Genius Master

Chapter 832 Identity on

"Anyway, there should be people here who have been here or have lived here!"

Because the wooden house was built next to the beach, he would be attacked by monsters on the island. He shook his head. Ye Tian relieved the disappointment in his heart and took the thunder tiger to the wooden house.

Perhaps to prevent the tide from rising and falling, the bottom of the wooden house was empty, and more than a dozen waist-thick wooden columns went deep into the ground and supported it.

On the right side of the wooden house is an undulating hill, about seven or eight meters high on both sides. A mountain path winding up, hidden in the lush vegetation of the mountains.

The hills are full of all kinds of plants. The grass and trees are full of vitality, and the birds sing on the treetops. Compared with the murderous beach where Ye Tianchu landed, it is undoubtedly like a paradise.

Although the wooden house is very rough, and even the bark has not been peeled off, there is an indescribable rhyme, giving people a feeling of integration into nature. The lush vines wrap the whole wooden house, surrounded by fog, like a fairy cave.

"Master, shall we go in?"

After losing his right arm, Lei Hu's character has become much calmer. He knows that in this so-called "Penglai" fairy island, it is actually a step-by-step killing. If there is a slight mistake, the price he has to pay is his own life.

Ye Tian shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter. There is no one in it. The array here is close to the beach. No fierce beast dares to come here!"

In the past four or five days, Ye Tian has drawn a distance of nearly a thousand nautical miles along the coastline. It can be seen that there are the bones of those fierce beasts almost the whole coastline, which also proves that the beach is the forbidden place for those fierce beasts.

"Thunder Tiger, whether you are a warrior or a person who is bent on Taoism, you must have an indomitable heart. If you can't see through this, you will stop here for the rest of your life."

Take a look at the fearful Thunder Tiger. Ye Tian stepped on the wooden steps in front of the wooden house door. He didn't know what kind of wood the steps were made of. They were extremely strong. Ye Tian stepped on one hundred and fifty or sixty catties. There was no sound at all.


He pushed open the door made of a whole board, and suddenly a stream of dust came to his face. Ye Tian's mind moved, and there was a layer of ripples on his body. The dust seemed to fall on Ye Tian's body, but in fact, it was blocked by his body protection.

"Thunder Tiger, don't come up first!"

The reason why Ye Tian didn't use Zhenji to blow away the dust. It is afraid of damaging other items in the house. You know, in some places where the air cannot be ventilated all year round, when they suddenly come into contact with the air, the objects inside will decay in an instant, which is what has really happened in many archaeological excavations.

The wooden house is divided into two entrances, in the room where Ye Tian stood. There is a wooden table and a wooden chair, and in the other corner, there are wooden slips more than one meter high neatly.

This is also the main reason why Ye Tian dares not act rashly. Because in the world, in addition to the most easily damaged paper, it is wood. In recent years, some Ming and Qing Dynasties furniture has been speculated at sky-high prices. In addition to the preciousness of wood, it is also largely due to the difficulty of preservation.

"Huh? I'm worried too much!"

The door of the room stood quietly for a while. After the air circulation in the room opened, Ye Tian suddenly found that everything in the room was the same, and he couldn't help laughing.

This wooden house is very rough. The gap between the boards is not tight, which is far from being compared with those ancient tombs. Even if Ye Tian does not open the door, the air will circulate as usual. His previous actions are simply unnecessary.

Because Ye Tian was blocking the door, Lei Hu did not know the situation in the room. Seeing that Ye Tianjiu hadn't stepped into the wooden house for a long time, he couldn't help asking, "Master, what's in it?" Why don't you go in?"

"Nothing, come up, remember, don't touch anything in the room!"

Ye Tian looked back and walked into the wooden house with his feet raised. I don't know if it is the reason why it is nourished by aura all year round. The materials used in this house that I don't know when it was built are very strong and there is no decay.

"Why do you pile up so much wood?" After following Ye Tian and entering the room, Lei Hu suddenly lost interest. The long square table and the ground were full of wooden slips. Lei Hu did not know that this was the book of the ancients, and he was disappointed.

"If you don't learn, don't touch the things here!" Ye Tian stared at the Thunder Tiger angrily, walked to the front of the wooden table, reached out and carefully picked up a wooden slip about 30 centimeters long and eight centimeters wide, which was full of fonts.

