Genius Master

Chapter 793 Feng Shui Wall

"Chinese army, how far is it?"

Although this 80% new off-road vehicle has good performance and cool air conditioning, it is the hottest time in South Africa. The car is driving on the asphalt road, the air in front of the window seems to be distorted, and people sitting in the car like a steamer.

The cold and scorching heat have little impact on Ye Tian, but he is also a little uncomfortable to stay in this sultry space. Since he got out of the hotel and get on the car, he has been closing the pores of his whole body and circulating in his body with inner breathing.

"Mr. Zhao, we're almost there. The building in front of us is."

Unlike Ye Tian, the Chinese army, who has lived in South Africa since he was a child, is very used to this kind of weather. For him, riding an off-road vehicle is much better than that kind of bus. The stench emitted by sweating is far more unbearable than the hot weather.

"It's really heavily guarded!"

Ye Tian's eyesight is very good. There is still about one kilometer away from the gold mine. At the gate of the gold mine, there are four guards of live-fired nuclear bombs. In addition, the surrounding high walls are all pulling the power grid, and cameras are installed at each corner, and there are almost no dead corners.

"Of course, although the fierce Sage gold mine has not been mined for a long time, it is also a relatively large gold mine in Cape Town."

After hearing Ye Tian's words, the Chinese army laughed and said, "This gold mine has the shares of our Chinese, otherwise we would not have gone in to visit at all. Mr. Zhao, remember my words. Don't take photos after entering, or your camera will be confiscated."

"I got it. I didn't bring a camera at all.

Ye Tian nodded and raised his hand to look at the following table. The hour hand points to ten o'clock in the morning, less than two hours from the hotel. In fact, the fierce Sage gold mine is not far from Cape Town. After the Chinese army contacted the people inside, it was able to drive the off-road vehicle into the yard after a close inspection.

The car was just stable, and a middle-aged man in his forties came out of the two-story building in front of the yard. He laughed and scolded from afar, "Bad boy, do you think I'm easy to talk to? Every time I give my brother a problem!"

"This man has a good face."

Ye Tian looked up at the man's face. The middle-aged man's face was slightly round and his earlobes were very large. He laughs like a Maitreya Buddha, but whether the small eyes are shining when talking shows that this is not an easy person.

"Mr. Wu, how can we be? We Chinese in South Africa, how many people can be better than you? Only when it comes to you can you show the demeanor of the Chinese overseas!"

The tour guide is leaning on a mouth. Although the Chinese army is not old, it is a set of compliments. These words were very useful. He squinted his eyes and smiled, "Your boy's ability has not increased, but this mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter. Don't leave at noon. I bought a crocodile and a peacock egg yesterday. Let's have a few drinks together!"

"This, Mr. Wu, I can bring guests today."

The Chinese army was a little embarrassed to hear this. I secretly took a look at Ye Tian. Crocodiles are common in South Africa. You can buy a small crocodile for more than 100 yuan, but there are not many peacock eggs. The taste is very delicious, and the Chinese army is a little moved.

"It's okay. They're all from my hometown. Why are you so polite?"

Mr. Wu smiled cheerfully and looked at Ye Tian and said, "Where is my little brother from? Let's have a few drinks together at noon. In this damn weather, it will be fatal if you don't drink some cold beer.

Ye Tian can see that the one in front of him was sincerely invited. He nodded and said, "I'm from Jiangsu, Mr. Wu, so I'm sorry to bother you!"

"Good, cool, the Chinese army told me that you want to go to the mine to have a look, right? I'm in charge of this matter. I'll arrange it for you later!"

"Sit inside for a while and wait for half an hour for the next batch of talents to go to the mine. You can go down with them then."

Mr. Wu patted Ye Tian on the shoulder with a smile, turned into the room, and stayed outside for a while. The white shirt on his body was completely soaked with sweat.

Walking behind, Ye Tian whispered to the Chinese army and asked, "Chinese army, what is the origin of this Wu always?"

"Hey, Brother Zhao, Mr. Wu is not simple. He can call the wind and rain in South Africa."

After hearing Ye Tian's words, the Chinese army raised its thumb and whispered, "Mr. Wu was poor when he came to South Africa. He first worked in another gold mine..."

It turned out that Mr. Wu was called Wu Delin, a native of Fujian.

Because of the coast of Fujian, there has been a custom of traveling across the sea for life since hundreds of years ago. In some cities, almost every family has relatives overseas, and many young people, in their teens, try to go abroad to search for gold.

In the early 1980s, Wu Delin followed a boat to the United States, but something went wrong in the middle. Finally, he pulled the boatman to South Africa. At that time, South Africa's economy was very backward, and almost all the large gold mines were in the hands of white people.

