Genius Master

Chapter 780 Contact

As the largest autonomous republic of the Russian Federation, the Sakha Republic undoubtedly has unique geographical conditions.

The rich mineral resources and vast land area have enabled the Sakha Republic to develop into one of the richest countries in the Siberian administrative region in less than a decade.

The city of Yakutsk is the seat of the government of the Republic of Sakha. Because it is located in the central district and has huge reserves of natural gas resources, it has also driven the economy of the city of Yakutsk.

When night falls, the feasting scene in Yakutsk will give people the feeling of being in a big city like New York.

Both the current Saha people and the former Soviets have the same hobby, that is, liquor. Whenever the lights rise high, you can always see crooked drunks on the street.

"Dad, I'm really sorry. Anyway, it's not very cold now. You can't freeze to death even if you sleep here!"

In a quiet alley, Ye Tian quickly peeled off the clothes of the man who fell to the ground, and soon the man who was still snoring was left with only his underwear.

This kind of situation is not uncommon in a city that likes to drink alcohol, and the police station receives a large number of reports almost every day.

Of course, the things lost by the caller are nothing more than clothes, and even watches are rare, because their watches have been skillfully taken off by their wives before going out for a drink.

"***, what does it smell like?"

Ye Tian, who walked out of the alley in the drunken clothes, smelled his body and couldn't help frowning. Even the fragrance from his flawless body could not suppress the strong body odor.

"Forget it, let's put up with it!"

Investigating the idea of robbing a clothing store, Ye Tian walked to a phone booth on the roadside and threw a few coins into his clothes pocket.


Thousands of kilometers away, a red phone rang tenaciously. I woke up the old man who had a hard time falling asleep.

"I'm Song Haotian!"

Over the years, Song Haotian's other phone calls have been answered by the secretary, and the only confidential phone calls are answered by him in person. It's just that the number of times this phone rings is only a handful.

"Sir, it's me..."

Ye Tian's slightly shy voice sounded. He knew that there was a time difference between the capital and here for a few hours, but in addition to the call to Song Haotian, he really couldn't think of who he should ventilate with first.

"Who are you?"

Song Haotian hasn't fully woken up yet, but when he asked this sentence, his eyes suddenly widened. Are you Ye Tian? Son of a bitch, are you still alive?!"

It's not that Song Haotian wants his only grandson to die. The key is that Ye Tian's previous noise is too big, and he still cares about killing and burying.

You know, the Russian side positioned Ye Tian as a suspect at the beginning. Although Ding Hong who appeared later diverted their attention, those old guys in China did not let it go easily.

In this way. It made Song Haotian have to deal with the attention of the country's core leadership on this matter, while facing his crying daughter for several months. I'm really worried.

"What, do you want me to die so much?"

Ye Tian said angrily, "Don't talk about those useless things. I'm in Yakutsk, Saha now. What about the person you arranged to pick up for me?"

Although Ye Tian now has the ability to sneak back to China through Outer Mongolia, he doesn't know what's going on there. If he will cause trouble, Ye Tian might as well go out and hide for a period of time.

"Bad boy, do you know how long you have been missing?"

After hearing Ye Tian's words, the blue veins on Song Haotian's forehead burst. Why did the boy's tone of speech so much? It seems that he didn't find anyone in Yakutsk, as if he owed him.

"I don't know, old man, what month is it now?"

Ye Tian really didn't know how long he had stayed in the gold mine. When he entered the city just now, his clothes could hardly cover his buttocks. Naturally, you can't go to crowded places to check the calendar.

"You... you don't even remember your life?"

Song Haotian was stunned by Ye Tian's words, but his anger was also blocked back. He found that he and Ye Tian had never taken advantage of him.

After thinking about it, Song Haotian still said, "It's been three months since I talked to you last time, and now it's July!"

"Three months? Fortunately, it's not too long!"

Ye Tian was relieved to hear the words. He was really afraid that three years would pass as soon as he closed the door. The family had to die in a hurry. After all, if he disappeared for two years, he could report death.

"This damn Siberia is still so cold in July?"

Ye Tian couldn't help muttering on the phone that in the hottest season in China, the temperature here is only about ten degrees, and people who go out at night must wear coats.

"Bad boy, so much nonsense? Let me ask you, besides this phone, who else are you talking to on the phone? Song Haotian was oversed by his grandson's words. When is it? Is he still in the mood to pay attention to these?

