Genius Master

Chapter 799 TNT

"Brem, what's going on? Our Paradise Mercenary Corps doesn't have to obey the orders of the Black Widow, right?

In the room at the entrance of the mine, there are three or four people in it. One of the strong men who is nearly two meters tall is doing push-ups, but unlike others, the huge body that supports his huge body is only a forefinger of the left and right hand. The gray square brick floor was actually poked by his thick carrot-like There are two small holes.

The body was constantly undulating, but the strong man didn't stop saying, "They were free and threw us to this ghost place where birds don't shit. Do you really think the Paradise Mercenary Corps works for them?"

"Odell, don't complain. If you can kill Jerry and Brookman, we don't have to obey them."

In a corner of the room, I suddenly remembered a man's voice. His whole body was hidden in the corner where the light could not shine. If he hadn't opened his mouth to speak, ordinary people would not have found his existence at all.

This man is about thirty years old, with a German resolute face, wiping with a desert eagle. The barrel, which is like a cannon, is polished by him, reflecting a dark metal color.

And the killing that Ye Tian sensed was emitted from this desert eagle, because the bullets in the gun were transformed by this person, and could even shoot through the armor of ordinary thickness, which made people unable to guard against it. Even Ye Tian felt a trace of threat.

"Damn it, kill Brookman, Schalke, you're so flattering me. Your fellow villager is a pervert!"

When the strong man doing push-ups heard the man's words, he didn't lift it up in one breath. His fingers could no longer support the huge body. He hit the floor heavily, gasped heavily in his mouth, and said angrily, "Jerry would never put himself in danger and want to kill him. I'm afraid it's not easier than killing the president of the United States, right?

The Jerry mentioned by Schalke is naturally the commander of the Black Widow Mercenary Corps. His existence is the sadness of all mercenary regiments, because since his debut. Jerry has never made a mistake. His computing power is terrible and amazing, and every operation command is perfect.

With an excellent commander, of course, a competent executor is also needed, and this person is what Schalke said about Brookman.

Brookman, who was born in the former East Germany, is 42 years old. He is known as the omnipotent king of the mercenary world, whether it is jungle sniping, strong attack, or even single-person beheading. Brookman really explained to the world what an all-round warrior is, and his perfect cooperation with Jerry is perfect.

Although Odell, a strong man nicknamed "Tank" in the mercenary world, was conceited, but when he heard Shaker mention these two names, he rolled his eyes and dared not speak. When he first entered the mercenary world, he listened to Brookman's legend and grew up.

"Okay, it's time. The Scorpion man should come up!"

A man in his early forties sitting in the middle of the house stood up. He was Brim, the commander of the Paradise Mercenary Regiment. As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sound of footsteps from the mine. Three or four people came out of the darkness.

"Poison Scorpion, is it done?"

Brim faced the man in front of him, but stopped when he was three or four meters away from him. The Scorpion mercenary regiment had not had a good reputation in the mercenary world, and he did a lot of black things.

There was once a mercenary team and a scorpion mercenary regiment on the Iraqi battlefield. When the war was over, the mercenary regiment was destroyed, but no one was killed or injured in the scorpion mercenary regiment, which also made them have no friends in the mercenary world.

However, the Poison Scorpion Mercenary Corps can be popular in the mercenary world, which is also unique. They can survive in the most difficult environment in the world, like scorpions in the desert, and can launch deadly attacks on the enemy.

"Brim, now that we have taken over the task, of course we will complete it!"

The man nicknamed Poison Scorpio showed a gloomy smile on his face and took out an object the size of a car remote control from his pocket. He smiled and said, "Brim, as long as I press this thing, a mushroom cloud will rise under our feet. God, how spectacular will that way of death be?"

"Poison scorpion, don't scare me. If you have the ability, you can press it."

Brim is also a man who has been on the battlefield for a long time. How can he eat the other party's routine? Then he turned around and said, "The task is completed, withdraw everything, and we don't have to take care of the rest."

A total of six mercenary regiments accepted the task, but after the Black Widow participated, the remaining five mercenary regiments were integrated and each of them under Jerry's order.

Of course, the commission they get will not change at all, which is also the main reason why they are willing to obey Jerry's command. Otherwise, with the heart of these people, they will not have to fight internally first.

These people moved very quickly. After turning off the light at the hole, they completely disposed of the traces of their arrival and soon disappeared into the darkness. However, Ye Tian, who was seven or eight meters away from them, found that these two mercenary teams also climbed over the wall.