"The Taoist is named after the birth of heaven, the earth, the living and the creatures. It contains the opportunity of the movement of yin and yang, and has the theory of creating the mysterious, the infinite, the infinite, the infinite nameless, the nameless, the beginning of the heaven and the earth; the extremely famous, the mother of all things

After reading the words on the wooden slip, Ye Tian's face suddenly became very strange. "Isn't this... a Taoist treatise on the Great Road? But...but how did it appear here?"

"Master, what is "The Theory of the Avenues"?" Lei Hu stretched out his head from behind and took a look at the wooden slip, but found that there was no word he knew on it.

"You don't understand what you said. You can see for yourself. Don't disturb me."

Ye Tian waved his hand. He now doubts whether it is right for him to take Thunder Tiger as an apprentice. This is simply an unscient and useless guy. I don't know how he climbed to the position of the elder of Hongmen Xingtang except that he is the son of Lei Zhentian?

"If you are famous for being nameless, you will be born, born, live, and be born. Today, I'm dedicated to the words of life..."

After scolding Lei Hu away, Ye Tian picked up a wooden slip at hand, and his face became more and more shocked. He muttered, "Yes, this is exactly the same as the "Dao Theory" I have read. Did that man really come here?"

Ye Tian suddenly shook his head again, "No... It's impossible. That man is only a few hundred years away. It is said that he has turned into an immortal in Wudang Mountain. How could he come here?"

"Ah?!! Master, this... there is someone here!"

Just as Ye Tian was entangled in the words on these two wooden slips, there was a sharp exclamation sound in his ear that seemed to have been blown up. The thunder tiger's originally rough voice was like a big girl singing a high voice, and the loud voice was no less than Pavarotti's.

"Someone? This is impossible!"

Ye Tian did not scold Lei Hu. His first reaction was impossible.

Because long before entering the wooden house, Ye Tian repeatedly sensed the situation inside with an aero. After his cultivation entered the middle of congenital period, Ye Tian was confident that Ding Hong, who was only one step away from advancing to Jindan Avenue, could not completely hide his breath.

His thoughts turned over, and Ye Tian's feet flashed. He reached out and pulled the thunder tiger blocked in front of the door of the inner room aside. Looking inside, he was also stunned on the spot.

Although the roof is full of vines, the wisps of sunlight through the cracks of the plants still shine very brightly in the house. Ye Tian can clearly see that there is indeed a "person" sitting in the middle of this wooden house only seven or eight square meters in size!

This man is very tall. Even if he sits on the ground cross-legged, he is higher than Ye Tian's waist. His hair is scattered on his shoulders, covering half of his face. He wears a Taoist robe, which is covered with patches, coiled on his feet between his knees, and wears a pair of broken straw shoes

"This man has already turned into an immortal!" After the initial shock, Ye Tian calmed down. He was so close that he soon noticed something wrong.

Although the Taoist sitting on the ground has the same skin as ordinary people, Ye Tian can sense that there is no breath on his body, and there is no sign of blood flow, like a fossil.

"Yuhua, what does that mean?" Lei Hu asked a question inexplicably.

"It's dead, damn it. I said, can you keep your mouth shut?" It was not easy to meet a person who should be a monk, but he was a dead man. Ye Tian couldn't help venting his anger on Lei Hu.

"Yes, Master, I shut up, I shut up!" Lei Hu shrank his body, but he couldn't help stretching out his head and looking into the inner room, muttering, "Can the dead still sit? Maybe this is a wax figure?"

In fact, Leihu's character is originally a little gloomy, and he has a lot of scheming. Even if he doesn't understand something, he often doesn't take the initiative to ask.

But I don't know why, after entering the transformation, the dark emotions in the bottom of Lei Hu's heart were swept away, as if he had changed a person, and what he said was really often made people laugh and cry.

"This...what's going on?!"

Ye Tian didn't bother to pay attention to this man. He raised his foot to the man. When he turned behind this man, he suddenly changed his color, and the shouts in his mouth were not much worse than the sound before the Thunder Tiger?

"Master, what's wrong?"

Since he met Ye Tian, Lei Hu has never seen Ye Tian so panicked. He rushed over, but after he saw the situation behind the man clearly, he stepped back three steps, and his body hit the not very strong wooden wall.

"Don't move!" Hearing a " click" behind him, Ye Tian suddenly woke up from the shock. Lei Hu's big man of more than one meter, if he used another point, I'm afraid that the wooden house would collapse.

"I... I don't move."

Lei Hu stood there stiffly, with a little crying in his mouth, "Master, this... what the hell is going on? Is this person a man or a ghost... It's going to be too late. Let's read it tomorrow. Well, in the new week, ask for a monthly ticket recommendation!

. RQ