Genius Master

Chapter 828 Array

With the strange cry in Qiongqi's mouth, the scene in front of Ye Tian and Lei Hu suddenly changed.

When Qiongqi came to the top of the beach, the thin mist formed by aura that was originally floating around the beach suddenly condensed in an instant, forming a white fog wall, blocking the direction of Qiongqi's falling.


He was injured by Ye Tianfei's sword and did not let out such a miserable howling. After seeing the fog wall, there was a trace of despair in his big copper bell-like eyes, and he desperately twisted his body in the air.

It was just that the abdomen was pierced by a flying sword, and it changed direction in the air before. It could only look at its claws, touch the white fog, and then its whole body got into it.

"Master Ye, help!"

Although he saw the aura gathered on the beach, Lei Hu did not see the fear in Qiongqi's eyes clearly. He thought that Qiongqi was beastly after being injured and wanted to kill himself first. After retreating under his feet, he called for help to Ye Tian.

"Damn it, does this beast's blood affect my flying sword?"

Ye Tianshen was injected into the flying sword. When he was about to relieve the siege of the Thunder Tiger, he suddenly found that his control of the flying sword was not so handy, and there was a faint layer of green ** on the original silver flashing flying sword, and the body of the sword looked a little gloomy.

In Ye Tian's hesitant time, Qiongqi's body had fallen to the beach, but what Ye Tian and Leihu didn't expect was that Qiongqi, who fell on the beach, did not pay attention to the thunder tiger close to him at all. Instead, he turn around and fly out of the beach.

But at this moment, from the top of Ye Tian and Leihu's head, "Bangpa!" came. With a loud noise, in the cloudless sky, a lightning as thick as an arm suddenly fell from the sky, chopping straight down to the top of the poor head.

However, Qiongqi seemed to have expected this situation for a long time, almost at the same time as its limbs stepped on the beach. He fled desperately, and the lightning did not strike on it.

But what's frightening is that he didn't wait for Qiong Qi to escape from the fog wall formed by the aura. Four or five lightnings came one after another, containing powerful electric power, rendering the place more than ten meters around Qiongqi into a sea of thunder. It blocked the road of Qiongqi's retreat.

"Wow!" Seeing another lightning strike in the sky, there was a desperate roar in Qiongqi's mouth. His four hooves suddenly stepped on the beach, risking to rush out of the thunder, through the fog wall, and came to the periphery of the beach.

The bombardment of thunder and lightning made Qiongqi's body tremble, and his eyes were a little straight. Before his body stood firmly, there were a few lightnings in the sky, and the thunder and lightning drowned Qiongqi in it. And the roaring voice of Qiongqi is getting smaller and smaller.

Just as the miserable cry of Qiongqi completely disappeared, in the distant mountain forest, there were several shocking roars at the same time, and the trees in the mountain forest rustled. The whole mountain forest became silent in an instant, and only the shocking roar echoed.

"I'm afraid it's not even as good as the black dragonfly, right?" Hearing those roars, Ye Tian couldn't help looking into the jungle. The legendary Qiongqi appeared. He really didn't know it was in the mountain forest. What kind of terrible creatures are hidden?

"What's wrong with this ***?"

After five or six minutes, the lightning slowly dissipated and looked up at the sky. It was still blue without a trace of clouds. Lei Hu was suspected to have touched his right shoulder with his left hand in his dream. The heartbreaking pain made Lei Hu wake up.

"Thunder in broad daylight, what the hell have I seen?" Lei Hu, who grinned, carefully touched the fog wall that was gradually dissipating on the beach with his hand, but found that there was a trace of coolness in the palm of his hand, and there was no feeling.

"Thunder Tiger, don't come out first." Seeing that Lei Hu wanted to get out of the beach, Ye Tian waved his hand to stop him. Now it seems that there are murders hidden everywhere in this unknown island except on the beach.

"Yes, Master Ye!" Lei Hu was stunned for a moment, and then the roar just now sounded, and his face changed and he stopped his feet. Among other things, even if there was another guy who moved very fast, he could only let it be killed.

"Damn it, this... Is this the guy?"

When the thunder dissipated, Ye Tian couldn't help staring his eyes wide. The charred black on the ground curled up into a ball, and it also exuded a seductive fragrance, which made it impossible to connect with the vicious guy before.

"Damn it, there is still electricity!" Ye Tian stepped forward and kicked Qiong Qi's body, but he didn't expect a feeling of soreness coming from the soles of his feet, and Ye Tian trembled all over.

"Unfortunately, if this thing is taken outside, it is much rarer than giant pandas. I'm afraid there is only one in the world?"