At that time, Wu Delin and more than 20 people entered a gold mine in Cape Town to work. Unlike others who made money and sent home, Wu Delin used all the money he earned to treat guests to dinner. Because of his bold nature, he soon made many black workers at the bottom and integrated into South Africa. In life.

In that gold mine, Wu Delin worked for eight years and established a very high prestige among the workers. As a result, the miners achieved the middle management of the gold mine, which was unique in the gold mining industry controlled by white South Africans at that time.

In the late 1980s, South Africa became more and more dissatisfied with the white people who still occupied a monopoly at home, which led to a series of social unrest. Under pressure, the British consortium had to give up some mineral resources.

Wu Delin, who has worked in the gold mine for eight years, is moved. Although he has no assets, he has a very high position in the Chinese circle in South Africa. With a lot of fundraising, he actually raised hundreds of thousands of dollars and bought two very inconspicuous gold mines.

However, these British people also cover the scourge. Many of the gold resources they give up are traps. The so-called reserve reports are not real. The vast number of gold mines are waste or low-quality deposits, and the reserves and recoverable quantities are not equal at all.

But at that time, the exploration technology was limited. Even the British could not guarantee that those gold mines were waste mines, which was like gambling stones. Before mining, no one could predict whether it was rich or waste.

Wu Delin's luck is really good. The first gold mine he mine produced very high-quality gold, which also got the first bucket of gold in his life.

In 1994, Mandela became the first black president of South Africa. Since then, black people have truly become the masters of the land of South Africa, and various mineral resources have gradually opened up to the world.

Wu Delin was the Mengsag gold mine he took over at that time. At that time, this inconspicuous gold mine was not favored by everyone, but who knew that the abundance of Mengsag gold mine was so rich that it could rank in the top ten gold mines in South Africa. Up to now, it has been mined for more than ten

Relying on this gold mine, Wu Delin has accumulated amazing wealth, but he still likes to get along with the workers as before, which is why he still stays in the mine when the weather is hot for more than 40 degrees.

"Those who can achieve great things must have qualities that ordinary people can't reach!"

After listening to the commentary of the Chinese army, Ye Tian was really impressed by Wu Delin. In just 20 years, he was able to beat such a large industry with his bare hands. The efforts and bitterness to be paid are far beyond people's imagination.

Wu Delin was busy with some trifles when he entered the office. After finishing his work, he raised his head and smiled and said, "Xiao Zhao, don't listen to the nonsense of Hua Jun. What a mining tycoon? I'm just a local turtle. Now I'm still stuttering in English."

"Mr. Wu is too modest. Your qualities are worth learning from us."

Ye Tian shook his head and looked at Wu Delin. He suddenly frowned and said, "Mr. Wu hasn't been in good health recently?"

Ye Tian found that there were faint blue veins exposed in Wu Delin's eyebrows and cheekbones, which was a sign of excessive fire.

"Is Xiao Zhao a doctor?" Wu Delin was stunned for a moment, looked at Ye Tian and said, "I'm not in good health recently. I always want to get angry, and I can't find out the reason. I'm thinking of going to have a check-up in a few days."

"Mr. Wu, your office building is newly built, right?" Ye Tian did not answer Wu Delin's words, but looked around.

Wu Delin nodded and said, "Yes, it's too hot here. I added an extra layer and installed air conditioners, so that the workers can be more comfortable."

"Mr. Wu, please build a wall at the entrance of the mine. The air from the ground is not very good, which will cause people to get sick!"

Ye Tian looked up and looked out of the window, and suddenly understood in his heart that there may not be spiritual veins in the underground of this gold mine, but gold is also mixed with a trace of metal. If more gold is gathered, it will naturally produce a golden sharp atmosphere.

Wu Delin's office is on the first floor, facing the entrance of the mine, so the erosion is also the biggest. If it takes longer, his liver will suffer incurable damage, and I'm afraid he can live for ten years at most.

The wall mentioned by Ye Tian is actually a feng shui wall, which can block the golden sharp air overflowing in the mine and change the feng shui of the office.

"Oh? Is there such a saying? I'll ask someone to repair a wall at the entrance tomorrow.

Wu Delin once worked to dig gold ore under the mine. He knew that people who went to the mine all year round did not live long. Using science to explain that it was caused by the radiation in the ore, he was convinced of Ye Tian's words... On January 14, I wish my friends a happy Valentine's Day, Zhengtai became a young man By the way, it's the middle of the month. If you have a monthly ticket recommendation, please vote for the prime minister!

. RQ