"Since you're here to deal with me, buddy, you don't have to show mercy, hey, what's the matter?"

Seeing the figure of these seven or eight people turning over the wall, a murderous intention flashed in Ye Tian's eyes. When he was about to chase him out, there was a sudden throbbing in his heart, and his scalp was numb. A coolness climbed from his waist, and his back was instantly covered with cold sweat.

"What's going on? What on earth did they do in the mine?

From entering the innate realm, even in the eyes of Russia's thousands of troops and horses, Ye Tian has never had this feeling. His heart seemed to be tightly grasped by a pair of big hands, which actually made Ye Tian feel like he was about to suffocate.

Regardless of chasing those who left, Ye Tian took a deep breath and turned around and walked to the mine.

While passing by the room at the entrance of the mine, Ye Tian's right index finger suddenly flicked, and a strong wind shot into the room, accurately hitting the hole of the man who was **, and suddenly there was a shocking snoring sound in the population.

In fact, Ye Tian had already found that in this tourist attraction converted from an abandoned gold mine, there were a total of eight living people, but they were all asleep at this moment, and they had no idea that a group of people had skipped tickets to visit the gold mine.

After letting the man enter deep sleep, Ye Tian entered the mine, which was similar to the mine in Cape Town. After walking more than ten meters, a lift covering an area of 20 square meters, like a small room, appeared in front of Ye Tian.

"I didn't hear the sound of the elevator just now..."

Ye Tian pondered for a moment. After glanced at the elevator, he stopped in the eastern corner of the elevator. The iron plate in that place still left the breath of several people just now.

He quickly walked to the corner. Ye Tian pressed his right hand down and then raised it up. A fifty-centimeter square iron plate was picked up by him. The crisscrossing iron bars under the iron plate had been cut, revealing the bottomless mine.

Ye Tian gently put the iron plate aside, and his body drilled into the hole like a civet cat, and quickly slid down the steel cable hanging down the elevator.

"Damn it, is it so big?"

When Ye Tian's body fell to more than 60 meters, his right hand suddenly stopped with force. When he looked at the rock wall, his scalp suddenly seemed to explode, and the roots of his hair stood up.

On the rock wall with Ye Tian's almost flat eyes, there is a circle of yellow matter about 30 centimeters wide, surrounding the channel for a whole week. In the yellow solid matter like mud paste, there are also six or seven electronic instruments that emit weak signals out.

"Damn it, damn it, all these people deserve it!" Ye Tian took a deep breath, and his mood calmed down in an instant, but for those who had just left, the killing in his heart did not decrease but increased.

Although Ye Tian has rarely used thermal weapons to fight against people since his debut, does it not mean that he does not know explosives? When Ye Tian was ten years old, he stole some explosives from the miners who opened the mountain because of the deep-fried fish in the reservoir. After going to school, he specially saw the convenience of explosives.

Ye Tian can recognize that the yellow solid around the rock wall is one of the most powerful explosives in the world... TNT explosives!

This kind of explosive can produce 4.2 million joules of energy per kilogram, which is recognized as the most powerful explosive, and it has a negative oxygen balance after explosion, producing toxic carbon monoxide, so it is not suitable for underground engineering blasting.

A whole week around the mine, the weight of these explosives may be at least 500 catties. You know, two kilograms of TNT can destroy a house. If more than 500 kilograms of TNT explodes in this closed space, it will be no less than a small nuclear bomb.

Ye Tian's anger stems from this. Those people use TNT explosives here. Once detonated, not only will the whole mine collapse, but also the surrounding dozens of kilometers will be affected by the poison gas, which is very harmful.

Looking at these explosives, Ye Tian's back spine is also cold. He will come here to visit tomorrow. If the other party detonates the explosives in Ye Tianxiajing, even if Ye Tian is cultivated into a golden elixir, I'm afraid he will die.

"Want to blow me up? It's not that easy. Let's taste the dynamite yourself!"

Ye Tian's eyes showed a sneer. Suddenly, he raised his right hand and grabbed the rock wall with five fingers. Suddenly, a TNT explosive the size of a baby's fist was caught in his hand.

stuffed the explosives containing the detonator and detonator into his backpack. Ye Tian grabbed it with his right hand. Where there is an electronic detonator, there are holes of different sizes... Today, I'll just have a chapter. I still can't get used to the weather at home. I have a bad cold The fat man should go to bed early to see if he can get better tomorrow. RQ