president's special strategic assistant, and knows the situation of all countries well.

Twenty years ago, the U.S. government funded a large number of human biological scientists and set up a special department in District 51 to explore the greatest potential of the human body. This study was named the "Super Warrior" program.

During the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States, both sides made a lot of ironic things. The idea of Star Wars was put forward in that context.

At that time, the Soviet Union was always unwilling to lag behind in everything that Americans were concerned about, and vice versa.

So after hearing about the plan of this "super warrior", the Soviet Union also set up relevant research institutions, but before much progress could be made, the former Soviet Union disintegrated, and the research project was stopped due to funding problems.

This is also the reason why Xie Geyev thought of this matter after seeing the bloody scene that could hardly be completed by manpower. Maybe only the legendary Superman can do it?

"China is now in an alliance with us, and they won't do such a meaningless thing."

The president shook his head and said, "But the marshal's words are also reasonable. Our "Polar Bear" plan will also be launched again. The funding is specially approved by me, and General Abiyev will be in charge of the project!"

"Yes, Mr. President!" After being named by the president, a burly general stood up.

"President, the Chinese side gave a reply!" Just as the president announced the appointment, the head of a presidential residence knocked on the door of the conference room.

"Huh? Is this man named Ye traveling in Africa now? It can never be the murderer of Lowski? Suspected that someone faked Ye Tian's information to enter Russia?

Seeing the message in the reply, the president was a little dumbfounded. He didn't expect that China's response was so fast, and the rhetoric was so resolute, which was inconsistent with the diplomatic rhetoric between countries.

"Mr. President, whether this person is or not, as long as the murderer is caught, everything can be figured out!"

Xie Gayev looked at the reply with a smile on his face, but they were relieved to think of Ye Tian's other identity.

"Your Excellency, you are right!"

The president nodded and issued a second order today, "I order that Guinnis is the head of this arrest, and he has the right to mobilize all the troops belonging to the Far East Military Region!"

There was no objection to the president's appointment.

In the eyes of these generals, Siberia is not a good place. Lowski was killed there just to investigate a gangster incident. They don't want to follow in the footsteps of Lowski, an unlucky man.

Due to Lowski's special identity, the emergency meeting held by the president is like the police are studying the case, but the efficiency is still very high. An hour later, Genis has been on a special plane to Siberia... Boss, it will be dawn in four hours. If you can't think of it again. Law, we can only abandon the two of them!"

While the Congress of the Klimlin was held, Maracay was looking at Ye Tian with a sad face in the grove of Siberia.

As an old deep-fried dough stick in the mercenary world, Maracay knows the importance of this matter. In case he is suspected of himself, he will not want to live a peaceful life for the rest of his life.

"No, you can't leave them."

Ye Tian waved his hand, looked at the Siberian map in front of him, and suddenly said, "Yes, this is bordering China. That direction should not be noticed. Can I leave here?"

"Boss, there are more than 700 skills from here to there, not to mention that the oil in my car can't run that far at all. Even if we can get there, the boundary line there is hundreds of kilometers of mountains, and we can't get there at all!"

When he said this, Maracay's eyes suddenly lit up and said, "There is a way to oil. As long as the boss can let the domestic call a helicopter to wait there, this plan is not impossible!"

"Okay, I'll try to make a call." Ye Tian took out the satellite phone that his mother gave him and said, "Lao Ma, the satellite phone will not be locked by the Russian side, will it?"

Maracay shook his head and said, "No, they don't know the signal of the frequency received by your satellite!"

Ye Tian nodded and dialed Song Haotian's private phone number. He wanted to use the helicopter and bear the risk of crossing the border. Except for this old man, I'm afraid no one can do it.

"Stinky boy, are you in Siberia now?"

"Yes, I'm in Siberia!"

The phone was soon connected. After hearing Ye Tian's first sentence, Song Haotian hurriedly said, "Don't talk. I said three things. You heard it clearly...

First, the Russian side has confirmed your identity and sent a note to China, which was pushed back by me.

Second, if you escape from Russia, don't go back to China. You find a way to go to the Sakha Republic. I have arranged someone to pick you up, and you can go directly to Africa from there!

Third, can you stop for me in the future? I can still keep you now. When the old man dies, who will take care of your affairs!"

Song Haotian seemed to have some concerns. After saying these three things, he immediately hung up the phone. When there was a beep in the microphone, Ye Tian was still digesting the old man's words... In the past two days, the fat man would make up for the chapters he owed. I'm shy. You can't help but vote for Tickets!

. ( To be continued) RQ