Looking at the completely dead Qiongqi, Ye Tian couldn't help shaking his head repeatedly. He could almost conclude that this monster should be the Qiongqi described in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, which also confirms that some strange things handed down from ancient China may not have been fabricated by the ancients.

"Master Ye, who can catch this thing?"

Seeing that there was no danger around, the Thunder Tiger also came out, but he was very close to the beach with white sand grains. In case of any situation, he could retreat in in time.

"That's true, not to mention catching it, it's difficult to kill it!"

Ye Tian nodded. He set a trap in advance, and he could only hit this guy hard. If he put it in human society, with its fast speed and amazing defense, I'm afraid it will be difficult to destroy it with 100,000 troops, and its harm is simply immeasurable.

"Oh, these barbs haven't been damaged yet?"

Ye Tian fiddled with Qiongqi a few times, only to find that there were five inverted thorns with little fingers as thick and long as chopsticks, which were not destroyed by lightning. His whole body flashed with a luster, and he couldn't help but pick them up.

"Master Ye, what is this?" Leihu leaned up and touched the several barbs. It was very smooth and unusual. The material was indescribable, but the weight did not seem to be very heavy.

"This monster fell from his body." Ye Tian replied casually, turned his wrist and took out his own flying sword, and cut several inverted thorns.

"Cinging!" After a crisp sound, the traceless and the barbard hit together, there was actually a spark, but the dark and inconspicuous barb were unscathed.

"Good stuff!" Ye Tian's eyes lit up. After Wuhen was cultivated into silver, Ye Tian had never seen anything it cut constantly. It could be seen that these inverted thorns were tough. Looking at the cold light faintly flashing at the front thorns, I'm afraid its attack power was not weak.

"Master Ye, what's going on with this just now?"

Seeing that Ye Tian put away those inverted thorns, although Lei Hu was envious, he did not dare to say anything more. If Ye Tian hadn't repelled this monster before, he would have been out of his life. How dare he ask Ye Tian for something?

Ye Tian looked back at the aura scattered on the beach and said, "Those white fogs are formed by the aura of heaven and earth. I suspect that there is a formation in this place to prevent the fierce beasts on the island from entering the outside world!"

In fact, as early as when he saw the countless corpses of giant beasts on the outskirts of the beach, Ye Tian had some speculations in his heart, and the situation that happened to Qiongqi just now strengthened Ye Tian's idea. The periphery of this island, which can't see the edge at a glance, should have a huge array .

"The formation? Ye Ye, are you talking about Zhuge Liang's nine palace gossip array and so on in those old books? Lei Hu has been important to martial arts rather than literature since he was a child. Even this nine palace gossip array was heard from the storytellers in Chinatown.

"Nine Palaces Gossip Array? That's right."

Ye Tian shook his head and didn't want to talk to Lei Hu. Even he couldn't see any clue about the formation here. How could it be compared with the array circulating among the secular worlds? Even the killing array inherited in his mind is far less than that of this array, which can be said to be unpredictable.

Ye Tian set up a gathering array in Hong Kong, and he was seriously injured. He really couldn't imagine who could use the array to cover this unknown island. I'm afraid only immortals can do it, right?

"Master Ye, why does this array have little effect on us?"

Lei Hu didn't know the meaning of this formation at all. All he thought about was how to get out of here. There was an indespeakable pressure in the roar from the depths of the jungle, which scared him in his heart and didn't want to stay here for a moment.

"I don't know. Maybe we're from outside, right?"

Ye Tian was in a coma when he entered here. He didn't know where it was. He only vaguely remembered that there seemed to be a crack in the sky, and he and Lei Hu fell down.

After thinking about it, Ye Tian looked at Lei Hu and said, "Are you all right?"

"It's okay, Master Ye, if you have anything to tell me." Leihu shook his head. Although he lost a shoulder, after being promoted to Huajin, he could control the qi and blood movement of his whole body. At least within a few days, the broken arm will not have a great impact on Leihu.

"Well, let's go to this sea to explore and see if we can get out of this island!"

To be honest, Ye Tian is really a little afraid of the island behind him. From the roar of those monsters, he can tell the strength of his qi and blood. Even Ye Tian is not sure that he can retreat completely, not to mention the oil bottle of Thunder Tiger?

"Good, Master Ye, let's get out of here early!" Lei Hu of course agreed with Ye Tian's suggestion, and then dragged the life raft into the sea with one hand.

"You just got injured. I'll do it."

Ye Tian pushed the life-saving raft into the sea more than ten meters. When the sea was submerged in his waist, he turned over and sat up... The high order is 50,000 yuan. In the urban book, it should be the only one. Thank you for your support. This period of time is really special and the energy is not good. Please forgive the fat RQ