"Yes, you think I'm stupid. Except for your phone number, I guess everything will be monitored, right?"

Ye Tian curled his lips when he heard the words. The reason why he called Song Haotian for the first time was because of what he said, the Russian side officially sent a note to China at that time, and the relevant departments must have monitored his family.

Although Song Haotian is also a direct elder of Ye Tian, his position is there. No matter how bold the relevant departments are, they dare not listen to the phone calls of the former state leaders.

"All right, you can make this call later, and the other party will arrange it for you. You just need to do it."

Song Haotian turned out a phone book, reported a number to Ye Tian, and then said, "Don't make any phone calls home before leaving Siberia!"

No one is a fool. After that incident happened in Russia, Ye Tian's life and deeds were immediately investigated. A discerning person can see that even if Ye Tian's Russian affairs are not done, it has nothing to do with him.

So more than two months ago, the boss of the Ministry of National Defense almost trampled on the threshold of Song Haotian, in order to persuade his grandson to serve the country.

But Song Haotian knew in his heart that Ye Tian's temperament, if he put on a military uniform, he would beat the officer out of the barracks in less than a day. Moreover, he could not be Ye Tian's master, so he could only pretend to be confused to dismiss the military boss.

But Song Haotian knows that people like Ye Tian are undoubtedly very attractive to the country. If he doesn't retreat, he may have tried to fool Ye Tian into the system.

So without thinking about Song Haotian, he also understands that his daughter's son-in-law's family has long been focused on by the relevant departments, and Song Haotian has retired after all, and it is not easy to dictate this matter, so he can only let it develop.

"I see, well, I don't have much money on me. International calls are expensive, so I won't talk to you!"

Ye Tian was so smart that he could naturally hear Song Haotian's voice. At the moment, he hung up the phone and almost gave Song Haotian an internal injury. Not letting you talk to your family on the phone doesn't mean that you can't talk to him more.

Listening to the "du-to" sound from the microphone, Song Haotian put down the phone angrily, but this phone call made him, who was prone to insomnia, unable to fall asleep all night.

"I'm Ye Tian!"

Ye Tian naturally did not know that Song Haotian was uncomfortable in **. At this time, he had dialed the number and reported his name in Mandarin. Although he had always had a grudge against the Song family, Ye Tian believed that the old man would not push himself into the fire pit.

"Where are you?" Hearing Ye Tian's voice, the microphone was silent for a while, and Ye Tian sounded a familiar voice.

Ye Tian's eyes passed through the glass of the phone booth, saw the English on a road sign on the roadside, and said, "This is called XXX Road. I'm at the roadside phone booth."

"Don't go away, I'll be right there!" With a click, this time the other party hung up Ye Tian's phone.

"Who is this? Is the sound still a little familiar?"

Ye Tian scratched his shoulder-length hair and walked out of the phone booth. His body gradually faded in the corner of the street, and soon integrated into the darkness.

More than ten minutes later, a black car quietly drove to the side of the phone booth. When the glass of the car was put down, Ye Tian's figure came out of the darkness.

"Lao Fu, why are you here?"

Ye Tian had been thinking about where to hear the voice on the phone, but after seeing this person, he couldn't help showing a stunned look. He never thought that the old man's bodyguard would appear in a foreign country.

This man was the colonel Fu Zhengming who had been unhappy with Ye Tian before. Ye Tian glanced at the car and found that Fu Zhengming had already had the rank of colonel.

" Let's talk about it when you get in the car!"

Fu Zhengming used to sweep around. After Ye Tiantian got into the car, he stepped on the accelerator. He looked at Ye Tian sitting next to him with complicated eyes and said, "I'm a foreign military officer stationed in Sakha for a period of one year!"

After following Song Haotian for more than ten years, he was promoted from a captain to a colonel. To be honest, Fu Zhengming never thought that he could still have a day to leave the guard post.

But for Fu Zhengming, this is not necessarily a bad thing.

You know, although the Sakha Republic does not have a very high diplomatic level, after staying here for a year and then returning to China, the four small stars on Fu Zhengming's shoulders will soon be replaced by a little bean with golden ears... A chapter is always not implemented in my heart. At three o'clock in the morning, Zi wrote another chapter, asking for encouragement from the monthly ticket! The recommendation ticket is also good. What can you give me?

. RQ